
Thursday, February 20, 2020

"Finding Fulfillment" by Lauren W

     What makes a fulfilling life? What is it exactly that we are trying to fulfill? The dictionary defines fulfillment with two definitions, meeting a requirement or condition, and achieving something that is desired or promised. It seems incomprehensible that one can define having a fufilling life when they are just functioning to perform in a satisfactory manner to do what is just sufficient. Life is more meaningful when our goal is fulfillment, meaning we yearn for achievement and pursue what we desire.
     We all have different definitions of success, but who or what do we let define whether or not we are fulfilled? Social comparisons hinders us from focusing on what our own core values, morals, and merits are. We are fed the idea that a life of comfort and luxury deems instant satisfaction, but when you take away the physical items what do you have left? The state of fulfilment cannot be estimated by tangible items, but is an ongoing process of trials and tribulations to discover our true purpose. Rod Stryker stated, “Your long term happiness and fulfilment depend on your ability to fulfill your souls unique purpose and to fill the place in the world that only you can fill making the contribution that only you can make.”
     Sometimes we need to take a step back and ask ourselves what exactly is it that we are trying to fulfill? We all have goals, but this leads us to question why people make choices that leave them unfulfilled. Often times we are forced to do what is necessary to make ends meet and set aside our true passion. This causes sacrifices to our own benefit and detriment. For example, this can be seen with a lack of job or career satisfaction creating a cycle of complacency for years. In some instances, a job or career can provide you with the ideal financial situation, but not the ideal situation to fuel your personal fulfillment. One might be perceived as successful but as Tony Robbins said, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.'' With ignoring our
dreams and passions it’s easy for any of us to fall into a pattern of being uncontent. Fulfillment can be achieved when we remove our preconceived limitations on what we believe we can accomplish.
     When do we know we are fulfilled? There is no direct measure of fulfillment, therefore one can only evaluate whether they have reached what they long to attain. Fulfillment is not temporary and it doesn’t come instantly. Immediate gratification is not the solution to finding overall fulfillment. The incorporation of our past choices, our current decisions and our future ambitions accumulate our gratification. Fulfillment is not being content with only what you have done, but being elated with what you will continue to do. With fulfillment we will know our direction. With fulfillment we will not live with emptiness. With fulfillment we will not live with regret. Every action and decision made will depict how we lived a life of purpose to possess fulfillment. 

Seagraves, Kyle. “Personal Fulfillment: How Do You Find It?” Uncover Your Purpose, 7 Dec. 2018,


  1. I think that it is absolutely true that sometimes we have to set aside things we may want to do or places we want to go in life to do what is necessary for our own good. I also think the questions that you proposed and answered were very important given they are some we may ask ourselves now or ourselves in the future.

  2. Your reasons and explanation of why fulfillment is such a necessary part of success really got me thinking. You also got me thinking and pondering over the paradox you made me realize how you state that there is no direct measure of fulfillment, implying we will never be completely fulfilled, but we search and work for it. One might instantly fall into eternal laziness by the thought of this, but you also made it clear that each accomplishment is an overflowing type of fulfillment in which those who strive for it gain more than what they aim to attain.

  3. I love the amount of detail and time that you put into this piece. It was really well written. I completely agree with you when you say that fulfillment gradually happens because I feel that people think that it can come instantly. I love the questions that you asked and the responses that you provided.

  4. I love the amount of detail that you put into this piece! I completely agree with you when you say fulfillment takes time and doesn't come right away, because some people think that it does come right away. I love the questions and answers that you presented as well!

  5. Alejandra AmezquitaMarch 1, 2020 at 8:50 PM

    I agree with your statement, I truly believe that if you have fulfilled your dreams then we will not be living in regret. I am glad how you proposed the questions and answered them reasonably, also, the fact that sacrifices are often necessary. Great work!

  6. I liked how detailed and thoughtful your piece was. I also enjoyed how you explained fulfillment and the questions that corresponded with it.

  7. I really like how you push further than the definition of fulfillment and demand more from life. I definitely agree with you that there is no measure for fulfillment and that fulfillment comes from the ongoing search for one's own purpose. - Cameron Hunter

  8. Lauren,

    I really loved how you described what being fulfilled and satisfied meant to you. Many people in our society lack the proper understanding of how we can be actually be successful. It is not always material or monetary. It can be the way that we feel inside or how we contribute to our society. You really characterized this beautifully in the tone and the accurate examples and quotes!

    - Joshua

  9. I love the amount of thought you put into this piece! I believe that fulfillment comes from within And I love how you question the motives of fulfillment!

  10. This was a very well-worded piece that inspires passion and determination. The questions of fulfillment are very interesting and help open up the story for further interpretation, good job.

  11. The way you answered your question was so enlightening! Really good job of bringing it all together!

  12. It is very noticeable the amount and time you put into this, it is a great story and I love the question that was put into this!


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