
Monday, February 3, 2020

"Dear Dad..." by Kaylee T

Dear Dad,
      You would think that after something so traumatizing has happened, time would slow.

But it didn’t. It’s already been nine months. You and I both know how my memory goes. I could never remember where I put my glasses or what I last ate and it took me ages to memorize my own phone number. But the funny thing is that I can so vividly pinpoint the events from the night it happened. I can replay every detail of that day in my head like a movie.
     It was my birthday. One of the most exciting days of the year, until it wasn’t. I was at school when I got a text from you. I assumed it was going to be some ridiculous GIF wishing me happy birthday or you yelling at me for forgetting to lock the door. Anything would have been better than what I had actually read. You told me that you had driven yourself to the hospital to be monitored overnight. Of course I was worried, but knowing that this has been the case of your health for the past two years, I didn’t think much of it.
     Before dinner, we came to visit you. As always, it was hard seeing you attached to a whole bunch of tubes and machines. But being the optimist I am, I stuck to a smile, kissed you goodbye, and told you I would see you when you were released the next day.
     I called to say goodnight but our conversation was basically incomprehensible over the sound of the oxygen mask you had to wear. So instead, I sent you a text and got ready for bed. It was 11:43 when Mom’s phone rang.
     We got to the hospital and they told us you were unconscious with your heart beating only due to the help of a machine. Still, even in that state, I believed you were going to be ok. I believed that a week from then, we would be sitting at home, watching basketball or the latest episode of Jeopardy. I believed that miracles happen.
     But they don’t.
     We were talking to you, hoping our words would trigger something in your brain that would wake you up so we could just go home. Then the flat line of the machine went off. The continuous beep is meant to indicate the stop of your heart but it felt like the stop of mine too.
     I remember people telling me, “At least he lived to see you turn 17.” But that wasn’t enough for me. I imagined you by my side for so many more milestones. You were meant to be sitting in the stadium as I graduate, by my side as I read my first college acceptance letter, listening to me gush about the first day at my dream job, and walking me down the aisle as I get married.
     Even though I was cheated out of these moments with you, I realized that you have never really left my side. I hear your voice in my head every time I struggle to make a decision and see the face you would make whenever I do something stupid (but don’t hold it against me if I still end up getting a tattoo). Although not here physically, you continue to guide me in everything I do and might I add that you're doing a pretty great job because I have never felt more confident in myself or in my future than I do now.
     In these past nine months, my memory hasn’t gotten any better but I can proudly say that I have. It’s hard for me to put into words what I have felt or how I have grown exactly. All I
know is that I still forget my glasses, I still forget to lock the doors, and I can not for the life of me remember which light switch goes to which. But my memory comes and goes. The one thing that will never leave me is you. 

Love always,
favorite daughter (:


  1. This letter is absolutely moving. I am so sorry that this has happened to you but just from reading this, I can tell that you are a strong person, not only from going through this but also sharing this. Very well- written.

  2. I can't begin to fathom your pain. Thank you for sharing something so personal and emotional. It's amazing to see how optimistic you are despite this incident and how you have continued growing. This is a great reminder to appreciate everything we have because life can change in an instance. My dearest condolences.

  3. This is a powerful and beautiful piece, it is very hard to lose someone you have known your whole life. I thought you ended the reflection in a very sweet way by mentioning how your dad will always be in your thoughts no matter what. Kaylee, you are very optimistic, and it takes a lot to type this reflection out, but you did, and you are strong for that. -Breana Plascencia

  4. This is truly a breathtaking piece. I love how you concluded your letter by referencing what you had said in the beginning. I admire you for being so strong and sharing your story, especially in such an authentic, genuine way. Sending you love! Great job!!

  5. Kaylee,reading your piece about your dad brought back many emotional yet fond memories of my grandfather and I before he passed away. I too feel that my grandfather continues to guide me throughout my life, and that he truly has not left my side despite him not physically being with me. Although I cannot understand how painful this experience must have been for you and your family, I appreciate that you chose to share such a personal story with us. Your piece was very beautiful!

  6. I loved this :) you turned something that would've broken anyone into something that is beautiful and strong. I can feel your strength and love for dad through the paper and wish you well. Great job

  7. The loss of a loved one can be very difficult to deal with but you are such a strong person. This really made me think to care for and appreciate the people in my life now. You are a great writer and the narration of your thoughts really brought me in to imagine what it must have been like. Thank you for sharing this piece - jaeyeon romero

  8. Wow, this was amazing and heartfelt. I could really relate to the feeling of losing a parent because I went through the same thing. Your use of imagery was great and I felt like I was there. What made it even more sweet was when you addressed it like a letter and it made it even more personal. Great job!

  9. Wow I am at a loss for words. This was such an emotional piece and I admire you for being able to express your sentiments so effectively that the reader can feel them too. My heart is heavy just by imagining the pain you and your family must have felt but I am so happy that you know he is always beside you.

  10. This was truly so beautiful to read. There are some days in our lives that are so influential and engrained into our memories and you did such an amazing job of capturing all of that into this essay. The way you wrote this as a letter to your dad just made this so much more personal and really brought the reader right there with you. Overall, this was such an amazing piece, and I am so sorry you had to go through that.

  11. I can't image the pain that you went though. You took something so hard and painful in your life and wrote something so beautiful to read. Seeing a parent in the hospital isn't something fun especially when it can be a constant thing. Your truly are a strong person.

  12. I admire how well you told your story by making it a letter. It was so touching and you did an amazing job at expressing your feelings throughout the piece. I specifically liked the parenthesis you added because when I read it, I smiled and felt kind of relieved. It made me realize how engaged I was as I was reading.

  13. First of all your piece brings a lot emotions and how express your feelings and the imagery you use make me feel if I was there with you. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us.
    Rumjeet P

  14. This piece was filled with so much emotion and it was an amazing read. I love the concept of the piece in which it is written as a letter in which you describe what you went through. It must take an enormous amount of strength to have gone what you went through and still manage to function properly in your everyday life. Overall, this was such a good piece. -Kaj Miranda

  15. I thought the way you wrote the piece was interesting, a letter from you to your dad, it was sentimental. I am glad that you will always feel that he is with you and can reassure you in your future milestones. Great piece!

  16. This was so moving Kaylee. Reading this just brings me back to the losses I've experienced in my family too and I understand how painful it is and how brave it is to face that. Thank you for writing this, it is truly beautiful.

  17. Kaylee, I love you! The courage and mental stability it takes to share this, let alone to sit down and WRITE it out is something so eminent in your piece, and especially in you. The emotion, the memories, the heartache, all displayed so beautifully through your strength that it hits your audience in a way that leaves them (and by them, I mean me) speechless. I know that it is all love, care, and warmth for you from now on, and the milestones you're to encounter as your dad watches and guides you.

  18. Your heart is so strong (and you're also an amazing writer). I know it's hard to share a story like this, but now everyone can see how incredible you and your dad are. You were able to write an emotional letter on this traumatic event and still maintain to show the playful personality that you have. You never lost yourself despite these events, which show how strong you really are. As you've said before, he's guiding you through all the moments in your life; so, whenever you find your lost airpods or your glasses, it's probably with a little help. Thank you for letting all of us read your letter to your dad. I love you, ktao.

  19. I admire your strength and courage to share this deeply personal experience with us, and thank you. Your usage of imagery made all of your experiences seem hyper real, and I know your dad is always smiling down on you. Great job! :) - Zoe Picon

  20. This story made me imagine when I was in the hospital with my dad on life support. Its something that no one our age should really have to experience I remember doing the same things with my dad we would try to talk to him to see if he would wake up I would even poke him when no one was looking to see if he was alive but the reality was that he was only alive because of the machines something that I as well as probably you didn’t want to accept. I just want to say that I am here for you I know the pain and the suffering that comes with this horrific event but trust me it will get better. :)

  21. This was so eloquently written and well put together, yet still displayed your hurt and pain at the exact same time. Your usage of the simile to describe what the "continuous beep" meant for you, resonated heavy with me. You've been through a lot, yet you continue to keep pushing forward with your best effort. It truly shows how resilient and driven you are.


  22. At first glance, I thought this was a regular letter to your father, however, as I read further on, it became full of emotion. This was a very emotional and amazing piece that really shows how one comes out to be not long after the loss of a loved one. Its personal stance made it even more moving to readers and I especially love how you wrote a turn-around, talking about what you mentioned in the beginning, but at the end. -Aaron P

  23. This piece was done very well and I really liked how you shared your story,it's hard sharing personal experiences, thanks for sharing

  24. Your piece shows so much emotions that I cannot imagine the pain that you felt when he pass. It is to very easy to lose someone you love, especially, when you know you won't be able to see them anymore. I am very sorry for your lost. Thank you for being so brave sharing your story and stay strong.

  25. This was so tear jerking. I honestly thought this was just going to be an ode to a parent, but it’s so much more. Aside from the emotional and touching words to your late father, the writing style does an amazing job of garnering empathy and describing everything you felt at the moment and after, I felt as if I was right there with you. This was one of the best blog posts I read.

  26. This is so beautiful, I admire your vulnerability and strength. I felt as if I was with you in the hospital room or watching basketball with your dad,that is how much your story moved me. I agree with you 17 isn't enough and I love how you know that he will always be with you.

  27. Kaylee, thank you for sharing this very raw piece with us. I can only imagine how you felt writing it, but he was there right by your side as you did. Really awesome work :)

  28. This triggered my emotions, I could only imagine how you felt at that time. I can feel all the emotions you're trying to convey in this piece by just reading it, that's how powerful it is. I admire you for being strong and despite experiencing this tragic event in your life, I see you at school and you manage to always keep a smile on your face. Your writing simply moved me and helped me realized to always treasure the moments with our loved ones.

  29. It was beautiful and I can tell this came from the heart. It hurts to lose someone you love, but you stayed strong and I admire that. -Katera Perry

  30. Wow, your words are so well thought out and beautiful I could truly imagine the picture you were painting while reading. Though it is sad your tone was still lighthearted and I can tell you really loved your dad.

  31. Wow. This was such a moving piece. I felt so much emotion. Im really sorry this happened to you, but they way you are able to hold yourself up so well is really admirable. It goes to show that you never really understand what someone is going through. Very well written.

  32. Losing someone close to you is so heartbreaking but losing a loved parent before their time is absolutely devastating and I can't even begin to imagine that pain and the sheer strength of being able to keep brightness in your dreams, you're amazing and these experiences with forever change you but will shape you into an even more resilient human, such a beautiful letter and I'm sure he is so proud of you.
    -Rebecca Clinton

  33. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaFebruary 12, 2020 at 7:36 PM

    Honestly, you should applaud yourself that you were able to even write about something so traumatic, because honestly, it would be hard for me to even speak about it. I went through a similar struggle with my grandfather and I can't imagine writing about it without tearing up, but you are so strong for oging through this and telling us about it. I loved how you made the story so joyous and you did not focus so much on the more depressing aspect of the situation. I feel like it really tells a lot about your character. You are an strong and amazing person and please keep up the good work!!

  34. I can't even begin to understand how it must've been. Too be so strong after such a sensitive moment in your life is truly amazing. It shows how resilient and tough you are and I'm really glad to see you're doing better.

  35. This piece was filled so many emotions. I am so very deeply sorry for your loss Kaylee. As I was reading, I realized that I need to show more appreciation to my parents for I don't know when that traumatic and devastating will come. I was close to shedding some tears towards the end of the piece how you referenced your memory and it not getting any better, yet you became better as a person. :)

  36. Kaylee I admire you for being so strong as an individual and sharing this personal story with us. Your piece was written so beautifully. It takes a lot of courage to share a story so personal.

  37. Kaylee I admire you for being so strong as an individual and sharing this personal story with us. Your piece was written so beautifully. It takes a lot of courage to share a story so personal.

  38. This piece moved me to tears! I can't even begin to imagine the pain you went through. Thank you for sharing such an emotional and personal part of your life. I'm sorry for your loss.

  39. This genuinely hit me in the heart, your writing was detailed but straight up to the point that it dragged me along to read more and more. I'm very sorry for loss seems like you two had a really good relationship, he would be really proud reading this and seeing you grow into a writer you are Kaylee. RIP Mr. T

  40. This is an extremely powerful piece and the personal emotion you feel through it is immense. It takes strength and perseverance to revisit a terrible time and I commend you for writing what you have and staying strong.

  41. Kaylee, you were able to portray such a painful aspect of your life in such a beautiful manner that was full of personality and emotion. I loved the continuous connection to how loss is a constant mundane thing in your life and contrasted it to something you could never lose. Your strength and resilience shined through in this letter as well as your dad’s impact on you. He would be so proud, great job!

  42. The letter form of this was very difficult for me to read without getting emotional. I seem to find myself in a tough situation with my dad's health as well and this had perfect timing. So many people need to hear this because they don't know what they have until they lose it. Thank you so much for writing this piece. It was very powerful for everyone that reads it.

  43. I want to first start of with the fact that I really appreciate how you are able to write about such a sensitive topic. Your ability to put emotion into your writing from past experiences really enhances your personal narrative and highlights your writing power. Overall, it was such an amazing piece. I loved your use of imagery throughout your piece in places such as the hospital. All in all, thank you so much for opening me up to something I was unaware about. This has made me question the people I have in my life and the limited time I have with the people I love. I am sorry you have to experience this at such a young age, but I am glad that you are continuing to grow every single day. :) -Nathaniel Alvarado

  44. This triggered my emotions, I could only imagine how you felt at that time. I can feel all the emotions you're trying to convey in this piece by just reading it, that's how powerful it is. I admire you for being strong and despite experiencing this tragic event in your life, I see you at school and you always manage to always keep a smile on your face. Your writing simply moved me and helped me realized to always treasure the moments with my loved ones.

  45. I wanted to start off by saying thank you for sharing this painful experience with the rest of us. I can’t even begin to imagine how you felt during this difficult time. Reading this made me very emotional and thank you for showing us that we should appreciate what and who we have around us before we lose it. This was very well written and I was able to feel every emotion, I’m so sorry for you loss.

  46. This piece was very emotional and deep. I could never say that I experienced losing a parents but I can say that your are so brave and that he is in a better place. I admire your strength.

  47. Kaylee, this is overall an amazing piece and by far one of my favorites I've read. your ability to portray both your sadness in this piece and the love you and your dad shared is amazing. I can tell from reading this that your father will definitely live on in you and would be so proud of who you've become today. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  48. I truly admire you strength and perseverance through everything. Even during a time of immense struggle and pain you still stayed optimistic about everything. I can tell you put your heart and soul into this piece and I'm so moved by your writing. This piece will inspire others to stay strong and positive through difficult times in life as. Great Job, Kaylee! - Yuan Maneje

  49. I admire how strong you are to share this story that's so personal to you. The emotions and memories are beautifully described throughout the piece and love how you view this traumatic experience through a guiding manner. Fueled by your memories while still acknowledging what happened, it truly shows your character.

  50. Overall, your piece was able to show how you pushed through a tough part of your life. This is difficult enough to read, and I can not imagine living through something like this and having to endure such a tragedy. Your story is very emotional, and it conveys a strong point about not believing that you spent enough time with a person before they left without you, left the face of this Earth without a proper goodbye. Just know that he is watching over you, guiding you, and you will never be alone but always have someone to look up to in life because they left their legacy with you. Amazing job!

  51. I love how descriptive you were throughout the story. The message of cherishing life combined with your loss puts the reader in perspective of what you went through. -Tyler Fredette


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