
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

“Mistake” by Isabel Q

     I didn’t know you at first. I knew your name, and that was about it. I had only heard about you, but thought nothing of it. You were the sweetest person I had ever met up until that point. Your kindness, sense of humor, and how you were always there when I needed someone to talk to, meant everything to me. It didn’t take long for me to trust you, to tell you all about my past, to share my future aspirations. You soon became one of the most important people in my life, that is until you started dating her. She changed you as a person, through all her manipulation and controlling, you had developed into someone new. You fought and fought in that relationship, I gave you advice to try to fix things, but the cycle continued. You would be in a great place, then you would fight, she would threaten to break up with you, you would apologize, break up, and then get back together. The story would repeat itself, over and over for what seemed like years but was only a couple of months, until one day she made you choose between us. You chose me, and she was angry because the cycle didn’t go the way it usually did, the way she was expecting it to. She confronted me after school, called me names, insulted me, and tried to make me feel guilty for something I didn’t do. She made a big scene,positing it all over her Instagram and Snap chat story, complaining and talking about me. She even called your mom to tell her that you broke up with her when you told her you were finally done with her for good. I cheered you up after, or at least tried my best to. I didn't care what she posted about me or what names she called me, I wanted to make sure you were okay and asked you if there was anything I could do to make you feel better. You asked me to go to your concert the next day and so I did. At the concert I waited to watch you perform, and that’s when she walked in. She walked in with a smile across her face as she walked over to your mom, said hi and sat down with her. Words cannot express how shocked and confused I was but I figured she came just to start more problems. It wasn’t until after you performed when I went to talk to you that you ignored me, and walked over to her, giving her a hug, sitting right next to her as if she hadn’t screamed in your face the day before. I went home. I couldn't stand being there, confused as to what happened, but not wanting to deal with it at the moment. You didn’t text me all weekend, but you gave her my number and she texted me, “Josh and I are back together, he doesn’t care about you and never has.” At that point I didn’t want anything to do with this whole situation, much less talk to her so I ignored it. She told people that what she posted on her story about me was a prank that the three of us had agreed on. She said this to cover up so that she wouldn’t look bad for saying all those things then going back to you two days later. To this day, I don’t know what happened and why you two got back together, maybe she was manipulating or blackmailing you, maybe it was a prank that the two of you had planned but either way, I no longer want anything to do with you. For the longest time I believe that she changed you and made you a new person but I was wrong. Although she was controlling, manipulative and abusive, she didn’t force you to do what you did to me, you made that decision on your own. You were the worst mistake I have ever made, because of you I had trust issues. Because of you I found it hard to open up and want to make new friends. Because of you I was afraid to get too close to anyone, out of fear that they would do what you did to me. But, because of you, I
met someone who showed me that not all people are as horrible as you, and this someone has worked to restore all the damage and pain that you caused me.


  1. I am very sorry to hear about this. This appeared to be very emotionally cathartic for you. I’m glad that you are now able to express your emotions to someone who is willing to undo the damage this former person might have caused to you. Best Wishes
    Justin Lim

  2. I know exactly who this is about! I'm really sorry this happened to know people like that don't deserve you in their lives.-kate sainz

  3. I’m sorry you had this painful experience Isabel. You write about it amazingly, and I feel like I am physically drawn into your situation, and I feel all the emotions you felt then. Your emotional imagery is extremely effective, and you tell the story very well. It is nice to have this insight into your life! Awesome job! - Eddie Yanez

  4. I think it's crazy that this same situation happens so many times, in different moderations. There are times where people take kindness for granted, and you were able to show how that happened to you by using a lot of details and emotion in the way you described your experience. By keeping it anonymous in the beginning it lets us have a sense of mystery and want to know who you're talking about, which we later receive when you say the name, even though it was wise for you to keep the last name out for moral purposes.

  5. Honestly I really enjoyed reading your story but I just want to say to keep your head high. Many people understand the feeling of being hurt by someone that they love and care about so trust me you are not alone at all. One day if him and his girlfriend don't work out, he's going to realize how much of a great friend you were and miss the memories that you two shared but it's going to be to late. What goes around come back around. That was brave of you to share your story with us!

  6. That is unfortunate that you experienced something like that and it is remarkable that it happens many times in different forms with everyone for the most part. This is terrible however it needs to be said that in the end the outcome will work itself out.

  7. I’m so sorry about what happened Isabel. I’m really happy that you did find someone who would treat you better and show you what it actually meant to have someone there. Your vocabulary and use of words really showed how you felt in the situation. I’m glad you were able to grow and improve from how horrible of a situation that occurred. Good for you girly. :)

  8. I'm so sorry you had to deal with something like this but this story was well written and really showed how it is you feel. I know it hurts being betrayed like this but I know you can get through it all.

  9. This story and entire explanation of such a difficult situation seemed extremely complete and is extremely well typed. I would like to say to keep your head up high and become a battering ram to anyone like this who may approach you, do not let people like this try to throw you around, I can see where your pain is originating from. I am truly sorry for all you have went through.

  10. This is really an amazing piece. The emotion and pain you put in really shows and really send a message. Relationships are hard and this is event that happened to you is unfortunate, but I'm glad you were able to learn something from it and take back all the pain this person brought you.

  11. Right off the jump I like how you added that suspense to the beginning to get the readers to question who you were talking about. This story seems so emotionally harming and just crucial because of the way that person treated you. This is very personal especially because it revolves around people that go to our school, but overall you did great and overcame the affects this person had on you.

  12. I personally related to your story a lot. Being in a friendship with someone who has their own toxic relationship is hard. I know how it feels to be left out and hurt by a friend. But honestly finally seeing the true colors of those type of people can help you find better friends. Trust me looking for new friends myself was challenging but now I am happier than ever. I am truly glad you were able to make the decision to leave and find a better friend for yourself. Stay strong!!

  13. Iḿ so sorry you had to go through this. I personally know exactly how you feel and trust me- youŕe better off without those types of ¨friends¨! Keep your head up and know your worth! -Jadyn Young

  14. Wow. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through this. This is a crazy story that highlights the amount of drama that surrounds teenagers all of the time, especially in the age of social media. I can personally relate to the aspect of allowing the wrong people into our life. Despite all of the trust in others you may have lost from this experience, I'm glad you were able to write it all out for all of us. It truly is a great story that sounds like it could be the plot of a movie.

  15. I'm sorry this happened to you. Bad things usually happen to the most amazing people but in the end they get what they truly deserve. I applaud you for sharing this very traumatic experience to us. Hopefully this won't happen to you again or to anyone because this is just terrible. Best wishes! - Leigh Rubillar

  16. Your writing was smooth and I understood all of your emotions supporting someone through and through and having them leave you for some reason you'll never understand. High school relationships are hard including friendships, I hope you can move on and meet some amazing friends you can depend on. - Hannah Colunga

  17. This was a very well written story. The syntax throughout the story was very drawing. The way you used varying sentence lengths helped create enthusiasm and resulted in an overall captivating read. Good job! - Kyler lovett

  18. I'm sorry you had to experience the feeling of betrayal from someone you valued and trusted so dearly. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason which seems to be proven here since you found someone who is much for worthy of your time and energy. This is a very personal and emotional piece you did a great job!

  19. Thank you so much for sharing this touching story. Many people do not realize how talking behind each other’s backs can destroy relationships and friendships. Having AP Statistics last year with you and talking every day in sixth period, I could see the effect this situation had on you. As well as this however, I saw you overcome it and I am glad that you have finally found somebody who makes you happy. Great job for sharing!

  20. With every word and every letter, I could feel your anger and hurt leap out of the computer screen. You definitely took us on an emotional roller coaster, but I am so glad you are resilient and were able to over come this situation!

  21. Your work was amazing and very emotional. It is an unfortunate story but I enjoyed reading it. The way the story changed its moods/emotions through first person was really good!

  22. your story is very touching. I can practically feel the pain you went through. they way you portrayed your experience makes my gut wrench just reading about it let alone living it! trust is a delicate thing im sorry you had to go through that experience. your story was well written. - kayla j

  23. Alejandra AmezquitaJanuary 5, 2020 at 9:19 PM

    Your piece was personal and seeing how you dealt with this problem you chose the right decision. Your story helps understand that there are these struggles in life that we sometimes go through. I am sorry you had to experience that, I am glad this person did not get to you and stop you from doing what you want.

  24. Your piece of writing is truly amazing. The rawness of your emotions made everything seem that much more real. Your descriptions of his characteristics at the beginning of your reflection contrasted with his true colors. I think you did a wonderful job on your piece. -Linda Hung

  25. It's a very emotional and well done piece. Your writing is very personal and takes a lot from your experiences. The heartbreak is very tough and painful, but there's a sense of strength as you keep going which proves yourself to be pushing through and moving on.

  26. I am deeply sorry this happened to you but hey you should not let this bring you down in life. You gotta keep your head up. There is plenty other people in the world that will make you happy in life. Just be patient, the right person will come to you.

  27. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! I feel like you wrote with a lot of emotion and it helps people understand what you went through. Trust truly is something that has to be earned and I think you conveyed that beautifully.

    - Vibhuti P

  28. First off, I'm sorry that you had to experience such betrayal and lose a close friend of yours. However, you seem to be a caring and strong person and with your story I feel like you portrayed that well. I'm glad that you were able to restore the damage and pain that this caused you to have. Overall, nicely written! -Halie Montes

  29. There was so much emotion in your writing and i felt your pain, but i also felt the resolution in how you realized you are much more than how this person makes you feel.

  30. Hey Isabel, I am very happy that you shared something like this to us. I actually got a little emotional reading your post even though I was already aware what happened. I felt all your emotion the true feelings being poured onto your blog post. Thank you.

  31. I'm glad that in the end you found someone that can make you happy. Don't let one person stop you from being happy. Great job spilling out all of your emotion.


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