
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

" L​ift ​UP​ ​U​r ​S​pirits" by Nathan G

     Going into my freshman year of high school, I faced many physical health issues that deprived me from thriving as an individual. Around 8th grade I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease known as Lupus, or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs with excessive inflammation. Lupus contains symptoms like: pain in muscles, anemia, fatigue, fever, malaise, hair loss, red rashes, and ulcers. This disease was an enormous bump in my life, because it restricted me from doing classes that could help me improve as a student. My sickness also prevented me from playing the sports that I loved, and could of made the team for. Throughout all my years of high school, I wasn’t allowed to take the certain workshops I wanted to because they were bad for my condition. One other thing about my condition was not being able to be out in the sun because UV light would cause inflammation onto the surface of my skin. This was a serious condition that would cause me to feel weak all the time, even to just walk upstairs, but that didn’t stop me. This showed me that no matter how hard life could get, especially at the most unexpected times that I shouldn’t let these problems stop me from growing.
     Over two years ago, I was in one of my worst possible states ever, I was extremely weak and full of red patches on my face caused by the sizzling sun. The medications took time to kick
in and had major side effects such as; gaining excessive weight, hair loss, sensitive skin, and muscle fatigue. It came to the point where I had to go to the hospital every week for an IV infusion that was strapped to the side of my forearm as I lay in bed for 4 hours. I could still remember the scars on the veins of my arm as the nurse stuck a needle slowly inside to initiate the infusion. The impression on my mom’s face as she saw me lay in bed was full of sorrow as I saw her look to side tearing up from seeing her son having to go through a treatment used for cancer patients. She would say, “It’s okay son, the treatment will make you feel better. It’s almost over just relax.” And I would reply, “Mom I don’t want to do this. Why does it have to be me?” I could even overhear the doctor as the echoes come from hallway, “This treatment can last up to months,and there are some side effects.” I was scared out of my life, and didn’t know what to think of myself. I just laid there and wondered why would God place me in this position. Then again it started to add up because my sister was diagnosed with the same disorder in 2008. My parents realized that this disorder was hereditary, and that I was lucky to be diagnosed early before it was too late. My sister has gone through way worse than me: she is so fortunate to be alive because the disorder attacked her whole body from her lungs to kidneys. I’d still hear her cries when she would cough up blood in the sink, then all of sudden sirens were headed our way to rush to the ER. She was so pale and helpless as I saw her rest on the bed. I cried my heart out, and said to my mom, “She can’t go momma. She’s not even married yet.” My mom said, “I know Nathan it’ll be okay its all in God’s hands now.” Luckily enough she recovered within a few weeks, and was put on medication for the rest of her life. Till now my sister reminds me of that moment, and tells me to take care of myself, especially with taking my medications daily. I’d miss my medications for a couple of days, then all of a sudden a red spot would show up on
the side of my face. That’s when I hear it, my sisters voice, “Do you want to go through what I went through Nathan? This condition needs to be taken seriously, it could ruin your life in an instant. I know you don’t want that.” After that I’d tell myself to stop missing my medications, and keep my sister’s voice as a reminder of thriving independently even at the roughest times. She became the biggest motivation to me whether it may be about my condition or not, I still knew that nothing could stop after seeing what my sister had gone through.


  1. Your story is so motivational and it just proves that anyone can pass through any obstacle if they continue to be strong and fight it. This is very authentic and personal, I like how you're not afraid to show this side of you. It's definitely one of those stories that leaves a moral story at the end which is not to let anything get in your way of achieving things.

  2. I am sorry that you have to go through this, and still continue to go through this. It must be a hard thing to happen to you especially at a young age that could effect the rest of your life. You are a very strong person for sharing this story with everyone and keep being the person that you are today.

  3. Not only is this post written really well, with transitions and a structure that allows fluidity within the piece, but its inspiring elements are equally as distinct. Instead of turning your hardships into a sob story that would bring out the sympathy of the audience, you instead created a work that would bring the best out in others by opening up to your audience. Showing them that everyone has struggles with the subtle message of "you are not alone, you can push forward" is a message I think everyone needs a little reminder of.

  4. I thought your story was super personal and I'm glad that you are okay and you have overcome something so big like this. I know that when being diagnosed with something a lot of people let it consume them and they choose to not take care of themselves. Another thing is that it is nice to have someone there that went through the same thing as you and your sister really helped you to get on path and take your medication seriously. -Ariana Hernandez

  5. Goosebumps ran down my spine as I read this essay. You're such an upbeat person and joyous, to know you showed that proves your strength. I also love how you use your sister as your motivator and the quotes from your mom because it gave the read a family vibe: a sense of unity. My arms were legit shivering from the read because of how personal you made it to the audience, I applaud you for sharing such a personal story.

  6. amazing personal reflection on yourself. sometimes stubbornness gets the best of us but as we look back we realize the things we need to do in order to keep living. Your sister sounds like an amazing strong woman and i hope i could even be a bit like that to my own siblings. Keep up the amazing writing!

  7. Wow,you did an amazing job capturing such a crucial moment in your life. I love how were so open and honest about your condition and the experience you've had with it. I admire your strength and the mature mindset you exhibited by the end of your story. - Hannah Ekelem

  8. This piece was very descriptive and full of emotion. The self analysis you had and your ability to overcome the obstacles faced shows how strong of a person you are. Thank you for sharing this personal story, keep up the great work. - Jaeyeon Romero

  9. Being that Lupus is a very serious condition, you wrote about it beautifully. From starting the piece off with your struggles, you were able to turn the pain and sorrow all around with the story of your sister and what she means to you. Your passionate inspiration and admiration for her is so heartwarming and it captures your reader in sympathy. I hope you continue with this drive to overcome such physical, mental obstacles because from here, the only way is up. Touching writing!

  10. Amazing. I really enjoyed reading this and admire the fact that you felt comfortable enough to share this part of your life with others. Your story was very motivational and shows to not give up on things and to try your hardest no matter what life throws at you. Very well written!

  11. Christian Miraflores Jr.December 16, 2019 at 9:31 AM

    This story made me feel that I absolutely cannot take life for granted. The way you and you sister overcame your obstacles, no matter how tough they were, was truly inspiring. I am glad both you and your sister are feeling better now and I hope that continues from now on. In addition, this story gave off a genuine atmosphere due to the motivation you and your sister gave to overcome your diseases. Overall, I wish you both the best from now on and it was an amazing passage to read.

  12. This piece was an absolutely amazing self-reflection on the experience you had to go through and your personal character. I can immediately tell from this piece that you are a very strong and positive person. Your storytelling was quite outstanding, you make the reader feel like they are in the same room with you, feeling the same emotions. The message you included was a real inspiration to all who read this piece and a real example of personal strength. Overall a great piece! - Yuan Maneje

  13. This must’ve been a scary thing to go through at such a young age. Glad to see you were strong enough to not only pull through, but also learn from this experience and to see it shape you as you grow up. It’s a very motivational story and something that most people can learn from.

  14. Your piece was from the heart, I am glad you had someone to go to and helped you through a rough time. You did an amazing job describing your experience with detail. You demonstrated that one thing does not have to put a persons life on pause and you kept pushing through.

  15. Your story felt so vivid. You did such an excellent job describing the hardships you went through that anyone can easily sympathize with you. I think the most powerful part was when you included how your sister's words left such a big lasting impact on you and essentially motivated you to take better care of yourself. Great job

  16. Trials and tribulations are ridden all throughout our lives whether they be big or small. From this amazing piece, your's and your sister's condition is definitely a very large negative factor in your life, but that one sentence where you wrote, "no matter how hard life could get, especially at the most unexpected times that I shouldn’t let these problems stop me from growing", has inspired and enlightened me in the fact that everybody fluctuates day to day in the short term during their highs and their lows, but continuously over large periods of time, it is a consistent line that gradually rises and rises, which is the growth you focus on. Well done!

  17. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. This truly gives perspective to many people who do not understand how lucky and thankful they should be for being completely healthy. I cannot imagine the pain you must have gone through to overcome this disease, however you have shown great strength through your desire to grow as a person and heal. Your sister is very lucky to have someone like you that looks up to her and you as well are very lucky to have her as a guide and role model. I hope you continue to find great health in the future!

  18. Reading your piece really touched my heart and made me only imagine the pain you, your sister, and your family have gone through. Saying that, you're all strong in your own ways, and from your piece, I can tell you really care for and admire your sister. Your imagery and choice of words really made your experiences with Lupus much more real. Excellent job with your clever little easter egg in your title, which kind of messed with my brain a bit, but was a unique way to introduce your readers to your experiences. Great job! :) - Zoe Picon

  19. Nathan, you are so strong for sharing this. Thank you for sharing such a major part of your life with us! You really did an amazing job at explaining why this was such a hardship for yourself and your family, along as bringing awareness to lupus. Wish you great health in the future!

  20. I could feel the emotions reading through your piece because of how descriptive it is. Even though this was the toughest phase of your life, you didn't let this stop you from living your life. It shows that no matter what the obstacle is you will go through it and will make you a stronger person than you were in the beginning. Thank you for sharing your life experience! - Leigh Rubillar

  21. I'm so grateful you shared this experience, which I think hugely impacts who you are. Your piece was so emotional and personal, it made me think of how innocent we are as kids wanting to just have fun and not be stuck at the hospital. Overall this piece was amazing and filled with great amount of detail.
    Stephanie CAbrera

  22. Amari OsonduagwuikeJanuary 6, 2020 at 9:05 PM

    I am really glad that you have been doing better and that you realized that minor setbacks allow for great and better comebacks. You didn’t let your disease get in the way of persevering. This is and can be great motivation for anyone that needs it. Great Job

  23. Wow, what an amazing and inspirational piece. This story inspired me to always keep a positive mindset and never stop fighting


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