
Friday, September 27, 2019

"The Abstract Idea" by Derrick R.

      Happiness, the mental or emotional state of being happy. However, what exactly is
happy? Many define it as having a similar sense of joy, others define it as “being relieved from all sadness”, however, I define it as being ok, having happiness, being decent for the time being, not being in the mental state I was in before hand. For example, hearing about becoming the MVP for my job, I felt happiness from the current dread of having to go in, or passing a really stressful and time consuming test and having that 15 seconds of your heart racing as you cover your mouth and try not to scream or make a sound, the feeling of being accepted into a group of people and having them accept you for who you are. That’s happiness, or even, pure happiness. However, this idea can be mixed up with ecstasy, an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
     This reminds me of a time back in sophomore year and it was club rush, i just had walked out of 4th perio math in building 507, carrying my oversized backpack and lunch pail, seeing the vast quad space filled with 70-80 tables, seeing my best friends from cross country, choir, and even P.E. Me being at the age I was, being newly introduced into politics because of world history was interested in current events going on, reading the daily news on twitter, reading articles from L.A Times, watching the news at 5:30 every morning, and that very day I had
turned to my right to see a long line of students of all ages and ethnicities, me being the curious teen boy i am had to go and see what was going on. Walking in my newly bought clothes from the day before, swinging my pail full of sandwiches and crackers and juice, walking closer to see the large white poster saying, “Feminism club! Join now!”. In my mind, I thought, “wait, didn't I hear that from somewhere?”, being unsure about what I was seeing in front of me I proceeded to wait in the long line of boys and girls.
     Finally arriving at the front of the line, seeing one of my classmates Seriah, proceeding to welcome me and ask if i'd like to join the club, then seeing the utter confusion on my face then explaining that the fe,minish club is to enlighten and sopread the exuality and everyone, regardless of gender, and I felt a flush of happiness. I was feeling happy because of the awareness of the situation.  My definition of feminism is the equal rights of men and women and any other gender. However many people such as middle ages to about 60 year old men believe otherwise, still wanting it to be like the 1950s, having strict gender roles. Males being the man of the house, going to work to make money for the family, while the wives stay home and do housework and take care of their kids, the women had no say in what they wanted otherwise they would get beaten by their husbands.
     In this day and age, peoples ideas are looked upon, but however there are those people who are selfish and only believe what they think, and when something i s explained to them they disregard what they're hearing and they completely ignore you. So, in my opinion, if you want change, spread happiness and show pride in what you're spreading!


  1. I like how you share your own personal experience to engage the audience with what your portraying about happiness, such as club rush since it's an event that we can relate to. I also enjoyed the opening paragraph on how you question happiness and define what you perceive as happiness. - Lauren W.

  2. This reflection in particular is truly one to ponder. The idea of true happiness is so abstract that I can't really pin-point it. However, your input on the topic really brought me some insight into the true meaning of happiness. I feel that you did a great job explaining your thoughts. Well done :)

  3. Your personal insight on the definition of happiness was very interesting to read, and it gave me a new perspective on how happiness can mean different things to different people. I enjoyed the story about your sophomore self because it reminded me of my own experiences as a sophomore and wanting to learn more about the world around me. Great job!

  4. I love it. I really liked how you included your personal experience with happiness. Everyone is unique in their own ways and what makes them happy is also a part of that which is great that you encourage people to embrace it. Amazing job!

  5. It was a great story. I like how you gave a introduction to the story by giving us an idea of what can be happiness. So that later on we will be able to engage more into the story.

  6. An extremely interesting way of going about the definition of happiness. Using an experience of your own to define what happiness means to you by associating it with a meaningful memory while simultaneously educating and engaging the audience was a great idea that work flawlessly. Great work in my opinion!

  7. I loved that you related happiness to equality. Your experience in finding yourself in something on campus is super relatable so readers can really connect.

  8. This piece was very eye opening and positive. You did a great job of putting the reader into your shoes and making them feel that they are really in that type of environment. The anecdote you gave overall was an great experience that showed how an event can open your perspective on how you view a specific topic. It was also a great addition to include the historical significance of feminism and equal rights to support your ideas. Overall a great piece of writing! - Yuan Maneje

  9. I really enjoyed your very real definition of happiness and how it can come in different forms. The idea of spreading equality, acceptanace, and empathy to create happiness is also a great rule to stand by and you story really captured what that truly means.
    -Rebecca Clinton

  10. I really loved your essay. I loved that it was personal and that you had your own take on what happiness was. I also liked that even though it was personal you didn't add too much detail. Overall, I thought it was very good but make sure to check for spelling errors. -Ariana Hernandez

  11. This is a very solid piece. A few spelling/grammar errors here and there, but overall the content and execution was great. The definition of what happiness is meant to be and then YOUR perspective on it really shows how happiness means something different to everyone, so you cannot apply one meaning to another. I also enjoyed your definition of modern day feminism in this as well, and i am happy to see a man happy about equality and feminism, especially surrounding its stigma. This was amazing writing and I related to you.

  12. This entire piece greatly described your perspective on happiness, opening my eyes to me actually having to find out what my own happiness is, not from what others say. Overall this piece was amazing and how you shed light on modern issues truly shines out. Amazing work!-Jacob Higgins

  13. Your questioning of “What exactly is happiness?” is what brought me to your piece. I liked how you formulated your answer though multiple examples anyone can relate to. It felt personal and I enjoyed that.


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