
Friday, September 27, 2019

"Love" by Leigh R

      When the word love is brought up, we think of flowers, kisses, hugs, chocolates, and

other sweet, valentine’s day related things. This question might sound so cliche but when we think of love, why do we forget the fact that the word love comes with heartbreaks, tears, and pain? Well, the answer is just as simple as one two three- its because we take love as a dream that motivates everyone to live and continue with their life. The word love, in my definition, is a powerful thing that can either strengthen you or it can also ruin you but mostly, it brings positivity to an individual. Love does not need to be given from a significant other, this is also given from family and friends. Most of the time, love brings more than love itself, it brings joy, peace, confidence, and much more positive words.
Love is an idea that creates a domino effect in a way of getting from one place to another because it spreads as someone gives it to another person. Love does not see who you are as a person, what your race, age, height, weight, and gender is. According to Angelou, “Love recognizes no barriers.” If a person is in love, they will conquer the oceans no matter how hard it is; you are inspired to cross the ocean to get to the person you love. The quote that Angelou said is such a powerful motivator because when you are filled with hope, it
gives you the happy ending that you deserve. “I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.” This quote by Julia Roberts tells that boundaries are just nothing to anyone who is in love and who is loved. Anything is possible because this creates a motivation for each other to conquer their limits to prove their love for each other or for someone.
     Another thing about love is that it creates a new personality that is unknown to you before love comes in and does its job. When your love is around, you start to smile out of nowhere, your demeanor changes, and your heart races out of your chest; this reaction causes you to change your personality in a second. “When we are in love we seem to ourselves quite different from what we were before” this quote by is Blaise Pascal and he himself even noticed the changes of a person who is in love. In this context, it makes me think that love is very strong because it can control you and your emotions and you can’t control it. According to Harvard Medical School professors, when we are in love, the chemicals that circuit around our brain causes us to act differently like having feelings of passion and anxiety. The level of our stress hormones called cortisol increases and the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin would decrease, which Richard Schwartz described as the “intrusive, maddeningly preoccupying thoughts, hopes, the terror of love.”
     The result of love is not only the courage of conquering the boundaries around them and the changes of personality. There's more to these two results like love gives you
happiness, makes you feel like you're on cloud 9, and it also makes you feel lucky because not all feels this type of energy. If you see one or two individual who you think who needs it, it does not need to be a relationship type of love, share it with them. With this, it lessens the sadness of the world and this will give peace in the future. Overall, each individual has a different experience of their own love story, this molds them to who they are now.

Edberg, Henrik. “78 Inspiring Love Quotes.”
The Positivity Blog – Practical
Happiness Tips , 30 Aug. 2019,
Finn, Heather. “These Quotes About Love Will Get You In The Mood For

Valentine's Day.” Good Housekeeping , Good Housekeeping, 11 Jan. 2019,
Greenwood, Chelsea. “Why Love Makes You so Silly, According to an Expert.” Insider, Insider, 5 Feb. 2019,
“Julia Roberts Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore,
“Love and the Brain.” Love and the Brain | Department of Neurobiology , eries/love-and-brain.
Rubillar 4


  1. The question about why we tend to exclude the negative sides of love from our memories was very thought provoking. I like how you personify love as an unseen, powerful force as well. - Cameron Hunter

  2. Great usage of outside quotes! They truly made me think and reflect on my personal views regarding love as well. The way you explained yourself after your quotes gave the essay a personal touch, which helps readers relate to your topic as a whole. Your incorporation of medical knowledge was different than the rest of your essay, but as I continued reading, it all connected. Great job! :) - Zoe P

  3. The use of literal and personal view of love was great it helped the effect of what your trying to say. Adding how we see it and how it truly is even saying chemically what is going on. The quotes added even more how love truly is. -Rebeca Sandes

  4. I totally agree with your statement on the first initial thoughts of love pertaining to the happiness it evokes. This subject generally tries to stay clear from the negativity it produces, which is why individuals want to experience the effects of love, they just don't realize the entirety of it. Individuals focus too much on the love they want, rather than the love they already are receiving. I like how you provided a numerous amount of examples to further prove your definition of love, your examples were able to hit different areas that made your point stronger. Love in the end provides needed happiness. Amazing Job!

    1. I totally agree with Natalie. People only do what to think about love as good thing, and not think about the reality of what comes with it. Your use of outside quotes throughout the piece also helped tie your thoughts and the literal views together. Great job! -Jadyn Y.

  5. It was very interesting how instead of focusing on just the broader aspect of love, you also focused on the subjective aspects. Your claims can be considered valid as they are backed with evidence, which overall, builds a strong foundation for your stance and makes it easier to read. Good job

  6. I love how your analysis goes into depth about the assumptions about love. I also enjoyed how you outlined the comparisons between what we think love is and what love actually is. I agree with the quote “I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.” because it connects with the quote "everything happens for a reason" and if lovers are meant to be together then it will eventually happen. -Aleeyah Staten

  7. I like your interpretation of love and how you use plenty of quotes! I also agree when you state that love has no boundaries because we can experience love with anyone - not just with a significant other. Additionally, I also like how you used plenty of quotations and evidence to back up your claim! Overall, I though you defined love really well so great job! -Tracy Halili

  8. I really enjoyed how you explained how love can be seen as as pain a heartbreak, not the typical gushy romantic love that's seen throughout literature, music and cinematics. I also enjoyed learning about how love affects the brain, from the perspectives of literary figures and medical researchers. You wrote an awesome piece.
    Commented by: Joshua-Zion Hunter

  9. I liked how you bring that love is not only a positive but can also be a negative. The use of quotes help you state your point of love as well. I also liked how you ended it with how people have different perceptions of love. -Jaelani Phay

  10. This piece was very lovely and really puts into perspective on how powerful love is, how it can affect the human body both physically and mentally. The quotes you decided to include to support your claims were very insightful and helped drive the message of your piece. I also like how you included an actual scientific study to help support you claim that love invokes positive affects on the human mind. It was also great how you talked about all aspects of love, both good and bad, it helps the reader realize that love is one of the most powerful emotions one can feel. Overall, a very lovely piece and very enjoyable as well. - Yuan Maneje

  11. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaOctober 10, 2019 at 5:20 PM

    I loved how you did not just limit the word "love" to things related to Valentine's Day, such as flowers and chocolates, but you also showed a side of love that is very real for many people around us, and that reality is heartbreak, pain, and despair. I also took note of the research that you had provided that being in love improves one's life overall, however when one's heart is broken, it negatively effects their life overall. Also, everyone does indeed have the power to love whoever they want and they have the power to determine what a "relationship" is and, best of all, they have the power to have feelings. I loved your piece and please keep writing like this, because you never know, it may help someone in a life-changing way someday.

  12. Your attitude and feelings about love relate to mine, so its refreshing to read. I especially enjoyed when you wrote, "Love is an idea that creates a domino effect in a way of getting from one place to another because it spreads as someone gives it to another person." It shows that love isnt just about significant others its also about pure kindness.

  13. I do agree that we do think love always has happiness and forgot about there is sadness is include with it.good job with the article from the medical school how love is through tour your body not just your heart
    By rumjeet Pandher

  14. I think that your perception on love is really accurate, but also looked over a lot. You clearly got your point across and I agree with your description on love. It isn’t always about someone one else making you feel loved but ourselves. Self love is very looked down on when every one is so critical about outward appearance. Your piece is motivating and I loved how you supported your ideas with quotes. Wonderful job! -Linda Hung

  15. Leigh,
    The thought of love in itself already gets me excited so reading this and hearing another person's interpretation of love really opens up more my mind to new perceptions of this thing we call love. I totally agree with the part where you talk about how love is much more than the positive things that we think about when we hear the word love but it is much more than that and also is associated with pain. Also I totally agree with the part where you talk about how when you are around the person you love, your heart races out of your chest, your smile out of nowhere, and your whole demeanor changes because I feel this all the time when I'm around the one I love. This piece brings a warmth to my heart and reminds me to cherish the ones I love every day and motivates me to live my life continuing to love those around me and spreading it to those who may not feel that love.

  16. I loved how you focused on both on the science of love, and how you should share love with other people. I also like how you said that love is not limited and anyone is able to experience it. The other thing I liked is that how you recognized all aspects of love such as the heartbreak that comes with it and the positive things that come with it.

  17. First, I love how you focused on the science of love and how it works in a person's brain. I also liked how you said how love is not limited and that anyone is able to experience it. Lastly, I liked how you touched on all aspects of love and such as the heartbreak, pain, and positive things that can come with it.

  18. I find your definition of love fascinating! I also enjoy how you acknowledge a few well known people and their interpretation of love in order to support your claim. Well done! -Halie Montes

  19. Your definition of love, I believe was a very true interpretation of the many forms it comes in. You illustrated the strength of love and the undying form real love comes in as well as the strong terror love brings from having such a strong emotion. The quotes you used were very well used and helped to add to your reasonings.
    -Rebecca Clinton

  20. The way you took the word "love" and broke it down with many different scenarios, kept this story interesting and not tunneled about the cliche. Reading this story reminded me of the happy experiences throughout my life; It kept me smiling and wanting to continue to read! The way you explained how "love" is able to capture so many different emotions, such as the good and bad, is never really talked about, which made this story unforgettable. Well done!

  21. This piece is very beautiful. I thought it was really nice how your explanation of love was not centered around how things appeared on the outside, but was also about the deeper meaning, the connection of both individuals. It was also interesting how you talked about the personal changes one goes through when in love. -Melanie Lee

  22. I loved the fact that you showed a different side about the meaning of love! How it’s not always about the materialistic things, and that it’s much deeper than that.

  23. I love how many qoutes you have. When discussing a topic as opinionated as "love" the more qoutes the better. The qoutes allowed us to see a glimpse of anothers experience and opinions.
    -Dahrien Trotter

  24. Loved it. I enjoyed the fact that you were straight up and showed both the good and bad side of love. I also liked how you proved that love isn't just some fairy tale and that it doesn't have to only come from a person you're in a relationship with but from family and friends as well.

  25. Loved it. I enjoyed the fact you were straight up and showed both the good and bad side of love. I also liked how you proved that love isn't just some fairy tale and that it doesn't have to only come from a person you're in a relationship with but from family and friends as well.

  26. I feel like love, as you described it, is a lot stronger and can be conveyed in different ways than everyone usually perceives it as. Especially through friends, people take the love you give them for granted, and once you don't show as much affection, they come running back. I think the way you treat others affects how they treat you, because of that same study from Harvard Medical Professors you referred to, and your use of these different factual studies helps prove your point. I loved how you used your own connotation of love, because it shows that individuals do not value it the same way, and that is what makes it so rare.

  27. The initial thought of love one would think would be sweet and dandy. However you make me as a reader question the negative effect of love and how it can have such an impact on an individual. Throughout your piece you used many quotes but all had different meanings of love, not only did you do a great job of showing all the hidden perks about it you also gave a feel for what is expected from the word "love." -Ariel G

  28. Most people don't look at love so deeply, it's mostly looked upon at the surface where it's just a way of showing you care about someone else. It has more meaning than that though and I loved the depth you gave love by explaining the complexity of it. I liked the positive theme of love and that it creates strength in people.

  29. As I read your article, the use of different studies such as the one from Harvard definitely supported your overall claim. Not only did you prove your point from an opinion, you also used hard evidence that was able to support your opinion and expand your argument. Personally, I definitely agree with your perspective on love as it is not all sunshine and happiness. The loss of people through heartbreak, death, and even time is one of the most painful and unavoidable parts of love throughout life, which you expanded on beautifully.

  30. I absolutely love this piece and I completely agree. I like how you began the introduction with the basic idea that our society has of love but then transferred to your own idea of it. I also liked how there was a contrast and comparison between the positive and negative side of love and how you mentioned that love does not necessarily need to come from a significant other. And finally I really liked how you mentioned that the feeling of love doesn’t have to feel a specific way and that everyone expresses it in their own way.
    -Aneika Madrigal

  31. I really liked and was interested in the way you defined love. It is known that love is a complicated thing and different for every person in this world and you really showed that through evidence and experience. I also really liked the fact that you brought love down to the science with the chemicals in our brain, one's own definition of love, and the definition in general. Love is a complicated thing and you made it to where people can actually understand. Love is just some word to most people and you've shown that it's an importance to most people and is a strong word.

  32. I really liked the way defined the word love and love in general. Love is an important and crucial part of life,which most don't understand. Most people view love as nothing while some really value it. I also liked the different ways you defined it using evidence. All the way down to the science with the chemicals in our brain, your own experiences, and defining the word love in general. Love is confusing and messy and I like that you've made it known that it is, but also making it so easy to understand what love truly is.

    Angiolina Seminario

  33. I enjoyed your piece, It strayed away from the traditional topic of Love which in a lack of a better term is cliche romance. Your decryption of love towards family and friendship makes the word love sound more tolerable. Most of the time, love is described as two people falling for each other and seeking a relationship and more. Not only did this piece convey another side of love, it also showed its effect on others. Again great job! - Yishai Renteria


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