
Friday, September 27, 2019

"My First Birthday" by Yajari M

      When people ask me what is my first birthday I often tell them that my

fourth is the one. They get really confused and ask me why if I have another three before that one. Well to start of is the first one I can remember, and curiously enough is also the first memory that I have in my brain. That is how far back I can go. No one day before or after but that specific day and till today's date is the most clear birthday memory I have. Even more that my last birthday.
     This all started in May thirteen of 2006 at two in the morning. People may wonder how do I know the specific time and date well the time is because I was born at that time and since then every single birthday my mom sings happy birthday to me at that time with no missing one day or minute. Every may 13 at two in the morning there is her call. Secondly there is also the fact that, that day my mom found me watching a horror movie instead of sleeping. Wich let her to implement in me a time for bed that only lasted a week.
     Also it was a Saturday morning. Which was the reason why I did not care about school and stayed all night up watching horror movies. After my mom sang happy birthday to me we both fell asleep again. She hugging me as another tradition we had until I turned ten years old.
     Moving on with the day my dad came to the room at seven in the morning telling us to get ready for the party and that as never he had made me breakfast. But even before he had said anything I knew in my bones that he had cooked something as there was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. So I get up and walk to the kitchen going down the stars and across the living room into the kitchen. There I sit and admire the breathtaking breakfast that my father had made. But more specifically the apple pie that he had back with his mom recipe that had come down from several generations.  Freshly made with the apples grown in the summer house. As I was savoring this masterpiece my mom was putting on my outfit in my room. Which indicate that she was screaming which color did I want my dress. But as always, she never took my opinion in consideration and selected the one she wished for.
     Around 7:30 in the morning my male best friend That lived in one of the ranches near mine came running. Telling me if I was ready to see my gift, and my dad shut him up in the moment as it was supposed to be a surprise. Well he brought me a cow. Wich my mom did not let me keep. I was mad about it her name was sparks. Then by the lateral door of the kitchen that has a view to some of the threes my dad goes out and then enters with a golden retriever and two geese. That where my present and I loved them. The golden retriever name was sky and as the geese where male and female I gave them my biological parents names.
     After that I got reedy and run out to open the door as my sister had arrived she lived in the taun right below. So she was relatively close after her my aunt came with my older cousin. Then we three females and my male best friend started playing hunters.  This game was easy to play the entire ranch was nour play grown including the secret tonnels, the ceiling, the top of the trees, and everywhere we could go. The game consisted of making our own bows and arrows with bamboo and some three branches.  Then shoot it at each other if we did saw us. But as I said, the whole house was ou play grown. So sometimes we had to jump from three to three and yes there were times we fall. But still the game went on.
     Time continued going on as more people were arriving, and my dad was getting everything ready for the carne asada. Then around two in the afternoon, a quick change of clothes, and a severe scream of my mom. One of my favorite pearson came. My uncle with the nickname of danonino he gave me my present. But not only mine but my sisters, and cousin too. As always that he came he brought us a gift. Let's not forget the fact that he gave me more things that them for two reasons. One I was his favorite, second it was my birthday. One of those presents included a chick movie. Which was my first and last. I will never forget that movie altho I never saw it. For the reason that my mini family members wanted to see it but they did not have it. But as it was mine I did not let them see it even tho I had the equipment to play it in my room.
Soon after the food was ready, and more no so important individuals to meansion came. Time to eat was here. That was the only fact that matters.
     During the process of socializing with family members that I only see during special occasion my girl best friend arrived. She was like food making this accuar moment less weird. Well food finish and the time of the cake came that for me was the worst. In my birthday I discovered that I did not like cake and nothing like that in the worst moment. So putting that really embarrassing moment away I got to open more presents and play more till the end of the day came. Making this my first birthday on my memory, and a day that I will charice all my life.
-     In case someone was wondering this took place in jalisco Mexico. The ranch is just outside tesistan and My sister lived in tesistan which was a 25 minute drive. Also this was a summer house not my actual house that was in Guadalajara. May it's summer so we were there at that time.


  1. I think this story is a really interesting and wonderful perspective of a birthday on a ranch. I love the way that the story is very straightforward because it adds to the sense of familiarity you have with a lifestyle that many of us might not have much experience with. Overall a wonderful piece, great job! - Nathan Sandoval

  2. I really enjoyed this piece because it reminded me of the time I celebrated my fifteen birthday in Mexico. It was full of the many details you described, such as family singing to you at your exact birth of time. Really interesting! -Wendy C.

  3. I can relate to having that "first birthday" that you remember. In fact, I can almost remember my fifth birthday almost as vividly. It also is really interesting that your fourth birthday was in Jalisco, Mexico- it is such a difference from the norm.


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