
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Movie Review- Swiss Army Man" by Andrew M

The movie Swiss Army Man starring Harry Potter is a brilliant and interesting movie that everyone should watch. The movie starts out in the ocean with a scraggly-bearded man named Hank getting ready to hang himself as he is stranded on an island showing how desperate, lonely, and isolated he is from the rest of the world. Then when Hank is about to jump off his stool into the darkness before him, he sees a floating body coming onto the sandy beach. Being full of hope he walks towards the body and the rope yanks him back, but is not strong enough to hold him and breaks as he wheezes and falls flat on the ground. He then runs over to see the body, only to notice it is dead and farting pretty powerfully. He gives up his last hope of being found and grabs the dead man's belt to use in place of the rope. As he jumps for the second time he sees the dead man farting away into the crashing waves and has an epiphany, He can use the body to escape. Grabbing the corpse, he does just that giving meaning to his life once again as he now has a chance to reach whatever home he has. This is all shown visually with the beautiful beach contrasting with the actions hank takes and then a majestic view as Hank escapes his prison on the back of Harry Potter flying through the waves on their way to who knows where. This intro is fantastically shot with the audience thrown into the strange life of Hank as he and the viewers find out about the powerful farts a body can have and escape the beach. What is also amazing about the intro and the whole movie is the soundtrack, it is full of amazing acapella vocals and beating drums connecting the audience to the natural scenes throughout the movie and stops as Hank and his corpse reach civilization. The music almost shows the audience just how hard Hank is working to survive as it uses human voices, the beating of the drums, and powerful encouraging notes. However the music has a wide range as it also can create an ominous tone throughout the use of low notes and soft lyrics in lonely or scary scenes. This intro is just the gate leading into the strange world that the audience and Hank find themselves in. So If you were interested just by the intro of the movie I recommend you watch it as it is so much more than a movie where you see Harry Potter fart really loud.


  1. As a movie fanatic, this blog has got me excited to watch Swiss Army Man. Although I had heard of this movie, I never really cared to watch it at the time, but following this article, I might just have to watch it. Your allusion to Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter throughout the entire article was absolutely hilarious and just had me thinking about Harry Potter farting all over the island. Furthermore, you were able to provide a lot of vivid details about the movie without spoiling too much, which is something else I appreciate as well. Overall, great review of the film and I look forward to watching it soon (hopefully)!!

  2. Great review, this actually made me want to see movie. My favorite part throughout the whole review is when you say Harry Potter instead of just saying Daniel Radcliffe. Your review was also very detailed and the humor displayed throughout made it very interesting. Again, great job!

  3. As a fan of movies, I found your review great. Swiss Army Man in my opinion is a great movie, one that really did pull Daniel Radcliffe from being constantly associated with Harry Potter. The film is vastly different from the usual Harry Potter movies and I felt that it showed that Daniel Radcliffe could act well outside of his iconic role.

  4. This movie sounds both ridiculous and interesting simultaneously. The bluntness of the plot makes the movie sound very simplistic yet combines the dark theme of suicide with the childish humor of fart jokes.

  5. I am not a huge fan of movies, but I enjoy reading, so I clicked on your review because I thought it would be enjoyable. I think that you described the movie in a way that was really intriguing and made me want to watch the movie just to understand what you were talking about a little better. I think that your inclusion of Harry Potter was creative, and definitely brought me into the story.
    Great job!

  6. I've actually seen Swiss Army Man before and was completely lost throughout the entire film but your description of the movie and imagery that you used definitely does this movie justice. Although this movie was super odd and totally makes no sense, it was visually stunning and definitely did have an amazing sound track. You did great!

  7. Andrew, great work. You brilliantly summed up this movie. I love you
    -Braden Bailey

  8. Nice Critique! Hearing you talk about the intro makes we want to watch "Swiss Army Man". You made the introduction seem vivid with great description and imagery. Good Job!

  9. This one’s certainly interesting. I like how the review starts off by stating that the movie stars Harry Potter, what I like even more is that it’s a completely absurd statement that everyone would understand. I like the emphasis on the soundtrack and the visuals of the movie, but the best is the emphasis of Harry Potter’s farts throughout the movie, especially using the fact that you could watch Harry Potter fart really loud as a final hook to get the reader to watch the movie.

  10. I first saw the trailer for the movie and I thought it was so ridiculous, and I didn't attempt to try to watch it again; however, I gave it another chance and I didn't regret it. Your review of the movie was exactly my thoughts on the movie, especially, the music because all the songs were recorded with the two main actors. The message of the movie being about learning to love oneself, with all the imperfections. In conclusion, great review had a fun time reading it.

  11. Andrew, I liked how you depicted the reality of the movie and used the fantasized part of the movie as a momentary setback towards what Hank was actually facing... death. Honestly, any movie with Harry Potter is amazing and thanks to your amazing synopsis of the movie, I kind of want to check it out myself. Thank you!!! Also I liked when Hank farts very powerfully, it sort of undermines the idea that he is trying to escape from reality.
    - Mayur Chhitu

  12. You should consider becoming a movie critique because I am loving the way you summarize the humorous parts of the movie and making it seem like it was a funny movie to watch. With your funny and vivid imagery like mentioning Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter all the more makes the movie more convincing to watch. Good Job! - Eric Chang


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