
Friday, April 5, 2019

"The Accident" by Karen L.

     When I was about seven years old, my family and I had just moved from our small, outgrown apartment into a bigger home. I remember not being scared whatsoever. Instead, an overwhelming feeling of joy had been following me since I heard the news. Of course I was sad to leave my friends behind, but honestly, all I could think about was how the real estate agent gave me warm chocolate chip cookies during the open house tour. That’s how I knew this was going to lead to something good.
     Our house was brand new and smelt strongly of the paint which had just been applied to the walls. After we had moved everything in and got settled, my parents told me that my first day of school would be on Monday. I was extremely thrilled to be able to meet new people, yet I started to become a bit anxious. My mom reassured me that everything would be okay and that I would make friends quickly, and she was right.
     My first day at the new school was a great one. I remember all of the girls in my class rushing to me and asking dozens of questions about myself. “Where are you from?” “Why did you move here?” “Are you Filipino?” It was great. I’ve never felt more like a celebrity than I did on that day. It didn’t take long for me to get to know everyone and feel comfortable. At recess, I played tag with my new friends and at lunch, they invited me to sit with them. My goal was to become friends with everyone in my class, and for the most part, I was successful. Key words, “for the most part.”
     There was one boy in particular who made it clear that he did not want to be friends. I don’t even think he had any friends, if we’re being honest. Instead of playing with everyone else, he would stay by himself and observe the different types of bugs that he could find in the field. No one was close to him, but they all envied how smart he was for his age. I remember thinking to myself that I would befriend this boy if it was the last thing I did. Except, it wasn’t as dramatic as it sounds. I just really wanted to be friends with him.
In the weeks that passed, I tried to get to know him better, but to no avail. It seemed as if he was purposely trying to reject my friendship, which kind of made me sad. I learned that a few girls had a crush on him because he could draw houses really well, but to be honest, I liked him because he looked like Robin from Teen Titans. I was just about to give up when one day, something strange had happened. Instead of keeping to himself as usual, he was playing on the monkey bars, which was something that I resented at the time. Frantically, I left my group and rushed over to the playground. Amidst the shock of seeing him like this, I yelled at him, “DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME?” He ignored me. Now my feelings were hurt for real. I thought that he must not have heard me the first time, so I asked him again in a slightly more polite, but still very eager, manner. He answered, “I’ll be friends with you if you can beat me to the other side of these monkey bars.” I knew that monkey bars were not my greatest strength, but the Sagittarius in me would not let me pass up this competition. “Bet,” I replied.
     As I was climbing up the steps to reach the bar, I knew that I would regret this decision. We started the competition and he was doing laps compared to me. I blamed my parents for my lack of upper body strength. I asked him for a rematch, to which he agreed. Just as he was
about to get to the end, I reached out with my legs and tried to kick him. It landed, and he fell to the ground. The loud popping sound was an indicator that I had made a mistake.
He began to cry whilst clutching his arm. All the commotion had gathered the attention of our teacher and students began surrounding us trying to see what happened. He told them that he was playing on the slide and had somehow managed to fall off of it, and that’s when I realized I was in love with this boy. He literally could’ve had me kicked out of the school but instead, he chose to cover for me, even after I had just broken his arm. A true king.
     In the few days that he was gone, I was filled with worry. I didn’t tell anyone what happened because I was so scared of getting in trouble. I thought that maybe the injuries were so bad that he had to get a prosthetic arm, or even worse, that he would never be able to draw houses again. To my surprise, he came back with only a fractured wrist which was wrapped in a neon green cast. He told the class that he would be able to draw again in about six weeks. I was so relieved. He asked everyone in our class to sign his cast, which they did. When it was my turn to sign it, I decided to do the unthinkable.
     I finished writing my name in a blue, scented marker that smelt like cotton candy. Then, I gave him a fat kiss on the cheek. The entire class gasped, including me, as though not even I could believe what I had just done. He screamed and I had never been more embarrassed in my life. I was about to tell him that I was sorry, but then he yelled, “EWW WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!” which made me slightly angry. I told him it was just a joke and this dude decides to tell the entire class the real reason he broke his wrist. Unbelievable. My classmates were flabbergasted and I could see my teacher in the back of the room trying not to laugh. It was terrible. After that, my parents received a phone call and I just knew that I would be in big trouble.
     In conclusion, the moral of this story is that you should never kick someone off of monkey bars, even if they’re about to beat you in a race because they might fall and get injured. Also, do not try to offer your friendship to someone who doesn’t want it, because they will tell everyone that you kicked them off monkey bars and you will receive consequences. Lastly, if you do end up causing someone to break their wrist, please just apologize and do not try to kiss them because that will only make things worse, speaking from personal experience.


  1. Karen, while reading your blog post I couldn't help but smile. This is honestly one of the cutest and funniest stories I've read, though the kid did fracture his wrist. Great job!!

  2. Oh my god! Your story is so cute! Your the details and vivid description allows me to imagine the little Karen in my mind! I love your innocence and how you liked a little boy because he looks like a character from Teen Titans! I was very engaged into the story because of the humor and the unique plot! Thank you for sharing this!

    -Xiaoqing Zhong P.4

  3. Karen, your blog post gave me such a laugh. It brought me back to my elementary school days and the way I used to act with my old friends. I'm glad you shared your story with us because now I know what I shouldn't do in the future. I also want to become a teacher so reading this just made me think about the later days in which I would be teaching kids like our old selves!

    - Valarie Ly

  4. Karen, this story was hilarious! I really enjoyed reading it and i definitely enjoyed all of the detail you had when re telling all of thee funny events. Great job!
    ~Maddy Behee

  5. Oh my god Karen this was so cute, fun, and entertaining. I really thought your inclusion of the drawing houses aspect of the boy's personality was really funny and actually contributed to the comedic effeect of the piece. Well done!

  6. Karen, this is quite a vivid and funny story that had me trying not to laugh out loud as I was looking over it during class. I found the "moral of the story" at the end to be especially entertaining, and agree that it's a bad idea to kick someone off of the monkey bars. I found the plot twist at the end, where the boy ended up exposing you to the class, to be funny as well. Overall, brilliant use of diction and details.
    -Lance A. Aquino

  7. Karen, I'm crying (in the inside because this is the most embarrassing story I've ever read). I must say,I really enjoy the comical commentary you included, it definitely portrayed your personality perfectly. If I were to be at home reading this, I would be laughing my butt off. This story was sure something I've never heard of coming from you, your inner Sagittarius definitely had me by surprise. Don't worry, as kids, we've all done a couple of things we would never do at this point of our lives. Thank you for sharing this weird incident of yours, this really made my day!
    - Charlene Sangalang (Period 4)

  8. That was such a great personal experience to share with your peers with a great life lesson. I really thought that this was going to have a happy ending but it had a great plot twist. Good job.

  9. Karen, this was such a delight to read. This story was so funny and it had me reflecting on some of the bad decisions I made when I was seven years old. That reference to being a Sagittarius had me laughing so hard. Good Job!

  10. This story was so funny it really brought me back to Elementary school and reminded me of how easy and simple everything was back then for example how you fell in love with him because he didn't tell on you that pretty much sums up a child's thought .
    -Johnny Gitau

  11. Karen, your piece was so cute!! I was smiling the entire time and was so intrigued by this childhood story. You used such descriptive details I felt like I was in your shoes, but ugh don't we all have an embarrassing story with our crush ?! Also,his loss for rejecting your friendship! I loved reading your post -Chimi Nebedum

  12. Karen this was actually the cutest story! I couldn't help but smile at all the little jokes you made. Thanks for sharing this cute story and for making us smile!

  13. Karen, this story was so funny, I loved all the details about how you first cam across the boy and childish crush you had on him. You were able to capture the kiddish thoughts you had really well and it was an entertaining story in general. Very good work.

  14. Karen this was soo funny! I could totally see this happening to you. I liked the twists like when he didn't tell on you and then when you kissed him and then we he told on you. It was very entertaining to read. Nice job Karen!

  15. Hello Karen, this is actually a great and funny story. All the funny situation you experience as child me smile, I really like the part when you pushed the boy of the monkey bar in order to win, to be honest I see myself doing that as a child. Furthermore I really like your distinct style, the capitalization of certain phrases really made the audience feel the emotions of those words. The first person point of view your provided us is amazing it allows the audience to feel your emotions. Finally I really like your conclusion on how you include the moral lesson of your whole story it was quite comedic, and it was nice way to end your story. Overall Great Piece, Thank You!!
    -Jean Andre Molina Period 4

  16. Wow! This is probably one of my favorite stories so far. I really enjoyed the bits of humor throughout the piece and the fun, playful tone. I really wasn't expecting that ending and the twist made it all the more humorous and fun. Overall, I really loved this piece and I appreciate the helpful tips at the end.

  17. Oh my goodness Karen, this story really mad me laugh. It made me think back to the time I was a kid and the most stress I had was worrying that I wouldn't get to the slide first at lunch. I love how you incorporated all of your past thoughts and feelings into your story, making it seem as if it was just yesterday. Great job on the descriptions, I was able to really picture the entire tale in my mind. Great job!
    -Alicia Garcia


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