
Friday, April 5, 2019

"Choices and Mistakes " by Karen V.

     According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are many definitions to the word choice. Some definitions that show are, “the act of choosing,” “ the act of picking between two or more opportunities,” and the “power of choosing.” While I agree to those definitions, I feel as though there is more to say about the word choice. My definition for the word choice is the act of choosing between a decision which with the decision made comes with many consequences along with it. A choice is made by someone’s own free will and is based on someone’s own opinion of a topic, thought, or etc. An example of a choice is that I have the option of doing either my geology homework or government homework first. My geology homework isn’t due until Friday while my government homework is due tomorrow. I decide to do my geology homework first rather than my government homework even though I know the consequences of my own choice. So if my teacher asks me why I don’t have my government homework, I won’t say I made a mistake but instead I made a choice and that I will accept full responsibility for my decision/choice. I made the choice to do my geology homework rather than my government homework. I didn’t make a mistake when deciding instead I CHOSE my decision. Another example would be choosing to drink or not to drink. To smoke or to vape. It’s not that I am giving you ideas to do these things but rather it is an example to support my thoughts on the word choice and to get your attention. With those examples in mind, a question that I have for you is, Is choice and mistake the same thing? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition for the word mistake is, “ to misunderstand the meaning or intention.” In my opinion, I believe that the words choice and mistake are the same thing. To be more specific, a mistake is made when you choose the wrong decision. As stated before, a choice is something decided knowing the consequences of your own decision. Because of your choice in making a decision for something, you know what to expect when facing your choice. You know that with the choice you made their can only be two outcomes: a happy ending or a sad ending... Actually, there can be at least three outcomes, as stated before, a happy ending, a sad
ending OR a combination of both. The same thing can be said for making a mistake. Before you made that mistake, you CHOSE to make the decision knowing that there is a possibility of it going wrong or being bad. When some people say they made a mistake, I believe that those words are just a way to help your mind cope with the bad choice one has made. After awhile that phrase starts to be used over and over again that it starts to become a habit for people to say in order for them to not be misjudged and to get away from their bad choice. Is choice and mistake the same thing? It’s now your decision.


  1. This definition of choice is well known, but I never really thought in depth about it. Your insight of how making a choice is about the consequences is really deep and very true. I feel that there are lots of people today who make choices without really thinking and this really shows how every decision has a consequence no matter what.

  2. Wow! I never really thought about the word choice in depth before. I agree with your take on the definition of how making a choice is based on the consequences that follow. I also agree with how there are people who use the word mistake to cover up the choices they have made. There are many people these days who make a decision without thinking first about the consequences. Great job at writing this. You really made me think in depth about the decisions I make.

  3. The connotation and denotation that comes with the word "choice" can very much vary on how one wishes to use it and the context behind it. One's choice will produce a outcome whether they knew about it or not, but it is still their own decision most likely does affect the consequence afterwards. I like to witness the decisions of other people in order to get an insight of their personality since I do believe their little and major decisions shape their individual selves. I love the insight that you've shared about "choice" and I do think that it is something that is worthing noticing. -Jacob Ramirez

  4. You really set a different perspective on these words for me. I never really thought of it like that. I love how it really made me think and how you also added the dictionary's definition and your own definition. GOOD JOB

  5. I enjoyed your insight of your perspective of the concept of choice. Many of us take for granted our free choice in order to conform to other's satisfaction when really we have much control over our own choices. I would also agree that mistake and choice can be correlated in way to be the same thing. Good job.

  6. Karen, wow this piece was really insightful. I thought I knew what choices and mistakes were but your blog made me think deeper about how they are interconnected and how one can lead to the other. The examples of choices that you provided contributed to your personal definition of choice and I think I will think more carefully before making choices so they don't end up being mistakes. -Chimi Nebedum

  7. I've never really thought about how sometimes our "mistake" was actually a conscious decision but now that I think about, we do sometimes misuse the word "mistake". Your piece was very insightful and thought provoking. Good job Karen!

  8. Karen, this is such a great piece. I've never really thought about this but now that you've stated your opinion I would have to say that I agree with you. People make decisions everyday and we know what consequences come with it and when it ends badly we call it a mistake to make ourselves feel better. Sadly, I'm guilty of this so thank you for making me realize it. Great Job!

  9. Karen, I really like how you not only gave the readers the definition of the word 'choice', but also inputted your interpretation of the word and gave us examples pertaining to it. I also like how your example helped carry on the short story, defining what the word 'mistake' meant and how they it is the same as 'choice'. Without making a choice, it is impossible to make a mistake. In my opinion, perhaps not making a choice at all is a mistake itself (in certain situations).
    - Mayur Chhitu

  10. Hello Karen, I really like on how you philosophically debated the definition of choice and mistake. I really appreciate the example you give regarding your perspective of the definition of the word choice, those examples such as the one about doing geology hw vs government hw allows the audience to understand your perspective. Furthermore I really like on how you made the connection between choice and mistake having the same meaning, it brings a different and unique perspective on the definition of those words. I also agree with your definitions, people in general make choice knowing the consequence ahead if they do make that consequence they use the word "mistake" as psychological way of coping the problem. To be honest I do see my self thinking this way when I made the wrong choice. Overall Great Analysis and Very Well Written, Thank You!!!
    -Jean Andre Molina Period 4

  11. I really enjoyed this piece! I love how it made the reader think about their actions and the effect their choices have on their future. Your interpretation of the the words mistake and choice being ways your mind copes with decisions was very insightful. Great job! -Lindsay Slemboski

  12. Karen, I really enjoyed reading your piece. I agree with you when you said that mistakes are conscious decisions. I also liked how you debated what the actual definition of mistake and choice were versus what they mean to you. Great job!

  13. This is such an intuitive perspective of what choice is, I love how you were able to define and interpret choice in so many different ways. Your piece got me thinking real hard, I really enjoyed reading it. Great job!

  14. Karen, your piece was very interesting and thought-provoking. I liked that you included the dictionary definitions of both words and gave numerous examples to support each one. Great job!!

  15. Woah there, Karen, your definition of "choice" and "mistake" had me mind blown! Out of the many words written out in one thick dictionary, I would never think too deeply of the true definition behind those two words. I must say, I highly concur with your meaning behind "choice" and "mistake". Reading this definitely shifted my whole perspective to another level of deep contemplation and now my imaginations are roaming everywhere again. This was one creative insight indeed and for that I applaud you! Thanks to you, I will now reconsider if my "mistakes" are really human errors or "choices" that I committed to proceed with the awareness of the consequences I may have to pay eventually. I'm now starting to think of trade-offs and opportunity costs from economics. Nicely done!


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