
Friday, April 5, 2019

"Quitting my dream" by Dante C

When I was 10 my mother signed me up for the Jr. Lifeguard class at Fontana Aquatics Center. They class in the beginning was only 6 kids. From ages 10-15. By the second week of this 8 week program we were down to 5. Then 3. Then 2. It was just this kid skinny kid named Robert and this other even skinner kid named Dante. Eventually these two knuckleheads became close friends. We went through everything together. Those 20 lap for 2 hour workouts really got to us but we pushed each other to finish every single lap of that 20 lap workout. Now it doesn’t seem like much now, but when you got these like 2 feet 1 inch 10 year olds trying to swim 20 laps... you can see where I am going with this. Anyways we complete it and gain our certifications of basic water rescue, first aid, CPR, and to shadow a real lifeguard. Oh yeah by the way, we were taught by a military manager so we were very serious about our little accomplishments. However Robby and I were the two little Jr.guards to have the program boost highly where we were able to teach swim lessons along side with the Swim Instructors. When I was 11 I joined the Swim Team. It was called FAC. This team was like a second family of mine. This sport of swimming became my second home. It was my go to, kind of like music. My tv was swimming. My love was swimming. My headache, desire, pain, hatred, and my everything. I gained so many friends and I progressed over the years. Until I became one of the fastest swimmers of the team. Then being the fastest. I went to Jr. Olympics for many years and my coach gave me a position of like being a captain. (oh yeah I was captain for Jr. Guards too) Life for me was great. I eventually finally became a Lifeguard at 15 years old and a dream of mine was to teach swim lessons and be a coach. All my childhood dreams were to teach little boys and girls of how to swim. I love seeing their little smile when they would learn to have no fear of the water. That they can do it and swim to the other side of the pool. Seeing them progress and become happy. Seeing them run to their mommy and daddy of what they learned. I became a Swim instructor and to top off my dream, a Jr. Guard Instructor this pass summer. What a dream come true it was. I have my dream sport and it seemed like all my dreams came true. Until I realized that I could not have all my dreams. Some dreams faded. Swimming for me became a blur and more of a heavy burden on my shoulders. I wasn’t turning in my times anymore.( meaning I wasn’t fast enough anymore) My passion for the sport fell apart. I just didn’t want to swim anymore. I took breaks throughout high school by playing water polo so I was fresh into swimming. It was just so hard to swim like I used to. I grew tired and I did the one thing I would thought I would never do. I told everyone and myself that I would be swimming for the rest of my life. I actually quit swimming. This choice was so hard and still plays today through my last year of highschool. Seeing others surpass me and where I used to be the leader I was no more. Hearing the ones who always talked bad about me since day one are now glorifying in the fact that they are above. The ones who always tried to sabotage my accomplishments It feels as if I had let the whole team down. Leaving my coaches was so darn hard. It felt like I was a disappointment for everyone. I felt like the world was crashing towards my heart. My second home was in flames. Friends of mine that were brothers and sisters all left slowly, painfully, regretfully.
I was given an opportunity by a head coach to become a coach for a swim team. When I got the title of being a Coach. It changed me completely. It showed me that even though I stopped, all those countless hours of countless days and weeks reflect back on me. All those times of accomplishments remain known. I was able to understand that I gave my heart out for the sport. I had my dream come true. I am still deeply involved in the sport, perhaps I am not the one swimming but I am leading others that are. Some of my friends that remianed by my side to this day tell me about how it all fell apart when I left. Many swimmers did not get along and the ones who thought were above, never and will never surpass who I was to the team that was family. Even the times I had have not been met by them. The reason is because I had a dream to swim my heart out. Being the fastest or being captain was just the cherry on top of an ice cream. I’ll admit I was no money making swimmer and/or the best. At least I enjoyed my time and now I get to dream some new dreams.


  1. Dante, although your love for swimming did slowly fade away as you stated, your reflections upon it was what allowed you to achieve your goal from a different angle. Like you, some of my passions do begin to disappear due to any external influences, but that past still resonates within. I hope you start new dreams that will become a similar substitute of what you felt with swimming. -Jacob Ramirez

  2. Wow!! This was amazing! It was great to hear about all your great accomplishments, maybe one day you can go back into swimming like how you used to do it. Never give up on your dreams. Good job.

  3. Wow Dante Carbajal, this was a very personal and emotional piece of literature that could make for a fantastic high school-sports-movie. Your use of emotion throughout the piece was very well shown and it helped me to further see your point of view. Keep up the great work!

  4. I loved how this story went from happy to sad and melancholic. The feelings of the character really stoodout. Good job.

  5. This was a great piece from start to finish. All of us have something we are incredibly passionate about like you are with swim but unfortunately, a few of us have felt our passions fade. It is a terrible thing but it gives us the opportunity to try new things and reflect on our accomplishments.
    -Kaili Fisher

  6. Wow! Your piece was amazing. You conveyed your emotions very well through the descriptions and background you gave. I really enjoyed hearing about all the accomplishments you've achieved. It's sad how your dream has faded away over time; however, I'm glad that you found a different way to achieve your dream. Great job.

  7. Being able to leave what you care for and your past doesn't mean that you're weak, but that you're able to follow your convictions. I'm glad (and kind of sad as well) for you since you are going to do what you want. I hope that your dreams will make you happy and that your friends will support you all the way.

  8. it was really great to read about your accomplishments and the obstacles you have overcame. this was very well written and easy to understand. good job!

  9. Wow, I can't believe you gave up swimming. As long as i have know you, you loved to swim and enjoyed the sport thoroughly. I hope you find a new dream and when you do follow it. The piece was written very well and had good structure.

  10. I love your story Dante. I agree that dreams can change in our lives easily due to boredom or new attractions but I'm glad swimming is still a big part of your life.

  11. It is a really emotional piece and i could totally connect with you on it. From a very cheerful story it turns to a very sad and depressing story. Though the story is very sad i still like your transition. Never loose hope and i hope you can fulfill your dream one day forsure.
    - Nufsat Khan

  12. This was a very emotional and sad piece i do like how you connected your dream throughout the whole piece. From when you were only a little boy all the way till your days in high school now. The Switch between ages at any point in the story was also executed well.

  13. This was a very well written piece! I think it was great how you described your dream and when you decided it was time to give it up. This piece was very relatable from when you were younger to today. I think it was great how you had the positive outlook of being able to dream new dreams. Good job! -Lindsay Slemboski

  14. Dante I'm sorry that you had to go through that man, but none the less I'm happy that you were able to find peace after all this. - Joshua Perez

  15. This was a very personal story i felt and i am glad you were able to share your story and feelings. I related to the piece, it reminded me of how i stopped doing band even though i loved all the memories i created while in the program. It was a really tough decision i made and going to their competitions throughout the year has made me miss it, but im still happy with the decision i made. Do not give up your passion in swim always be involved in one shape or another.

  16. I really felt the emotions in your story Dante. I too loved to swim and had a hard time saying goodbye, but the stress and expectations of others can become too much. I love how you kept true to yourself and didn't give up on your dream. Now you can set new dreams and work hard to reach them.
    -Kailee Hinds

  17. Wow Dante, I'm sorry for what you had to go through. Sometimes life can be extremely stressful and I hope only the best for you.-Nathan Brown

  18. Aww Dante :( this is a really emotional piece. Im proud of your accomplishments and things happen for a reason. When doors close new ones open. I'm glad that you found peace after. Keep your head high you have a bright future ahead of you. Don't give up on your dream.
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  19. I loved your story Dante. It makes me sad that you had to give up on something you were so passionate about but now you're able to explore new things and see what else youre good at.

  20. Dante, I really like your story of how your swim career has been. I am glad I read this and got to learn more about why you swim and how long you swam for. Thanks for sharing your story, Captain. -Andrew Macias

  21. Dante, first and foremost, thank you for sharing this. By reading it I can tell it was very personal and it made me emotional myself. Also, I thought about how you were feeling and I felt connected to you through your words. Great job!

  22. Santiago RodriguezApril 23, 2019 at 9:45 PM

    Dante I think you outgrowing swimming is just part of life and growing up. As we change our interests change as well which happened to you. I felt the emotions through your piece and am glad you found some sort of resolution to your dilemma. Good job!

  23. Dante this a very well written piece. The emotins you shared I felt all of them. Im sorry that you went through this but you are now content and im happy for you.

  24. Reading this piece, there was so much emotion emotion and passion that readers cut could really empathize. This pain and triumph allowed you to gro intoxicating who you are now , great job dante!

  25. Dante that was a deep personal experience that I can relate to through tennis. I played tennis since I was little but quit because I got burned out, like you however I didn't let that discourage me, and I'm glad you still have motivation to achieve your dreams. - Eric Chang

  26. Dante, my man, I loved your work, it was beautifully emotional and had your style all over it. You'll always be a leader to me #11 & #12 dream team my man. I wish you all the best going forward (don't worry I'll tell you again in real life and not just over this blog)
    -Braden Bailey


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