
Friday, April 5, 2019

"How to: Summer Body " by Mackenzie T

In middle school I was always that girl that complained about running the mile and never participated in basketball with the rest of the class. Sports just were not my thing (thank God I get good grades). The older I got, the more important looks became so it was very easy to always pick things I wanted to change about myself. For example, in eighth grade it was all about the thigh gap. I was naturally very thin and likely already had this but I was infatuated with it, don’t ask me why because the answer is that I was thirteen and tumblr was all the rage. I entered high school and continued to eat whatever I wanted without any repercussions and refused the idea of working out. Fast forward to junior year; one day I decided to workout in my garage because I realized complaining was not going to get me anywhere and I ended up sticking with it for a while and actually discovered that I really enjoyed it. Over the summer my friend invited me to the gym and I instantly fell in love with the atmosphere and being around all the gym junkies. I recently hit my one year mark but I can tell you that there has been A LOT of inconsistency because I get lazy and unmotivated just like we all commonly do with everything in life. With summer coming up I thought I would share my tips (even though I am furthest from an expert). The joy that working out has brought me changed my life and I wanted to share the journey in case it inspires someone else. It has made me love the person I see in the mirror even more, I’ve fallen in love with seeing results slowly but surely and I’m over the moon for the moments when I realize each day that I go to the gym I am getting stronger. It is the most rewarding feeling ever when other people notice how hard you are working, I knew I was doing something right when people started asking me for tips and telling me that they really respect what I have been doing.I have set my goals for the future and really look forward to the process. If you take anything from this, my advice is just to find something that you love doing that makes you feel good whether its exercise or not. 

Tips and things to remember:
-No body is the same and no body is perfect. Keep that in mind when you put on your swimsuit for the first time this upcoming summer.
-You have to accept the body you have now to fully appreciate the body that you can have in the future

-Be kind to yourself and choose health for the right reasons not just to look good
-(amounts are based on your individual goals) protein is your best friend and do not be afraid of carbs
-Know that change doesn’t happen overnight and that consistency is key
-Stay hydrated 

Leg Day
*Demonstrations can be easily found on online
*Not every leg day is the same/it’s good to switch it up and try new workouts

Step 1: warm up
*use resistance band if possible to increase difficulty -fire hydrants (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
-donkey kicks (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
-side squat walk 2 set of 5 in each direction)

Step 2: workout
-dumbell goblet squats (4 to 5 sets of 10 reps) -hip thrusts with weight (4 sets of 12 reps) -step ups (3 sets of 10 on each leg)
-hip abduction machine (4 sets of 15 reps) -hip adduction machine (4 sets of 15 reps)

Step 3: -stretch!!

Some Alternate Exercises:
-squats -leg press -deadlifts

Upper Body
*I personally love training back and shoulders most
Step 1: warm up
-some cardio if you want :)

Step 2: workout
-bentover row (4 sets of 15 reps)
-lat pulldowns (4 sets of 12 reps)
-lateral raises (4 sets of 12 reps
-front lateral raises (4 sets of 12 reps)
-pick one more machine of choice for back to finish it off

Step 3: stretch!! 

My Go To Protein Shake:
-1 to 2 scoop(s) of chocolate protein
-1 scoop of peanut butter -half of a banana
-blend :) 

Some of my favorite foods:
-fried egg on toast 

-banana with cinnamon


-scrambled egg 

-any meat 

-protein bars 


  1. Thank you so much for this. I know I am fat and I have been very insecure about my body now I can refer to this to help me out. You put so much detail into this too and I loved that.

  2. Wow Mackenzie, this post is so helpful! I would love to have a summer body but am way too lazy and clueless on what exercises to do to achieve this. Also, your protein shake recipe sounds amazing!! Great job!

  3. Thanks for sharing this mackenzie! I love the "tips and things to remember" that you included. It was great that you emphasized body positivity. Your blog post honestly motivated me to start working on summer body as well, haha.

  4. Mackenzie, I really enjoyed your blog. A little over a year ago, I also started working out and I too love it!! Along with feeling better and losing fat/gaining muscle, it is a great way to destress. I love that you added recipes into your how to also. I will definitely be trying these workouts! Great job. :)

  5. This was such a great How To Mackenzie! I totally enjoyed reading this because it gave me new workout ideas and i can agree with a bunch of the things you said. - jayleen lupian

  6. Mackenzie i really enjoyed your How to. I liked that you started it with a disclaimer that everybody is different. This was very well written. Great job!
    ~Maddy Behee

  7. Thank you for sharing your story. I liked the part you talked about appreciating your body. I found your blog very inspirational. I also liked the fact that you put instructions and what would be good to eat. I Think this would be very beneficial for us in the future. Thank You.

  8. Mackenzie, I really like this blog because you start by sharing your personal experience and show how exercising has helped you. Also, your encouraging words really help to motivate the reader. I personally am wanting to try this because I've been looking to find a good routine that I could do to keep myself active. Thanks and good job!

  9. Mackenzie, to be honest I hated running the mile in middle school too! I would love to try this technique and regiment because I am interested in losing weight! I appreciate how you said everyone's bodies are different, so there is an established expectation that results won't be the same for everyone. I'm very eager to give this a try, thank you!

  10. Wow, I love that you shared this story with everyone. I'm proud of seeing your progress throughout the year, I can tell you fall more and more in love with your body as you continue on with your journey. I myself am trying to gain weight to make my weight class and this has motivated me a little more to keep pushing. So thank you! Aaliyah Mallard

  11. Your blog is very simple to understand. I like how you formatted it with bullet points, it makes it easy to follow and the extra tidbit of what you include in your diet.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  12. haha this was very helpful! i enjoyed reading about your own personal experience and i loved how you turned that into your own tutorial that i am probably gonna end up using.

  13. I like the way you wrote the blog from your personal experience and it's very helpful and really liked that you put every detail from your experience and what to eat and what to do. Amazing Job Mackenzie!
    - Nufsat Khan

  14. Thank you for sharing this. I found this really relatable and It motivated me to work out more. I also, found the tips helpful and something that I can incorporate in my workout routine, good job.

  15. I need this for the summer cause I know I'm just gonna get fat. I finally have a good guide to how to impress with my legs now!

  16. This was a great blog to introduce people into fitness. I like the way you tell you own story all the from middle school to your own thoughts about your body which made you start to work out. I do like the fact that you include your work out regiment along with rep and set counts and a vague diet to start people off.

  17. Mackenzie, I have to say that really like how you put so much detail into this. You even provided pictures that showed your progress to better prove your how all your routines work. It all shows that if it can work for you then it can also work for us too and if were new to working out then we can come back her to get some advice from a pro! You did an amazing job on this tutorial on how to get a summer body!

  18. This is so relatable for me. i started going to the gym last year as well i have done some of these workouts and they are really good workouts! within the past two moths i haven't been going :(. Definitely will be going back to the gym soon and trying these out.

  19. I really enjoyed this blog post because it was so different. I loved your inclusion of a personal anecdote as well as the actual fitness routine. Thanks girl, you finna have my body lookin right for this summer ;)
    - Camryn Greer

  20. I love Your how too Mackenzie!!! It's very inspiring because a lot of people can relate to the laziness that you felt(everyone needs there down time). But whats most inspiring is the passion you have for it. I will definitely reference your post so I can actually be productive at the gym.
    -Kailee Hinds

  21. Hi Mackenzie, I really liked your How to. Thank you for sharing your tips and things to remember when working out for that summer body. Thank you for also sharing your journey and the thoughts and mindset that you had. I really liked how you included some ideas on food that you can eat and the workouts.
    -Karen V.

  22. Great blog Mackenzie! I loved how you even included some ideas for what people should eat to stay fit. Not only is it important to workout and stay active, but its just as important to eat healthy. This was well done and very inspiring great job!! - john b IV

  23. Makenzie, thank you for sharing your story, it was very inspirational and written so well. I loved how you included images to show your progress as well as tips to help those that wanna start workout out. Thank you!

  24. Ashley Sierra-TilleryApril 23, 2019 at 4:40 PM

    Mackenzie, this piece was a creative take on the standard tutorial and I loved it! You did a beautiful job keeping thE focus on feeling healthy and comfortable in your skin and gave informed, first-hand advice that I know a younger me definitely needed to hear. Great Work!
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  25. I loved your guide to a summer body and how you told about your journey too! Thank you for sharing how to progress in achieving a summer body there are so many workouts and things people can't choose from and I feel like your tips really help in directing people where to begin.:) (Julia Avalos)

  26. I love your blog Mackenzie. It is very inspiring because im sure a lot of people dont want to miss out on that summer bod haha. great tips and also love all the images of your progress.

  27. Mackenzie, I really enjoyed your piece, I felt every emotion and was moved by your words. Also, I really liked how you included pictures of your progress. I will definitely be taking some tips from you to get ready for summer. Great job!

  28. I think it's super great that you found something you seem to be so passionate about! i really enjoy going to the gym and working out, but I never really know how unless I'm in a class. For that reason, I think that this is really helpful! Keep working hard and thanks for sharing.

  29. Dannggggg Mackenzie you SWOLL. But on a serious note really great job at getting your body together, you should encourage my gordito self to do it. I think the inclusion of images was a great touch! - Adam Huizar

  30. I am really glad that you brought light to how beneficial working out can be with self confidence. I appreciate how you seperated the different workouts into different days so people can focus on a different thing everyday! Thank you for sharing

  31. So absolutely helpful! Especially with the summer season coming around, I find that many people don't know where to start. My favorite part is the tips and tricks included, and the friendly reminder that all bodies are different! I really enjoyed the organization of this post and how every thing is following a certain format. Amazing!

  32. WOW Mackenzie this was such a helpful piece that many are able to use since summer is coming around the corner.I Love your striving spirit to make yourself look great!
    ~ Tanner Antonucci


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