
Thursday, March 14, 2019

"Seize" by Alex Le

     It’s not common to get cramps every night, it just happens every now and then, but having multiple cramps in one night is not the exactly one’s idea of having a good time. By the time you’re awake, nothing is really left but a sore aching sensation of excruciating strain that one might tend to ignore if they will. 

     It was around 2 A.M when I woke up that morning, I didn’t exactly think much of my surroundings other than how warm it was, it was still summer season and I didn’t really mind it being a little warm. I reached out for my phone and grabbed it in order to check the time despite how tired I was. I didn’t want to take the risk of assuming that I still had time to sleep, however, the fact that I still had a few more hours to sleep, left me rather content and was ready to indulge myself in said acts. With that in mind, I stretched out my limbs in order to achieve the perfect optimum level of comfort and slowly, steadily, and quite delicately.... felt something off. This was a feeling one couldn’t quite explain, the “buildup”, I mean... and no I’m not talking about THAT. If I were to vividly describe this in detail, it’d be rather highly questionable to our current generation’s train of thought, so I’ll try and keep it to the point and tell you that what I felt was a gradually growing horrible, unimaginable pain that rested within my left calf. The ordeal itself doesn’t require a lot of dialogue of what went through my mind, aside from the endless amounts of cursing and tears. 

     It was similar to having my left calf muscle deciding to tie knots within my leg on its own and then setting itself on fire, and this didn’t last just a few seconds, but almost several seconds and possibly minutes. Even if it didn’t last that long, it felt like a handful amount of years. I didn’t exactly know what was going on at the time, since I was so deathly tired at the same time, but finally the whole ordeal ended as the knotted muscles in my calf began to release themselves from the uninvited tension, leaving a soreness behind as a souvenir for my troubles. Relieved, I laid sprawled out on my bed, sweating and honestly quite scared, but it was finally over! Upon silently celebrating on my deathbed, with dried tears on my cheeks, another feeling that one would describe as wrong began crawling along in my RIGHT calf. 


     The dialogue that rippled through in rapid successions in my mind this time was more clear and somewhere along the lines of; “no no no no no”. Although I thought I was slightly more prepared for impact this time, the pain was much more different from the previous one. It felt as though my right calf was eating itself right out from the inside and this was much, much worse. In a series of violent spasmodic movements and incoherent screeching, I managed to bang my head on the nightstand that stood right next to my bed, this occurrence kept my mind off my right calf for quite some time, putting me in a bit of a daze as the pain that I felt merely a few seconds ago was perhaps long forgotten... and like the last ordeal, after a few more seconds unknowingly, the pain has finally subsided. 

     I don’t think I was even that sleepy anymore afterwards, every bit of sleep in me has left my body and was replaced with utter confusion. Never in my life have I had such horrible things done to me. I thought to myself what I did to deserve such as I did, but in all honesty, I was rather indifferent to what happened and why it happened after that. Not only did I face abuse
from my very own body, but so did my bed, all the pillows were thrown off the bed and the bed covers themselves were bedraggled by the time I finished. I found out that what had happened were known to be nocturnal leg cramps and that they were the result of inactivity while being awake at night.. Aside from that, it was about time to get out of bed, the temperature of my surroundings has rose above boiling since I’ve been thrashing around so much and I felt an uncontrollable urge to get up and get some water. Having agreed to myself to get up out of bed, my legs, on the other hand, refused.


  1. I can’t stress enough about how much I hate cramps with a burning passion and I totally understand your pain. I also really enjoyed your humor and vivid imagery about your whole unfortunate experience.

  2. Alex, what a vivid and descriptive piece! First of all, I'm sorry that you experience these leg cramps, I too have felt some variation of them as well, and honestly when you are just trying to sleep they can be the worst. However, I did enjoy the way you described your experience with "It was similar to having my left calf muscle deciding to tie knots within my leg on its own and then setting itself on fire," something I found interesting to try to imagine, along with your humorous commentary: "I mean... and no I’m not talking about THAT" (what were you not talking about exactly?) along with "leaving a soreness behind as a souvenir for my troubles" (how satirical!). Overall, your interpretation of pain and how you react to it, coupled with a slightly humorous undertone, truly made for a vivid and realistic piece. Although, I like how the last line serves as a reminder/continuation to the audience that the pain is something you will have to continue to deal with, and sometimes even humor does not ease the pain.

  3. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I hate cramps too. However, I enjoyed the numerous vivid details you included as well as the humorous little comments you wrote. This was very well written and had good transitions in between.

  4. Alex, your story of how you felt the pain in the middle of the night was so well described that I almost felt the pain myself while reading it. My legs have cramped in the middle of the night before and your story brought back memories, very good job.

  5. You're imagery and description of this situation really draws in the reader to try and understand what you went through. Greta job writing your blog.

  6. I am convinced cramps are one of the first few stages one would enter in Hell. Being once an athlete who (for some reason) never would drink enough water, I had lived through my fair share of Hell as well. Anyways, I enjoyed the read and related VERY MUCH. -Joshua Kidwell

  7. Great job at being very descriptive with your details and imagery. Cramps are honestly the worst and your description of of what you went through was relatable to the point where it brought back memories. I also really liked how you added humorous comments in your writing. Great job.

  8. I am sorry your had to experience these just temporary but excruciating cramps in one night. I liked the humor you included to give the reader a little laugh by still included vivid details to help me visualize the whole story in my head. Excellent work!

  9. Having those cramps must have been very painful. I used to get cramps weekly and they sucked. Your use of imagery really brought me along with your story and helped me understand how you were feeling. You did a great job.

  10. i cant stand getting cramps, but loved the imagery and humor. good job!

  11. Alex, you have such a complex and strong vocabulary! The way you strung your words together and created this image for a sensation in the thigh was simply amazing! I also get cramps in my thighs fairly often, especially in the middle of the night, and honestly when they last longer than 5 seconds it truly feels like the world is about to end! The pain is oh-so excruciating! This felt a bit like a nightmare with the dark imagery you used to allow us to be placed in an uncomfortable situation such as that in the middle of the night! This was incredibly well written!

  12. This oddly something that I can relate to, I also had a cramp at night and your vivid description is exactly what I felt too. The pain locks on and there is nothing to do but try to relax. Your amazing detailed imagery helped me remember the pain on something that isn't life threatening. - Eric Chang

  13. It seems like you went through quite the painful experience. Honestly this entry felt weird to read since I kind of know you and I can imagine the whole event. That doesn't really matter though because this was entertaining to read. You were able to turn a horrible memory into something that could make people laugh.

  14. I liked how this piece was very descriptive and interesting. the close attention to detail I believe is what pieced this all together and made it so vivid and relatable

  15. Alex, I liked how you used such vivid imagery and details to describe this situation. Cramps are the worst and I thought it was really cool how you were able to turn your experience into something so relatable and funny. Great job!

  16. This is a very simple, yet a nicely written reflection! It had me reminiscing those times when I used to have these random cramps that felt as if someone was stabbing my calf with a knife. Having a massive cramp on a leg all of a sudden in the middle of the night is the worst, especially when it lasts for a long time. But aside that, what I enjoy about this piece was how you not only depicted your experience vividly but also how you included some comical thoughts and comments that many of us could relate to. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit when you said "Oh" the moment you realized that the pain was not over yet, I've encountered that false thought of relief before (and it is indeed an unpleasant thought). Overall, this is a really thought out piece of yours, props to you!

  17. I hate cramps so much. I really enjoyed your piece because of the humor and the details. It all tied together to make the piece relatable.

  18. It's a great post, the structure and diction is really good. I like how even though the situation is rather horrible, there still is a bit of humor in there in the earlier and final paragraphs. Overall it's a really great post.

  19. I love how relatable and humorous this is. You did an amazing job with your descriptive imagery and drawing the reader into the story. Your inclusion of dialogue had a major impact on the story despite how small it was. You did really well. Thanks for the good read.

  20. The way that this was written made it to where anyone who has had a similar experience could follow along and relate to this. The way that it was described can make me remember a time where I once had a leg crap so bad that it felt like my leg was trying to detach itself from my body. The vivid imagery along with the vocabulary made it crystal clear of the pain that you went through. This is what made your writing style very unique to the other stories. What a descriptive story, and amazing one none the least-Sezar Guitron

  21. First off, Alex, I feel for you because leg cramps are horrible! I remember the first time I experienced one a few years ago I really thiught I was going to die, and I too had tears fall. Your retelling of the experience you had was quite unique and very funny. -Leslie R

  22. FIrst off Alex, I feel for you having to experience leg cramps because they are horrible! I remember the first time I had a leg cramp, I truly thought I was going to die, and I too had tears fall. Your retelling of your experience was unique and quite funny.-Leslie R

  23. This piece was spot on. There was a great amount of imagery and description to give the reader a good understanding of the piece. It was well written and had some humor in it as well. Outstanding piece.

  24. Your use of imagery and descriptive details really added to the quality of this piece. This piece was so relatable and humorous. Keep up the good work!
    - camryn greer

  25. The fact that many people can relate to this pain, and it is as excruciating as it sounds. This is a great representation of these death defying cramps, good job! -ella macaraig


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