
Thursday, March 14, 2019


     Isn’t it funny? My mind replays all the things people have said to me, from the day I entered kindergarten up until now. “Your lips are too big” “Your hips are too wide” “Your skin is too dark” “You need to eat more”. Now they get lip fillers, liposuction, and go to tanning beds. Let me settle down. I am not, nor will I ever be one to shame anybody for what they choose to do to their body, but isn’t it funny how hypocritical humans can be? I guess it’s not anybody’s fault. We let society dictate who we are and what we should look like and quite frankly, it is tiring. Not to mention- damaging, stressful, and one of the largest contributors of low self esteem. 

     I’m going to allow myself to be vulnerable right now. In kindergarten, I had a friend named Joy. The irony is, she brought me any and every emotion but joy. Every single day she would shame me and bring me down for everything I ate and say things like “Oh you don’t need that” and “You’re already fat enough”. Remind you I was 5 years old, but I told myself that since she was my best friend, then of course she was telling me the truth because she was simply looking out for me. To this day, I have never felt so powerless in my entire life. Every now and then I ask myself why I never left Joy. Maybe it was because at age 5, I just wanted to be accepted. Maybe it was because at age 5, I really did think I was overweight. Maybe it was because at age 5, I had already feared abandonment and having nobody. Whatever the reason was, my failure to leave this toxic friend only ignited my low self esteem. I starved myself at school until the end of second grade when my family and I finally moved over to Fontana. 

     When I moved schools, it took me an unusually long time to adapt because I was no longer happy and outgoing, but shy and reserved. I feared going out of my way to make new friends because I was under the false impression that anybody I attempted to become friends with would be just like Joy, unaware that Joy’s behavior was not typical of a “best friend”. Additionally, I felt as though people would be embarrassed to be seen with me and why would I ever want to cause anyone that type of humiliation? I did make some really good friends here and there, but Joy’s words still lingered in my mind. This caused me to be discontent with myself, which impacted practically every friendship I managed to make. Taking pictures with others never ended well because I’d oftentimes think to myself, “Why can’t I be as pretty as her or as skinny as them?” 

     Up until high school, I had a ridiculously low self esteem, but I tried to suppress it and pretend I was more than happy with myself, as many insecure people often do. I cannot put my finger on the exact day, but some time during my early sophomore year of high school, I had a change of mind and said enough was enough. I could not keep letting words from the past destroy me and who I am in this very moment. Another thing that changed my entire perspective on my life was the realization that I had been created in God’s image. To him, I am beautiful and there is not one single thing, not one single person on this Earth that could ever take that away from me. This is exactly what I had been missing. After acquiring this mindset, my self esteem skyrocketed. I became so confident in myself and I was genuinely happy. 

     I know my self esteem is not the same as it used to be because I even remember an incident about a year or so ago when I wore a dress to school and a so-called “friend” of mine said my hips were too wide and proceeded to ask me if my mom let me leave the house wearing that dress. First of all, the disrespect. With my chin held high, I told her that not only did my mom let me leave the house in that dress,but in fact she was actually the one that bought the dress for me so you are dismissed. A previously insecure me probably would have burned the dress as soon as I got home, but because of my new mindset, I’ve realized that everything doesn’t need a dramatic reaction. Besides, the bottom line is that the people that take time out of their day to criticize and judge others are usually just jealous or unhappy with themselves. 

     Bringing everything back full circle, society will navigate the way we live our lives if we give it the power to do so. For about 11 years of my life, I allowed my identity to be shaped by somebody else’s perception of me and how people told me I should view myself. Why do you think people say they are so much happier without social media? It’s because they are not constantly turning to this addictive source to tell them what type of body, house, shoes, or car they “should” have, nor are they confined by the pressures of their peers and temporary trends. Honestly, Joy taught me the importance of empathy because now I know just how impactful my words can be. I titled this piece “Kindergarten” because that year held experiences that I am both ashamed of , yet grateful for. It was a life lesson that I learned at a young age , but it has played a major role in shaping me into who I am today, Chimdalu Rita Nebedum.


  1. First off, I wanna say that the organization of your piece was absolutely amazing and the sequence of events that occurred as you grew up was really well written out too! Although there wasn't much that occurred in my Kinder years up till now, I can definitely sympathize with what you went through because I was vulnerable to people who I thought were my "friends" too! I was utterly naive and after reading this I was able to look back and think: "wow, turned out to be bullies rather than friends and I didn't even realize!". Overall, this was an absolutely amazing piece!!

  2. Chimi, this was such an inspiring and heartfelt piece; as a reader I felt like you invited me to this unknown piece of your mind, and it caused me to want to read so much more from you. I did not expect a piece called "KINDERGARTEN" to elicit such profoundly nostalgic negative memories of my own that are in line with yours detailed in this piece, and yet it was absolutely fitting as it encompasses the way our childhood friends truly do have an impact on our growing selves, for the better or the worst. I also had many friends that had a negative impact on my confidence and self esteem, but during those times I too felt like I had no where else to go, that they were just looking out for me, that they were my best friend, and although I'm sorry for everything you've had to go through, I'm glad that I got to read such a positive self-reflection, and that you have grown into the beautiful, funny, and confident woman you are. <3

  3. This is such a powerful story, everyone should be confident with themselves because we are all unique and different. That's the amazing thing that no one is like us, and we are not like others. We should embrace the fact that we are unique and the fact that everyone has something that makes them unique. Great story!
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  4. First and foremost, I want to say Chimi that you are and always will beautiful. Your style is always poppin and your hair is always done, you got a beautiful smile and are just beautiful altogether :). That said everyone needs to hear they are different than everyone and are beautiful, smart and successful in their very own ways. No one is perfect whatsoever and we each have our own contributions to life individually. I really hope you will never be insecure again because you have no need to be :)

  5. I really enjoyed reading your empowering blog post! It is funny how our darkest times tend to be the times that we learn from the most. I enjoyed the idea of not letting anyone shape who you are because that is not their idea of "ideal." I liked the message of empathy to others rather than forcing hate onto others because there is enough hate in this world

  6. This was a really well written blog piece! Its organization from kindergarten towards your high school experience really showed this enduring but enriching lesson that shaped your life. I’m glad to see that you were able to learn from a mistake in the past and find out your true self esteem and identity. Nicely done!

  7. Reading this blog was so inspiring and powerful. It brought me joy reading how you super-passed this dark time in your life and grew from it. You no longer let peoples negative comments or society trying to shape you a certain way change the person you are, thats amazing.

  8. Yes, Chimi! Push through!! I loved this piece so much, and of course I relate to so many aspects of it! I think many of us encounter a "Joy" in our lives that stunts our growth and puts us into these boxes where we feel we must meet the standards of today's temporary norms. So, it was so euphoric and pleasing to see your growth from such a young age until now, especially in such a short and concise blog post; that just shows how amazing of a writer you are as well! You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be confident in your body! I love the sass that accompanies your honesty: "First of all, the disrespect." and "So you are dismissed." Never let anyone try to dull that bright light of yours again, love you my Naija sista. <33

  9. chimi youre such a beautiful person and im so glad you dont take hate from anyone, i loved your piece. great job!

  10. Wow I see a great development in confidence as you aged and that is very good. Every person that comes into your life is always going to serve a purpose to develop you as a person and that is what Joy did. Although she made you feel terrible at a young age, she later helped you realize that your own self perception is all that matters. Good job Chimi.

  11. Chimi, I really like how you grew from the hate you got while growing up and how you realized that it doesn't really matter how anyone thinks of you, but yourself. I also like how you express that people should have empathy for others instead of discouraging them, but if people receive negativity from others then they should just ignore it all. Great job!

  12. Chimi! your story was so well written and you really conveyed your emotions throughout the piece in a way where I can really get a feel for what it was like. I am so grateful that you have a more positive mindset now and i'm really glad you took an important lesson out of an unfortunate situation. You are beautiful inside and out and i'm so grateful to call you my friend!

  13. This was so inspiring. the essay was well put together and talked about a lot of stuff that people usually disregard and push away but you really shinned a light on it. Never let anyone change you or your mind set. Also this was such a relatable piece that i can relate to and I'm sure many other people can. Also i think you are really pretty and seem like a really honest and great genuine person who only gives out the positive. great job!

  14. This was so inspiring. the essay was well put together and talked about a lot of stuff that people usually disregard and push away but you really shinned a light on it. Never let anyone change you or your mind set. Also this was such a relatable piece that i can relate to and I'm sure many other people can. Also i think you are really pretty and seem like a really honest and great genuine person who only gives out the positive. great job!

  15. Chimi,thank you so much for tackling such a difficult topic that has impacted us all in one way or the other. I love how vulnerable you are in this piece about your experience with low self esteem and how you overcame it and how you have grown into the person you are today. I hope nothing but the best as you continue to grow into the person you were meant to be.

  16. This blog was so inspiring. I myself have experienced low self esteem. Your blog is an inspiration to others that are struggling with issues similar to the ones you had. I liked the way how you organized your story. Congratulations on overcoming your fears. Thank you for sharing the way you became confident and happy.

  17. Chimi, this story sincerely moved and inspired me. I actually read it twice because of how beautifully you wrote it. Your story of self actualization was something I was able to relate to. Growing up I was ashamed of my asian features because of elementary bullies. But I can't help but be annoyed when instagram models blur their eyelids to mimic the Asian monolid as a trend. Recognizing the appropriation and finding security was a long journey for me growing up as well. Again, I really enjoyed your writing and I truly admire you. Thank you for sharing Chimi!

  18. I love the intro to this story, pointing out the hypocrisy in current trends. This feels almost like a coming of age type of story in that you realized your own beauty and value, as well as the fact that no one but you matter when it comes to deciding who you want to be.

  19. Your blog was not only written in a sophisticated way, but it was also very powerful, and I could easily see the confidence within yourself throughout. I applaud you for overcoming this huge hardship from your childhood and you're truly an inspiration to me. I admire your bravery for writing this, as it was probably difficult to share at first. Brilliant Work!

  20. Chimi! Your vulnerability in this is admirable and I specifically loved the way you pieced your experiences together following the before and now of both society's judgements and the effects on your own life. I can relate to being pushed to fit a mold you naturally don't fit in, and trying to figure out where you fit in just the way you are. Thank you for writing this.

  21. I really liked how you shared your experience, especially because it is something that is not easy to talk about. I feel like its important that your overcame your fears and showed us an insight into what you went through. Thank you for sharing your experience, I know its something difficult to talk about so I appreciated you sharing. (Julia Avalos)

  22. I just want to start of by saying that I admire you for being strong and sharing this with us. You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I’m glad that you realized it. I’m sorry you had to go through that type of pain at such a young age. I loved the way that you used specific details throughout your entire piece. Great job.

  23. I like how this story was your own personal experience and that you wrote it in a way easy to comprehend. this piece is very inspiring and I'm glad you were able to share it

  24. Chimi, I appreciate how open and vulnerable you are through your writing. Reading about your perseverance and gain of confidence is truly inspiring.
    -Brooke Leslie

  25. Such a powerful piece! I really enjoyed reading about your mental growth and development, which you described really well through your personal experiences and thought processes. I am so happy to see you thrive with radiating confidence! Awesome job!

  26. Thank you for sharing your personal experience about your journey of self love. With all the trends going on, it is really easy for us to fall under pressure that affects the way we percieve ourselves. It was so bold of you to write about something that people are usually not comfortable with. I applaud you for your strength and bringing light to how even early memories can affect the rest of our lives. <3

  27. I'm so glad I'm able to experience this raw and moving self reflection about your early years up until now. I relate heavily as I've had a few Joy's in my life whom I clung to out of fear and the desperation of being alone. Your positive attitude and self awareness are something that I aspire to have, not to mention your eloquence in writing!! Reading this was truly a pleasure, thank you Chimi.

  28. Wow chimi this was honestly so beautifully written and so raw. I absolutely loved it, you were so honest by letting the audience in on your private experience as a child. Thank you for allowing me to read such a personal experience and letting me in on your growth as a person.

  29. This piece was absolutely so relatable. Especially as a person that has experience much of the same thing. You brought out a topic that much people are afraid to talk about and allow us to really understand. This piece holds so much power and emphasizes the importance of self love. You’re use of specific events allows us to understand the character development and change from being a small and timid insecure little girl to an empowered young woman. Beautiful piece Chimi!!

  30. i wanna start off by saying how powerful and inspiring you are to other people by how far you've come in life, i relate to this piece a lot because i too had a friend like joy from the age of 6, whom i didn't let of of until first semester of junior year. thank you for sharing about this and im so happy for you chimi!

  31. Chimi your story is so inspiring! I appreciate you being vulnerable with us and sharing your experiences. I really enjoyed the development and the insights in your piece. Great job.

  32. Chimi you did such an amazing job on conveying your feelings to the reader. I really loved the intro because many people believe that these are problems that you grow into but most do not realize that even as children, people endure judgement and it has a major impact on who we become. I am so proud of you for loving and accepting yourself and writing a piece that may influence others to do the same.

  33. Every aspect of your story is so eye opening and self motivating!! Chimi, I love how you took a very personal part of your life and shared it with us while also connecting it to problems in today's society. Your use of powerful and meaningful words made your story even better and allowed the reader to analyze the situation without even realizing it.
    -Kailee Hinds

  34. Chimi the vulnerability that you portrayed in this piece was very beautiful. Your piece was not only relatable but also very inspiring. I'm so glad that you have reached a place of self-love and acceptance in your life because you are such a beautiful person. Keep up the good work <3
    - camryn greer

  35. I appreciate the personal experience, it gives the readers something to relate to. As well as your use of truly capturing your audience and adding such a powerful story along with it.
    -Julissa Saenz

  36. I think that being able to be vulnerable and express these struggles shows that you've come a long way. Usually people will keep it bottles up inside but you told this story for many of us students and it really touched my heart.

  37. Chimi! I love your blog. It was engaging and relatable to many. I love how you shared your personal, raw experiences with us. Thank you for the motivation.

  38. One of the things I loved the most out of your piece was how even through the darkest times in ones life, we find the best outcomes and something better down the road. This was such an inspiring and great thing to emphasize on, considering many struggle with self-confidence and what others thing about them when this shouldnt be the case. Well done and wonderful blog. -john borden IV


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