
Thursday, March 14, 2019

"How to get that #1 Victory Royale" by Afeef G

      I see your looking to become a legend and earn the power to recite, “ I got that

ultimate victory royale.” Usually mere mortals aren’t allowed to experience the feelings of the legends but I cracked the code. I figured out what they did and practiced their ways and now I shall spread the knowledge to you, my fellow friends and hopefully my future squadmates.
Now the first thing you are gonna want to do is warm up. You might think that little island when you start the game is just there to fill up the lobby. Well that’s partially true but you must take advantage of this time and warm those little piggies up. If you don’t warm up in the beginning, your fingers won’t be stretched and used to clicking the buttons and that could affect your experience and prevent you from the goal. Just build, mash buttons, shoot the air, just do anything to get your fingers ready for the action. Then you hear the horn of the beginning. 

     The next step is a very crucial step and must not be messed up or it will make you lose and never get that victory royale. You hear the horn from the bus and then you know that you have to sit up and focus. Usually people jump as soon as they can but that’s bad because they won’t be able to land safely because you will most likely have people land with you. That’s not bad if your experienced but if not then wait to land. The best place to land
for practice would be tilted towers because of the amount of loot and people there will definitely get you some action. If you are experienced, then land there and eliminate those little 10 year olds that should be playing minecraft. But the best tactic is to land around a location with lots of people and lots of loot. This allows the player to get loot but not face anyone and increases the chance of survival. After looting the location landed in, start the journey to a location that is heavily populated in the beginning. This will allow you to get loot faster because the last people standing in this location will have the best loot and all you have to do is eliminate them and steal it. This will give you great and helpful loot without having to be worried or take lots of time. After the looting phase, you’re gonna have to move towards the circle, or find an optimal location to stay. Now the stress and survival skills are put into maximum overdrive.  

     This is the part where the legends are separated from the casual normies. You must be on alert at all times or you will get eliminated. You must never run in the open unless you have a load of materials. Always stay close to buildings or mountains to give you a base for your building and a good escape if you aren’t skilled enough to win the battle but I have confidence in all of you. This is applied if you are either in the circle or out of it. If you are out of the circle, your main goal isn’t to get in there, but to avoid being caught in the storm. Now you may think that’s the same thing but there is a big difference. Getting in the circle as fast as you can isn’t the best idea because it will make you visible to other opponents because all your doing is running straight making you an easy target. The better thing to do is to move with the storm but not too close. If you get too close to the storm and engage in a battle, you will get caught and leave the game a loser and that's not what we're here to do.
Now after the landing and all the epic battles, you are closer to the legend status but there is one thing that stands in your way and it is the final opponent. 
     In a final 1 vs 1 situation, do not panic and keep your thoughts clear. Many times the adrenaline and excitements cost many players the game and then they feel sad. Always stay closer to the center of the circle. The circle will always shrink on a certain point and you have to get to that point faster than the other guy. Once you get to the center, BUILD. You must get the high ground. Obi Wan Kenobi did this and completely ripped Anakin in half, literally. The high ground will give you the best view and angles to eliminate the final foe. Aim for the head so you don’t do 8 damage and get really mad. 

     After all of this, you will finally eliminate the last opponent and become one with the legends and have that ultimate victory royale. Now get up from wherever you are and get gaming people. You just got the key to success and now unlock the gate to the heavens and get that number one ultimate victory royale. Gamers rise up!


  1. As a gamer myself, I find this highly easy to relate to! Although I don't really play Fortnite, there are other games that I myself play competitively! Other than that, I really like the organization of how you went step by step in explaining the process of how to become a champion! Maybe I'll heed your advice if I ever play the game! Overall, this is a really nice piece to read and flows relatively well!! Nice work!

  2. I really enjoyed your informative piece Afeef. I was able to gain a insight into one of the world's most premier games, and understand how a novice can become a professional. Personally, I only play CS:GO, but your article opened my eyes to the world of Fortnite "gamers".
    -Mirza Baig

  3. Afeef, this was really enjoyable to read! It was funny and well organized. I liked the step by step process and the overall humorous tone of your piece. If i ever play Fortnite, I think this piece will definitely help me win. Good job!

  4. Dang, what an epic gamer moment Afeef! I will use this totally epic tutorial to continue to get that juicy dub in fortification nightly, thanks to you and my boy Ali-A! Nice job dude!

  5. As someone who doesn't really play Fortnite, this blog kinda made me want to play for a little bit. Your encouraging advice makes me feel like if I follow your advice, I would be able to win a game of Fortnite too. Personally, I really liked it when you made an allusion to Star Wars: Episode 3 and how the HIGH ground is essential in a victory. Overall, I enjoyed this article and who knows? Maybe I'll play some Fortnite this spring break. Great job!

  6. Such a great blog afeef! This is exactly what you need in order to get a victory royale! Great description and thanks for the laughs! -jayleen lupian

  7. As a hardcore gamer, I must agree with all your facts that you've laid out. This is especially so when you differentiate between us GAMERS and those normies. I am always focused with laser sharp vision, something ORDINARY people wouldn't get. We gamers are the most oppressed group in the world and we need more articles like yours. Gamers rise up. Bottom Text.

  8. I loved your instructional blog post on how to win a game in Fortnite. These steps really appeal to me, and I can tell by the diction you used that it is suppose to appeal to the gaming audience. I agree with many of these steps to win a battle royale game such as Fortnite. This is really helpful and specific. Overall, a great instructional post. -Jacob Ramirez

  9. Though this was an informational piece, I have found great humor in reading this step by step guide. The guide was very informational but can only be useful to new players. Thank you for the piece. -Paul Aureus

  10. This post reeks of epic gamer, and as a result, I have nothing but respect left for you Afeef. Your tactics are insane in the membrane and you must be the best fortnite player I have ever met personally. A very good job!

  11. I really appreciated this entry Afeef not only because I play video games as well but because you have now opened my eyes and shown me the keys to success ;) although I would have preferred a Apex Legends tutorial over Fornite but hey they are basically the same just one is obviously better *cough* Apex *cough*
    -Johnny Gitau

  12. I really enjoyed this piece Afeef. I liked the step by step process you used to help me easily read the steps to becoming an overall advanced Fortnite player. I also liked the humor you used to keep me interested in reading this.

  13. To be honest, even though I'm a gamer I don't play Fortnight since Fortnight is not my type of game and it's dead already since Apex and Tetris 99 are taking over. Nevertheless I still think your guide to a victory royale is still top notch as you seem to know what you're doing. Even though I don't play fortnight, reading this makes me feel prepared to get a victory royale on Fortnight.

  14. Afeef thank you for telling us the secret in how to get a win in battle royal. Where I struggle to do I've never gotten a win in the game. Now I can finally say that I've gotten a win the game. Great job!

  15. As creative and funny as it is, gaming is on the rise of becoming the future of sports whether you like it or not. This piece has a lot of great advices for beginners and a couple of important key to those potential gamers that have their eyes set on becoming a pro in any genre of gaming. I found it interesting that many of the tips related to other non gaming sports as well, like warming up and the importance of staying calm in tight situations. Good Job! - Eric Chang

  16. Afeef, I loved how funny your piece was and although very informative at the same time. I think that's what made it so funny to me because you were talking in such a serious tone throughout it, but you were talking about Fortnite. Also, you made sure to make the piece your own and staying true to you, great job!-Amber Rich :)

  17. I really liked the what your blog was about and how you organized it. It was funny. The tone of your blog reminded me of a gaming instructor. I really enjoyed it. Thank you.

  18. Personally, I do not play video games but I was still entertained by your blog! Your tone was very high energy and that really resonated with me. Your last paragraph was especially a great closing because I felt it was a universal theme of self empowerment. Great job!

  19. Wow, I really enjoyed your blog, as it was not only well-written and organized, but also very comedic throughout. I especially loved the Star Wars reference and your emphasis on gaining the high ground. Great Work!

  20. Afeef, even though I really don't play battle royale style games, I enjoyed your commentary on it. I'm more of a close-quarters or large scale multiplayer gamer myself, but I will definitely use your pointers when I try it soon. Great job!

  21. Afeef, you always make me laugh, I love that you did your piece on Fortnite!I myself have never played but I will definitely have to share this with my brother and pass on the tips. Great job :)
    -Mackenzie Tipple

  22. Afeef, this may just be one of the greatest tutorials I've ever read. Your use of diction emphasizes a sense of urgency and pressure as the average fortniter attempts the #1 Battle Royal!

  23. Santiago RodriguezApril 1, 2019 at 6:38 PM

    Afeef, having played fortnite myself I found it funny how a lot of what you said was true. Such as how people sit up quickly when they hear the horn. Your piece was funny and informative and brings back good memories of JR year. Good Job!

  24. This unconventional guide to a #1 Victory Royale is pure genius. I've only played the game a few times but it was enough for me to clearly see the hard work and skill required for such a feat. I seriously enjoyed reading this helpful guide in your unique almost tongue in cheek writing style and can't wait to see more!

  25. Nathaniel LanderosApril 1, 2019 at 8:31 PM

    Afeef, thanks for the tip! Personally I got a couple of Victory Royals under my belt. Now with your guide I will be able to get that ULTIMATE VICTORY ROYAL! The piece was well written and structured.

  26. Nicholas SantamariaApril 1, 2019 at 9:21 PM

    I loved all of the comedy in this post! I also enjoyed how this could be taken as a legitimate guide while at the same time being comedic which is difficult to do! I really enjoyed reading this and it made me smile the whole way through.

  27. Thanks bro, with these tips, I can be a real epic gamer now!-Ethan Ford

  28. Afeef, first off wow! I had such a fun time reading this while I definitely found myself laughing at so many different things. Thank you for helping all of us with winning a victory.

  29. Although I am not a gamer myself and don't have much time to even sleep, your how to makes me interested in playing this game. I love the humorous comments, especially " there and eliminate those little 10 year olds that should be playing minecraft." I found it very funny and it made me smile. Very well done, I enjoyed every second of reading your post.
    -Kailee Hinds

  30. Wow, I can't wait to use this information to rise to grand-master global elite in Counternite: Fort Elite. In all seriousness, these tips were pretty informative, heck, I might pick the game back up over summer break. I do have a complaint, and that's in your suggestion that 10 year olds should be playing Minecraft. My opinion is that Minecraft is a game that's too violent and mature for 10 year olds. Anyway, thank you for this blog post, I enjoyed it! ~Ryan Kang

  31. Afeef, what a great topic to write about especially since it is something people often talk about these days. I am personally not a gamer myself but always love to read a good comedy and I felt that this piece even correlated with you as person with being a funny guy. Overall great Job!
    ~ Tanner Antonucci

  32. Greetings gamer. Afeef thank you for your epic guide on getting that "#1 Victory Royale". Your peice was well structured and very humorous.
    -Braden Bailey

  33. Personally, I feel the battle Royale genre has become over saturated and somewhat a meme, and I think you used this feeling to your advantage as you clearly understand it through your comedic retelling of how to win a “ultimate victory royale”. Nice work Afeef!

  34. Afeef why must you be so funny, I read this and started cracking up but I also retained enough information to where if I ever played fortnite I could follow these instructions and win, nicely done Afeef.

  35. What an epic gamer session, fellow gamer! Those Apex legends normies will never get to experience the euphoric feeling of getting a #VictoryRoyale! You told those casual default skins "Hey hater, get on the elevator, press the L cause youre going to the lobby" like an epic gamer chad! - Chad T


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