
Thursday, March 14, 2019

"High School " by Taylor A

     Today we have taken another step closer to our futures. On this day; March 6, 2019, there is exactly 50 more school days left till we graduate high school if you count today. For most of us, we will be leaving a place that we have spent the past four years at. Even if you haven’t been here for the whole four years, I’m certain there are still many memories you won’t want to forget. I’m also very much aware that many of us may absolutely feel the outermost relief when we come to think about how much more freedom we’ll be given once we leave. I’d like to touch upon how much we have experienced throughout all these years and how I’ve personally gotten through it all. 

     There has been in total 669 school days since we have stepped foot into high school, and those several hundred days went by in the blink of an eye. So, these next 49 days will only go by even faster. Starting from the beginning, I remember entering into our freshman year and thinking about how many new people I’d be meeting and how many memories I would be creating amongst all these new people and even with the ones who I’ve known longer than I can say. There were so many happy memorie such as, my first homecoming , all the countless football games shouting in the red zone and many more. Although, I can’t say it was my favorite thing being booed at during the rally’s as a freshman but hey, it’s a tradition and I personally can say now that it’s honestly so funny to finally be the ones booing. My freshman year was definitely an experience and till this day, I’m still very close to the people I’ve met. Going into sophomore year, my friend Siby had moved back from Texas and I was so stoked to be able to finish off the next three years with one of my closest friends. Along with that, I also met a boy who I considered to be my best friend. Luckily along with him still being my best friend, I also get to call him my boyfriend and ever since then he has been such a blessing and I couldn’t possibly thank him enough. Sophmore year was also where I got the chance to play a new sport, which I turned out to love even when it made me the most tired I had ever been, so thank you waterpolo for an amazing experience. Junior year was when procrastination hit me like a ..... I can’t say but , you know what I mean.On the upside, that year I learned that I was capable of juggling two sports, a part-time job, and school. Although procrastination hit really hard, I managed to stay on top of my work and end the school year with a high GPA. There were so many good memories throughout the first three years and some sad ones but “difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” 

     Coming to an end, senior year has gone by so fast just like many people told us it would. I have learned so many things about myself throughout the years and I can honestly say, I’m so incredibly happy, content with where my life is at and excited for what my future holds. We still have a few more big events that us seniors get to live through, so I hope each and everyone one of us will cherish these last moments and live them to our fullest. I know, it seems like just yesterday we started our senior year and began to realize how close adulthood was actually creeping up on us and it’s scary for some ... even for me, to think about what lies ahead but, I know so many of you will do great things with what your future holds. We’re graduating a lot sooner than we realize, and soon after we graduate, we’ll be leaving for college or starting on the new path that will lead us towards our desired futures. We will be walking across that stage on May 22, given a diploma and shaking hands with the many mentors that have been around
since the beginning. Not long after that, the many people we have all grew up with, became best friends with, will no longer be a just quick 10-15 minutes away. So, to all the many people I’ve had the privilege to meet, and sadly haven’t met I would love to wish you all good luck on getting through the next couple months of school and give a huge CONGRATULATIONS to those who have been accepted to a college of their choice. 

Good luck once again Eagles and here’s to the graduating class of 2019.
Best Wishes, Taylor A :)


  1. Your piece had almost made me cry! Graduation is so much closer than I think it is, but it's only 45 school days away! I can't imagine being hours and even hundred of miles away from some of the individuals who have been here for me through the past four years and have helped me grow to be who I am today. Your piece really expresses the feelings most of us have as seniors, and you did an amazing job Taylor!!

    -xiaoqing zhong P.4

  2. It's so crazy for me to think about how time passed so fast. I remember my very first day that I first stepped foot on this campus. I remember looking at this campus and thinking it was something so out of this world. Now I'm only two months away from graduating, reading this story makes me realize that I need to cherish this time because after May 22nd I'll never be in high school again.
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  3. I loved your article Taylor, and I very much agree with you. Out high school career seems like it will last forever and it feels that way when we're freshmen and sophomores. Just as you have stated, senior year is going by extremely quickly and now is the time for us to reflect on the past 4 years and how we will continue from this chapter of our lives.

  4. It was nice to read your reflection on your high school years. Everyone's experience is different but the time spent at Etiwanda was to prepare us for college. When you said that the people that we are used to seeing will no longer be there everyday was interesting because I never thought about it that way and it made me sad. Best of luck to everyone in the future.

  5. Taylor, I really enjoyed reading this blog piece. I can’t help but relate to many of the stresses I also had, finding out my own path and trying to find the friends that I would be able to share my experiences with. Now that I look back, it all seemed like a something that happened in a blink of an eye, and the next microstep is graduation. I can see that progression of emotions that you have experienced in your writing. Your use of numbers to measure the days we had to the happiness you enjoyed with your friends and experienced, showed that even though time flies by, it was a very enriching high school career that becomes an unforgettable past. Nicely written and conveyed!

  6. I loved your article, it was very relatable with how I believe most of us as seniors feel. Also, I agree that senior year has gone by very fast and that we should cherish these last moments we have of being in high school before we go off into the real world. I can't believe that we're 2 months away from graduation, but I hope everyone the best with their future.

  7. It’s nice to know you’re as excited as I am! I loved hearing about your personal experiences, it added a really nice touch to your piece. It’s crazy to think of it all and it’s refreshing to hear someone else’s feelings about such a big change in all our lives. Your detail was very sentimental and genuine, which I truly enjoyed!

  8. This article really put our high school "career" into perspective, but more importantly put our entire life in perspective. The way you counted down reminds me how we have limited time on this Earth, and that we need to spend it in the best way possible. Its been a great time for me, and hopefully you as well. Great piece!
    -Mirza Baig

  9. I cannot believe that graduation is that close! I feel so I’ll orepared for the real world but at least from this post I know I’m not entirely alone. - Adam Huizar

  10. Amazing blog! I really liked how reflective you were on your high school days. I can't believe that graduation is just around the corner. It really only felt like just yesterday we were freshmen and now, we are seniors who are graduating soon. Time is going by faster than I thought it would especially in our Senior year.
    -Karen V.

  11. Taylor, I have to start off that this made me sad, but in a good way when I recall the memories I've made with people all through high school and then realizing that were Seniors and it's almost over. Our time in high school is going by a lot faster than I thought it would and graduation is just around the corner. You expressed how a lot of us Seniors may feel at the moment and you did a great job!

  12. Ah! it's so crazy to think about how fast the time went by. Your piece really showed just how many memories we have all had and the overall experience we took out of it. Overall, a great piece that really hits once you start to think about it.

  13. WOW Taylor your blog just gave me the chills. I can't believe that we are about to graduate. I'm very excited and nervous for it. I'm glad that you are part of my high school memories. Best wishes to you. It does feel like we were just freshman but now look at us about to graduate. It's crazy how fast senior year went by.
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  14. This entry was very inspiring in my eyes not only were you able to make it personal and relatable to others but you also kind of inspire the the other seniors on our class to finish strong. And In regards with your reference to procrastination in pretty sure we have all had that problem and most of us still do. P.S. (LOVE THE SCHOOL SPIRIT!!!)
    -Johnny Gitau

  15. Thank you for sharing your experience. It seems that every year just went buy faster than the previous one. I also feel pretty intimidated by the fact that our lives will change after graduating high school. Your blog reminded me that time really goes fast and it is important to enjoy it and not to waste it. I can't believe that graduation is only a few weeks away. I really enjoyed your blog. Thank You.

  16. It really did fly by as fast as everyone said it would huh? Thank you for sharing this with us, and for reminding me of the importance of reflecting on the time we have spent and have left. The way you emphasized the number of days left and passed put it into perspective. Eagle pride.

  17. Taylor, I loved your personal thoughts of your time here at Etiwanda. I especially connected with the quote you used, "...'difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations'." In this quote, I see my current struggle of balancing AP, home, and college preparations. But, I'm reminded as well of the optimism needed to push to the end and starting a new chapter. Well done Taylor!

  18. Taylor, I loved your piece. I always am so baffled by how fast these past four years have come and gone. It's nice to get to see the perspectives we all have. This reminded me how close we are to becoming adults and "flying from the nest." This change you talked about will scare the most brave people. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  19. Hello Taylor, thank you so much for sharing your experience. I really like on how you emphasize everything went so fast and were graduation about a month and half from now. I totally feel what your feeling right now regarding graduating high school, I feel like it was just yesterday that I went Etiwanda for the first time. Your reflection indeed gave me this nostalgic feeling, thank you for reminding me of those memories. I really like on how you structured your reflection chronologically, it gave us a greater insight of your experience. Overall Great Work and Thank you For sharing!
    -Jean Andre Molina Period 4

  20. Taylor, I really enjoyed how you talked about the major events that happened to you each year and I’m so happy that you got to go through it all. They really weren’t lying when they said senior year flew by and like you I am also scared... maybe even terrified but I know that you have a bright future ahead of you. Thank you for writing. Great job.

  21. Nathaniel LanderosApril 1, 2019 at 8:21 PM

    Thankyou Taylor, The piece of literature reminded me of my past 3 1/2 years of high school. It was a good reflection of every thing that I did. It was written very well. As to you good luck with your future of choice, congratulations, and I pray that God guides you and continue to be with you forever and ever!

  22. This was such an amazing piece! It almost made me cry thinking back on my four years. You were able to perfectly capture the mix of emotions seniors go through and truly how fast high school flies by. I liked how you gave personal experiences that so many students can relate to, great job!

  23. Taylor, I respect the fact that you choose to discuss a topic that is prevalent to your readers. Through not only your topic, but your writing style I could feel myself finding parallels in my own life. You are a very skilled writer and I wish you luck in the future.
    -Brooke Leslie

  24. I had a moment of realization reading this. Its almost over and it is very exciting. The piece was insightful and fun to read. Great job.

  25. This post was a fun read along with a heart warming piece, I really enjoyed the way you get the readers to reminisce on their time in high school.
    -julissa saenz

  26. Your article was definitely one to think about. Realizing how crazy it is how we are seniors already and going to graduate in about a month. I enjoyed all the details on senior year and high school in general you had, the good the bad it was all inspiring. good job - John Borden IV


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