
Thursday, February 14, 2019

"Tuesday, February 13, 2018 " by Valarie L

     We walked in pairs with our bags as Felix walked with Ethan, James walked with Patrick, and I, with a starbucks drink in my hand, walked with Ava. During that short 10/15 minutes of walking, we started talking about our lives and catching up with one another until we reached the intersections of East Ave. and Victoria Street. Ava, James, Patrick and I decided to turn right and cross, but Ethan and Felix chose to cross the intersection twice to reach the other side first. With the two guys on the one side of the street and the four of us on the other, we all continued to walk towards the direction of the school. We stayed in our pairs laughing and talking until all of us reached the school crosswalk, where the four of us would walk across the meet up with the two guys. Ava and I were fast walkers so we decided to cross first, with James and Patrick just a few feet behind us. As we looked both ways and pressed the signal buttons to cross to the other boys, I decide to walk a bit faster than Ava to reach them earlier. Both of us were still talking to each other however, as I see the Felix and Ethan, I also see lights which seem to get brighter and brighter. I turn my head and realize that there is this fast car coming towards us, but knowing that the crosswalk has lights and the sun had just began to set, I keep going as my mind believes this driver would stop.
     In those 7 steps, I turn back and realize my vision is spinning and the drink that was originally was in my hand has flown away. My body rolls and I am soon knocked to the floor. After a few seconds, I hear someone yelling our names and realize what had just happened. There I am laying on the ground with James hovering me as he tries to get my attention, but all I am wondering is whether Ava is okay. He starts talking to me and I respond, beginning to shake more and more. I try to process what had just occurred, however I start to see James yelling for a towel and holding onto my head. I finally came to my senses and saw that there was a crowd of people around me. I start reflecting on my life and I’m wondering what is going to happen next. I see the blood on James’ hands, while he uses one to hold mine in an attempt to keep me calm. My legs are numb and my mind was blank. I just now remember that Ava had gotten hit and continuously asked what had happened to her. James told me that Patrick was over at her side and that she is in the same state I am in. As James and Patrick were helping us, Felix and Ethan had called the cops and stood to block incoming cars. I lay there for what feels like an eternity, seeing lights around me and hearing people yelling. All the friends the guys had contacted came running worried, as all of them were here for AP night. I remember vividly seeing one of my friends with James telling them not to look, but they did anyways. Till this day I can never get their face out of my head, although I would’ve reacted the same way as they did if I saw myself. I began to hear sirens and see people coming towards to lift me up. The scary part was mostly how I was in the ambulance and hospital alone, until everyone else was allowed to come in.
     After the whole process, my friends were able to come in, but only two at a time. Ava’s section was directly next to mine so our friends would take turns walking back and forth. This scene was the most memorable because I realized how many important people are in my life.
Each person that came in made me tear up, even though I tried to stay strong. I remember hearing my mom say how everyone was crying outside and comforting each other. Fast forward a couple of days, Ava and I decide to go back to school because we only had three months till finals and AP testing. I had a concussion, a fractured pelvic bone, a sprained ankle, cuts all over my body, etc. Both of us were in a wheelchair and crutches for about a month which required us to have a system with our friends to help us get to class. It was tough trying to keep up in class because of the conclusion, however by the end of the year, I managed to pull through and get that 4.0 gpa I was aiming for. I didn’t want this small accident to hold me back from living my life the way I wanted to, so I was motivated to work to my limit.
     This event helped me grow as a person, however I hid most of how I was feeling during this time. I didn’t want my friends taking their time out of their day to help me do the simplest things, and I was frustrated all the time. I couldn’t remember a lot of academic information due to the concussion and I couldn’t walk as fast I was able to before. I am perfectly fine now, but the downfall of the whole situation was a moment where it was raining and I didn’t want anyone to help me get to my across the school class with crutches. Not asking for help eventually got me soaking wet and late to class. Getting hit by that car made me realize that I should ask for assistance when I need it and that anything can be fixed if I work for it. The day this blog is due is the one year anniversary of the day I got hit. If i were able to go back in time and change things, I wouldn’t because this situation allowed me to grow as a person, as well as appreciate everything in my life. I now have a few scars from the accident and sometimes PTSD when walking across the street, but I conceal those feelings and am proud of those scars. Moral of the story; You can overcome anything if you put your mind to it.


  1. This is beautifully written. I am so sorry you had to go through this horrible experience. Your narrative is very well written and described with great detail that allows readers to clearly see the story from your point of view. The specific examples really allow readers to get what you went through. I love how you ended it by describing what you learned and how this experience made you a stronger person.

  2. To begin, thank you for sharing such a traumatic experience. I'm sure that it was overwhelming for you to recall such a terrifying event. However, much like you remarked, I believe that this experience allowed to you grow tremendously as a person. There is no doubt that the event was terrible, but it seems that you were still able to come out of it with a new perspective on life. You appear to have grown stronger as a person and your ability to vividly recall the event further shows your ability to confront the past with strength. I'm glad that you were able to recover (somewhat) since then and thank you for sharing such a personal story with us.

  3. You are very brave for talking about your accident, not everyone can do that. I like how you made the accident have meaning and not something completely negative. I'm sorry that this had happen to you but I’m glad to see that you have overcame it.

  4. I'm glad that you described your experience no matter how bad it was. Your descriptions were very well written and I'm glad you pulled through. This story may not have been ideal but you pulled through and that is all that matters. Great job on pulling through with a 4.0 GPA and life is life.

  5. Hi Valarie, I would first like to say thank you for telling your story and secondly you are extremely brave for telling and talking about your accident. This was really well written and amazing details in your story. Also congratulations on your 4.0 GPA!
    -Karen V.

  6. Valarie, I remember that span of a few weeks where you hadn't come to class, and I was in absolute shock to see you walk into AP Environmental with the crutches. Thank you for being able to share this experience with us, recalling traumatic events is never a fun thing to do, but with the amount of detail and specificity you used, I got a full account of what had happened on February 13, 2018. I'm proud of you for maintaining a high GPA, despite the physical and emotional injuries in the way. I'm so glad you're okay, and I love your view of the accident as a learning experience!

  7. Valarie, I am sorry you had to experience that situation but what really matters is that you are still alive and functioning. Like you said, this is something you were able to get through and overcome. It is truly a blessing to have friends like the ones who showed their love and care for you after the accident. In addition, I loved how you talked about the aftermath and how you learned and were able to grow as a person.

  8. I am terribly sorry what you had to go through and what you had to deal with. The most important thing is to push through everything because in the end they will turn out great. You have an amazing soul and i am truly happy that you got through this, you have friends who love you and people who will do anything to help you get through anything and everything. One of my favorite parts is you talking about how you overcame everything and learned from it all helping you grow into something breathtaking. -Aaliyah Mallard

  9. Val, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this tragic accident. I wouldn't be as strong as you. I'm glad that you found a way to push thought because you have grown to be such a great person. Thank you for sharing your story!

  10. im so proud of you Valerie for pushing through all that struggle, this story was so detailedly written about how you felt and what went on in your head that it had me shook when i read it. im sorry you had to experience that but im so glad that you are better than ever now <3

  11. Its awful that you had to go through something like that. To be able to deal with AP exams, and all that emotional turmoil at the same time is commendable. The way you built up tension- to the inevitable climax of you and your friend's unfortunate accident- was well written. Its amazing that now, after a year of healing, you are able to see bright side of your accident- I can only hope to be that strong in my future.

  12. Valarie, I started to get to know you a lot better this year and I've seen you grow so much as a person since the accident. I'm very proud of you for having the courage to remember and talk about the accident so casually, how you turned such a tragic event into a way for you to grow more as a person.

  13. Valarie, I first want to say that I'm so sorry you had to experience this and that you're very brave for sharing your story. However, it was very inspiring to hear that you were able to overcome it and I'm glad that you're okay now! Your piece was very well-written and I especially liked the amount of details and effort that you put into it, Great job!

  14. Val, I'm so glad that you had the courage to write about what happened last year. I like how you used vivid descriptions to allow the reader to see the scene that you saw. I'm glad that I got to see you grow as a person in the past year. I love you Val!!!

  15. I can't begin to imagine the immense amount of pain you experienced during this period of your life but I'm glad your here to tell it and share a very valuable lesson some of us never really ever learn to acknowledge. I want to commend you for your bravery in being vulnerable enough to ask for help and finding the strength to keep on going. Thank you for sharing such a powerful piece with us Val :)

  16. Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry that you were involved in that accident. I am so glad that you were able to recover from this incident and keep moving forward. It was also great that you have friends that helped you during your recovery. Congratulations on meeting your academic goals and getting back on track. Thank you.

  17. As most of the other people are probably saying on here, I am happy you made it out alive. This was a superb example of the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and it really touched the hearts of the readers (including me of course). You fought the hardest battle you've ever faced but you even called it a "small accident". It was absolutely inspiring to read your entry!

  18. Hey Valarie, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. It’s crazy how quickly things can change in our lives. I’m so proud that you were able to take a negative moment in your life and turn around and come back stronger. You’re an inspiration and I am so blessed by reading your blog! -Simran

  19. Hey Valarie, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. It’s crazy how quickly things can change in our lives. I’m so proud that you were able to take a negative moment in your life and turn around and come back stronger. You’re an inspiration and I am so blessed by reading your blog! -Simran

  20. I appreciate your willingness to write about such a traumatic experience. Listening to your story of how you were able to push on through past such a terrible event goes to show how strong a person you are on the inside. Regardless of your circumstance, you were able to keep looking forward toward the larger picture and didn't let your physical condition slow you down or stop you from achieving your goals. Whether those goals are to achieve a high GPA or striving to improve at an instrument, the accident hasn't stopped you from pushing towards them. Thank you for the inspiring story. ~Ryan Kang

  21. Valarie, I am so stunned by this piece. I knew about what happened last year, but I am just now realizing that I never asked you for specific details of what you felt, what you were thinking, and how the healing process took a toll on you. Your use of imagery in this piece however, clears up all those questions. I applaud you for making it through and succeeding through such a difficult and scary time in your life, and how well you were able to tell the story with such amazing detail. Amazing job!


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