
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"The Audition" by Lilian H

      My heart is pounding. My hands are shaking. I can’t catch my breath. I don't know what
to do. My future will be determined within the next five minutes. I enter the room.
      I signed up for this audition in hope for acceptance into the 2018 San Bernardino County Honor Band. I participated in this band last year and I hope to do so again but before I can know

whether or not I have made it in, I have to go through the completely terrifying five minute audition. This audition consists of playing the prepared selected pieces by the director of this band, two out of all the twelve major scales, one full range chromatic scale, and one sight reading excerpt. I rehearse at home for two hours almost everyday in the weeks leading into the audition; playing the Remington exercise, blowing through some scales, and then the prepared pieces. These rehearsal sessions have been good and I improved something every session.
      I feel confident, but as the last day before the audition arrived, I run through different possible scenarios that could occur. I imagine myself completely fumbling all my scales and somehow dropping my clarinet. I know that I am just psyching myself out and take a quick break. I calm myself down and begin the last rehearsal before the actual day came. I begin with the Remington exercise to warm up my fingers and my instrument. Then, I play scales in different patterns to work on my articulation and scales. Everything is going well so far and so I
decide to play my selected pieces. Nothing sounds to odd from what I have played before and decide to get lots of rest before I am judged by someone else for a chair.
     The time came for me to get ready to leave for the San Gorgonio High School. I brush my hair and put on a dress before I eat breakfast. I feel fine so far and begin to get in the car to leave. I do my best to keep my composure for my mother took me to this audition. I do not want her to see that I am nervous but as my mother, she could tell that I was and in an attempt to make me feel better, she told me to take out my clarinet to practice a little. I did just so but because I was in a moving vehicle, the bumpy freeway caused the clarinet to bounce a little and stab my lip a few times. Because it was making me feel even worse, I decided to stop and just relax until we arrived.
     I had just arrived at the high school and I still remember it from last year. The high school was mainly brown and all pretty spread out as well. I walked to the gym where the sign up table was and I really begin to start feeling the pressure. I see a few of my friends and I greet them in an attempt to not fall apart completely. I set up my instrument and begin to warm up a little. Everything is alright and so I ask a friend to name a scale so I can practice. I begin to play one and my fingers froze and then fumbled and I am terrified all over again. But I have to keep going and just “trust my fingers” as my clarinet coach has told me before. I don’t want to over work my ombuchure so I stop, drink some water, and decide to look for the room that I am suppose to be auditioning in. It was chilly when I walked outside and since I was wearing a dress and wasn’t used to it, I begin to shiver and hope that my finger do not get to cold when I have to play. Inside the building, I am not allowed to play and so I walk down the long hallway to find
my room trying to remember everything that i had been told. I stand outside the door and wait for 1:50.
     At last, 1:50 has arrived and the judge opens the classroom door and beckons for me to go in. I slowly begin to make my way inside and then hear the door slam shut behind me. My heart is pounding. My hands are shaking. I can’t catch my breath. I don't know what to do. My future will be determined within the next five minutes. I feel like I have been trapped but the judge in the room reminds me that I can take my time and I begin with the scales. The first scale went smoothly but the second had a little hiccup on the way down and I begin to feel embarrassed. I then play my chromatic scale upon request and I feel more confident again. It then comes time for my prepared excerpts and luckily, they decided to only play the first and third excerpt which happen to be the easier of the three. I am then asked to play a sight reading excerpt and it was good until the very last note because I played the wrong note but as I looked at the judge, they seem to not have noticed so I play the right note and at last the audition is over.
     I do not completely remember what had happened the next day to be honest but now I have to wait for the results to be released within the next week or so.
     Finally, the results have been released and to my relief, I have been chosen among fifty to participate in this band and I am really glad that my clarinet coach had told me to “trust my fingers.” If he did not, I think that I would have messed up even more and I realize now that I should believe in myself more often and not worry about everything so much.


  1. Lily this personal narrative is very touching and can be related to our own lives where we have all encountered stressful pressure-filled moments. I congratulate you for your amazing achievement! You enticed the reader from the beginning and included a lot of personal thought and reflection. Your use of visual imagery really helps readers visualize your experience. Good job!

  2. Great job at writing this story and congrats on getting chosen to play in the band! Your story was very detailed and kept me interested. I was also able to relate a little since I use to play an instrument as well and have felt the anxiety of having to perform in front of people. I really enjoyed how you described the whole experience and portrayed your emotions very well, as well as how at the end with the realization of how you should believe in yourself more, which is great advice for everyone to follow.

  3. This was a really good account of your audition! I really like the detail of that day and it was really easy to imagine the events that were going on. The detail brought out the nervousness which made your writing more realistic.

  4. Reading your personal reflection, I felt I could really understand all the emotions you were trying to convey. Your use of descriptive words was amazing in communicating those emotions. That anxiety and stress I think is universal whenever someone is in a stressful situation but you were able to transcribe it into words extremely well!

  5. Wow! Although I have been in situations where I've gotten nervous, I would've probably just blank out if I were in your position knowing that only 50 participants can get in. The build up in this piece was amazing! starting off with how nervous you are and setting up the readers to wonder what your 5 minutes would turn out. Luckily you were able to make it!! Overall, this was a really nice piece and really had me trying to anticipate how it would turn out, since sometimes in reality, things don't really go one's way. I'm really glad you were able to make it however!

  6. Lily, this is a great blog about your experience auditioning for honor band. I loved how you put so much detail in each scene, from sitting in the car to the actual audition. Good job!

  7. I really enjoyed reading this blog about your experience at the audition! I felt inclined to continue reading with your imagery of fingers trembling and doubts to the alternation of waiting and relaxing constantly generating a feel of suspense and mystery of what comes next! The alternation between pressure and trying to relax really helped me understand the conflict and intensity of the situation, allowing readers to imagine themselves in that position. Good job, and congratulations on getting into the Honor Band!

  8. Though I'm not in band myself, the emotions you felt during this experience is something I have felt before as well. Your intense desire to participate in the San Bernardino County Honor Band can clearly be seen by the stress you felt during this experience. Your ability to use vivid imagery as well as specific diction is evident here as you accurately convey the stress that you felt. It was to the point I felt stressed while reading it! This was a delight to read and congratulations!

  9. I'm really glad you were able to overcome the pressure and worry from the audition and turn into a motivating story. It made me happy to read about all your preparation and hard work for the audition, it is refreshing to see dedication. Your blog was very well written and I am confident that you will continue to do great things with your music.
    -Mackenzie Tipple

  10. Lily, this piece truly captures the nerves of auditioning. I congratulate you not only on making it into honor band but also auditioning itself. I could not have the courage to do so. I love how you clearly set the tone and explained in detail the audition. Great work! -Paul Aureus

  11. I loved how descriptive and vivid you were in describing your feelings about the audition! You made it very easy for the reader to feel the same levels of apprehension and anticipation that you did leading up to the audition and stepping inside the audition room. Your account of this experience would be great for other music students to see that they are not alone in feeling nerves about an audition. Wonderful job and congratulations! :) - Sandra Mae Samin

  12. You did a splendid job in reflecting the nervousness and the anxiousness you felt before, during, and after your music audition. Your overall reflection was well-detailed and I was definitely able to feel the emotions you were able to convey in your writing. As a former band member, I was definitely able to relate to an experience like this as I had also gone through a couple of auditions during middle school. Reading this felt really nostalgic and it makes me happy to see that there are other trepidatious musicians during nerve-wrecking moments like that, regardless if they kept composure or not. Thank you for a well written insight to a musician's life and Congratulations on making to Honor Band!

  13. This was an amazing article. Thank you for telling us your raw emotions when going through a stressful time. This can be seen as a very uplifting article and the structure of it all was beautiful. Congratulations.

  14. woah, you really made this blog full of intense imagery. this was really touching and im so happy you pushed through and made it! great job!!:)
    -saima shahzad

  15. Lily this is a really great story! I loved hearing about your experiencing auditioning for honor band and all the details you put into your blog. Good Job.

  16. this story was very well detailed which kept me so interested while reading this. the was you portrayed your nervousness through many sensory imagery really help to visualize the story better.

  17. I really enjoyed this narrative on the audition process within band Lilly! I know how nerve wracking it can be at times as well and this piece really resonated with me. Keep up the good work!

  18. Jacob Lopez
    What I loved about this was that I can relate to the anxiety and stress. I felt so immersed in this that I felt what you were feeling during the time I'm glad you put advice for those who have never performed before. I really enjoyed this!

  19. Lilian I enjoyed reading your story, you had lots of imagery and detail I understood it perfectly. I was even a bit anxious myself to find out how your audition went. Congrats on making the band and great job!

  20. Lilian this was an amazing narrative the way you told the story made me feel as if I was there with you. I admire your word choice and the structure of your story. It made sense and kept the audience wanting more with a satisfying ending. - Sofia Canseco

  21. I loved just how relatable your piece is, I personally didn't try out for the honor band but I've had very similar experiences and to see your nervousness through the imagery and details, I could perfectly visualize myself in your shoes.

  22. I was in band and it was not an easy subject. It takes time and effort. Thank you for sharing, it gives me flashbacks to where I tried out for jazz band. Truly amazing !

  23. Congrats on getting into the band! I was especially intrigued by your use of detail. I felt like I was right there with you throughout the whole story

  24. I love how relatable your story was! You perfectly captured the emotions that everyone goes through before an important event, which made your piece feel very realistic. Great job on this and congratulations on making the band!!

  25. Lilly, I think its really cool that you were able to overcome the worry and stress that you felt from the audition and used it in an uplifting way. It was great to read about everything you went through for the audition. Your dedication is amazing and inspiring!

  26. Anastasia Yulo
    Your hook/intro was very strong: "My future will be determined within the next five minutes." This hook really encouraged me to keep reading and it was engaging. I can relate to the stress of an audition and you did an excellent job of conveying the feelings through your diction. Your last message from your coach, to trust your fingers, was impactful and it was a great way to close your writing!

  27. Amazing job at writing this story! I really love your use of imagery and the emotions displayed throughout the story. Congratulations on getting into the band!!
    -Karen Villanueva

  28. I felt that your blog was very entertaining! I enjoyed your descriptive imagery throughout and I perfectly visualized your heart-pounding experience. Your dedication and motivation inspires me, Great work!

  29. Carlos Villegas
    Auditions are no stranger to me, and you described the feelings of going through one so perfectly. Your detail was enticing! I'm happy you made the band!

  30. This is such a relatable story because we all want to achieve great things, yet it is our own self that stops us from achieving these great things in life. Also, as humans we get nervous for many things but your story is so uplifting and inspiring because we need to believe in ourselves to be the best we can be. Great story Lilly!
    -Ivan Mejia

  31. I honestly think this piece is really good!! To see your view of overcoming the stress and all the worrying you went through was very interesting to me and opened up my mind to the world of band in a way. You really showed details of your feelings and let me get a better understanding of yourself. ~ Alani Sullivan

  32. Hey Lily! As I was reading your piece, I was very intrigued in how you set it all up. I loved the way you were able to use certain diction to describe your anxiety and how nerve wrecking it was to be kept in the wait of not knowing what was going to happen or if you were going to get in. I know we all have things to worry about but luckily in the end it all worked out for you! Overall I thought you did a great job. ~ Tanner Antonucci

  33. Lily this was so well written and totally relatable! I applaud you for being able to tackle such a stressful situation. I really appreciate the level of clarity you were able to acieve in describing the event. This made it easy for me to understand your feelings and anxiety towards the situation. Well done!

  34. You were able to ensnare my attention with the intro and that really gave away how good your piece was going to be. It was impossible to not feel the intense nervousness and stress that this audition placed on you. You didn't cower in fear, you persevered throughout something that isn't easy. Your piece was absolutely wonderful.

  35. Lilian, I can feel your emotions while I wasn’t this piece! As teenagers about to be adults, our abilities are being judged by strangers for the very first time from college applications to job interviews, which made this piece extremely easy to relate to. Your vivid use of words and your beautiful writing did an amazing job attracting the audience, so I was getting nervous too when I was reading the part where you find out about your results. Truly amazing!

    -Xiaoqing Zhong P4

  36. Lily great job writing your experience! Because of your vivid and detailed description it was easy to know and understand how you were feeling before the audition. Keep up the good writing and congrats for getting into the Honor Band!


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