
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

“How To Make Arroz con Leche” by Jasmine H

When I think of Arroz con Leche I think of my young self begging my grandma to make me some arroz con leche. Arroz con leche is a mexican desert that is made with rice, cinnamon, lechera (sweet condensed milk), milk, and leche de clavel (evaporated milk). There are many ways to make arroz con leche, but I’ll be showing you the way that my mama and abuela taught me. It can be difficult the first couple of tries but as my abuela says, “ Lo que más importa es la cantidad de esfuerzo y amor que pones.” which means what really matters the most is the love and effort you put in. This dessert will always be my favorite and I can’t wait to pass it on to my children and have my children pass it on to theirs. This is the perfect treat for the people that love sweets. Hopefully you’ll try to make it and enjoy it as much as I do. 

Ingredients needed:
  • -  3 cups of white rice
  • -  1⁄2 gallon of milk
  • -  2 sticks of cinnamon
  • -  1 can of carnation milk
  • -  1 can of condensed milk
  • -  Water 

    Equipment needed:
  • -  A pot or large saucepan
  • -  Measuring cup
  • -  Cooking spoon
  • -  Can opener
  • -  Strainer
1. To start off, get your pot and pour 3 1⁄2 cups of water with the 2 sticks of cinnamon in medium to high heat 

4. Once you see the water boiling and the rice looking fluffy you can add the 1⁄2 gallon of milk 
5. Add in the carnation milk (evaporated milk) once you pour it in, fill up the can with water and pour into pot
  1. Add the condensed milk and make sure you put in every but in the cup so it can be very sweet 

                                              * It should look like this once you add
  2. Now you can lower the heat to the lowest and continuously to stir for 1 minute and cover with a lid and let sit for 40 minutes
  3. You can try a spoon to check if the rice is fully cooked if it’s still a bit hard you can let it sit for another 10 minutes
  4. There are couple ways you can eat:
a. you can put it in the refrigerator and eat it cold or you can eat it right warm
10. Serve and top with ground cinnamon or raisins 

11.  ENJOY !!!! 

If it’s getting too thick what you can do is add milk and mix
If you’re worried about the rice sticking to the bottom while its sitting for 40 minutes you
can give a couple of stirs not too much because you don't want your rice to break


  1. Jasmine, I enjoyed reading your "How to" and hearing about how special this dessert is to you! I love how it connected to your childhood and memories of your abuela. Your recipe was very clear and in depth, and I think it is very smart to add the tips at the bottom, in case anything goes wrong! Great job. - Ashley French

  2. Jasmine, I love arroz con leche! This step by step tutorial on how to make it is really specific and really guides readers into understanding every step of the process. I like how you introduced how arroz con leche has been in your life, specifically through your grandmother and how you added your own personal touch to the subject. Overall good organization and clarity!

  3. I loved your article Jasmine, especially since there seems to be so few blog posts on food and instructional articles in general. While I can't admit that I'll never actually attempt to make this dish, I can comment on the remarks you made towards your grandmother. Food really is a cultural and heritable thing, growing and becoming more generation to generation. A dish being passed on from your grandmother to you is this very human characteristic that food has and is amazing. Each generation will change the recipe slightly as is the natural progression of things but, as your grandmother said "Lo que más importa es la cantidad de esfuerzo y amor que pones."

  4. First off, thank you for the wonderful tutorial/recipe for arroz con leche. I will most definitely try to make this because it looks so good and probably tastes very good as well. I like how you used photos with directions and how you were very thorough with your instructions. Amazing, 10 out of 10

  5. This recipe is very thorough and as a reader I can tell you know what you are doing, which is great! The format is very organized and the pictures help as well. I like how in the beginning you included your personal background/experience with this desert and how it ties you to your family. I personally love this desert so it was cool for it to appear on here, and it is very helpful by the way you formatted this piece, great job!

  6. this looks very tasty and i love how you started it off with a flashback and how it reminds you of your childhood. Great Job i definitely gonna try this!!!

  7. Wow Jasmine, this recipe sounds absolutely delicious! I love how you wrote about your memories of this dish and gave clear instructions on how to prepare the dish. Great job!

  8. Ashley Sierra-TilleryJanuary 13, 2019 at 12:57 PM

    Jasmine, I love arroz con leche! It's a staple for the holidays and I'm so glad you did your post about it. Your recipe and instructions were complete and concise and I hope readers are inclined to try it themselves. Great work!

  9. I don't truly know how Arroz Con Leche tastes because I never really eaten it a lot but I liked your piece in which you were specific with your instructions and listing the ingredients along with an organized format.

  10. Jasmine, I loved that you chose to do this topic, it is written precisely and I liked how you connected arroz con leche to your grandmother, it felt really personal. I might have to borrow this recipe, great job! -Amber Rich

  11. Jasmine, I love the way you show one of your holiday traditions and the meaning it comes with. I've never had arroz con leche, but I hope to use your recipe and try it one day. I love how it brings you and your grandma together.
    -Kailee Hinds

  12. It´s a;ways great to see how different families make arroz con leche. Reading over how to make it made me want to have some again. I might make it trying this.
    -Grecia SEpulveda

  13. Thank you so much for this amazing recipe. The way you wrote the recipe is very descriptive and looks very tasty. Also in our country we make a desert which is similar to your recipe and we call it "Payesh" .
    - Nufsat Khan

  14. Jasmine, arroz con leche has only been slaps for me once in my life, but I love the time and effort and energy you put in to creating it in order to keep a culture going. My mother would definitely hop on your train to make enough arroz con leche to cover both sides of a family so cheers to you - Joshua Perez

  15. I know that arroz con leche is an adored dessert in the Hispanic culture however never had the oppurtunity to try it! I really appreciate how thorough you were with your instructions. I will definitely be trying this recipe to see why people love it so much! Considering how the recipe has been passed down must mean that it has been mastered to perfection which makes me want to try it even more. :)

  16. This looks delicious! I love how the recipe has been passed down through your family and how you hope to keep the tradition. The recipe was very detailed and assisted the reader in all possible scenarios.
    Lindsay Slemboski

  17. You did a great job describing the process of making arroz con leche, and while sharing your favorite experiences. It really showed how much passion and pride you had for your culture.

  18. amazing recipe it looks very tasty. I like the inclusion of the flash back and the quote from your grandmother. It brings a sense of relatability and authenticity. The recipe also looks really good simple so i might want to try to make it later.

  19. I have never really been a fan of arroz con leche but recently i wanted to try it again. I think that your steps are very specific and are helpful with how to make arroz con leche. I also enjoyed that you shared your story because just like my family its a tradition that brings the family closer and means so much more. ( Julia Avalos)

  20. I love Arroz con leche- especially my grandmas recipe. Reading this reminded me of cooking with my grandma and making a mess out of the kitchen. Thanks for sharing your recipe and making it simple for someone like me who isn't all that great at cooking/baking. Great job!

  21. As I also come from a Hispanic background, this recipe made me think back to all those sweet rice filled nights I'd spend with my abuelita. Your directions are clearly stated but also presented in a way that makes them unique to you. Thank you for the lovely recipe and rekindled memories!

  22. Jasmine! This is so good and so different from what others may be doing, which shows off your creative side! The instructions were spot on and hopefully some day I can make this. :)

  23. Jasmine I really enjoyed the recipe that you shared with us and the story of its importance of you. I’m a huge fan of rice con leche as well and always wanted to learn how to make it.

  24. I love arroz con leche and although the holidays are over, I will definitely attempt to make this delicious recipe! Great job.

  25. i love this so much especially because i absolutely love arroz con leche. although this piece is a recipe, i really liked how you related this to a personal story about your sister begging your grandma to make some. i like how you included spanish into your writing because it really gives a reader a look into you as a person and your cultures.

  26. You did a great job explaining every single step and i might try making arroz con leche on my own pretty soon! My grandmother always makes me arroz con leche but I would love to try it on my own with your recipe! - jayleen lupian

  27. This was an amazing recipe that was easy to read and made all the steps easy to follow. With the additional solutions at the end was an amazing touch since you dont really see that in recipes. Considering that this one of my favorite desserts I saved the recipe since it looked like something cool to try out on a cold day like today. Amazing job- Sezar Guitron

  28. Jacob Lopez
    Arroz con leche sounds great I used to eat it a lot when I was younger and absolutely inspired me to start making dishes like this one in particular again. Good job with the instructions and thank you for inspiring me to make this again!

  29. The recipe described is well put together and the connection to your childhood and how it will be made better the more effort and love you put into it. The Arroz con leche looks tasty and its cool that you want to pass it on to your family.

  30. Jasmine, I loved this How To so much! I've personally tried to make Arroz Con Leche before myself and it didn't turn out good at all, so I'm glad I have a recipe to look at when I have free time and try it again! It's so beautiful shine through the food as well, your grandmother's quote is so cute and I love the tradition of passing the recipe down! Hopefully my attempt will turn out good, but if not, lo que más importa es la cantidad de esfuerzo y amor que yo pongo!!

  31. It is always nice to see how everyone has a different way to make this amazing dessert. My family makes it a different way, so im curious how the flavors would differ. I cant wait to try it.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  32. I think it was very thoughtful of you to share your recipe on the blog and tell us your story behind your love for it with your childhood that many others can relate to with a well structured, meaningful paragraph. I will definitely try your recipe!

  33. Like a few others said, arroz con leche is a typical latino dessert and in my opinion the best. I like how each step is very thorough and you included pictures as well. Next time the holidays come around I might just make the arroz con leche myself. Great job!

  34. Jasmine I might actually try this out because I love arroz con leche. I've always wanted to learn how to make it but never got around to it. My Grandma used to make the best arroz con leche and ever since she has passed my aunt has been trying to master the flavor and consistence maybe this will help definitely might try this out. Thank you for this useful recipe
    -Soraya Viteri

  35. Personally I have never tried arroz con leche but after reading your how to, it seems very simple to make and I would love to even try it myself. I loved how adorable your memories are with your grandmother and how you guys are preserving your culture by passing down family recipes, it's just amazing to see.

  36. This is awesome ! It's always a great thing to see culture spread and this is a true symbol of where we come from and how we put time and effort in a simple recipe yet so powerful and full of flavor.

  37. I've never tried arroz con leche but after reading your recipe, I think I might actually try to make some! The steps that you included seem easy to follow and I really like how you mentioned the memories with your grandmother. Great job!

  38. Jasmine I loved your directional piece. This piece really reminded me of my childhood when my abuelita made it for me. I loved your inclusion of details and pictures it really helped ensure a good out come to those trying to make it for the first time.- Johnny De La Cruz

  39. I guess I'm interested in the "How to's" - i just came from reading how to fix a sprinkler. I love mexican drinks SO MUCH, and drinks in general ESPECIALMENTE CON LECHE (Mi bebida favorita es Horchata yanno). I actually would like to make this, always am down to learn new recipes :)- Adam Huizar

  40. Jasmine, I love how unique and outgoing your blog was. Considering there aren't alot of Blogs on food, this was a very wise choice. I really enjoyed how you are so passionate about your grandmas recipe aswell that you are willing to share it! I personally havent tried arroz con leche but this now makes me want to really try it out. Good job on the details and pictures to! - john b

  41. I love the way you coherently explained each step so that it was comprehensible for the reader. It was very interesting to see how different your recipe is from my moms.

  42. This sounded like a legitimate recipe that you would find online when searching for how to make this. You had the little background blurb on why you like making it and everything. Also, the pictures were totally going above and beyond to ensure that your "How To" was not only an A worthy piece but also something useful that any one of us could refer back to if we ever needed a recipe.

  43. The recipe looks very simple and well organized seems really easy to follow. I’ll definitely make this for my family and friends. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Great job!

  44. Hey Jasmine I thought your entry choice (food) was great :) and the way you made it personal with that little anecdote and the begining, Also I have always liked arroz con leche But my Abuela moved to apple valley so maybe now I can learn to make it my self
    -Johnny Gitau

  45. I love Arroz con leche- especially my grandmas recipe. Reading this reminded me of cooking with my grandma and making a mess out of the kitchen. Thanks for sharing your recipe and making it simple for someone like me who isn't all that great at cooking/baking. Great job!

  46. Great job! I really liked how different your article was and how informative it was. It makes me want to also talk to my grandmother and get recipes from her. Glad you carry on your family recipes.- Andrew Macias

  47. Wow, I didn't know you were a chef Jasmine. All the details to make the dish were clear and easy to follow. It is good that you shared food from different cultures for others to try. Maybe if I have extra time, I will make some. Great job.

  48. This is one of my favorite desserts growing up, and I love how personal it was to you! I really enjoyed reading this since there hasn't been a blog yet on cooking and you executed it so well, will definitely try this recipe out.

  49. I love how original this blog is. This reminds me of an Indian dessert called "Kheer" I appreciate you including and sharing this recipe on the blog and love the way you gave a short background on what this recipe means to you. thank you!- Simran T.

  50. I made arroz con leche, and my Mexican friends accepted me as an honorary Mexican. I just married a Mexican girl from Cancun, and i'm going to have her make arroz con leche everyday for me. If she doesn't make it everyday for me, i'm going to have to deport her back to Cancun.

  51. Great piece, it was both very fun and informative! Even if you didn't add pictures, the way you described the food had my mouth watering...

    - Luis Matute Period 4


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