
Monday, November 26, 2018

"The End" by Evan T

File: Unit_Info_25-S64
Wave-25 Type-Service No. 64.

      “Otherwise known to be “Sein.” This model is one meant to aid leading frontline fighters

as well as guarantee the protection their assigned human from potential threats such as incoming enemy forces. The model is specifically designed to function much like a human and has also been given higher-leveled functions such as premium hacking abilities, enlarged memory storage, heightened senses and intense combat abilities. It has been given a mind of its own so that it may seem like the humans themselves, but lacks the true emotions they would be able to feel like them. It is one of very few models that have this quality among the thousands of android types released to this day. However, their free will has been proven dangerous to the one mission these androids were anonymously created for...
     This model has been able to dig into the servers of the Mother Computer multiple times and find the all-time mission of the androids whenever their data was being uploaded to the system. We have had to execute said model various times when it seemed to become too much of a threat to the mission. Unfortunately though, it seems that there’s a glitch with the enlarged memory storage, allowing this unit has been able to keep little bits and pieces of the information from the previous memory whenever they were killed. It has come to a point that the ultimate mission may have to accommodate for this new finding. For now though, this data is to remain Class S+ information. No one must know of the truth...”
-    Head of Interspecies Connections and Humanity Prevalence, S.W.
     He couldn’t believe it... His entire existence was a mere lie. Everything was all part of a sick, twisted mission. His creation, his assignment to protect the young child he grew fond of, everything... Did it go further? Was the war between humanity and the alien race all just some farce as well?! Before then, the humans and aliens prospered together, worked together, learned together... Now they were in a full blown war that’s been going on for almost three millenia.
     Sein couldn’t take the intense revelation as he stepped away from the barely functioning Mother Computer, ignoring the fact that the alarms were now blaring out noise he couldn’t hear. He broke out of his trance as a voiced called out for him.
     “Sein... Are you okay?” Akaki spoke out. Sein turned to the small child of eight years and kneeled down to him to look at him in the eyes. He took deep breaths before mustering up the energy to lift his head up.
     “D-Don’t worry Akaki... It’s all gonna be fine... It’s gonna be f-fine...” Sein’s voice broke as he tried to keep the young boy from worrying. “Why don’t we... just go outside... Let’s just leave this place behind... leave it in the past...”
     Akaki didn’t question the android guardian. Sein had been there all of his life. The android had always protected him, he practically raised him. He was like a brother to him. Though in all of his life, he never imagined that Sein could ever be broken. It never occurred to him that Sein had this much of a mind. Akaki broke out of his train of thought when he saw a light emitting in front of him. They were about to be back outside the facility, back into the desolate world they called, “home.”
     “It’s just a little further Akaki...” Sein muttered. He kept his head down as they kept walking over the piles of debris and android corpses. Akaki couldn’t bear to look at the parts of android that littered the floors everywhere, thinking that all of these androids were - in his mind - Sein’s brothers and sisters. He shuddered at the thought of being in Sein’s place in the moment.
     They eventually made it to the outside to the orange sky, dust in the air, and more debris spread across the barren land. There was a large alien warship hovering a couple hundred miles away from the android base. There was a hatch opening and Akaki saw something was emerging from it.
     “Sein, what’s that...?” Sein had looked up for the first time since reading the file and saw what Akaki was seeing. He didn’t say anything back to Akaki to answer him. He gave a look that resembled terror instead. Terror of what? He walked over to the small confused boy, kneeled down to his level and embraced him tightly.
     “It’s gonna be okay Akaki... Everything’s gonna be okay...” Akaki could start to see tears in Sein’s eyes.
      “Sein, what’s wrong...? You’re s-scaring me...” Akaki was now starting to tear up as well. Sein looked up at the ship above. The hatch was fully opened and something large was now hovering from it. Sein analyzed it and determined that it was going to be released any second now and that it would take about ten seconds for it to reach the ground.
“D-Don’t worry Akaki... There’s no need to be afraid...” Sein embraced Akaki harder as he pulled the boy’s head to his shoulder. He heard in the distance the release of a clamp.
“We’re just gonna go to sleep buddy...”

The young child stared at the last android, teary-eyed and said...

“I-I don’t want t-to die...”
Sein couldn’t even bear to look at the face of fear from the last bit of innocence in the

world. He mustered up courage and said the one thing he could say to him. 6...
“Just close your eyes bud...”
“Think of all those people we met...”
“Those people made you smile... Just think of the happy times...” 3...
“You’ll be dead...”
“No I won’t, and you won’t either...”
“I’ll be right here... right here...”

Mission Update:
Protect Akaki Colombo - Complete
Oversee Near-Extinction of Humanity - Complete “Escape the Maze” - ...Complete...
Unit 25-S64 signing off...


  1. Wow! Your story was great! It drew me in the whole time. It was very descriptive and specific. I loved how you wrote it like a paper in a file and how the android, Sein, truly grew to care for the little boy, Akaki. You expressed their emotions very well & reading the ending mad me a little sad. Great job at writing this story!

  2. Evan, your story was so creative and felt like an actual real life event. While I was reading your story, it really kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time with all the suspense and intensity of the story. The way that you personified your android, Sein, with all the tears and human emotions made me relate to him a lot. I truly enjoyed how your story made me think of how important it is to cherish the time that you do have and never lose hope even in the most darkest hour.

  3. What a tragic ending to a beautiful tale! This was amazing; I felt like I was reading an actual novel! Writing it as a file for a mission was immensely creative, and the bond between Sein and Akaki was beautifully written. I loved the contrast between the android who felt fear and confusion -- the one who had a very "human" connection with Akaki -- and the Head of Humanity Prevalence who spoke robotically about the destruction of androids. Amazing job!

  4. This was an amazingly captivating story. Your use of imagery and dialogue helped to create a suspenseful tale. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it I only wished it was longer :(
    Camryn Greer per.6

  5. I love the description and the detail that you put into your story! I really enjoyed reading it and I felt the bond that Sein and Akaki had which added to the suspense of the story. It was interesting to read because usually stories depict androids as emotionless and evil. Good job!

  6. Evan, it is amazing how you were able to craft such a complicated world and story in just a few paragraphs, and create characters that were easy to get attached to. I was hanging off every word and even though the ending was sad, it was realistic and beautifully written. Amazing Job!

  7. I could not take my eyes off of the screen. This piece was very descriptive allowing me to picture the story in my head. I loved Sein cared so much for the boy. Even in their last moments together Sein made sure the little bot was being comforted. The bond these two had made me want to know more about their earlier adventures together. Really amazing story!

  8. Evan, I enjoyed your work very much. I especially liked your storytelling method as well as the very emotional plot.Y Your story was very good. -Braden Bailey.4

  9. Evan, this was such a creative piece you've written here. I really enjoyed how the story made me think about the things in life I truly have to cherish. Good Job!!

  10. I really enjoyed your story! Your use of detail made the reader feel like they were experiencing the story. I love the creativity of writing it as if it were a mission update, great job!


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