
Monday, November 26, 2018

"Perseverance" by Mayur C

I am almost there. I have been working very diligently for seventeen years. Don't give up now! You must be cautious in every step you take and the distance between having fun versus being serious. You notice that many of your peers are either doing better than you or slacking off. I reflect upon my peers and myself. Tighten up because there are no second chances in high school. 

I use to prey upon listening to the advice that best soothes me. Now I must think, listen, and understand differently. With big dreams after I turn eighteen, the only thing that will stick to me is my education and the impact that my teachers and society have made upon me. 

It all started when I was a sophomore in high school. Ms. Min was my honors chemistry (and later AP Chemistry) teacher who is also the advisor for Science Olympiad (SO). At first, I thought it was a huge waste of time; spending countless hours studying to what avail- finding pleasure and motivation to make a scientific breakthrough? 

Sticking to my teacher’s advice, I finally complied to join. I came to the first meeting and everyone appeared very enthusiastic, except I had mixed emotions; one being that I love science, and the other being that it sounds stressful. 

Junior has arrived and chaos emerges. It’s 2:55 pm and I walk out of my sixth period english class, making my way to Ms. Min’s class. It’s an entirely different atmosphere in which everyone is studying very diligently for the upcoming regional competition. 

At the day of my regional competition, I felt ready to compete against other schools in the following events: thermodynamics, ecology, and helicopters. There was a block schedule that I had to accommodate for all of the other events that SO has to offer. Event after event, my excitement started to build up. By the time I had to compete for thermodynamics, I released all of my excitement and knowledge into the experimental and test portion of the event. Coming out of the testing room, I looked very forward to the award ceremony at 6 pm. 

*applauses from the entire Etiwanda High School Science Olympiad*
I made my way to the front of the stage to be given my thermodynamics and ecology medals. I glanced at my partner with much joy and reflected upon how much I have accomplished that year. Everything that I learned from the members in my cluster I hope to teach to the new members that I am currently with. 
The so-called year of procrastination has finally arrived. 

Senior hit and I plan on teaching my new cluster how to build and test their thermodynamics box. I was super excited to see many new faces filled with enthusiasm. As I rebuilt my thermodynamics box, I let the quote “there is always room for improvement” become my driving force. As I improve from the mistakes that I made last year and also realize how I will need to manage my time even better, I come to Ms. Min’s class to look for motivation to continue on my path of perseverance. At any point I start to slack off, Ms. Min spots me and picks me right back up. 

The new members in my cluster found out about how well I did last year and often call me the “thermo god”. I look at that name as if it is a noble title that I have to live up to. Even though it many think it sounds dumb, I think of it to be very important and a way to become recognized in the club. Also whenever I feel unmotivated, I occasionally socialize with them to relieve some stress weighing upon my shoulders. 

Science Olympiad has not only taught me to become well-rounded in all of my events, but also to manage my time very well; as spending many hours studying can sometimes outweigh my study time for school. Also SO has also taught me to become socially proactive, help keep a strong student-teacher relationship inside and outside of class, and become an ideal role for others. The last thing that my partner last year taught me was that once every work has its own method with some exception. I completely agree with that especially when learning more topics that pertain to thermodynamics. The mathematical concepts can be a little tricky and also understanding the conceptuals from a chemistry and physics perspective for example the first law of thermodynamics.


  1. Mayur, I love the tough love and seriousness you opened up with at the beginning of the narrative, as I can relate to you and how you're emotions on the motivation to work and study hard, especially towards the end of high school which are the toughest and most vital. I can somewhat understand how you feel in winning your award as I stayed for the SO awards when I volunteered last year and saw you represent our school in the competitive academia, as well as my own experience receiving hard earned awards in other avenues. Fantastic job, and keep up the great work my guy!

  2. Mayur, I loved reading this piece and seeing your passion for SO! You did a great job expressing how your passion grew and how it has influenced you. Great job Mayur!!

  3. Mayur, that story was incredible! Reading how you went through all that stress for a positive outcome is inspiring especially in the time of college apps. Your story reminded me of how everyone is tired and lacks motivation but I found a new drive with your story to do better and keep going even though "senoritis" is a major thing now. I enjoyed reading about your experience in science Olympiad and I hope that you continue to strive for even more every day.

  4. This was a really motivational piece and although I understand that not many really get to experience this phase of motivation overtime, it's good to see that some really take the initiative, and surround yourself with people who you can trust and learn from whether good or bad. Overall, I really enjoyed this piece and was able to do some self reflection as well due to the work itself! Really nice !!!

  5. Mayur, well done! I really like your organization of the story from freshman year to now, senior year-it really emphasizes the progression and the challenges you walked through as it really connected with your perseverance! I also liked your extensive use of imagery towards many of these paragraphs from and the shift in tone from being serious and stressed out to enthusiasm-it really shows your growth as an excellent young achiever over these four years! Keep persevering!

  6. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments up to this point in your life. Your story is a great one to hear. Definitely do not slack off after accomplishing so much. Keep it up in SO. It is amazing how you balance a demanding club with equally demanding AP classes.

  7. Mayur, I loved reading about your experience in science olympiad. I truly loved how vividly you described your growth, development and acquired achievements through this club, especially in regards to using imagery to walk the reader through the events such as the day of your competition and the awards ceremony. Also, props to you for your tenacious work ethic! Great job and keep up the amazing work! :) - Sandra Mae Samin (per. 1)

  8. Reading your story was just inspiring to always have the mind set to put your best foot forward. The organization of the story made it flow so effortlessly as if it was just a stream of thought that all connected together. Congratulations on the achievements that you have work towards along with this amazing story. -Sezar Guitron

  9. This was so much fun to read. It was so col reading about all of your accomplishments and to hear that you are determined to do better each day. Overall, your story is very inspirational. Good job with everything you've accomplished.

  10. Reading about your accomplishments through this article even made me feel motivated to continue pushing through the rest of high school! You effectively use descriptive words in order to convey your emotions such as during the first year of Science Olympiad. When I was reading about the emotions you felt while getting your medals, I felt like I was there as well and I felt like I accomplished something alongside you. Your work ethic and intelligence shines through this article and it was a delight to read! Keep going Mayur! - Eugene Kim

  11. I loved reading about your growing enthusiasm and motivation throughout your time in Science Olympiad. We can all relate to the feeling of starting something new. I was nice to read that your experience had a positive impact in your time in SO and school in general.

  12. Your story was incredibly motivating, especially during this final year of high school. It's awesome how Science Olympiad has helped you grow as a person and now you can help the younger students using your experience.

  13. I love your story about Science Olympiad. I know that I for one can closely relate to your experience as a fellow member. I love the details that you gave the audience about your experience and the events that you did. Keep persevering, especially since this is our last year, and know that we are always persevering with you. Overall, great piece to read!
    -Jacob Ramirez

  14. your experience in Science Olympiad was a great read! I felt really invested while reading through your years of high school. Your advice in the beginning was also very honest and motivating. It's inspiring to see someone like you strive for success!

  15. This is an amazing piece you have here Mayur, I love the progress that you showed through your story. Your changes throughout the years academically and the start of your journey in SO is delightful to read. Overall just seeing how your passion for science grow over time during this story was also lovely.

  16. Being able to see how you motivated yourself and grew Mayur was amazing. You were able to guide me through such important events in your life and you did it very well. Using imagery and very descriptive phrases to emphasize your emotions really makes the reader feel the emotions that you most likely felt through these years.

  17. Mayur, I loved how you described all your accomplishments from your first year of high school till now. love how you had so much motivation. Great work.

  18. The way you opened up the narrative enticed me for I highly agree and connect to it, for I am highly stressed myself. As a love of the sciences you make me regret not doing SO because of the great/stressful (but influential) times you had in such a club.
    - Adam Huizar

  19. Mayur, I loved reading about your academic endeavours it is really amazing to see how many things you participated in and as well how you persevered through your academic struggles in a positive way. Also how you got a medal for thermodynamics in the Science Olympiad.
    Alejandro Marquez

  20. Mayur, reading about your journey through Science Olympiad was so interesting! I enjoyed the imagery that you used in the beginning because it not only set the tone but was an impeccable example of that voice in your head telling you to keep going. I wasn't even in Science Olympiad but you showed me how beneficial it was for you. Anyone that reads this will automatically know that you're very hardworking and goal-oriented

  21. Mayur, I really liked hearing your personal experiences in SO. I think the passion that you conveyed is really great and a great trait to have for your future. I think your change in how you view this experience is something interesting to see! Good job and good luck in SO this year!

  22. Great job on all you have done and what you have accomplished!I loved how honest you were about your personal educational experiences through high school so far. I was able to really see what you have done with the events you described, such as with science olympiad, and the hard work you have been putting in to get where you are today. Keep the motivation up Mayur!

  23. The experience you had is something I can actually see. I know the struggle of SO from my brother and can safely say that you have my utmost respect for being able to go through the entire year of it. Well done!

  24. Hello Mayur, this is actually a great and inspiring piece. I really like on how you reflected on your initial and final thoughts about SO. I certainly could relate I thought MUN at first would be stressful but I was mistaken later on, it turned out to be fun. Furthermore thank you for sharing your story and your close relationship Ms. Min, it's quite inspiring. I really like the part when you compare Senior Year as the "year so called procrastination," I quite agree. In addition, I really like on how you set up the narrative chronologically, started sophomore year and ending in senior Year. That gave me an insightful perspective on your life, so Thank You. Finally I really appreciate on how you used Ms. Min as a source of inspiration because I have teachers that inspires me to do better in this procrastinating year. Overall Great and Wonderful Piece. - Jean Andre Molina

  25. Wow Mayur this is incredible I feel like through this piece I got to know you as a writer an a person as well. Your use of diction was fantastic your blog post really flowed making it enjoyable to read. -Sofia Canseco

  26. Mayur I really enjoyed reading your piece, I liked how much detail you put into describing everything making me actually relate to the piece myself. The imagery you used to describe all of your experiences ties it all together- Santiago Rodriguez

  27. Ha, I remember joining S.O. along with your in my sophomore year. In fact, we were partners were a good while until. Yeah that was a lot of fun. I can totally relate to the constant struggle of balancing S.O. and school work because I was/am right there with you. Hopefully, as Etiwanda Science Olympiad, we can pull 1st place at regionals again. I look forward to spending the rest of my senior Science Olympiad season with you. I really liked your use of vivid imagery and detail as it helps me really understand what you felt throughout your time in Science Olympiad.
    -Ryan Kang

  28. Mayur, I liked how you started the article off with your doubt about joining SO, but eventually eased your way into how much fun you had and friendships you've made. Congratulations for your achievements in SO and I wish you luck in future competitions.
    -Brooke Leslie

  29. Mayur, I really appreciate how you were able to explain how you felt about science Olympia add sense there is enough recognition for the club on our campus. Your experience really convinces the reader of how valuable this club can be for their future and also the importance of learning as well. I really shows how much hard work and get you through and the benefits of diving into a topic that people would typically not be interested in. I also appreciate how you demonstrated the fact that you’ve changed over the course of being in the club which really shows how important this club was to you as well.

  30. I loved reading about your development overtime, I've never met you, but just from reading your piece you seem like such a dedicated student. Hope your future in SO continues to improve!

    - Luis Matute

  31. I love to read about success in people lives. It is very motivational even after many hardships and tasks that may seem impossible. Growth is super important when not only growing up as becoming more mature but as to become wiser and having more experience.

  32. Mayur I just want to say congrats on all of your accomplishments and it is very motivational to hear you talk about not giving up because it makes me want to do the same. I loved the quote that you chose to stick with because it is very relatable. Again congrats on keeping focus and achieving your goals.


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