
Monday, November 26, 2018

"07/07/2017" by Nufsat K

I woke up in the morning, went out of the room and saw my house was full of guests who were congratulating my parents. I was perplexed and went to my mom asked her, "What’s going on? Why are there so many people in our house?”. She replied, “ We got our visa, and we need to leave for America within one month as the school starts in August.”. I was so happy as my whole family was in America. I called my friends and shared how excited I was. But after a while one my friend said, “ Oh, so you are going to leave us?”. That’s the moment I faced with the reality that I will be leaving people behind with whom I grew up with back in my country. The one month past meeting family and friends, packing our luggage and getting together everything. Finally, the day arrived, when we needed to leave everyone. I saw my grandparents crying, my cousins trying to hide their tears and my friends couldn't stop crying but still, explaining to me how happy they are as I am leaving and they won't miss me at all, but those tears told me everything. Then went to my best friend, who is hiding from me in the back so that I don't catch him crying and as I went to him, he hugged me and murmured in my ear," I will miss you best friend. You were the gluestick of our friend group. Don't ever change yourself " It was the 5th of July, 2017, I left behind Bangladesh.

7th of July, 2017 I entered the United States of America with lots of anticipation and urge to make my parents proud of me. Everything was new around me, the people, their culture, different language even the climate. All of these didn't matter until the first of day of school when I knew nothing but was afraid to seek for help. I
came back from school ran to my mom and told her, " I don't want to stay here anymore. " She understood that I was feeling alone so she asked me to give myself some time to get used to everything. Everyone telling me how hard junior year was supposed to be and how important that year was for all the student and the only thing I noticed was my failing grades. Soon I realized how this country has given me so many opportunities and opened so many routes which I never thought I would have and all I needed to do was grab those chances and make my future the way i want. It was really challenging for me, but the support from my family made everything possible.


  1. Nufsat, I really enjoyed reading your blog! You did a great job expressing how you felt leaving your home country, and your emotions once you got to the US! Also, I loved reading about how you powered though the challenges of a new home! Overall, you did amazing!

  2. Wow, this narrative was very empowering. I can sort of sympathize with you on the struggles of moving in the middle of high school as I moved across the country myself in the middle of sophomore year all of a sudden, and I understand how it's hard to leave your old life behind, as well as all of your friends and family. I empathize with your experience having to adapt to a new country and its cultures as my mother is an immigrant who had to do the same (which she always likes to brag about in hopes that I will work harder). Your ability to deal with all that has been thrown at you, and being able to persevere in the midst of great struggles and change really reflect in this piece with the part about your best friend sadly whispering to you, and the part about your grades junior year. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece so never give up and keep the great work coming.

  3. Hi Nufsat! After reading this, I've never thought that something like this could come from you! I've had relatives that came from Vietnam too, but with the way they are, I never thought of the struggles that they had to face. Overall I really enjoyed your blog and really happy that you were able to share this experience with us.

  4. I found it inspiring how you pushed through all the challenges you faced coming into a different country and I also liked how you expressed the feelings you felt. Good Job :)

  5. A great poem Nufsat! I can imagine how you were feeling when leaving your home country because everything is so new! Like you said the culture and language is different but I am glad that you have adapted and have realized all of the opportunities that you are given in the US! - jayleen lupian

  6. Nufsat, this was such a great and motivational piece of writing. Your story made me feel emotions such as sadness and excitement. I agree that Jr. year was the hardest put of all four years and glad that we made it. I feel that experience of moving from one area of comfort to a new area and feeling loneliness. Great work. -Paul Aureus

  7. Very good job Nufsat. The feeling of dread on the first day of school can be very overwhelming, but it is wonderful to hear that you´re persevering through. Having a mother to support your back is always a a wonderful thing to have.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  8. Your story was very inspiring and I immediately took to the bittersweet tone of it; you had me invested from the very beginning. You perfectly captured the experience of dealing with such a sudden move and how frightening it can be. I liked how you showed both sides of your before and after moving here as well. Great job!

  9. The story was very inspiring and made me very emotional, because I know where you're coming from. I had a friend who came to the US and started her senior year. We had a fun time until it hit us that she was leaving end of the school year. I couldn't believe she was leaving time flies really fast. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece with us. Good job!

  10. Hearing stories from people who have moved from all over the world into the United States is really inspiring to listen to your struggles of having to go to school in a country you don't understand but yet go to the same classes as everyone else who have mostly been in the United states their whole life. You did a great job in expressing the emotions you felt on your first day of school out here and the emotions that your entire family experienced when leaving Bangladesh.- Nathan Brown

  11. How inspiring! your story is bittersweet and I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been. However, i'm glad you are finding your opportunities and I hope that you find only success in your future. Thank you for sharing your story!

  12. I love that you chose to share this story and I hope you have grown to love your new home. There was so much emotion and reality within two paragraphs! I also think that your story will be very inspiring for those who are currently struggling with new changes coming their way, awesome job.
    -Mackenzie Tipple

  13. Nufsat, what a great piece! I can relate to your story although I have not moved from a different country I have moved from city to city and still feel the sting of leaving behind the familiar for the unknown in the hope of better opportunities. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  14. Wow, what a great narrative! Although I cannot relate to what you have experienced, I am close to people have gone though the same thing. I felt that had a sense of accomplishment because you made the best out of your situation. I love how you took it as a good thing and grew from it!
    -Kailee Hinds

  15. Nufsat K, your story was very inspirational. It must've been hard coming from a completely different country but I'm glad you got through it. Great work!

  16. This piece is great because of the sad buildup that leads to an eventual bright ending. I couldn't imagine the feeling of leaving everything you've ever known to go somewhere else, and the fact that the speaker is still trying their best to get by is very inspiring. Good job!

  17. This was such an inspiring and heartfelt story of your journey here! I loved how the story was just unapologetically yourself!
    - Alyssa Nelson

  18. I am so glad that you shared this story with us. America is amazing due to people like you and your story is truly inspiring. Your details were precise and I am so happy that you persevered through the trials of a new home. You did amazing!

  19. wow this story was very interesting and inspiring. i enjoyed reading how you were able to persevere through that change and having your mother there right by your side because it let me look at everything from my perspective.

  20. Nufsat you put your emotions into words perfectly and I was able to truly visualize your emotions through this blog. I am happy for you because you've adjusted a little better to going to highschool in America. Nice work with your use of language in this blog.

  21. This story is so well done! It really shows the emotion you felt and all the challenges you overcame moving to the US. You have such an amazing support system and u very strong and brave. Keep up the great work.
    -Soraya Viteri

  22. Ashley Sierra-TilleryDecember 5, 2018 at 6:19 PM

    Nufsat, this piece was powerful, personal, and very well written. You conveyed the struggles you faced well and kept the reader engaged throughout your narrative. Great Job!
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  23. Nufsat I found your blog very inspiring and intriguing to read about. You conveyed your emotions so well through your writing!

  24. Nufsat this story was amazing I feel like I got to know you more as a person.Your story was personal sharing your journey of how you came to america. I loved every word of it, sharing your story was inspiring and great to read.
    -Sofia Canseco

  25. Your story is very relatable and well written. I can personally connect to the struggles of surviving junior year and dreading the start each day. But the fact that you started your junior year coming straight from another country is awe-inspiring. Thank you for the great read!
    -Ryan Kang

  26. I may not fully understand you or your family's position and experience, however, I do understand how brave you must be! Taking on a whole new environment and different challenges and opportunities coming at you! What a great piece and thank you for sharing this with us. -Ella Macaraig

  27. Oh my god, this story was calling for my tears. I experienced the same journey when I was ten years old, when I moved across the Pacific from China with the level of English of a three year old. The day I found out that my immigration process is fully completed, my family was celebrating, but I was crying deep inside my heart. Almost eight years later, I can still vividly remember the day I left everything behind and cried on the 13 hour long plane ride. I love the way you named the title of your story the day you started a new life, because I still remember my date even all these years later. Your story is very touching, especially to someone who has experienced the same journey! Nicely done, Nufsat!

  28. This blog was very encouraging and inspiring to me. Your example of leaving your country shows the amount of courage you have to take such a major step in your life. Thank you for sharing this piece to us which gives off such a inspirational and motivating drive. Also, having greatfulness for ur family is a wonderful thing. Nice Work! -John B. IV

  29. This was and extremely moving work and I can personally relate since both my parents are from other countries (Father:Kenya Mother:Mexico) they both had to go through the same thing you did and often times tell me about how hard it was but my Dad always says when he came here it was to make a better life for those ahead of him and to support those behind him and I think that would be a wonderful thing to apply to your situation.
    -Johnny Gitau

  30. I really enjoyed reading this piece and being able to find out a bit more about you. Your story is very inspiring and intriguing. Well done!

  31. Your story was very inspiring and displayed a lot of emotion. I really enjoyed reading about your change of attitude from the beginning of the story to the end. It was overall well written and kept the reader engaged, great job!


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