
Friday, October 5, 2018

" I Refuse to Grow Up" by Sofia H

      It had already been such a long day. I slept through my 4th and could barely

stay awake to see 6th. The whole school day was a blur and I just wanted it to end. It was the end of August, first month of school, and I felt ready to graduate. After the longest tennis practice, I grabbed my heavy bags and started the long journey to the student parking lot. Passing by the walls of my school, I saw bright posters with motivational sayings like Dream Big and Your Attitude Determines Your Direction. I tried to ignore them. It is easy to say something but much harder to do. After speeding home I finally put my bags down, kicked my worn-out shoes off, and fell on the couch. Right then my mom walked in to greet me. I talked to her half asleep and all of a sudden she brought up the topic of college. Oh no. If there is one thing I don’t want to discuss is: college.
     At this point I was wide awake. I never thought I would dread talking about my future but the closer it gets the more I begin to avoid the topic altogether. My mom begins to ask me when the next college workshop is and when I am going to start reading through all the mail colleges have been sending me. I respond with later and I don’t know. Later that same day my dad asked me where I plan on applying. Again. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I haven’t checked! It’s barely August! Everything I have worked for these past few years now riding on a few applications. All the hours spent and all the sweat poured on school are now to be judged.
     My heart beats faster, I tense up, and my mind gets filled with all these wandering thoughts, all the “what ifs” and the doubts...Maybe I am overthinking everything or maybe I am going mad. Either way, senior year snuck up on me and now I hear friends talking about how ready and excited they are to graduate. I am most definitely not. It took me a good month to realize I was a senior and my time was coming.
I know that the moment I start focusing on the future, is the moment I start thinking of everything I will be leaving behind. One more year and I am considered a responsible a dult. One more year and I have to make my own decisions and start building my own life. I have to make the big choices and if I am
lucky I will choose right. So many options that will determine my future paths, and I have to make those choices now as a dumb, naive teenager.
      There were so many days I just wanted to curl back into the toddler I was, where my biggest worries were whether or not my mom would let me watch
Caillou t hat day. I finally came to a realization that doing nothing was not helping me in any way. Unfortunately, I realized it is impossible to freeze time. Instead of letting procrastination get the best of me, reality finally slapped me in the face and I decided it was time to get my life together.
     I always thought being my own person would be fun but now it has never seemed scarier. This is not like other years. Next year I will not simply be starting a new grade, but starting a whole new experience. It is terrifying, but I guess it is also exciting. Time seems to go by faster whenever you want it to slow down. All we can do is live in the moment and make the best of it. We may not feel ready to leave high school but soon we will be. These are the days we will look back on years from now and I rather remember them as the fun times rather than the days I melted with stress.
     I have no idea exactly where I am going to be ten years from now but that does not matter at the moment. I cannot control the future, just like I cannot change the past. I can only focus on the now and live to the fullest. Having a positive attitude and appreciating everything I have is my plan for senior year. I will prepare for my future, just as I hope everyone else is, but I will no longer fear it.


  1. First off, your personal reflection is amazing and very relatable. I like how you vividly described the two constant emotional states of being a senior, exhausted and scared. You made a literary piece where almost everyone can relate which makes this 100 times more better.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your poem is outstanding! Many seniors including myself can very much relate to your poem because everything we have been hearing since senior year started is college and only college. I enjoyed reading your personal experience with the exhausting topic of college and how well written it is. Also your conclusion is amazing because it shows how positive one can be through these tough times.

  4. Sofia, this was such an intriguing blog. You made this relatable to many high school seniors which can bring a sense of inclusiveness. Not to mention, your diction was amazing and really portrayed your feelings to the reader. For example when you were mentioned, "my heart beats faster, I tense up, and my mind gets filled with all these wandering thoughts..." It is evident that you are portraying the feeling of anxiety to the reader.

  5. This is extremely relatable and being in a family that isn't really as educated, and wanting the best for me, the pressure that they often give me is unreal. I really liked the fact that this addresses the minds of everyday teenagers that don't particularly have a clear path determined later on in life and that as you may have heard this more often than you'd like to: you're not alone on that. Despite the "reassurance", none of that really comes to me unless I'm reminded which could be shown in the moment you stated that you "decided it was time to get my life together", and it can be concerning at times, it's really understandable. Other than that, I really liked the internal monologue and the imagery you invoked on the stress you felt and provided at that moment and time. This is really cool, and to-the-point which is something someone like me and a few others really tend to enjoy reading.

  6. One word immediately entered my mind when I finished reading this piece: RELATABLE. College is something that I believe most seniors are afraid of and the fact that you shared your personal thoughts on it is inspiring in a way. Furthermore, your storytelling skills allows the reader to feel as if they are with you when your parents ask about college. This topic is something that we all sympathize with and I think that makes your piece all the more powerful. Wonderful job as always Sofia!

  7. This was such a well written blog post. You expressed all of the emotions many seniors experience, including myself. I loved the way you described every emotion with such vivid detail and the burden of high school. One aspect that I really enjoyed was how you described the fact that we must make life changing decisions while we are still unaware of how our futures will look and I really related with that statement. You did a very good job at explaining the stressful times of being a senior.

  8. i really enjoyed reading this girl. it was very relatable and also interesting. i liked how in the being you expressed yourself as being confused about your future and everyone pressuring you, then it shifted to the transition at the end where you understood that eventually over time things are going to work out and to just live in the moment. i think thats a very important message that not only seniors but everyone needs to hear. i felt and still feel the same way as you do about college and the stress and im just glad that you were able to capture it so perfectly.

  9. First off, your personal reflection is amazing and very relatable. I like how you vividly described the two constant emotional states of being a senior, exhausted and scared. You made a literary piece where almost everyone can relate which makes this 100 times more better. - Matthew Ulloa (P.4)

  10. Wow! I really love this blog. Everything in it is so relatable, from the title of not wanting to grow up to the not wanting to talk about college to not knowing where you'll be in 10 years, but wanting to enjoy the time you have now. I feel the same way when my family brings up college and where I want to go and what I want to be. You also, portrayed the emotions you were feeling so well that I was feeling the same emotions when reading this. Absolutely amazing use of diction and emphasis on emotions!

  11. Sofia,
    I felt that your piece is really relatable for most seniors. I definitely feel the need to put off any "adult" responsibilities I have too. The personal anecdote of you lying on the couch while your mom interrogates you is funny and sets the mood of the piece. I could see your character development as you come to terms with the hardships of applying to college and senior year, which seemed really great to a reader. I also think that you captured the attention of any possible reader through your mention of people wanting to graduate and those not ready. All of your examples bring life to the story and allowed for me to feel what you are. I really enjoyed this!

  12. I loved the way you were able to express and explain the emotions that a lot of other seniors are having as well. It was great reading a story where I could relate and see where you are coming from especially within your thought "Oh no. If there is one thing I don't want to discuss is: college." The way you talked about your durastic change of emotions really had me feeling what you felt at that specific moment. Wonderful job with your descriptions of your emotions because I can feel that great connection between reader and author.

  13. Everything about this is so relatable I felt myself being asked by my parents the same exact questions. The repeating questions of college and my future made me want to block out the noise as you also wanted to. The use of anaphora in the last couple sentences in paragraph 3 hooked me further into the story. I felt that it was able to convey that dreading march of time forward. Your internal dialogue helped evoke that sense of moving time and dread of it so well, your coming to terms with the future became even more impactful.

  14. An amazing blog, Sofia! I cannot express how much I could relate the stress, the worries, and nostalgia to go back in time and be a child! I really liked your choice of imagery and diction, such as “I finally put my bags down, kicked my worn-down shoes…” in juxtaposition to the previous imagery of “bright posters.” They really help set the mood and allows me to see the moment you were describing and connect to it, making me ultimately want to continue reading about your experience. I also liked your organization of the blog, reversing the sequence by starting off with a dreary atmosphere to those brighter days during your childhood and ending on a positive and optimistic note. It really helps set up a nostalgic response but also an optimistic one about the many doors the future holds, which contrasts from the first half describing the exhaustion and panic. It was skillfully organized and cohesive, beautifully done!

  15. What a relatable piece... College is something that we can all relate to as seniors right now and due to this, I think it makes your blog all the more powerful. Furthermore, your use of imagery when describing how the thought of becoming an adult keeps you awake at night sent shivers down my spine. Providing your insight on such a sensitive topic was brave of you and it was interesting to see your point of view. Great job Sofia!! -Eugene Kim

  16. Your story was amazing with every detail that you brought me through while reading it. It was engaging the whole time and even though I am literally living that life right now, I was still on the edge of my seat and never wanted to stop reading. I can not imagine my life in 10 years either and I don’t think that anyone will ever be ready either, even if they say that they are. You also said that it took you almost a month to finally realize that you are a senior but I still don’t realize that I am a senior probably because of how busy I am. Your story was very interesting and I enjoyed it a lot.

  17. The imagery given throughout the reflection made it feel like the reader was there the whole time feeling the emotions you felt. For example the feeling of dread as the topic of college is brought up. But what caught my attention the most was the personal growth at the end when you were no longer afraid to face your fears.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  18. Sofia, I really enjoyed reading your piece! It is so relatable to high schoolers and myself. To be specific, I especially related to the parts that dealt with stress about college, and being scared about the future. Overall, I loved your blog entry and I think it is very well written. - Ashley French

  19. This is sadly relatable to me and some other friends of mine. The way that you describe each of the little details really kicks it hard to me and I love it. And then of course the thing no one wants to talk about: college. The way you describe the terror of it comes out to be so realistic. Incredible job!

  20. This is amazing! I loved the fact that I could relate to because it made me feel like I am not alone. I loved how you concluded this blog. Throughout it, you talk about the stressful part of senior year and then BOOM you being talking about how you can only stay focused and have a positive attitude. I absolutely loved your blog - Jayleen Lupian

  21. Sofia, I loved how much I could relate to your story is to me from the avoidance of the "future" posters and how we wish we could push college farther away. I also really enjoyed your ability to convey your train of thought on paper and allowing us to fell as if we were within your head. Thank you so much fin your writing.or being able to express emotions I cant always explain in your writing.

  22. This is so relatable! Sofia you really grabbed onto my attention with this blog. I cannot think of a time where I constantly ponder on this same exact idea of whether I am truly ready to take on life after high school. The fear and excitement in your anecdote blows me away. I really like how you reflected upon your self multiple times and used repetition in second paragraph, to address the nerve-racking panic that is carried over to the third paragraph.

  23. Sofia,
    I really enjoyed this story. Many times, I feel the exact same way since I am tired after school, being in so much stress, and not really knowing what my future will be like. I would also not really pay attention to motivational posters at school on a daily basis. I really liked the whole story especially the end because it became positive. This can help other seniors like me to know that they are not alone if they are struggling in any way during the senior year.

  24. Sofia, your personal reflection of growing up is very relatable to many (especially me). By adding the personal responses of "I don't know", and "I'm not sure", furthermore makes the task relatable, because these are my typical responses everyday. I liked how you stated that you didn't want to grow up and stay a kid, yet you were accepting the fact that you are growing up, and that you try to look at it in a positive light, instead of a negative one. I think many seniors are afraid for their future as well, but try to look at it in your perspective.

  25. i can totally relate with your blog and i think most of us can. I came from a different country last. I didn't know anything about high school. i started from junior year which people say the most hardest and important year. i passed my first semester of math with bad grades because of procrastination. On one hand my family suggesting me different colleges but on other hand i'm thinking about my grades. But the next semester i worked hard and brought my grades up. I love the way you ended your blog with lines full of confidence and motivation.

  26. Sophia, I loved how openly you explained your feelings and I relate to it in many ways. You perfectly capture how it feels to be unprepared and scared for the future. You effectively brought to life the thoughts of feeling as though we're at the edge of a cliff and wanting to go backwards. Your courage is inspiring and I enjoyed reading it.

  27. Your piece is relatable to almost all seniors. I was able to relate to your conversation with your mom after practice "I respond with later and I don't know". Most seniors have used this response in regards to college applications at least once or twice. The change in maturity from just pushing the idea of college apps off to realizing its time to get it done is one of the many choices that has started your adulthood. You were able to portray the emotions you felt really well and this allowed the reader to have a better connection with the author.

  28. Wow sofia this blog post was so inspiring and relatable you really pinpointed how every senior feels. Your word choice and how you wrote in a first person point of view was a great way to reel in your audience. Reading this made me feel like I not only knew how you were feeling but your thoughts as well. As a reader I felt like you and that was an amazing feeling to feel as a reader. Great job sofia you did amazing!

  29. R e l a t a b l e! I felt this so hard. It lowkey stressed me out a bit because I've been freaking out about college and stuff the past week. ANYWAYS, the imagery in the beginning was awesome. You talked about the being tired and leaving school after a long day, and you described it very vividly. I could full on imagine every aspect of what you described and it really felt like I was there, too (probably because I feel it every day).

  30. I think I speak for a lot of Seniors when I say that I related to this on a spiritual level. I have no idea how many times I've wanted to scream whenever my parents came to me and asked about college. You effectively portrayed a lot of the thoughts of Senior students during application season, and the way you wrote the 'panic' after people ask about your future was extremely vivid. I really enjoyed this. Thanks for showing me that I'm not alone in all my college-related stress.

  31. Sofia, your story honestly relates to me and probably a lot of other seniors so much. The way you explained your feelings towards having to face the future hit me and made me think about for which I really don't want to worry about it but as long as I'm not doing it alone then I think I'll be fine. Though we have to do a lot for a college application, after we graduate will be a bit more free to explore the world and do what our hearts desire and although I don't know where I'll be in ten years, I'll keep your words in mind and keep a positive attitude.

  32. This is actually a great piece and extremely so relatable. As the 1st generation in my family to go college, they don't know how college worked. They kept reminding constantly about the importance of college and the due dates of the application. That's why I kinda understand where you're coming from when your parents were reminding you constantly about college. Especially when you said "I don't know" to your parents about college apps. That is literally what I responded to my parents about college. I really appreciate how in the end when you stated about focusing more in the present than the future because this is actually true we can't control what happens in the future but we can control what's happening in the present. The ways you represent your piece was amazing. The usage of sensory detail really allowed us to actually feel what your feeling when reading the piece. Especially when you said "my hearts beat faster and tense up" it gave me the feeling of adrenaline. Well written and overall amazing. - Jean Andre M

  33. Sofia, you did an amazing job on expressing the crazy emotions that I am sure almost all seniors are feeling right about now. I enjoy this because it makes me realize that even someone as smart as you can be worried about their future. There is an excellent use of personification when you said "...reality finally slapped me in the face and I decided it was time to get my life together.", which is exactly how I feel after reading this post. Your post is nothing but relatable and is the sort of story that makes me (and hopefully anyone else who reads it) realize that, as much we dread being teenagers and having our parents control our life, we our going to be in control of our future by this time next year. You did a fantastic job overall with your use of figurative language (such as imagery and personification) and with making this a read that most seniors will be able to connect with.

  34. Sofia, your story was so relatable it feels like I'm in your shoes. A topic like this is something I think most teenagers have to deal with, especially since now we are Seniors and we need to really start thinking for what's ahead of us. Your internal monologue of your parents and how you were able to show that stress in words was so well done. I know I'm still having problems coming face to face with the future so I'll make sure to remember what you wrote.

  35. Sofia, your story was so relatable it feels like I'm in your shoes. A topic like this is something I think most teenagers have to deal with, especially since now we are Seniors and we need to really start thinking for what's ahead of us. Your internal monologue of your parents and how you were able to show that stress in words was so well done. I know I'm still having problems coming face to face with the future so I'll make sure to remember what you wrote.

  36. I can totally relate to the feeling of dread I'm pretty sure that we all were in the same shoes as you at one point in our life too. Its great that you personified time as a person as it always seems like it's flying by. I really enjoyed reading this and I'm glad that you are no longer dreading over college.

  37. Sofia, I have never related to something so deeply! This has even made me realize that I need to start getting my life together and I am glad to hear that i’m not the only senior that is feeling this way. Your use of diction made me really understand your emotions throughout this whole story. When you said, “there were so many days I just wanted to crawl back into the toddler I was...” I really felt that because my worries back then aren’t nearly as big as the ones I am facing now. Thank you so much for sharing this and pulling me back into reality .

  38. I feel like this narrative perfectly describes the thoughts and emotions that a majority of teenagers are experiencing, especially now that we’re seniors in high school. I could particularly relate to when you were talking about how tired you were of school and how scary it feels to bring up the future when you have no clue of what’s going to happen next. On top of being extremely well-written, reading this gave me comfort in knowing that there are so many others who feel the same way I do, while also helping me view uncertainty as a positive instead of a negative. Thank you for this. :)

  39. As a young adult myself, this piece of writing is completely relatable and helps me feel not so alone as I myself have questions for the future about what I must do and what I truly want for myself. I could feel your actual anxiety and stress through the words you chose and how each of them personally affected me. Great job Sofia!

  40. I really enjoyed reading this! I feel like you were able to capture the emotions and thought process of so many seniors in a captivating and relatable way. It can sometimes be difficult to process your thoughts and feelings, but you were able to accomplish this and express what's on your mind in a short and clear narrative. Great job :-)

  41. Sofia, I feel your story relates so deeply to so many people right now. They way that you portray the main emotions of being a senior, scared and tired, really makes this piece stand out not only to me but I'm sure to all the other seniors in this boat right now.
    -Braden Bailey

  42. Sofia, you speak for most seniors as you give us insight on the way you dread facing what is yet to come: college. As a senior, we question why we were so eager to get to this point before and now just wanting time to slow down. At this point in our senior year, it is crucial to be on top of college applications and scholarships which can be very overwhelming. I relate to this dread you are addressing both in your title and what you discuss throughout your piece. Although this period of dread, we must find ourselves seeking the light at the end of the tunnel and realize that it will all be worth it.

  43. Sofia, I genuinely don't think I've ever related to anything more. When you talked about your parents pestering you with questions regarding college, I felt my heart begin to race because I know exactly what it's like. The imagery you used was so powerful to the point where I was recollecting instances of when these extremely similar things have happened to me. Whenever you italicized words to differentiate your thoughts from the rest of your post, I laughed because often times I find myself conflicted with those same exact thoughts. Your last paragraph gave me the closure I never knew I needed. I've always told myself not to stress but it definitely hasn't worked. That last paragraph you wrote reassured me that there's no point in stressing about things beyond my control. Your optimistic outlook is definitely something I will use along the way.
    -Chimi Nebedum

  44. I could not have said this better myself. You have summed up the thoughts of all high school seniors perfectly and yes indeed, stress levels are high. The way that you wrote this is so vividly relatable, especially in your descriptive introductory paragraph about going home exhausted from the school day and being immediately confronted by parents asking about college this, college that, college everything. My favorite line from this narrative is "Time seems to go by faster when you want it to slow down." because I feel the same way, especially now as deadlines are approaching faster and faster. This piece is wonderfully written, and I just want to tell you that you got this and you will be just fine in your post-high school endeavors! Thank you for sharing this with us all. :) - Sandra Samin

  45. I could not have said this better myself. You have summed up all the thoughts of high school seniors perfectly, and the whole narrative was so vividly relatable, especially in your introductory paragraph when you described coming home exhausted from the school day and being confronted by your parents about college this, college that, college everything. My favorite line from this narrative has to be "Time seems to go by faster when you want it to slow down." because I feel the exact same way, especially now that deadlines are approaching faster and faster. This was all wonderfully and skillfully written, and I just want to tell you that you got this and you will be just fine with your post-high school endeavors! Thank you for sharing this with us! :) - Sandra Mae Samin

  46. Amazing piece Sophia! While reading this, there were way to many times to count that I found myself relating to exactly what you were writing about. Senior year for me and obviously for many others has gone either really good or really bad. I have had a rough time for awhile trying to figure out which career fit me best. Luckily I finally know what I wanna do, and now I'm working my hardest to get me there. I hope all goes while on your end. Good Luck!
    - Taylor Archuletta :)

  47. I love this Sophia, I found myself relating to it so much and I loved all the imagery you used.Good job!

  48. This piece was so well written. The amount of detail and imagery you had used was phenomenal. A piece like this is so relatable, especially during this time period. I found myself within this story, which had made me that more invested in it. Great work.

  49. Your use of personification as you say, "...reality finally slapped me in the face and I decided it was time to get my life together," was very entertaining and relatable to me. I know most of us are excited by our life after high school, but we are also very horrified. Moreover, I enjoyed the part where you mentioned that we could only focus on the present and where we stand at this exact moment rather than spend most of our time stressing about the future. Amazing work!

  50. I can totally relate to this story as I wish I was still a kid, playing video games and watching youtube. As a senior now, I wish I was 9 years old, having the best time of my life without a care in the world. I hope for the best :)

  51. Wow sofia your story was so amazing! the way you were able to put your thoughts and feelings into this story was just fabulous. Your use of diction really told a lot about the message you were trying to convey. I related a lot to what you were saying about having to make these decisions for our future. - Sofia Canseco

  52. Very phenomenal piece Sofia. This is truly some grade A writing talking about reality and relating it to most people especially like us being here in not only our final years of High School but our final years of our childhood. This piece just made me emotional with you speaking facts from the real world. I liked your choice of diction which enhanced my vision and sense of your whole writing piece. It has contributed to an adrenalizing and sentimental tone overall.

  53. Omg Sofia this story is so relatable. I love the imagery you used especially the one you’re laying on the couch being tired, because that’s me everyday. I feel the same way when you want to focus on the present and worry as much on the future. Thank you so much for writing an amazing piece.
    -Jordan Do

  54. The future and the real world can be scary places to think about, which makes this piece very easy to relate to. Reading this piece reminded me of my future and how I am handling discussing topics like college. However, through this piece I was able to know that I am not alone in my worry and anxiety, but that there are others who go through the same thing. Good job Sofia!

  55. This piece was so relatable with every single point that you wrote about, from almost falling asleep in class to the exhaustion from sports. This story just reminded of how fast time passed and how this is our last year before we experience something completely different. Something that will change our lives forever. But your story also helped me realized that time will always pass and it is important to live in the moment because we will never get those small moments in life back.
    - Ivan Mejia (per.5)

  56. Sofia, reading this blog not only gave me peace of mind but also anxiety. I was able to relate to your situation which let me know I am not alone in this situation but also gave me anxiety because I myself have not started planning for my future and college. Reading your piece has given me the little inspiration I needed to start on applying towards college as well as preparing for my future. Thank you.
    -Paul Aureus

  57. Sofia, this was an amazing story. The feeling of being able to look into someone else's life, especially the one you described, is a unique experience that I think many don't get to experience. The level of detail that you put into these moments of your day was absolutely amazing. Great job!!!

  58. Let's agree we can all 100% relate to this. This is such an amazing blog that shows the reality of our struggle as seniors preparing to get ready to go to college. Your accurate description of procrastinating and being tired throughout the day allows the readers, in this case your peers, to have a deeper connection to your work. Amazing job Sofia!

  59. WOW Sofia! I can really relate to this because we are are going through this right now where some of us know what we want while others don't. I am kind of in the middle of this because it's like I know EXACTLY what I want in life while on the other hand I have no idea what I want to do or where I am at this point in life. I love how you were able to relate your blog piece to almost about every body in high school especially Juniors and Seniors. My favorite part of the blog is your last paragraph where you talk about not knowing where you will be in the future and how you should just basically cherish the moments you have now because you never know what could happen at any point of time. I know we as seniors are getting scared around this time because of all things college and how the real world is going to be hitting us real soon in less than 7 and a half months but like you said, all we can do is prepare ourselves for the future and hope for the best! Great Job on your piece because I really loved it! ~Tanner Antonucci

  60. Sofia, I really connected with you on this wonderful piece, as i have the exact same point of view about college right now. I enjoyed your use of humor referring back to a classic cartoon Caillou, and how you wish you could just be a young child again, with nothing to worry about. This narrative does a fantastic job of relating to its audience of high school seniors, and I'm glad that in the end you concluded with a powerful wake-up call to action. Thank you for making me not feel like I was the only person feeling overwhelmed about the whole idea of college and deciding a future as a naive adolescent.

  61. Oh my goodness, as many other seniors have said, this is so extremely relatable. I completely understood everything you said about the pressure and fear of growing up, I know I do not want to be an adult yet and be in charge of managing myself, as weird as that sounds. You really hit so many important details in this and I loved it!
    -Leslie Rodriguez

  62. Great piece Sofia, I think most seniors can agree over how close to home this hits. I loved your callback to simpler times as a child because it made me very nostalgic and reminisce hard over how easy I used to have it back then. Overall, 10/10 piece Sofia !!!!!
    - Luis Matute Period 4

  63. WOW I can 100% relate to this and so can the rest of our peers. The fact you mentioned being a “dumb, native teenager” and “procrastination “ literally spoke to me personally because I feel the same and always procrastinate . Good job Sofia!

  64. This is something that i can really relate too. I thought that i was the only one. I'm someone who is afraid to grow up and REFUSE to grow up. I liked your choice of diction and tone. It made it more entertaining. I really enjoyed your blog. You did an AMAZING job.
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  65. Really good piece. I think most of us can relate as seniors getting ready to enter the real world. I can especially relate to "procrastination" as a lot of senior responsibilities come into play this year right about now.

  66. Sofia, this piece was extremely relatable. At times life does speed up and it becomes overwhelming. I definitely have felt the same way. Your description and details allow me to really visualize what you see and felt. The procrastination aspect really hit me a little too hard. All in all this was a beautiful piece and im glad you shared it with us

  67. Sofia, this piece was extremely relatable. At times life does speed up and it becomes overwhelming. I definitely have felt the same way. Your description and details allow me to really visualize what you see and felt. The procrastination aspect really hit me a little too hard. All in all this was a beautiful piece and im glad you shared it with us
    -Carlos D. Villegas p4

  68. Sofia, this was such a relatable piece that you have written so perfectly. I know in my life through every little event that you wrote about, I have been dealing with too. Life can be hard and it comes at you fast and I felt connected to your story. Good job!


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