
Friday, October 19, 2018

"Hero" by Ashley F

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of the word, “hero” is, “a person admired for achievements and noble qualities”. The definition found on the Merriam Webster website is not alike my personal definition. My own definition of a hero is a person who puts themselves out in the world and risks their own lives for the people in their city, state, or country. A person who isn’t afraid to do anything for the protection and safety of the lives around them. Most people think of superheroes when they hear the word, “hero”. When I hear the word, “hero”, superheroes are the last things I think about. I think of the different military branches, the firefighters, and the police officers that have dedicated their lives to serving the people in their country, and the country itself. These are the people that go out, either in their city, country, or even a foreign country, to serve their people and country in their own different ways. Firefighters spend every day of their lives saving people and buildings from fires, and from other forms of danger. The military spends months, most likely years away from their homes and families, fighting against other countries for the safety of their home country. Also, not necessarily just a few miles from home. They voluntarily spend their time fighting for their country, thousands of miles from home, to serve their country and the land that they love.  Police officers put their lives on the line every day as they step out in uniform. Fighting crime, saving lives, and not knowing for sure that they will make it back home at the end of the day. The military branches, firefighters, and police officers go out to work everyday for their city, state, or country, not knowing if they’ll make it home again, or ever see their spouses, friends, or children again. They put their time, hearts, and souls into their work. Some people might say that celebrities are their heroes. Maybe a Disney princess is a little girl’s hero, and a superhero is a little boy’s hero. But in reality, the heroes in our lives are those who risk their entire lives for our own lives. The people who might miss out on their own lives to fight for others’ lives.  I will forever look up to these brave men and women who step out and stand up for the people they care for. My heroes are, and forever will be, the military, firefighters, and police officers that put their lives on the line and step out of their comfort zones to protect their friends, families, and even complete strangers. These people deserve the most recognition, in my eyes. Personally, I could never do what they do, and neither could a lot of other people in our country. I will recognize them forever and always for what they do. Our country would not function without the military, firefighters, or police officers. We would be in wars with other countries, fires would not be resolved, and the crime rate would increase. These people truly are our heroes.


  1. I can definitely see where you are going with this and the idea that "not every hero wears a cape". The passage that you put forth really highlights what real heroes are like in real life rather than in the movies where each one has some sort of special trait or some sort. Although the movies do aim to send out a message that those with powers are obligated to aid the weak, it's still a nice touch to know that the weak can still aid the weak, and that's what makes us strong. Only thing that I might want to add when writing this is probably more personal instances, rather than just saying that these professions are the heroes of our society, but to talk about the people in your life that makes an impact on YOU, like family, because sometimes but not always, people can really relate with personal stories that talk about a friend or family member always being there for them and in the long run, that's something that not many get nowadays. Overall, this was really great and made me think and be mindful of the people in my life today, and that's something to be happy about at least! (not trying to be idealistic, I really mean it.)

  2. I love how you go on the idea that the people who put their lives at risk to make sure that the nation has peace to go about their daily lives which can sometimes requires them to take time out of their lives. Without this noble action of putting others before themselves where would we be at? I also like how you even state that at the end, that without them things would be different and even give examples- Sezar Guitron

  3. I liked that you shared and recognized the people who are heroes to you firefighters, the military and police officers because I feel that at times our communities take them for granted and often forget the sacrifice that is made to keep us safe and enforce the law.

  4. this was very well written and allowed me to completely understand where you are coming from with this. i really never thought about this topic of " what really is a hero" but i completely agree and feel extremely blessed to have people, like you said, voluntarily spend their time fighting for us and our country

  5. I like how you view heroes as people from our everyday lives and recognize them for what they do. This blog spoke out to me because it gives people that feeling of realization on how these simple human beings do so much to keep our world safe and ongoing.

    - Valarie Ly

  6. The idea that these people our heroes just as much as like Superman or Wonder Woman is something that many need to learn. Just because someone doesn't have superpowers doesn't make them any less brave or worthy of recognition, and I think you did a fantastic job highlighting the sacrifices they make and the bravery they exhibit. I also wanted to add my own opinion: Heroes aren't necessarily those you put their lives on the line, but also someone who simply makes an impact, such as a teacher or a parent. These people make sacrifices too and raise the youth to be incredible things and they oftentimes go underappreciated, too.

  7. This poem is absolutely amazing. From the start with you comparing your definition of hero to Merriam Websters definition. The amount of description allowed me to visualize and realize that those who risk there lives really are our heroes. This is a very open minding poem. - jayleen lupian

  8. Considering our current situation, there is a negative assumption that all people who work in these fields are bad people due to the actions of a few. I am really glad that you brought your insight to the table and how these people who serve us everyday are sacrificing themselves for our well being. The details that you included about these groups of people and what they do for us really made the overall purpose of the piece more effective. When you said, "Our country would not function without the military, firefighters, or police officers. We would be in wars with other countries, fires would not be resolved, and the crime rate would increase." you really emphasized that we would all be in fear just doing our everyday tasks. Thank you for your insight!

  9. This piece made me reflect on the sacrifices of our verterans and firefighters because they sacrifice themselves for us. This piece shows how sometimes we take our safety for granted and it shows how society should be more grateful for our safety as some places in the world may not. I love how you mention that heros come from all walks of life but the ones who we sometimes forget are those who protect us the most.

  10. Wow ashley this blog post was very good! I felt like you spoke a lot of truth and it was very interesting as a reader to be able to see from your point of view. Your introduction of the post was well thought out and engaging. Great job ashley! - Sofia Canseco

  11. This was so good. It’s very eye opening and honest and your views. It made me reflect on how much veterans and others do for us and our country.
    -Soraya Viteri

  12. Ashley, I really like your description of hero and how you proudly say hero's are people who save lives, not famous or powerful people who don't do anything. This writing really reminded me of who the real heroes are and the sacrifices they make. Good Job-Andrew Macias

  13. Hi Ashley, I really enjoyed your blog post and your definition of the word hero. I also enjoyed how you made mentioned the difference between kids at a young age believing that people from certain movies however in reality the true heroes are those who work in the work force such as firefighters, police officers and the military. Without firefighters, police officers and the military the environment around use would be disastrous.
    -Karen V.

  14. I definitely support the meaning and purpose of this piece of writing especially since I have relatives and related family members who have served and are currently serving in these types of fields. You have definitely spoken truth about these heroes in our world. "Our country would not function without the military, firefighters, or police officers. We would be in wars with other countries, fires would not be resolved, and the crime rate would increase. These people truly are our heroes." These last few sentences definitely can't be denied except by those who only see the negative side of these people.

  15. Nicely done! Good job elaborating on your take of the word 'hero.' And supporting why you see the word more as military branches, firefighters, and police officers, instead of the book definition of the word. By reading this blog, I can infer that you view these occupations with respect.

  16. I like how you included the dictionary definition of what a hero is in the introduction, and then compared it to what you believe. This was a very interesting topic to write about and I enjoyed reading your stance on it :) A lot of times, I think people forget about the sacrifices that these men and women make for us and reading your blog post really made me reflect on that. Great job!

  17. This is such a amazing blog post which talks about how brave they are and do acts of heroism on a daily basis. They risk their lives to save yours and others, and they do it without think of them selves.They are courageous, give a lot, very, very responsible, and most importantly they are kind. I like the message you are delivering to the youth and also its applicable for the whole society.

  18. I love the fact you use the word hero to describe the good people in our life that sacrifice aspects of their life to make the world safer and better for the world. I also enjoyed the comparison between children's heros like princesses and superhero from the heroes we see in reality. Alejandro Marquez

  19. This story was amazing. I like how you defined “hero” and completely agree with it. Not all heroes wear capes or have superpowers it could be ordinary people in our society. It made me feel to never take things for granted and always support them. Thank you for sharing this piece.

  20. I like how you gave the audience a clear definition of a hero and all the aspects to being a hero. This gives us a better understanding when you gave an examples of a few hero's in your life and how they effect the rest of society. Overall, this was a well written and thought out blog. It was inspiring when you said, "The people who might miss out on their own lives to fight for others." This was very true and made me think wow what a great and motivating statement to make me be like a hero one day.

  21. Ashley you did such a great job on this because I was really able to understand the different perspectives people have about Heros and what they do for us. Not only do I agree with you on not every hero wears a cape but I also believe sometimes the people you don't expect to do anything, they do something out of the ordinary. I also really loved how you made your piece flow. Great job again! - TANNER ANTONUCCI

  22. Ashley, this was truly an amazing piece. It was really well written and pointed out very important info that defines what a true hero is. Being that my brother is in the military I envy the what he’s doing for a country. Thank you for writing this, good job!
    -Taylor Archuletta

  23. Ashley, the way you spoke about real life heroes demonstrates a real passion for appreciating these heroes, firefighters, police, etc. You show how you realize their job isn't easy and they aren't always appreciated. It takes a certain kind of person to step up to this kind of job. Thanks for sharing!

  24. This writing on the abstract idea of “Hero” is a good reminder to us. I like how you used the everyday heroes that we sometimes tend to overlook. As a person who like fictional superheroes its very good to remind us that there are real heroes which are police officers, fire fighter, and the military. They are the true heroes. Thank you for reminding me of true heroes. It was a very good writing and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  25. Having a family member in the military, the blog makes me feel happy that someone thinks that these brave people are heroes. I love you how go in depth and explain the significance of roles that police officers, firefighters, and people in the military have. Well done!

  26. Your post helped me reflect on the people who are doing there jobs but are putting their lives on the line to protect us in the community. Your post was amazing in seeing those in public jobs such as police officers, firefighters and people in the military. You did an awesome job!

  27. Ashley, I loved reading this piece. Many of us have our own definitions of what a hero is, and you pointed out the three individuals we couldn't live without. I hope many see this piece as a stepping stone to further recognizing the many heroic acts that these people sacrifice their time and lives for. Great job!

  28. Ashley, I really felt your definition of a hero and I have to agree. A lot of men and woman risk their lives for others not knowing if they'll be able to still live theirs at the end of it all. It's what gives them the name "hero" and I find it inspiring especially because I feel they're more of a "superhero" than ones I've seen in movies since they don't need superpowers to fight enemies and protect their country and the ones they love. All they need is bravery and the will to continue their journey.

  29. Your view on what heroes really are got me thinking about who I look up to and see as heroes. I think your view on it is great and I think that it’s important that we appreciate those that keep us safe.

  30. Your post helped me reflect on the people who are doing their jobs but are putting their lives on the line to protect us in the community. Your post was amazing in seeing those in public jobs such as police officers, firefighters and people in the military. You did an awesome job!

  31. I applaud that you took the time to appreciate the unsung heroes of our society. I also think there is also some unnecessary negativity towards some of these types of workers and i'm also glad that your piece brings light to that as well!

    -Luis Matute (Period 4) 11:26 11/6/2018

  32. I liked your point of view on the cliché "not all heroes wear capes", and how in your perspective, a hero isn't necessarily a great warrior or one of high achievements, but rather a focus on the common man and their sacrifices not as recognized for doing their duty, such as a firefighter or military troop. While I do agree with you that men and women in public and armed services should be recognized as heroes due to their courage dealing with life-threatening circumstances, I don't believe that it is all out of the goodness of their heart, as for most it is mainly a career choice, and the risk and duty is the reason they get paid and get benefits. Regardless, I loved your piece and I think that overall our heroes should be recognized and upheld more, especially in a time of extreme political polarization and turmoil.


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