
Friday, October 19, 2018

"Eagle Pride" by Ethan M.

  We are all familiar with the term “Eagle Pride” as a rallying call or a beacon of hope to signify that everything will be alright, but as I have become more familiar with the word it has seemed to speak to me in a new light. Eagle Pride is not just a concept or a chant, it’s an ideal, whether we know it or not it is inside all of us. We’ll break this phrase down piece by piece, the specimen of the eagle has been known to be signified with strength, a symbol of power if you will, the pride aspect has to deal with the emotion of being proud of who you are or what you did or what you represent. For example, an Etiwanda athlete is preparing for lets say a football game, they’ve trained and trained for this moment where they can demonstrate the fruits of their labor and show what they’re made of. However, there’s this looming presence amongst the athlete this spiritual pressure that seems abstract but concrete at the same time, it’s coming from the fans in the stands, the coaches, the administrators, and even the deity himself Mr. Jaramillo. What is this presence? That’s right, Eagle Pride. Eagle Pride is the nirvana we as Etiwanda students and faculty try to achieve because our ideals are rooted in the fact that we are proud to be eagles. That chemistry test you’ve studied for 6 hours a night for, the sleepless nights you’ve had for trying to get an essay turned in by 11:59 PM, that softball, soccer, or basketball game that you put your everything in to, is all because you kept that ideal of being proud of your strengths and accomplishments, you kept the ideal of Eagle Pride. Eagle Pride is everywhere in our campus, from the arts, to the classrooms, to our own stadium, the reason why we do best is because we all have the same golden standard to push through our activities with Eagle Pride. Even after we have our eventual departure from this cathedral of cutting edge and top tier public education, we shall carry out our studies and future passions with even a hint of Eagle Pride because we’ve been so exposed to this ideal that in every aspect in our life we will have the strength and courage to prosper in this life. Another scenario, an AP Chemistry student has a lab due tomorrow and a quiz on the lab the next day, they’re stressing, crying, losing sleep, they have lost all the will to push forward… but, all of a sudden it hits them, if they don’t push through now, they won’t get the grade they want, they won’t be able to uphold the high standard they’ve set for themselves. So they stay up and finish that lab and turn it into google classroom, they study for that quiz, they all of a sudden have the will to go on, but what is this mysterious source of empowerment? Yet again, Eagle Pride. Eagle Pride is there for those who fully accept and believe in it, and once Eagle Pride is realized, there will be nothing that can prevent someone from reaching their truest desires.


  1. Ethan, I loved how you used "Eagle Pride" as a symbol for a powerful spiritual beacon. The way you described "Eagle Pride" as a "looming presence", Mr. Jaramillo as a "deity", and the school as a "cathedral" all add to the excellent vocabulary you used to describe the concept of "Eagle Pride". You took "Eagle Pride" to a whole other, deeper, level and used relatable experiences, such as AP Chem, to appeal to readers. Well done!

  2. I LOVE this passage not only because of the humor, but also the clean structure of each sentence that sets up the next. You make eagle pride seem like some religion referring to Jaramillo as some deity but that made it more interesting because after that, each moment you mentioned Eagle Pride seem as though you were chanting it, despite stating beforehand that it wasn't. It lit my mind for someone to be able to play my mind like that, and perhaps this was one of the better passages I've read by far aside from the 3-6 that I've seen to already. Overall, this was great!

  3. When I saw the title of this piece I had to read it. I loved reading about your deeper meaning of eagle side, and I 100% agree!! Eagle pride isn't just something that we all say, it is something that has a true impact on us. Great job on your blog, I really enjoyed it!!

  4. Let me start off by saying, astounding. I have never thought of the phrase, "Eagle Pride" in that manner before. I always have heard this saying and just thought that it was for fun because of how people joke around and take it lightly. You have added a new depth to this saying and I definitely agree with the fact that it is something that everyone has within them even if they do not realize it. Your take on the phrase "Eagle Pride" is enlightening and I thoroughly enjoyed your work.

  5. I found it very interesting the way you portray " eagle pride" to be a beacon of hope to all of the etiwanda students. I personally never really looked into that saying very much, I just always that of it as a thing jaramillo would say. but I really enjoyed reading this piece because it is very eye opening to the fact that we are all driven by these two words to do our best and succeed and I think that you did a great job of emphasizing the importance that those words have on the lives of etiwanda students and even the ones who graduated already.

  6. Before even reading this piece, I was attracted to the bold lettering. The emphasis of "Eagle Pride" and how it contributes to the overall atmosphere of our school was depicted masterfully! "Eagle Pride" is not merely a term but a code of life to us students. This piece overall was just fantastic! Great job Ethan!- Joshua Kidwell

  7. Wow! The way you describe "eagle pride" in depth gave a whole new meaning to it. I have always just thought of it to be something everyone said just to show support in our school, but the way you described it gives me a whole new out look on the word "eagle pride." The examples you used to help the reader understand the meaning in "eagle pride" were so descriptive and gave great imagery detail that it makes the reader more involved in the description because of how relatable it is. I absolutely loved the meaning you gave to "eagle pride."

  8. Most students just say say Eagle pride because it´s a meme Etiwanda students have, but you´ve shined a new light to the phrase, a stronger more powerful meaning to it. You did a very good job with this. Apart from the hopeful meaning, you were able to incorporate some humor into this piece.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  9. This story really showed me a new perspective of the term Eagle Pride. The scenarios were very good. When ever I hear the term Eagle Pride, It would always remind me of Mr. Jaramillo. Thank you for sharing this story.

  10. I have always thought "Eagle Pride" as anything more than a school slogan. Your piece did an amazing job on persuading the audience that "Eagle Pride" is more than a slogan; instead, it is a spiritual ideal that is within each of the 3600 students on campus. You also did an amazing job on relating your piece to all types of students on campus, which means your piece is able to catch the attention of a wide range of audience. Nicely done, Ethan! This topic was fun and unique!

    -Xiaoqing Zhong p.4

  11. This was a really well written take on Jaramillo's famous catchphrase! It was especially interesting because I had never thought about the phrase in the way you described and referred to it was a "presence." Your use of descriptive imagery really immersed the reader in some valid hypothetical situations! Great job

  12. Wow, I never thought eagle pride had deeper meaning. I really like how you broked down a simple phrase into complex and deeper meanings especially how you describe “eagle” as the symbol of strength and power. The way you structured your argument was really good especially when making connection between eagle pride to our classes. It made your argument stronger and more relatable to the audience. From all the different pieces I have read, you have one of the uniques style. By repeating “eagle pride” and bolding it, it gave that emphasis and importance in the piece. Also, it made more attractable to the audience eyes. Overall Great Work and Good Job.
    Jean Andre Molina

  13. Ethan this was a great breakdown of the famous slogan we as a school say "Eagle Pride". I don't think you could have done this any better because it was absolutely perfect. As a student of this school I felt and understood what you were saying. You drew me in and I connected to it. This was an amazing blog post! - Sofia Canseco

  14. I love your own spin of this ICONIC catchphrase. I really liked how you referred to Mr. Jaramillo as if he was a spiritual deity. Whenever I hear "Eagle Pride", I always thing of our principal. But now, I'll think of your story. Well done!!

  15. I liked how you put a deeper meaning into "Eagle Pride". I always thought it was just a saying that our principal says but your blog really showed what it really meant. Now every time I hear "eagle pride" I will think of your blog. You did such an amazing blog. Thank you for making me realize what "eagle pride" actually meant.
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  16. I loved this writing piece of yours. This one paragraph made me learn a lot about not just eagle pride but also myself. After reading your writing piece, this answers my question and thoughts about how I as a senior here at Etiwanda have been able to accomplish so much and gone this far in all these years. Well done!

  17. I love how you wrote about something that everyone at Etiwanda could relate to. The way you simplified the classic "Eagle Pride" mantra really gave a new meaning to it. Your blog showed how Eagle Pride is displayed on campus and how it motivates Etiwanda students to try their best.

  18. The phrase Eagle Pride just seemed as a meme to me, because everyone uses it as a joke. However you didn’t gave meaning to it and I believe that’s what our principle is trying to say. Everytime I hear someone say it now I will think of your story and what it turly means. This is a great story thank you for sharing.

  19. Ethan, you did such an amazing job talking about what the slogan Eagle pride really means! This has made me realize that I need to continue pushing through the last few months of senior year and think Eagle pride that way senioritis doesn’t get in my way.

  20. Before reading this I knew that the heavenly phrase, "EAGLE PRIDE", was important. Your essay showed me that it is just more than something Mr. Jaramillo said alot. It has a meaning behind it and you showed the meaning very wel. I can now connect this to my everyday life at Etiwanda and when I am feeling down or like I can't do anything, I will remember this and say with all my might, "EAGLE PRIDE".

  21. WOW ETHAN I LOVED THIS!!! You really brought something that we all just say around campus and really elaborated on it in detail. I never thought to myself of what EAGLE PRIDE really means and once I read your piece I was really touched on how you were able to present it. Also I wanted to say nice job on your wording and sentence structures throughout the whole thing! -Tanner Antonucci

  22. I must say, I have never even thought of the deep rooted meaning behind why the phrase holds so much joy to all Etiwanda students. Your interpretation and scenarios that you had put together to signify the iconic phrase was executed very well and put a sense of human connection between all Etiwanda students. My favorite part of the story is how you described the phrase as a "beacon of hope", it was very comical and fun.

  23. Wow! I thought your analysis of the phrase really entertained me. I do agree that this phrase is not only a set of words, but an ideal that symbolizes our strive for greatness, whether it's on our campus or outside of school. Your descriptive interpretation and providing examples of how we use our "Eagle Pride", such as within a Chemistry student or an athlete, strengthened your writing and created a very inspiring piece.

  24. I really enjoyed how you described the unique definition and phrase of "Eagle Pride" to us. I love how you broke down the overall meaning that having "Eagle Pride" is something all Etiwanda students stride for. And its true we all want that pride and success in the end when they hand us that diploma. This motivated me to keep up with my academics.

  25. Your use of diction was impressive and really allowed me, as a reader, to understand the level of thoroughness you wanted to reach. Your significant use of diction also allowed me to understand the sarcastic tone you have embedded within the piece. Job well done. - Milena Codling 7:11pm

  26. Ethan, I loved the way you made me realize your take on Eagle Pride because to most of us we just see it as a funny phrase we all hear from the " deity" Mr. Jaramillo. You demonstrated a real personal connection you have for it. You conveyed how the phrase ultimately unites us all.

  27. Hi Ethan! I loved reading your interpretation of our iconic school phrase "Eagle Pride". You used effective and strong diction to convey the ideas of how "Eagle Pride" is a powerful phrase that resonates with each and every single member of the EHS student body. Reading this made me think that we do not stop to think how much this phrase means to us as students of Etiwanda, but you have skillfully put into perspective how important this phrase is to our identity. Amazing job, I truly enjoyed reading this! :) - Sandra Samin (per. 1)

  28. I love how you were able to turn Eagle Pride from somewhat of meme at our school to a phrase with actual meaning and sustanance How you described it as a "Mysterious source of empowerment" was absolutely spot on.
    -Johnny Gitau

  29. This piece was honestly very enjoyable and entertaining to read. There was humor that made me chuckle a bit. This really does represent you as a person Ethan. You showed that you are able to persevere through tough times as you have experienced them first hand and you were able to show how you can make a lot of things entertaining, This beacon of hope was enjoyable to learn more about because you wrote in such a fashion that could capture everyone's attention.

  30. Wow. Just wow, Ethan, I love the way you take the famous catchphrase that our schools “deity” Mr. Jaramillo uses and broke it down to a new light. The details you put into the blog is so vivid and allows the readers to see your perspective in on the term “eagle pride,” Great job!!

  31. This is what school spirit should be. You've really showed us what it means to have pride in everything that we do because we truly give it our all and that is something seen in many, many Etiwanda students. This story just shows the quality we have to offer and how the simple words "Eagle Pride" is a symbol of greatness and quality students.
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  32. Loved this piece. You opened up with a really strong hook that kept me interested throught. I’ve never put much thought into the true meaning of “Eagle Pride” until now. Very well said!
    -Donyale Thomas

  33. Ethan, I love your sense of Eagle Pride and what it means to you. In your meaning it is a , in your words, "symbol of power" and I can relate to this as a reader and as a fellow peer. I like the way you broaden the term into every aspect of everyday school life for Etiwanda students. Either way, Awesome read.

  34. Ethan, I've seen your work with our video productions, and you do resemble Eagle Pride. The in-depth meaning you provide to this phrase that doesn't just represent us as a whole, it represents the individual pieces that make up our student body. You are a piece of that. Great job!

  35. I love how you bolded Eagle Pride, it made me laugh because I read it in Mr. Jaramillo's voice. I love the humor in your story and I really enjoyed reading it.
    -Deanna Ortega

  36. Ethan, I like your version of "Eagle Pride" and the significance that comes with it. I'm use to hearing it from our principal Mr. Jaramillo especially after he says something inspirational for which I find to occur most of the time but your take on it reminds me of what makes us an Etiwanda Eagle and the pride that we gain from accomplishing our goals and getting better and higher in our academics.

  37. Ethan, I really like how you defined Eagle Pride in a very powerful way and how it can become a source of empowerment for students that want to become academically successful. What I found to be most pro-founding was how you consistently came to use Eagle Pride as a common ideology that other students look highly upon.
    -Mayur Chhitu

  38. I love how you broke down the term Eagle pride. I believe this is a very unique way of taking apart this term used by many at Etiwanda High School and putting a deeper meaning into it.
    - Julissa Saenz

  39. An very interesting take on the phrase! I always saw it as just some motivational filler or just kind of a joke, but the way you've defined the phrase has brought it way more meanings that I could've imagined. I definitely see it in a new light and I think the phrase bears more value to me than before.

    - Luis Matute (Period 4) 11:21 11/6/2018


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