
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"My Hard Work" by Kiara W

It’s September 26, 2017 at 9:30 in the evening. I’ve just arrived home from practice and I am about to start on my homework. As my computer is loading I am thinking about my future and what I would want to pursue my profession in. A notification appears on my screen of an email from my dream college. Thinking that it is going to remind me to send in the last of my application attachments, I continue to open it. Instead of seeing the information that is needed to finish my application I see “Congratulations! You have been admitted to Washington State University for the fall 2018 semester.”  I clearly was shocked and did not understand what I was reading until I showed my mother and she started crying. Next to show was my father. He was the one who showed me this college. Before I knew about Washington State I was looking into University of Washington and Oregon State University. At first when looking for a college I was just looking at the scenery and what the class ratio would be. I finally started looking into How the students and teachers from previous years worked together. Picking the school started when I chose to take the junior experience field trip and was able to sit in on a class and get a hands on one on one with the professor knowing that there were 30 other people in the room and this professor was able to get an overlook of all the students by simple asking them a couple of questions and be able to know their intentions for that student already. This was really the ice breaker of this school. Reading the email over and over finally realizing what all of my handwork had helped me to achieve. I was able to get into my top school and do it by myself. I achieved my goal of being the first in my family able to attend a four year university. The stress of taking extra classes all 4 years of high school. The late nights of studying all payed off to be able to say that I am a future cougar of Washington State University. Even when you are busy with extracurricular and stress of school and graduation the hard work that you've expressed through your work and dedication shows at the end.


  1. I am so proud and happy for you Kiki! Coming from freshman year to now these four years have been quite a journey but what you said is so true, the hard work really does pay off. I am so excited to see your new journey blossom. This was such a relevant piece to compliment everyones excitment of their future school. Great job and Congrats! - Sabrina WIlkerson Per.1

  2. Aye! First of all, congratulations on your acceptance, glad your hard work really paid off. Seeing all of this hard work pay off in the end is truly a blessing as your forget all the blood, sweat, and tears you put in to get to where you are.

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  3. Congratulations! I'm so happy everything paid off. I know how rough it is to wait on those acceptances and what a relief when they finally appear. What a great moment for your family as well. I can really feel your excitement through your words.

  4. This is such a well written piece, you can really feel your excitement and how proud you are, which you really should be. It's crazy that that one little email can have such a great impact on your life. Congratulations on your acceptance, and good luck with the new path ahead of you!

  5. It's wonderful that you got into the school you wanted. Hard work really pays off at the end. Knowing how school is really stressful when you try, it's rewarding to know that all the stress and sleep deprivation was worth it. Congratulations in getting into Washington State University!

  6. Congratulations! You've worked so hard and it's awesome seeing you achieve your goal. I love the last line of your piece. Sometimes in the process we start to lose confidence and believe that we won't be rewarded in the end, but your piece shows that hard work pays.

  7. Great job Kiki and congratulations on your acceptance you really do deserve it. I enjoyed how u were able to include your parents thoughts and reactions because it gives the reader the scence they are experiencing it themselves. Again great job :)

  8. CONGRATS BEST FRIEND! This was such a great piece on what happened that day. I especially liked your use of detail and the advice at the end. Great Job!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  9. Congratulations! I liked this story a lot due to your personal narrative. Good job on the piece and congrats on your acceptance!

  10. congratulations! so glad to hear that all of your hard work has paid off and you got into your dream school and you are the first in your family.

  11. Congratulations on all your hard work Kiara! I hope Washington State University is everything you wished for. Good luck!

  12. Congrats! I'm glad your hard work paid off. The email must have given you so much anxiety. Good luck at Washington State! Keep up the work ethic and hard work!

  13. Congratulations for getting into your dream school! I love the amount of dedication you put towards your studies, and truly realizing that hard work pays off. Great job!
    - Eliana Rodriguez

  14. Congrats on your being accepted into Washington State University! Like many of us, it takes a lot of dedication and determination to achieve something big in our lives and although it is very tiresome, you did and doing great things!-Erick Gutierrez per.4

  15. Congrats on making it into Washington State University Kiara! I like the message that you leave at the end of the post where hard work does pay off.

  16. Congrats Kiara!!! You are right all that hard work paid off, now comes college. I wish you all the luck in the world. Have fun at Washington.

  17. Although this is short, I can really feel your excitement when you got that notification. I know exactly what it feels like to not really understand that you got into your dream school until you have someone else read it just to verify it for you. Congrats!!

  18. Great job Kiara! I really enjoyed reading your story about how you got accepted into the college that you wanted. I found it pretty cool that your the first person attending college in your family and I liked your overall message that hard work pays off at the end. Congrats on making it to your preferred college and good luck!

  19. This is so relatable because all of us are on our way to college. This is soo exciting congratulations!!
    Vanessa Fernandez period 5

  20. I read this with the biggest smile on my face! Congratulations Kiara, you truly did work so hard and I am eager for you to do bigger and better things in college. (:

  21. Congratulations, Kiara. Its good to see hard work paying off because I am a firm believer of that as well. You have a bright future ahead of you as WSU is a great school whatever you do keep working hard!
    -Kessler Edwards

  22. I'm pretty sure a big majority of us can relate in the moment of reading an acceptance letter from the college we applied to. Reading your piece takes me back to the moment getting my acceptance letter in the mail, and my excitement at the time. Hard work really does pay off and congrats on your acceptance!!! Good Job (:

  23. This is awesome! You have achieved so much by putting all of your best efforts in everything you do and it got you to somewhere amazing! You will keep doing amazing things! Thank you for sharing, this was motivating. Good luck!

  24. First off, Congratulations Kiara! Getting into your dream college is such an accomplishment and something you should be so proud of! It's crazy to think everything we have done in high school all leads up to one moment. Your piece is so relatable and I felt the same exact way when I received my acceptance letter to my number one college as well. Great Job!

  25. Congrats on your acceptance and being the first in your family to attend a four year university. Keep up the hard work!

  26. Atta girl Kiara you have no idea how happy I'am for you because i've seen you work so hard for this and I'am immensely proud of you and so excited to see where this experience takes you because you deserve it.If you ever need anything out their because I know a lot of people in Pullman let me know and you got this study hard don't be a stranger when you come home and again congratulations
    David Ekelem per 6

  27. Kiara, congratulations on getting accepted into your dream college!! I was excited for you the entire time I was reading your blog post. I love how you went into detail about how in shock and how proud your parents were for you!! I can only imagine how hard you worked throughout these past four years, and I know that you'll continue to work hard and accomplish whatever you want to pursue.

  28. Congratulations on your early acceptance into such a wonderful school! I love your piece, especially being able to relate to the feeling of accomplishment. I loved your choice to include the beginning line of your acceptance email, and putting it in bold. I wish you best in your future. (-:

  29. I am so happy that you got into your dream school and that all of your hard work and dedication paid off. I enjoyed the part where you explained how when you received the email and you thought it was to finish your application but it was actually the acceptance letter. I wish you the best at your college and hope it is as wonderful as it seems to be.

  30. What a dream come true!! We always wonder about the goals that we hope to achieve but wonder if it will ever come true, but hard work most definitely always pays off. Your story of acceptance in your college is so encouraging, CONGRATULATIONS!!

  31. Thanks for sharing this piece and congrats on being accepted. The road to getting into college is a long process and can be real hard and so many different factors go into picking the right college. It was hard for me choose the right college also but it all worked out good. Best of luck to you at Washington State.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  32. Raymond williamsMay 9, 2018 at 1:48 PM

    Congrats on the success. All the hard work paid off good job. I hope you do well with whatever you decide to do after.

  33. Congrats on getting into your dream school. I remember when you first told me you got in you were so excited. Its the best feeling when all your hard work pays off and you see the end result. Overall good blog post.

  34. Congratulations on your acceptance! I must say that the feeling of being accepted by your dream university or any decent four year university in general is a feeling like no other especially when the family is proud, great piece.

  35. Congratulations I am so proud of all your hard work and dedication you have put into school. Apply this same effort to everything you do and you will be unstoppable! I loved reading this great job!

  36. Congratulations on your acceptance! Getting accepted into your dream school is such an amazing achievement and a HUGE weight lifted off your shoulders once you finally realize all that you have worked for has finally paid off. Going out of state for college is going to be a great experience for you to grow and thrive as a young adult, I'm so happy for you! Good luck on your upcoming adventure as a Cougar!

  37. Hello, I am pretty sure lot of use can relate to your blog, because last few months have been very special to everyone for getting accepted to their dream colleges. Also i know how that feels when you are the first person in the house to going to four year college, it's an amazing moment. My parents were very shocked too when i got accepted to my dream college, my goal was to see my parents happy and i am so glad that i achieved that moment. You should be proud of yourself and thank you for sharing your precious
    moment. Good Luck in college and Stay Happy.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  38. Congratulations on your accomplishments. Your piece was inspiring and made me even more enthusiastic to visit the college I got accepted in. Overall this piece made me appreciate all my accomplishments to get to where I am today and made me reflect on these last four years of high school.

  39. Great blog post! I’m glad you got into your top college choice. Also it’s amazing that you’ll be the first person to go into a four year university, it’s the same for me. I could relate to this piece and liked that you included how hard you’ve worked. You deserve to go to Washington State!:)

  40. This is great to hear about the acceptance letter! I can relate by being the first person going into a four year university loved how I related to this. Good job!
    period 5

  41. I am so proud of you! Good job on this accomplishment and sharing your story and i'm glad you get to experience this in your family!

  42. Congratulations on attending your dream college! Your hard work has payed off and now you can take a nice break and get back at it when school starts again! Thank you for sharing your story.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  43. Congratulations! You must be ecstatic. I can imagine how excited you and your family was when seeing the acceptance email. Graduating high school and going off to college is the next big step for us.

  44. Reading this piece was heart warming. Congratulations on your acceptance. I hope you enjoy your time at Washington
    -Dominique Madrigal p.1

  45. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! I enjoyed reading about your personal experience getting into college. It's just so relatable because I felt that sense of excitement and accomplishment when I was accepted into the college I'll be attending. It's nice to know the hard work over the past four years has paid off. Good luck at Washington State, and thank you for sharing!

  46. Congratulations on your accomplishments. This was so amazing to read. I could feel the excitement you felt through your descriptions. This was so inspiring to read and very relatable to a lot of us. Thank you for sharing with us your great news and congratulations again.

  47. Congratulations on your acceptance into a university of your choosing. So glad you could share a special moment with us through a personal narrative that outlines your hard work in accomplishing this. Gavin Gnaster

  48. Congrats on the acceptance and the nice blog post! Really appreciate you writing about the moment in which you found out you were accepted and your real emotions. This piece is extremely relatable and well written, thank you for sharing this moment !!
    -Valerie Cortez
    Per. 5

  49. It really is true, Hard work pays off, and you have shared this amazing story ! Congrats of getting accepted to your dream college , it seems like you've earned it !!

  50. Congratulations! Keep up the awesome work! Don't forget to have fun admist all that studying. We're all so proud of you. You're an amazing person and I know you will do great things!

  51. Kiara this was an inspirational blog post and I am glad you were able to get into your dream school. The different feelings that you described were spot on with what I also felt when I was accepted into college. Good luck in college and keep working hard.

  52. I loved how this piece embodies almost what everyone wants in terms of college dreams, and you achieved what everyone believes is impossible. This was great and i felt your emotions, great job!

  53. Congrats on your acceptance! It made me real happy to read about how you chose to go about picking this school to be your dream college. I'm glad your hard work paid off. It was worth it.
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  54. Congratulations on your acceptance! I hope you have the time of your life at that school, you've earned it!

  55. There aren't that many people that can say that they were accepted into their dream college. I am so happy for you because you made it happen! I hope everything goes well and that you have an amazing college experience.

  56. Congratulations on your acceptance. This was an extremely well written piece and I'm happy that you shared such a special moment with us.
    -Steve Martinez

  57. Congratulations Kiara! I'm glad that you got into the top college of your choice. Not to mention that you're the first in your whole family to go to a university. That must've been hard to break the precedent. Congrats, again!

  58. Congrats Keke! I wish you nothing but the best, I am happy you got accepted into your top college. Continue to do great things!!

  59. I know being accepted something is one of the most relieving and happy feelings a human being can experience, and I'm glad that one of those feelings was you being accepted into the college of your choice. Congrats!! :-))

  60. Getting into your dream college AND being the first in your family to attend a four-year are not only major accomplishments alone, but I am so proud of you for breaking through both of these boundaries. Your hardwork and determination up until this point is a testament of what you are capable of, and now it is time to work even harder. Congratulations and best wishes!!

  61. Yes go KiKi! I'm so proud of the accomplishments you have made and I wish you an amazing journey. What you said at the end was extremely true, although we are pressured and pushed to our limits at times with extracurricular and school, it's all worth it in the end when you open your acceptance letter to your dream school!

  62. Good job on your blog and congratulation! I am proud that you were able to accomplish your goals and hope that you're able to succeed in your future.! - Eric Duong Period 4

  63. Kiki I am so proud of you for making it into your dream school, I remember the day after you got the acceptance you were so happy in first period. This was such a great thing to write about and I am so proud of you!

  64. I'm so proud of you for being accepted by your dream school, and incredibly impressed that you found out so early. The personal nature of your post made me feel like I was with you getting accepted. Congrats on being the first in your family to accomplish this, I know it's hard but it will definitely pay off!

  65. Yay Congrats KiKi! I'm so happy you were accepted into your dream college especially since not a lot of people could say the same. I really hope you enjoy Washington State University. As senior year ends its amazing to see you s excited for your future.

  66. Congratulation! I am happy to hear that you got into you dream school. I completely agree that we are pressured and pushed to our limits but in the end, all that hard work pays off. I wish you the best of luck at Washington State University!
    Jalynne Reyerse
    Period 2

  67. Congratulations, I am very happy you got into your top school. I wish nothing but the best for anyone. I personally loved the part where you got to sit in on a class. Being involved in making a career decision is a big choice. I'm glad you had yours already planned out.Great job!

  68. CONGRATULATIONS! That makes me so happy that you got accepted into your dream school. You definitely deserve it for the extra classes you took and all of the late nights you spent studying. I wish you blessings and prosperity in this next chapter of your life.

  69. How exciting!!! I think everyone who applied to college went through the same thing as you, wondering if your hard work was worth it. The subject was extremely relatable and I'm sure getting into your dream school gave you a happiness like no other. Great job, you worked hard and your perseverance payed off!! Congratulations!!

  70. Congrats! This story gave me a lot of butterflies! I am really proud of you! I love reading stories like these because it shows the growth and process. Great job!

  71. Congrats Kiara, Best of luck out there in the real world. I could easily relate to your piece because it is true that hard work will in fact bring you nice rewards. Great Job.

  72. I know you will love Washington and it's great you already love your new school. Even though you'll be far from your family, you'll be at your new home. I promise to do my best to keep Eddie from going insane from missing you.

  73. Congratulations Kiki! I’m so happy for you that your future is so bright! This post was so needed because it allows all of us to find that motivation to finish strong. Great job and awesome piece! Good luck in the future. -Mia Tolliver Period. 1

  74. Great piece, Kiara! The fact that you've accomplished so much throughout your high school is extremely commendable. Also, your success doesn't just stop here, but excels through and past college. All of your hard work was, indeed, worth it despite the late nights, early mornings, and everlasting practices. Like many other seniors, college is the first step to the rest of our lives, and being accepted into one of your top colleges is beyond extraordinary. Great job again!

  75. Congratulations on your achievement. College is such an exciting and new time for all of us as we are moving to another stage of our life. Your story seemed very real and touching as it was so relatable. Good Job.

  76. This was a great blog. Great job in fulfilling your goals. This was a great blog in order to motivate future students that with hard work and determination, you'll be able to fulfill your dreams. Again great Blog.

  77. Congratulations Kiki! I’m so happy for you that your future is so bright! This post was so needed because it allows all of us to find that motivation to finish strong. Great job and awesome piece! Good luck in the future. -Mia Tolliver Period. 1

  78. WOHO!!! Congratulations on getting into your dream school. I've always wanted to go to school out of state, but now that I'm going to Nor Cal, I realized that I'll be extremely homesick and I'm not even in a different state. However, I believe you will do tremendous things up in Washington and I hope to hear all about it. Congrats again. :)

  79. Hot diggity snap crackle pop, I am envious. I had a similar experience with the Honors Program at the CSU I am attending, and my heart stopped. I was probably a bit dramatic, but oh well. I guess this piece is just so fitting for the end of the year, really bringing back the nostalgia and the excitement and just, well I guess you already understand it all huh. Another Congratulations, you should be proud. HAGS!

  80. Congratulations on making a dream of yours come true!!! Im super intrigued by the different factors that you mentioned when choosing your college. For instance I didn't take into consideration the ratios or classroom setting. But that just shows who you are as a person and Im glad you're going to be going to school somewhere that reflects who you are.

  81. Congrats on getting into your dream school! That's really great and you really have worked hard. I'm happy you're able to go and have the support your parents gave you. Hope you achieve even more and continue working hard out in Washington.

  82. Congrats! It's such an accomplishment to be the first in your family to be able to attend a four year college and seeing that you made your parents proud. I wish you nothing but the best and hopefully you'll do great things in the future!

  83. Congratulations on getting into your dream school! As long as I've known you, you've been and intrepid learner and responsible person, so I have no doubt you will thrive at Washington. Thanks for sharing!

  84. Alejandro QuintanillaMay 14, 2018 at 10:16 PM

    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment. It is truly amazing that you got into your top school and your hard work truly did pay off. Keep it up and you will go far!

  85. Great piece of writing, it was so informative and descriptive that I enjoyed it very much so. I really liked the idea that you put together such a nice piece that is very important to our contemporaries. You definitely provided something constructive, and we very much appreciate it !

  86. Great story and congratulations for getting into Washington State University. The feeling of seeing your hard work pay off is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and seeing that work go into getting into your dream college is that much better. Amazing job!

  87. Awe Kiki. I am soo proud of you. I remember the day like it was yesterday how excited you were to have gotten accepted. I want to acknowledge your hard work because even though you got accepted earlier in the year you didn't give up on everything else. For that I salute you sis. I am beyond proud of you man this is super exciting, Hard work really does pay off and you overcame every obstacle. I love you friend and I will miss you

  88. Congrats! I am sure your hard work has paid off. I wish you the best of luck in college. Good luck!

  89. Reading this gave me a somewhat warm and fuzzy feeling... and a bit of anxiety. I am so proud of you! We were never close friends but reading this makes me miss you already. It makes me miss being able to see all my friends and people i have known over the years and will be leaving behind in just about a week. I love how you wrote it and how i am able to relate to it to a certain extent. Although I wont be the first to attend college (that was my sister),I will be one of the first in my family to attend college too. Congrats on all your hard work! I hope this school treats you right because you are a queen!


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