
Wednesday, May 2, 2018


As school comes to an end and summer is getting closer, many people want
to begin to get toned or even just lose a couple pounds for summer! For many people reaching their dream physique can be a very tough journey which often leads people to quit.. I would know how tough this journey can be because going into Highschool I was 103 pounds and was often teased for being very skinny. I tried working out but I would quit and then continue the following year.. I guess third time’s a charm because I began to take lifting seriously near the end of my junior year, and as of right now I weigh 188 pounds thanks to dieting and daily exercise. Although I’m not even close to my Physique Goal it’s always great to build a solid foundation! In this “How To” I will be explaining some of the best tips I have found to work for getting Lean!
What you will need:
  1. A written down plan to look at when you’re feeling unmotivated
  2. Notebook for keeping track of your results!
  3. Measuring tape for checking progress around waist,arms,core, etc...
  4. Plenty of water
  5. BMR Calculator
  6. Meal Plan
  7. Plenty of nutritious, healthy snacks! (This helps you to stay on track with your
    meal plan)
  8. Lastly! Self- Motivation and Dedication to stay consistent with your training!!
1.You will need to write down your short- term and long- term goals for the purpose of
reaching your own fitness goal! (Example: Promoting a healthier lifestyle, Trying something new, or even personal goals)
2. Surround yourself with motivation! Follow Motivational Fitness pages, Socialize with people interested in your goal or even other people who are also chasing after their own fitness goals, Most importantly try to motivate yourself! Think about the reasons you are embarking on your journey to a healthier lifestyle!
3. Now, that you have started to follow the first couple most important steps, you will measure yourself with a roll of measuring tape. This includes: Measuring around your waist, belly, biceps, upper core, chest (optional) and legs! If needed don’t be shy to ask a friend or someone you feel comfortable with to help you measure!

4. Using the numbers you’ve just recorded, track your beginning results in a notebook or phone! Add dates and also try to take a few pictures of every angle! Measure and snap a picture every 2 weeks!
5. Use a BMR calculator online to track your calories, by simply searching up “BMR Calculator.” Your basal metabolic rate will be calculated which will give you the amount of calories you burn at a complete rest!

6. Pick a Meal Plan! If you’re trying to gain muscle, a High Protein/ Carb meal plan will be perfect for you (This means intaking a gram of protein per pound.. Example: I weigh 188 lbs therefore ill consumer 188 g's of protein a day)! If you want to lose weight increasing Protein intake and decreasing carbs will practically melt those last pounds off! If you’re trying to lose weight you can also try a calorie deficit.. This cuts the amount of calories you consume and your body will begin to burn stored fat as a source of energy!
7. Prepping your meals on a daily basis increases your chances staying on track with your diet.. Packing nutritious snacks such as grapefruit, walnuts and cashews or protein filled snacks will help you stay focused! Personally I prepare 7-8 eggs, Oatmeal or Cereal and Smoothie for breakfast.Fishsticks, chicken sandwich, cashews, raisins and yogurt for lunch. Salmon, grilled chicken or lentils, sweet potatoes and salad for dinner. Lastly I drink a protein shake and a bowl of cereal before bed..
8. A very underestimated step for feeling and looking healthier is consuming around 13-15 cups of water a day!! This plays a huge step! Being hydrated is so important for increasing your metabolism rate ( A fast metabolisms burn calories and fat a lot quicker)..It also Clears skin!
9. Finally!! Don’t be so hard on yourself and live your life with balance! Be focused on your fitness goal but don’t shut yourself out from other activities that bring you happiness! I personally LOVE Cheesecake and 4X4 In N Out burgers and these bring me happiness so I have a rest day every week!

This “How To” was a bit lengthy but I’m just very passionate about bodybuilding and nutrition! I just wanted to share the knowledge I know has worked for me and other people I’ve helped in the past! I hope you enjoyed these steps and that you will use them in the future!


  1. This is a very useful How To. Summer is coming up and I want to at least get ready. Great How To Diego.

  2. Through your "How to..." I can feel the passion you have for taking care of your body. There is a motivational feeling to these that makes me feel like I am invincible and able to do anything. Your use of exclamation points for punctuation made me smile because you can see that you are motivating your reader to take the steps to look and feel great. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This was probably the best thing for me to read right now with summer coming up! Your piece was very informational and motivational with beach season right around the corner. I think the use of a BMR calculator is also very smart. Your passion for nutrition and bodybuilding shows within your daily life even to those who don't know you well. This piece truly reflects who you are as a person!

  4. Good job on this post you make it sound so easy. I throughly enjoyed that fact that you chose a topic that was relevant to the time of the year, it’s definitely that time of the year again. Again very well written and easy to follow, thanks Diego

  5. this is such a great how-to Diego! I loved how you incorporated more than just exercise. I definitely will start meal prepping and give this plan a try!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  6. I found this how to very insightful. I like the personal commentary that you offered and I found it very helpful. Thank you!

  7. Thanks Diego! Now I have guidelines to get super beefy!

  8. Wow Diego! Thanks for sharing your journey and tips. I've been trying to get a summer body for a couple years now, maybe I'll finally get it this time.

  9. This "How To' was very informative. What I liked the most about this was that every step was specific and detailed as well as motivating for others. Great job!-Erick Gutierrez per.4

  10. This how-to is so informational and I can see how it could be very helpful for people who want this goal. I love step three because in order to achieve goals you will always need motivation.

  11. I would definitely try this out if I weren't lazy. I think that I would need more than just one cheat day. You did a great job at being specific. You were very thorough with how to calculate BMR and planning meals.

  12. Thank you very much for your step by step guide. I personally struggle with my physical fitness. I really appreciate that you decided to share your plan. I will be taking your tips into account for this summer as I work my way towards my ideal weight this summer. Thank you again!

  13. I like how you wrote your blog post in hopes of helping others. I found this blog very helpful and I hope to hopefully use your method. Good Job!

  14. I remember when you used to be the little 106 pounder on our wrestling team our freshman year but over the years you gradually got bigger and bigger and now after reading this I know how you were able to do it. I found your "how to" very informative and I liked how you not only listed tips you can do to get in better shape but you went into detail with each one describing how it's going to help you. Great Piece Diego your story is a true inspiration!

  15. Wow Diego, I always wondered how you were able to get so lean and I myself need to get in better shape before I go into college for track. I will definitely use this as a guideline into my journey and I really do trust this because I've seen your transformation and would love to be able to do that for myself!
    Nysiah LeGardye
    Period 6

  16. Interesting piece! and very relevant to the upcoming season. I really enjoyed how you not only stressed the importance of a healthy diet full of protein, but also listed how motivation and keeping track of your results is a key part of getting in shape. I like how you made this post personal to you and explain tips that you actually use and are beneficial to you rather than general steps to getting the body you want. Great job!!

  17. Okay Diego these tips are going to be very helpful because i've been looking for a way to eat healthier and to maintain the progress i've made in the weight room keep up the hard work you've been doing and thank you again for the tips David Ekelem Per 6

  18. Thank you for sharing your advice! You explained everything so well with detail it is much appreciated!

  19. I think with Summer coming around, everyone is wondering where has time gone, and how fast can they get a "summer" body. So this is totally some helpful tricks, I do not think anyone knows how much actually goes into trying to become fit. I want to try these, but french fries are my favorite food, so instead I'll pass this to my mom who is a health fanatic. Great how-to!

  20. Diego, I absolutely loved how in depth you got as your described a healthier lifestyle. It was interesting to hear your meal prep routine as well as how you continue to track your results. Thank you so much for briefly sharing your personal story and keeping a lot of your peers motivated. I personally follow you on social media as well as see you around school, and I'm instantly motivated! Keep it up Diego, you're killing it!

  21. Good job Diego! You explained everything very well, and even though I won't do this how-to I'm sure this will help out someone who wants to be more informed on becoming fit. You've definitely proven that this plan works! Good job!

  22. WOW!! I absolutely love this there is not many plans that clearly state what needs to be done to get the results that you want. I admire the depth that this post contains because I have embarked on a fitness goal but it's very hard to truly stay consistent,exceptional job for achieving your fitness goals!

  23. I feel like everyone has this goal and mindset as soon as the new year starts but no one knows how or where to start. You put it beautifully and truly showed how passionate about nutrition and taking care of you body.
    Avalon Freeman
    Pd. 2

  24. Thanks for this. My friends and I have made a workout plan to do over summer but your tips should really help also. I never thought about doing a meal plan like you included in your writing so it's something I will really look into.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  25. Raymond williamsMay 9, 2018 at 1:50 PM

    Thank you for the description on how to get that summer body haha. I can not wait to get to the beach so i will use these tips.

  26. Great piece brother, I know alotta folks out here are ready to start grinding for that summer body and what better time to write this type of piece than the last month of the school year before summer.

  27. i like that you decided to write this because its perfect timing since we are going into summer. I loved how you were very detailed with all your steps and explanations and how you gave your own personal story to prove that its possible.

  28. Yooo! This was very encouraging and I would love to try your diet plan and workout advice if only I wasn't so lazy lol. I workout consistently but i'm not dedicated enough to stick to a full on diet plan with healthy meals most of the week, I love juicy burgers and crazy bread too much. I really enjoyed reading your how-to though, I might even come back to take up on some of your tips! Good job!

  29. Hello, This blog is actually going to be very helpful for everyone. Especially for the beach people, i personally need this really bad because i am going to my country for summer vacation and it's going to be very sunny there . Also since i am a beach person, i probably will hit the beach very often so i definitely need to know how to keep my skin healthy and safe from the sun. Thank you so much for sharing.
    -Taslima Ahamed

  30. Thank you for your advice on nutrition. Generally, I eat whatever my mom or the school provides, but now that I'm going to be off on my own, I'll need to know how to plan a healthy diet, so your guide provided a basic outline of how to get started.

  31. Thank you for such a great "How to", I love how in depth it goes with how to get fit and not just a quick overview. This will be very helpful to my friend and I who plan to get in shape over the summer.

  32. I have had the same experience where I have tried living a healthier lifestyle by working out, eating right, etc. but I would become frustrated/overwhelmed and quit. This blog is very knowledgeable, organized, and simple and I am very excited to take your advice and try this out for myself! Great job!

  33. Diego, this was so informative and a great piece to read because summer is almost around the corner. I loved the tips you gave because I always have a tough time to be motivated to exercise if I don't have soccer to play.
    period 5

  34. Hahahaha my boi Diego, good job on your piece. It was very interesting and very easy to follow and I can't wait for when our whole squad starts working out this summer. Good job kid!

  35. Thank you for an informative how to. I'll definitely try to follow this but I can't promise I'll stick to it. Eating healthy and exercising is definitely something I want to incorporate into my daily schedule during the summer. I really enjoyed reading this and thank you for helping out many people.

  36. I've been thinking about getting toned but didn't know where to start. Thanks for the info I can definitely start building my body now!

  37. As someone who works out daily and maintains a healthy diet, I found this to be extremely helpful and accurate. I know how hard it can be to maintain motivation and I found your advice to be extremely wise and encouraging!

  38. I think this "How-To" is the most helpful because we wouldn't expect to be so worried about our bodies at such a young age. Your writing is not only about the external looks, but also about being HEALTHY not just skinny. Thanks so much for the advice and motivation !!
    -Valerie Cortez
    Per. 5

  39. Great job on your entry Dirgo. Your ‘How To’ was very informative. You really demonstrated everything clearly and not so complicating. Once again great job.

  40. YASS ! love this how to on getting that beach body for summer, this was really organized and well said Diego. I especially like when you talked about the nutrition! very informative

  41. This was great! I think this was a really good "How to" since summer is almost here now. Thank you for sharing your story, it was very motivational. All of the steps were very specific and I loved it! Great job on this!

  42. Like you, I get discouraged from getting in shape but your tips and personal story has inspired me! When I go to college, I want to exercise and eat healthier to have a free life and not bound by my physical limitations. I enjoyed that your tips are simple and realistic. That a healthy life doesn't exclude the foods you still enjoy. There is a balance. Great job!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  43. As a professional bodybuilder, i find this article very accurate and informative. Well done on the accurate information and good tips. I couldn't have written a better article myself. Well done Diego.

  44. I really enjoyed this unique "how to".Adding your personal experience contribute to making these steps realistic by showing the audience that it is possible with true dedication.Great job with being so detailed!

  45. This is a very helpful guide for me, because I can relate to that whole thing where you only stick with it for a few months. After seeing this guide it makes me feel motivated to stick with it. Well done.

    Jeremiah Credo P1

  46. You have come a long way! I am impressed with how you stuck to your goals and are continuing to reach them. It is important to have a positive attitude when it comes to things like your physique. You seem like you would make an excellent trainer.

  47. I really liked how you made a personal connection in your blog as it showed your passion towards being healthy and working out. I also found your tips very useful and look forward to giving them a try this summer. Great "how to" Diego!

  48. Your article was very in-depth with easy steps to follow! I feel like you highlighted a lot of important parts that seem to be misunderstood when trying to get a fit body for the summer. For myself, I didn't think dieting was super important when working out but your emphasis on meal planning and eating healthier really motivates me more to eat better foods. Thanks for your guidance on working out and getting fit!

  49. This how-to was great and very informative, especially with both summer and college around the corner. Having a healthy lifestyle is important and you made it seem very realistic and simple, which is encouraging for me to start living a healthier everyday life. Also, these tips will come in very handy and help me avoid gaining the freshmen fifteen.

  50. I really loved this! I was planning on getting my summer body in tact but it didn't work out as planned. But I liked how you used details and told us exactly what needed to be done.

  51. What an amazing and insightful "How-To"! Your in-depth breakdown on how to track your progress, dieting plans, and how to find and maintain motivation was truly helpful! I really loved this diet-plan especially since it made me realize there are dozens of tasty foods to choose from so the diet doesn't become bland.

  52. This was a cool how to. I appreciated that rather than being the usual recipe or craft, it taught a change in lifestyle. I personally focus more on my diet than on exercise, but I want to start incorporating working out into my daily routine. Thanks for the tutorial!

  53. This was very inspiring and motivational for me personally. I am all for a healthy body and your "How to" was quite informational. Thank you! I especially loved the part about nutrition and your non-stop meal plan.

  54. Wow Diego! I love this how to because of how specific your steps are which makes it easy to understand and achieve your goal. I will definitely take this how-to into consideration this summer. Thank you!

  55. I really liked your how to, as it employed how to accomplish our personal health goals through tips that you believed to be true based on ur personal vocation. Your use of detail about your personal experience and conflict with finding the motivation to do so, worked well as it gave the audience something to relate to .

  56. Although I don't plan on getting a "beach bod", I could see how much knowledge you have on the subject! Having motivation and a set goal is important for all tasks, and this How-to translates well into any self improvement that one wishes to accomplish. This guide helped give me inspiration for how to go about with learning a new language!
    - Travis Ly

  57. Ah Diego, I remember back in middle school when you were a skinny boy. Now your a big built man! Your in-depth tutorial was very detailed and will indeed come in handy when we work out over summer break!

  58. this how-to is perfect to follow now that summer is coming up, and with this i will reach my beach body (hopefully). i also love how it is nicely laid out and easy to understand.

  59. Thank you so much for this amazing how-to! Since summer is right around the corner I felt that even the title intrigued me to thoroughly read this piece. I love the fact that the steps are super easy and simple to follow, even though it's probably easier said than done. This how to has definitely influenced me to start meal planning at least to live a more healthier life style in the summer.

  60. Great piece on how to achieve the summer body. Summer is right around the corner and this seems like it will be a great tool. Great job on making it easy to understand and fun to read.

  61. Honestly I remember how you looked back then and you look great now. Thank you for your insight on how you did this I'm going to have to try and get on track with that now.

  62. Oh this How-to was made for me haha! I'm never fully content with my physical self, but I never have the motivation to do anything about it. However, this step-by-step really shows me that I will see progress if I stay consistent which is something I will have to learn to overcome.

  63. Dude, you are literally superman! Now sure you look great, but what Ive always been impressed with is how driven and determined you are to meet your goals. Even in your how-to, I know that the reason you are preaching this is because you ACTUALLY follow it. Thats super admirable. Also you make it sound so easy! I don't think I could ever get to your level, but reading how simple it sounds, I may make a few adjustments to my lifestyle choices!

  64. Great tips. Your how-to was very insightful and contained important points for everyday life in general.

  65. This was really my favorite piece from the entire year and probably the most relatable, as so many of us are thinking about it rn. Thanks for the tips and I’ll try an put them to good use!

  66. I think this is very helpful and informative. I like the fact that you wrote not just about how to get skinny but how to be healthy. I know for me it is difficult for me to be healthy choices. I hope to use your method. Thank you

  67. Alejandro QuintanillaMay 14, 2018 at 10:23 PM

    This guide is very helpful because it goes over nutrition very well, which is something that is easily overlooked when trying to get into better shape or is not properly looked at for the goals one is trying to achieve.

  68. Diego, I would only expect this kind of entry from you! This was very detailed and insightful, and definitely relevant as summer is literally right around the corner. I loved that you stayed realistic, like the comment about taking it easy on yourself and having some cheat days haha. Thanks for sharing!!

  69. Thanks Diego, I recently stopped going to the gym and this was the motivation I needed to get back in shape, especially since summer is coming around

  70. This post is extremely motivating and makes me want to get up off the couch and actually do it! Sometimes I can get really discouraged and having a plan makes it feel attainable. A diet doesn’t sound too bad and I will definitely be trying this! Awesome guide.

  71. Haha, this is great! I love your energy throughout this, it makes me pumped up and want to actually follow through. I can definitely tell you're passionate about this and I appreciate how it just sound like a friend giving advice. Those personal touches of yours also makes this seem doable. Thanks for the tutorial, I guess I'll have to try it out this summer!

  72. Personally, I've been trying to prepare my body for when I go to bootcamp for the Navy over the summer and have been struggling with my meal plans (I usually dont like to eat till I get home from school.... at 6 pm). Anyway, since I know you are serious about working on your physical health, I might just try and imitate your meal plan. So thanks! This was really helpful. I really enjoyed how you layed the entire steps out too. It was very simple to follow.


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)