
Monday, April 16, 2018

"The Sound of Music" by Katarina S

            Dalia Berman is a percussionist in California, who graduated with her bachelors degree in music performance from California State University Northridge and recently received her masters in world percussion from California Institute of the Arts. Berman, along with her musical education, had been heavily involved in the marching arts; being a member of world-class, award-winning ensembles such as Pulse Percussion, Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps, The Academy Drum and Bugle Corps, and Mandarins Drum and Bugle Corps. Dalia Berman also happens to be Etiwanda High School’s Front Ensemble Caption Head, AKA, my instructor.
            Someone who has spent several years and several thousands of dollars on receiving a formal education in music had to have started somewhere. As a young girl, around the age of two, Dalia was put into piano lessons by her mother. Typically, those who are put into piano lessons by their parents end up not enjoying it or quitting a few years in, but not Dalia. Progressing towards her high school years, she had participated exceedingly in her school’s music program; playing drumset in jazz band, snare and tenor drums in marching band, concert percussion, and had even learned tuba her senior year to play for the freshman class band. Seeing how immersed she was in her own school’s music program, she found that band students today are much more exposed to outside musical experiences as well as that these cohorts of students tend to actively seek out more opportunities available to them than the student’s at her own high school did at the time.
            At the time that Dalia’s senior year arrived, she said, “I didn’t think it was not an option to go to college, my parents always kind of ingrained that. When it was time for me to pick a school or pick my major; I either wanted to do psychology or music, since those are the two things I like most. And I figured psychology didn’t offer any good jobs for me, so I chose music.” A dramatic flair that the movie industry that has influenced those to believe parents of children who choose to go towards the artistic route are conservative and find the arts to be a waste, is normally expected. However, Dalia’s college major choice was simple, as she found herself naturally inclined towards music, and her parents fully supported her in her decision. In fact, her parents still support her decision today, and had bought her a license plate frame that reads “I’d rather be playing tabla.” as a gift. (Sidenote: the tabla is an Indian percussion instrument.)
            Imagining herself twenty-five to thirty years from now, her first thought was, “Oh my god! Dead?!” However, on a more serious note, she sees herself no longer being a music educator, most likely still continue to play with her friends as a hobby. Along with that, Dalia has recently joined the Army Reserves Band and continues to perform with them, and will most likely still be participating in the program in the next few years.
            As a music educator in this age, Dalia finds motivation in students that are beginning to understand what staff says about having the passion and drive to grow more. Additionally, she perceives the most lasting words of advice she’s gained on her journey as a musician was to not be afraid to challenge yourself and take the opportunities that you’d want to take.
            Dalia Berman, in my personal opinion, is a brilliant and talented musician and has the degrees to prove so. Still, she is also ridiculously inspiring, funny, and most importantly - a role model.


  1. Yeessssss Dalia!! Even though she wasn't my tech for winter season, and I haven't had much time to interact with her, all the stories and all the things I've heard about her make her seem like a genuinely good instructor and definitely a good person. She's definitely a model person to write a profile about! P.S. Can't wait to see her in her Renegade jacket ;)
    -Carianne Lefebvre P.1

  2. Lauren Elizabeth WrightApril 18, 2018 at 12:08 PM

    As someone who knows Dalia, this was really interesting for me to read. You did a great job of writing this and gave a lot of very good information. Great job!

  3. So, I at first thought this was going to be about the musical The Sound of Music because of the title. But, this is so nice! I like how you wrote this all about your role model. You gave information about her and added in descriptive words. You explained her love for music in details.

  4. You are very lucky to have such a successful and dedicated person who loves music as much as you do as your leader. Her story of how she chose to pursue what she loved despite society's disapproval of careers in the arts is very uplifting and hopeful for me and for many other people who wish to do the same but are too scared to do so. Thank you for sharing her story with us!

  5. I love this blog post because I can tell just how inspiring and amazing Dalia is. I'm glad you have such a great music instructor. I also give every musician props for continuing their music career, keeping their determination, and practicing long hours (something I could never do). Dalia sounds like a funny person as well because I couldn't help but laugh at her morbid sense of humor with "Oh my god? Dead ?!".

  6. I have never met Dalia, or even really heard of her. However, to hear this short story of her life and dedication shows me of what an excellent model she is. By her quote when she states, "'I didn't think it was not an option...'" you demonstrated that going to down the artistic route in college id not crazy or unfeasible. Thanks for sharing this passionate, dedicated woman with all of us.

  7. Wow Dalia sounds so cool! I sure hope I can meet her one day!! In all seriousness though, this post was really inspiring and gives me a little more drive in pursuing things that I am passionate about. Thank you for sharing!

    Zachary Judson

  8. I have only seen Dalia around the bandroom and have never actually had a single conversation with her. However, this little description of her has brought her personality to light. I feel like I know so much about Dalia now even though I kinda do and don't at the same time. It seems that she is a really great instructor and role model though. Great piece!

  9. I am glad to have seen this side of Dalia because I've only ever, well seen her. So, it's so interesting to see someone to pursue their love of music, or the arts in general. Such an interesting story, thanks!

  10. This is such an inspiring story, thank you for educating me on how doing what you really want in college and the different paths you can take.

  11. I don't know much about the band scene at Etiwanda, but I do know that Etiwanda has an extremely well-renowned band program. I'm not even a member but I still feel privileged to have such incredible talent at my high school. To have friends who contribute and comprise that incredible talent. I envy the skill, dedication, and hard work that band students are capable of. I've always questioned how it's even possible, but this offers a great deal of enlightenment. I've never stopped to consider who teaches these incredibly talented students. Dalia sounds like the kind of person I strive to be (in regards to my own passions and ambitions). Her story is inspiring, and I am extremely glad that you took the time to do this interview on her. Fantastic and absolutely wonderful submission Kat, I love it.

  12. It is very interesting to see the life of a person that has experienced so much and where they will end up. The realization of people’s dreams and what they want to do in the future is something we consider at one point. But overall she seems like a brilliant and talented woman.

    Jeremiah Credo P1

  13. It's so inspiring to hear other's stories of how the path less traveled is something that turned out their passion. As someone who doesn't know exactly what to do because of social expectations and especially parents' expectations, hearing that Dalia had full support of following her dreams is something that I can hope for. Thank you for sharing her story!

  14. I’m glad to see that there’s more to “ms. Berman” than just an instructor, I never knew this much about her before. It’s nice that she enjoys what she does so much, makes me feel like instructing is isn’t as hard for her as she sarcastically makes it out to be. And I’m glad to see that she doesn’t want to teach for the rest of her life, that she’s not gonna take it anymore.

  15. I love music. Learning about new artist is great and I liked your use of quotes from this musician.


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