
Monday, April 16, 2018

"The Medical Dream Is For Me" by Rachel A


I always had the dream of becoming an anesthesiologist ever since I was in middle school and over the summer of 2017 I had a life changing experience that solidified the goals I plan to reach in my life. I attended the National Student Leadership Conference for medicine and healthcare, held at Georgia Tech University, and honestly when I found out my Mom signed me up for this trip I was very annoyed. Of course when the program came to an end it was pretty evident that “mama knows best.” This program made me grow personally because I was exposed to many leadership exercises where I met so many genuine people and made life-long friends. The hands-on activities such as: dissection, suturing, drawing blood, and a variety of medical activities were really cool and gave me an idea of what is to be expected as a doctor. During the conference I participated in lectures with Dr. Richard Marfuggi, a well-known plastic surgeon, and enjoyed field trips to the medical school Emory and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which solidified my interest in the medical field . Being a part of this program was an awesome educational experience because despite the challenging manner of the conference I gained a wealth of knowledge about what is expected as a medical expert in the United States and the steps one must take to ensure a successful career in the medical field. This career choice is nothing to play with and requires a lot of motivation, patience, and determination but thankfully I was assured that my pursuit to become an Anesthesiologist is the career choice for me. The idea that we graduate next month is unreal, we are about to begin the rest of our lives and reach unlimited amounts of success. Growing up and joining society as a working adult is quite difficult and intimidating, but with this educational experience I am ready for my future.


  1. It was very interesting to read your journey on how you decided what career you want to go into. It is good that you're joining multiple programs and events to help and assure you're going on the right path. Great blog post overall!

  2. Your post is well written and short to the point. It feels really weird that graduation is literally next month. I, myself, wish to pursue medicine in hopes to become a pediatrician. I attended a program ran by a school of medicine to which it made me want to become a doctor, which gave me one-on-one experience with a doctor. Great job!

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  3. I thought this piece was not only relatable but also inspirational for readers. I also hope to be in the medical field and came across that realization through my experiences. This post could be inspiring to those who are skeptical about their career choice and help them come to a conclusion of what they should pursue.

  4. What a great experience!! I’m so happy you’ve had such positive results and can now have a solid direction after high school. It can be so daunting to jump into something but you know exactly what you’re doing. I hope everything works out perfectly for you.

  5. Though this piece was short, this brief synopsis gives me an idea of how impactful this experience was for you. I like how you incorporated a good flow in retelling one event to another and provided your own thoughts during these moments. Good luck on your medical journey!

  6. It’s refreshing to hear people talk about something they’re very passionate and sure about! It’s so great you know exactly what you want to pursue! Thank you for sharing!!

  7. Interesting piece, it really shows your character and how you came to deal with a prominent life experience. I hope your experience with this conference plays out well for you in the future and gives you motivation to pursue your educational goals. Gavin Gnaster

  8. I honestly believe that being a doctor is the best job on Earth since it showcases humanity selflessly caring for others. Your post perfectly captured the reasons that doctors are so well-respected. I loved reading this and I hope you encourage and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. Great post

  9. I loved this because it was very well written and short to the point but you also put in a lot details in it as well to describe your trip. Overall loved it and I'm glad you had such a great time learning about all those things.

  10. oh my goodness. I adore your piece. Personally I want to go into the medical field as well, and it was nice that you wrote about this topic. Not many people choose to write blogs about the career that they want to seek. Good job, and it was very beneficial that you got some exposure the the field that you will be pursuing.

  11. I'm proud of you for setting your goals high and not settling for less. Thank you for sharing this on our blog and motivating us all. I'm glad that you have found a path that you can make a career out of and be happy with.

  12. Very well articulated, I love hearing how people come to realize their goals. It is evident that you will go far in this career because you are so passionate. I have heard you talk about your future medical career for so long and the fact that your journey will begin soon makes me both excited and proud of you for being solid in your goals!

  13. I’m very happy for you , being that you are so assured and set on what you want to do in the future. For many it’s hard to imagine outselves in a field of work, but what great idea that you attended that confrence. The confident tone in your writing shows really goes to prove how focused and dedicated you’ll be to your plan in becoming an anesthesiologist.

  14. I enjoyed your piece very much. I find it very interesting what inspires people to pursue what they do. It’s very inspiring to me. I hope everything works out well for you in the future. Good luck, and thank you for sharing this!

  15. Clearly “mama knows best” is a very accurate statement. Im glad you know what your future will hold and you have such drive to become an anesthesiologist. You are so determined and excited to start this new journey of your life and it’s a good thing to see people of our graduating class know the path they are planning for the future. This blog post was very incitful.
    Avalon Freeman

  16. What a great experience! This was so great to hear because I feel a lot of us still don’t know what to do, you’re on track and ahead of the game great job I hope all turns out for you!

  17. I loved your piece and how you explained how you found your passion in life. I liked how you elaborated on experiences that you thought you wouldn't enjoy to come to find out that you do. The brief summary of your dream was written sufficiently and made me feel encouraged to start my own future. Great job!
    -Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  18. I really enjoyed reading what you are passionate about. I loved how you cemented what you wanted to become an anesthesiologist by going to that national leadership event. IM so happy that you found out what you wanted to do so early i really hope you become an anesthesiologist when you get out of college!

  19. I wish I had the drive to go after a career that has high demand with really high pay. It's great to see what motivates people to chase their dreams. Good luck with your future and accomplishing your goals.

  20. This piece was very inspirational to me. I'm glad to see that other students from the same high school are motivated and prepared for the future. I admire your interest in the medical for I would never be able to do such a thing. Hope all your plans as an anesthesiologist follow through.

  21. I really enjoyed reading this, I really hope you accomplish everything you are aiming for. You have so much drive and you can do anything you put your mind to! I wish you nothing but the best!

  22. What an amazing experience! I love this much because I myself dream of going into the medical field. when reading or listening others having the same passion as me it makes me very happy and excited to share this with others.I'm glad you were able to experience this conference.

  23. This piece is truly inspiring, and it’s nice to see someone who is young and has a set plan for their future. I know we don’t know each other much, but I wanted to wish you the best of luck in your path that is to come in the future

  24. I'm glad that you want to pursue what you always wanted to do! Your mom definitely knows what's best if that conference made you want to pursue that career. I hope you become a great anesthesiologist! Wishing you luck and great job on this piece!

  25. Congratulations on finding your true passion and what you want to do as a career! It's so great hearing peers find what they want to do in life and the process that they went through in order to get there. I loved how you talked about your initial reactions to the stuff your mom signs you up for (because I feel the same way sometimes) and then later talked about how those experiences helped you in so many ways. I think your experience shows how important it is to look into your possible career choices to see if it really is the one for you. I hope that I'll be able to find my passion just as you did, thank you!

  26. Wow it was really cool to hear your journey, and your continuing journey about what you want to pursue in life. I really enjoyed how you tied that into graduating high school and moving on with your life, which relates to everyone. Hearing your perspective and your story was joyful, and I loved how you ended it with something that relates to us all and that we all have our own story of our lives. Thank you and great job Rachel!

  27. I love to hear about someone's passion and see them succeed through it. Keep up the work and further your your career!!


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