
Monday, April 16, 2018

"Four Years" by Nadeen M.

This is it. May 22nd, Graduation Day, is right around the corner. Suddenly, there is less than 30 days until we receive that diploma. A vast majority of us cannot wait until we walk out of those arches one last time. Throughout the year and more so recently, I have heard several of my friends and classmates say, “High School was the worst four years of my life”, or along the lines of “High School was a joke”, and even “After I graduate, I’m not talking to anybody that I used to talk to in high school”. Come on, I know we are all guilty of reprimanding these last four years, maybe only one year or even just one semester, to some extent. I have to admit, these words have slipped from my mouth one time or another. However, as I began to prepare for graduation, I started to reflect and realize that I will cherish and am truly thankful for my high school experience.
I have come to believe that it is important to appreciate the good and the bad that high school had to offer. There is a saying that goes, “Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector’s item”, which can be closely associated with our own high school affairs. I think we can all agree that these four years had good parts and bad parts, rarely anything in between. Good, in terms of meeting new friends, falling in love, joining clubs, participating in sports, taking new classes (particularly those that will further develop skills needed for future careers), earning awards, experiencing new things, finding yourself, etc. Along the way, a lot of us have lost friendships, been through traumatic experiences, developed health conditions, lost loved ones, academic obstacles, bad decisions, suffered heartbreaks, and so on. Whatever the case may be, all of these events have collectively made us into the kinds of individuals we are today. In fact, I personally do not feel any remorse over some of the things I have done or despair for what I have faced (harsh, I know) because each action or event has allowed me to learn from my mistakes, has made me stronger, and a better person overall. This sounds a little cold-hearted, but this mentality has caused me to become more open minded about the tribulations that have come from high school and reciprocate them into learning experiences.
Following this, I view high school as a journey that leads to growth and development of knowledge in different aspects. In the last four years, we have all grown as individuals, into adults. Over time, we have gained a sense of the real world through different events and meeting new people which have influenced our viewpoints and thinking. Not to mention the AP courses we took have instilled new concepts and formulas for our academic knowledge. As you can see, this time may have given us a push for change in a multitude of areas in numerous ways.  Like I mentioned earlier, despite the negatives that I have personally endured, you will never hear me say again that high school was the most horrible four years of my life. As we begin to go our separate ways and start our new lives, it is essential that we never forget where we come from, more so the experiences that have molded us to this point. This message can still be applied for the rest of your lives for what you may encounter in the future. When we graduate, remember that these good and bad experiences from the last four years have greatly carried us this far and made us into the individually beautiful, strong, intelligent human beings we are today.


  1. I really appreciate your take on our high school experience. Everything that we have been through in high school, whether good or bad, makes us, us. You brought out the reality of high school. Even though parts of it were terrible, you brought out your point excellently saying high school "made us into individually beautiful, strong, intelligent human beings."

  2. I have to admit myself, I am guilty of saying those words as well. This made me reflect all the good and bad things that I endured during the last four years, which made me a more independent and respectable individual.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  3. Wow. In a paragraph, you somehow perfectly summed up our past 4 years and the reality of all the lessons that we will be taking with us as we come to the end of our high school career. High school certainly wasn't the best 4 years of my life, but it wasn't entirely bad. I'm definitely thankful for the way in which these past few years have shaped me. Great blog!!

  4. Hello, i really appreciate for this writing because most of the seniors doesn't understand the value for the high school. But after we move to the adult life, everyone is going to miss each day of high school life, all the fun activities and fun events. I personally going to miss high school a lot because beside all the hard work there's a hand of our loving teachers and friends.It is very true that high school prepare us for college and whoever we become in college that because of High School. Thank you for sharing and writing on this topic.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  5. This post represents how a lot of us truly feel majority of the time in highschool. Everyone's high school experience is different and represented in a different way and reading this post acknowledges the emotions of a four year long experience in which I could totally relate great job!!!!

  6. I like that you tried to turn a positive outlook to our graduation. I do agree that High school is good for experiences but unlike you I can not find a way to miss it. Which is a bit sad. So thank you for trying to change my view point.

  7. Man reading this still shocks me that graduation is literally right around the corner cause I swear just yesterday I was a freshman. It also makes me scared to see who is going to stay in your life and who is going to leave. However, our future will be great so that's what we have to look forward to.

  8. I liked how right now, all we can think about is graduation and how excited we are to get our diplomas, but pointed out that once we are gone, we will only think of the positives and how high school has impacted our lives. Awesome piece!-Erick Gutierrez Per.4

  9. Although I've honestly had an overall great high school experience, I've also found myself saying that I cannot wait to graduate and that I'll never step foot on this campus again. I agree with all of the points you made in your piece and I truly believe that these past four years have served as an extensive life lesson on so many topics. Good job!

  10. This piece was truly insightful, so great job with that. I think you really opened my eyes to how important experiences are to shaping personalities. This piece also really made feel really excited about graduation because we are so close! As the end is nearing I think you were completely right about really reflecting on the past 4 years and loving that you got the chances you did.

  11. Now that we are so close to graduating, I think most people are feeling this way. I used to wish so hard for high school to go by faster, but now that it is really coming to an end it is becoming harder to let it go. The way you wrote about it is so true, there is such a sense of nostalgia and just a bittersweet feeling about leaving. All in all no matter how your high school experience was I think you really have to be grateful for it because somewhere along the way you had to have found a piece of yourself.

  12. Thank you for giving us the positive perspective of our high school life and reminding us that high school wasn’t that bad. It also was a very well written piece. Great job

  13. Breanna Carrillo
    I loved reading this because this is something we are all going to face pretty soon of wondering who we are going to continue to talk to. This also shows how high school is either a positive or a negative on some people's life. Loved reading this because it helps us show how high school is a big moment in our lives.
    period 5

  14. What a relatable piece. I definitely feel the same way and although high school isnt the highlight of my life I definitely enjoyed and will cherish this period in my life. Great job!

  15. I really enjoyed reading your piece because of how you implemented your emotions and feelings of graduation itself. It was very sentimental when you mentioned how these 4 years of high school has influenced you. This piece really brought things to reality of graduation quickly approaching and how drastic our lives are soon to change.

  16. This was so refreshing to read because we’ve all been through so much throughout high school, however I believe our experiences are still very significant and I am happy that you could remind us to enjoy and take it all in now that its ending. This made me sentimental. This was great, thank you Nadeen!!

  17. I have to agree that the four years of high school have made us into the person we are today, the good and the bad have shaped us. I personally loved high school and will be sad to leave.

  18. As much as I am so ready to graduate and leave, I think we all can relate to this piece in these years being a major part of our lives and all experiences that come with is, good and bad, makes us who we are going to be in our upcoming future. Good Job.

  19. I feel your story is the perfect representation on how a student should look back at their high school career. There's been lots of ups and downs throughout our years of school however, I agreed with you that both of the good and bad experiences have helped mold the individuals we are today. Great job Nadeen!

  20. I have been guilty of saying those words recently. However, you made me realize that I need to look past the negatives of high school and instead look at the bigger picture of these past four years and all of the positives that it has brought to my life. Great blog!

  21. This was such a great piece! It's crazy how you summed up the exact thoughts of our graduating class in this post. I completely agree that we need to take every single highschool experience whether good or bad, and force ourselves to find a message within it. I am a strong believer of everything happens for a reason, to shape who you'll become. I love how your overall point was that these experiences we tend to "complain" about indeed prepare and shape us for the our next stop in life. Great Job girl! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  22. This is crazy accurate. Like you said, we all have said something in regards of high school being terrible and saying we cannot wait to leave. You really put it in perspective on how important high school was, and whether or not anyone would agree, the memories here and the things we learned will stick with us forever. Cheers to 19 days!

  23. I had this realization myself recently, and it’s such a scary thought. Your story is so relatable because literally every senior has likely experienced this. I still remember the first day of high school, partly being excited that a new chapter was beginning, but still dreading the next four years. Now that those four years are almost over, I’m kind of disappointed. I’m definitely going to miss high school (expect for the stress of Honors and AP courses), but I wouldn’t give it up for anything.

  24. I agree with your view and outlook on high school. I am guilty of saying the few phrases you mentioned. This piece is really relatable especially with graduation right around the corner. This made me think back and reminisce on the good time and the bad but the good definitely out weighed the bad and it was a nice reminder that four years of my life weren’t as bad as I thought it was.
    Avalon Freeman

  25. I agree with your view and outlook on high school. I am guilty of saying the few phrases you mentioned. This piece is really relatable especially with graduation right around the corner. This made me think back and reminisce on the good time and the bad but the good definitely out weighed the bad and it was a nice reminder that four years of my life weren’t as bad as I thought it was.
    Avalon Freeman

  26. Great piece. It is important to cherish everything we have been through, both the good, the bad, and the embarrassing. Some us may have disliked high school and others of us may have loved it, but we will never forget it. Friends, classmates, and outstanding teachers have all touched our lives in ways we will never know the true impact of.

  27. Awesome piece Nadeen! I too have been guilty of uttering how high school was a waste of time. However, I have learned a lot of life lessons and various new experiences. High school, whether we like to admit it or not, is a pivotal part of our transition into young adulthood and becoming admirable, and successful individuals. Thank you for eloquently describing this lesson and sharing your insight with us.
    Kayla Rangel

  28. this was a great piece I feel like it pertained to all of us super relatable and the way you described everything was spot on great job!

  29. I love the way you bring this all together and I can’t wait for us to graduate, 4 years seem to be the longest and the quickest years of my life. The piece couldn’t have been set better coming up on graduation!

  30. This was very well written. You did an amazing job capturing what's going through a lot of seniors' heads right now. I admit that I've said "I hate high school" or "I can't wait to leave this place" but I also admit that I will miss some aspects of high school. I definitely won't forget everything that's happened these past four years good and bad because they've made me who I am today. Overall great job!

  31. I love this piece since it makes us reflect each of our past four years. I also enjoy that you call people out on what they say about leaving high school. This is where we start to mature and our experiences shape us. This is an amazing piece, great job!

  32. I absolutely agree with your perspective of High School and how we should appreciate all the events that have occurred in our life. I also really liked how you included some examples like, "suffered heartbreaks and academic obstacles" because these are things almost everyone encounters. Once more, I really enjoyed your blog post. You really displayed to everyone your optimistic outlook on life and more specifically, our high school career.

  33. This post basically sums up how I feel about high school right now. I like how relatable the whole piece is and that we don't have much time left before we graduate. The only thing we have left is to enjoy the days we have left and reflect on our high school year and it's frightening. You addressed this by saying that we should never forget where we come from and it fills me with comfort that our past won't be forgotten. We will still have our friends and family and it's the effort we put in to see them again that makes us humane.

  34. THis really made me realize that we are graduating soon, and life takes on from here. Lots of emotional triggers for me. Great work

  35. I completely agree with you ,high school was a place where we were able to grow into the person we are today with wiggle room to make mistakes. I admired the fact that you made it personal as well as keeping it generally relatable to others .Nicely done!

  36. I completely agree with you ,high school was a place where we were able to grow into the person we are today with wiggle room to make mistakes. I admired the fact that you made it personal as well as keeping it generally relatable to others .Nicely done!

  37. I really loved reading this, it's so crazy how fast these 4 years that flew by. Graduation is right around the corner and things are becoming so real. Thank you for sharing your view point. Wishing you nothing but the best in your future.

  38. I'm guilty for also saying that I can't wait to be done with high school, but honestly these were the best four years ever! Your post makes me want to cherish my last 20 days as we never get them back. It feels like just yesterday we were in elementary school. Awesome piece!

  39. I started crying while reading this because it finally hit me that we are graduating in like 4 weeks !!! Even though I am guilty for being one of those people who said that high school was the worst four years, I kind of am going to miss it. This whole piece was relatable to every senior reading it.

  40. This piece was really well written Nadeen. I myself have been guilty of saying a couple of those things, but your piece really made me open my eyes and rethink some things. I love that you were able to take the good and bad and turn it into a growing experience, that's really admirable. Best of luck!

  41. I loved this positive outlook regarding high school, and I can relate to this too. There are always memories we wish to forget but these four years have been very important - for some, it's where we find our passion and grow as individuals. This was very well written and reminds us all that we shouldn't complain about every little obstacle.

  42. Gosh, I'm super guilty of saying I hate high school and that I never want to see anyone from here again. After reading this I don't know If I can say I liked high school, but you've definable persuaded to appreciate it. This statement feels genuine and the conversational tone you used really makes it feel like you're a friend trying to help. This is an amazing piece that could help a lot of people from leaving with negative emotions.

  43. I wholeheartedly agree. High school for me has had it's up and downs, but I always found it to be something that I'd want to experience again. Your post reminded me of this feeling. Thank you.

  44. This is completely true and I am glad you said it. When I've heard my peers admitting that the last four years was pointless, it has honestly made me reflect. And if our lives were to skip the four years of high school we endured, we would have been flung into the the real world with the mentality of children... With the worldly and book knowledge of eighth graders. We have grown, and I am proud to say I am ready for graduation and what comes after it. So I especially enjoyed this piece, Nadeen. It had a solid structure and was very well worded. Amazing.

  45. I love this so much, because this is exactly how I feel. I don't understand what happened to those that say that high school was the worst time of their lives. This has been such an amazing experience that shouldn't be forgotten, ever. Thank you for putting your thoughts into words to speak to others.

  46. This personal little story is so relevant, extremely right now. This hits incredibly close to heart for me, seeing as high school has changed who I am so much, and seeing that so many people agree and relate feels so validating. This was well written and felt very personal. Great story.

  47. I really enjoyed this piece because it helps me see the positive side of high school and helps all seniors see that in the end it really is worth it. I really admire how you took the good and bad and used it grow and shape yourself. Good job Nadeen!

  48. I completely agree with your point of view. High school helped may of us grow as individuals and we shouldn't complain about the obstacles we have to face.

  49. This is very inspirational!! it motivated me to think about my high school experiences and how i view them today. I can see the growth within the passage and i'm very proud. This passage has shown me to look at my last four years in a completely different way. Thank you and great job!!


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