
Monday, March 19, 2018

"My Best Friend" by Aaliyah W

   Walking into my seventh grade year everything was so unfamiliar to me, except my best friend. I had known him forever. As I walked around the campus, I hadn’t seen him yet. All of a sudden, I hear a deep voice behind me say, “Hey Liyah, what have you been up to.” I quickly turn around and give him a hug. I couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of me. After my excitement had worn down, we started to walk toward our first class. Along the way, there were many things to laugh and smile about. We talked about our summer and reminisced on old times. Suddenly everything became familiar to me. After that day, I knew that with my best friend by my side, seventh grade was going to be a success. Many months passed. I saw my best friend every day. We would talk about our teachers, our classes, homework, basketball, movies, television shows, our favorite food, etc. When the last day of school arrived, I was feeling great about this year. I had survived the very place I once thought of as being strange. My grades were good, I had met some new people, and I still had my best friend, so I thought. Everything changed between us over the summer. We barely hung out, we barely talked, and every time I seen him, he wouldn’t even look at me.  What did I do? What could I do to make things right between us? I thought that   he just needed some space and when school begins, things would be back to normal. Boy was I wrong. Was this going to be the end of our friendship?
    Eighth grade started, but this time my best friend and I didn’t talk to each other the whole day. He treated me like he had in the summer. What did I do wrong? How can I make things right? Before the school year ended, I finally asked my best friend why he wasn’t talking to me. I wish I could say his answer made things better, but our friendship was now in shambles. He said that he felt like I wasn’t being there for him when he needed me to and he didn’t know if he could count on me as a friend anymore. That was the last time I would ever talk to him or see him. As the years went by, I found myself thinking about my first day of seventh grade again. Everything was so simple back then. It was just me and my best friend against the world. We had a bond so tight that I thought would never break. I guess the saying is true, everything doesn’t last forever, not even friendships. After reflecting back on our friendship for a moment, I suddenly heard that very deep voice I had heard a million times behind me say, what are you doing?” I immediately turn around and realize that my best friend had been standing there all along, but his real name was Dad.


  1. I can definitely relate to the sense of loss when you realize you have lost a friend or the dismay/panic as you can see a friend drifting away. Like you said, I agree that at these times, your true support group emerges.

  2. I liked how your story took some turns but you faced them head on. Friendships come and go but the part i liked the most was that your real best friend was your dad. Family is forever

  3. I relate to this completely. My dad has been there for me when the whole world felt like it was falling away. Friendships are hard, the real ones anyways. Finding your happiness is hard but not impossible afterwards, especially with your dad by your side. Your story sucked me in and had an unexpected, positive ending to a sad story.

  4. I enjoyed this piece because I feel like everyone can relate to the pain of loosing a friend, especially a best friend. I admire how strong you were to face the problem head on and confront your friend. I especially liked how cute the ending was, I thought it was so cute how you realized that your bestfriend is your dad! Great job!

  5. Your story reminded me of my very close relationship with my parents, no matter what they have always stood by my side and supported me. Very good friends come and go, and sometimes they may even reunite with you, but your family will always be your biggest support system. I enjoyed reading your story, thanks for sharing!

  6. I enjoyed your story very much because of the all-too-familiar anecdote. I related to it all too well because I, and probably everyone else, has lost a friend that we used to be so close to. But with that loss comes the people who are truly there for you.

  7. This is a nice piece. I like the plot twist at the end with your dad being your true best friend. I can definitely feel the loss of a best friend especially when you don't know what's wrong, it truly hurts. However, like you said "everything doesn't last forever, not even friendships" so it's nice you have your family.

  8. What a emotionally roller coaster-y piece. From the first paragraph, you nicely set up the darkening of the mood in the rest of the piece. What you conveyed through your piece is a message that I feel is relatable to many of us: the pain of losing a friendship for things that you had no idea of is unbearable. I'm glad that you found a light in the end.

  9. This made me tear up a little bit. Friendship don't always last forever but the memories do. I definitely know what it's like to lose your best friend. But when you're in a rough patch, your true friends will always be there for you, like you said your dad. I admire you for talking about this situation and I am truly sorry he broke off the friendship. Family is always forever. Great job with this!

  10. What an excellent reminder that people who are physically closest to us may be the farthest from us. Family is around our daily lives so much that we sometimes do not realize that we are getting farther and farther away from them. Thank for sharing, and it's great that you were able to work things out in the end.

  11. Your anecdote was a great reminder of friendships and relationships in our world. Through your descriptions, the content of your story was able to feel that more real. Great job.

  12. I really like this piece. Your anecdote was able to remind me that sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, but at the end of the day we will always have people around us, who love us, as our support system. Great Job!

  13. DANNNNGGG! Aaliyah, way to hit my heart with the feels. This piece is so wonderful, I love it so much, oh my goodness. Just, okay just… EVERYTHING! At first I was kinda like “eh whatever, middle school friend. Not that interesting”, but nonetheless I was drawn forward with each word and I could feel the impact at each turn, and the ending when you say his name is DAD! Oh lord, I was dead. Very well written, kept me enticed and filled with emotion and I truly admire this piece. Wonderful submission my friend!

  14. Sometimes it takes for something drastic to happen to realize that you’ll always have your family at the end of the day. I’m sorry you lost him as a friend but you’ll always have your day. Great job!


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