
Monday, March 19, 2018

"How To: Get Ready for College! " by Brianna B

So, with less than 50 school days left in the year, we must all start thinking about something very important, college. Even if you've committed to a university or not, there are some things you can start doing NOW to help you get ready and not feel so rushed one week before school starts. I have watched an ungodly amount of college prep videos and I am here to help! I have separated things you can do each month from now until August. Good luck with all your future endeavors!
  • ●  Now is the perfect time to just enjoy yourself, high school only happens once!
  • ●  College acceptances begin coming out for UC schools from March 1s t to March 31s t . Your acceptance isn't very far away!
  • ●  College acceptances for Cal States will be given out until April 1st
  • ●  While waiting for an acceptance, don’t stress yourself out! Enjoy the process. April:
  • ●  Depending on your acceptances, you get to decide where you want to go for the next four years!
  • ●  Some things to help you decide on the college for you:
○ ○ ○
If your

Choosing the school with the best program for you
Location that fits your lifestyle
A school within your financial means
acceptances didn’t go as expected, here are some options:
Even if it is not your dream school, if it has your major, it is still a good option!

If you are extremely set on a certain school, remember you can always transfer from a community college can help determine if a certain community college's credits will transfer to a 4 year you're interested in
  • ●  Tour the college of your choice! Fall in love with the campus
  • ●  Remember to study for AP tests! If you pass they may count for college credits.
  • ●  Graduation! This is the month it all becomes real, don't forget to enjoy every minute
    of high school.
  • ●  Senior finals are going to sneak up on you, don't forget to study hard and finish
  • ●  If you finish strong, you will have a great start to an unforgettable summer.
  • ●  Make sure your housing plans for college are in order
Roommates, location of dorms, etc.
  • ●  Make sure everything is ready for graduation: cap, gown, shoes appropriate for the
    field (thick heels, comfortable heels, etc.)
  • ●  Enjoy Graduation take lots of photos
  • ●  Have fun at Grad Night!
  • ●  If you are having a graduation party, consider starting a college registry with Target
    or other stores so you relatives can help you out!
  • ●  Find a summer job, saving for college is an extremely important step.
Even saving $1000 can help to alleviate some extra costs in college such as books, food, and dorm supplies
  • ●  If you can't nail down a job, try an internship! Experience is also important
  • ●  Try to stay active in the summer, keeping fit is important before college
Avoid the "freshman fifteen" by forming healthy habits
  • ●  Make sure your housing plans are definite
  • ●  Go adventure around home, enjoy the things around your city
  • ●  Enjoy July 4t h !
  • ●  Now is the time to start thinking of things you will need to buy for your dorm.
Bedding, Décor, Microwave, Coffee Maker, School Supplies, Laundry Supplies, Bathroom Cleaning Supplies
Think of things you can also bring from home Bike, Pillows, Décor
  • ●  Remember there are lots of "Independence Day" sales! Try to snag some deals
  • ●  Also remember to check out thrift stores and yard sales!
  • ●  If you are moving far or out of state, you can always buy some of these things in that
    area, as it will make it easier to move.
  • ●  Also, you may be able to buy some things online and have them shipped to the
    location of your college! Check with your college for mail and package standards.
  • ●  Start to go through your clothes and look to donate or either sell some clothes that no
    longer fit or interest you. Use some of the extra money from selling them to buy some
    new pieces! Think of the weather around your campus.
  • ●  Start to make lists of things that you use every day and need to bring to college, this
will make it easier when it comes time to pack. August:
Depending on the start date of your college, you will be moving in soon!
  • ●  Start to pack all your clothes, toiletries, and any other items you're bringing with you.
  • ●  Move in day will come sooner than you think!
  • ●  Try to have zero stress during this time, there will be plenty of time for that in
  • ●  Make sure your dorm is a stress-free place that you can relax in and focus in
  • ●  Enjoy your time in college!
  • ●  Don’t forget to be a respectful roommate, and friendly to new people. These people
    could be some of your longtime friends!


  1. Although the formatting is a bit finicky, your post helped give me a general idea of how to start preparing for college. I especially appreciated how you broke it down by month, so that we can keep on track.

  2. This how-to is perfect for us seniors about to make the transition to college. Picking which college to get into as there are many variables that will make or break your college experience. Well written!

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  3. Wow I believe this "how-to" is very helpful and relatable for us seniors especially now. I like how you started off with a sense of reassurance by mentioning when universities send out acceptances and further added upcoming deadlines to keep us informed. Even though is piece is titled "how to get ready for college" I feel like this piece better prepared us for the next couple of months left and helped us with the little details that go into actually preparing for college. Thanks a lot great work!!!

  4. This is something I'm definitely printing out and framing. I am so unorganized when it comes to planning ahead for the future. I liked all the detail you included from now to when I actually start college. It'll definitely help me see what I need to do to prepare for college. Thank you for sharing, and spending all that time watching "ungodly amount of college prep videos" to make this.

  5. Well done Brianna! I didn't realize how much I had to do up until I read your post and sorting it by month makes it ten times easier for me. Thanks!

  6. wow! I didn't realize how fast our senior year was approaching until I read this. Great job putting in advice and dates it really helps keep things organized. I especially loved how you broke things down with bullet point! Great Job!

  7. Well done Brianna! I didn't realize how much I had to do up until I read your post and sorting it by month makes it ten times easier for me. Thanks!

  8. Perfect timing! I like how you put in specific dates to make sure when people can expect news or to put on their to do list. I also enjoyed how you made it very general as well so it can apply to as many people as possible. Good job.

  9. I can still hardly believe that high school is ending, and a new chapter of our lives in college is opening. With that in mind, thank you Brianna! This "How to" will definitely keep myself in check and organized for this hectic year. I appreciate the timestamp of months and bullet points to easily follow the instructions. I enjoyed reading the steps and loved how convenient it is! Thanks again and good luck to you too on your future endeavors!

  10. I loved this because you reminded about how much I need to get done or just prepare for. Senior year is coming to an end and I can't believe it went by so fast.

  11. Other than eye-opening, this set everything into place and made this whole process extremely REAL. The separation of each month actually helped me realize how much I am behind and how i can catch up quick. Thank you so much for this !

  12. Thank you for sharing, I liked how you touched on every aspect that we need in order to be ready for college. Also, I enjoyed how you went into depth and were very specific with dates and reminders, great blog!

  13. Thank you for this college has gotten me a little stress making sure I don't miss any deadlines and I'm on top of everything. Graduation is almost here I should enjoy the rest of high school. I love how you put each month and gave the important dates to come.

  14. This is a well needed blog post since almost everyone is stressed out trying to manage college acceptances, school, and senior activities. Your entry really shined a light on things to remember during our last days of high school. I love how you included tips and a helpful link for students that may need assistance determining credits for college. Great Job!
    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  15. This post was not only well organized but also a stress reliever! Breaking each month down and even reminding readers about the specific weather or area of their college was courteous. I also enjoyed the bullet points because they reminded me of a checklist and once each task is completed, the person can strike it off!

  16. With the end of the school year approaching I really needed this. I've been so stressed out I really haven't been able to enjoy my senior year at all. This post really showed me that I need to appreciate my senior year and take advantage before it is to late.

  17. I'm one of the few of my friends who are choosing to go through Chaffey, while my other friends have been accepted into several UCs, and I never understood the amount of preparation those dorming will have to go through. Hopefully your move in goes smoothly and I hope the rest of your senior year goes well too!!

  18. I think a lot of us are excited and nervous at the same time for a new experience in college and I think its great that you wrote a piece on the subject of college especially when there is only a little over a month left of school. I want to highlight your point on saving money because you never know when a couple thousand dollars will come in handy especially in an emergency, Great Piece!

  19. I'm pretty sure everyone reading this blog post is so thankful for such a well organized how-to on such an important topic to all seniors. Reading this was such a stress reliever, and gave me that much more motivation to finish senior year off strong. Due to this post, I now have a general idea of the correct way to start preparing for college, instead of being confused for the most part. Thank you so much for an enlightening how-to and your perception on the right way to prepare for college!

  20. Your blog really put into perspective how much preparation is in order for college and how little time we have until we graduate and move on! I like how you compiled all of the information into a bulleted to-do list for each month. The organization is also very helpful; especially for me since all of my thoughts and pending tasks seem to be jumbled in my mind. You also chose the perfect month to post this as everything is coming up so soon. Good job!

  21. Your blog was really amazing and took away a lot of stress I have been having about college. I am very excited to graduate and move on but I was feeling quite nervous about what to do after that and this blog really helped shed some light on that so thank you!

  22. This is a really helpful blog. A lot of seniors (including myself) are still struggling on where to go and how to narrow down their options and this really helps clarify what factors we should consider when finally picking a school that will be the best fit for us. Good work!

  23. Reading this stressed me out but also made me anxious for the upcoming fall. I love how helpful your list could actually be. Well done! (:

  24. Alejandro QuintanillaApril 5, 2018 at 6:02 PM

    This how-to was very helpful and had a good balance between the responsibilities we all have and the time we should spend enjoying ourselves. Although I am not going away for college this guide was still very helpful and applicable to my situation.

  25. After reading this made me realize how close we are to real life and the college life. I appreciate your blog post because I can take some tips from it and use it when the time comes. Very Nice.

  26. I enjoy this piece and I know many people in our grade can find this very helpful. Personally, I find the last few tips are great ideas and very helpful. Great topic and content!

  27. I never thought I needed this but reading it, I realized I did! Your list was so helpful especially for all us seniors. Your how-to was so well organized and great! Good Job!

  28. This entry was amazing. All the little dates that you mentioned really stood out and I really like that you incorporated them.

  29. AHHHHHHHHH College!!!! I try not to make it a big deal because I don't want to be stressed out, but reading your how to was very informative, especially the college registry. I had no clue that existed!

  30. Very eye opening!! I’m excited to start college and now with the information so provided I can be better prepared. Great job!

  31. To be quite frank, I am terrified of going to college! Reading this made me feel all the more comfortable about moving into my dorm and beginning a new chapter in my life!

  32. wow reading your blog made me realize that i really am graduating high school and need to be prepared to enter college. i really liked this because the information was detailed and informative.


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