
Monday, March 19, 2018

"How to Make an Accordian Photo Album!" by Eliana R


  1. Sachin Reddi. Period 6March 21, 2018 at 2:44 PM

    I really liked how you structured this how-to. It was very different from all the others I've read, and the pictures really made it easy to follow along. This definitely seems like a great gift to give to someone. Since this requires more time than money, it makes the photo album that much better. Overall, great job with this do it yourself idea.

  2. Nice job eliana! This is very creative and super easy to follow. I honesty would like to try this accordion photo album for any occasion as something creative and personal which makes it even more special gift. I loved how organized it was and very detailed so it could be easily done. I absolutely loved it

  3. I liked how you gave images on each step to give a visual perception on how to make an accordion photo album. It was detailed and unique, while at the same time, you made seem very easy and fun to do. Great job! Erick Gutierrez per.4

  4. Great How to! I really like the personal touch this gave with all of the actual pictures of you making it. Sounds like a great gift or project to do with family or friends to commemorate a wonderful trip. Again great job. Gavin Gnaster

  5. I really enjoyed this how to. I like the different look it had because it wasn't just a picture of what I should be doing off of the internet as well as the paper-style format . I attempted to make an accordion photo album, but I failed miserably. These directions are much clearer than the ones I were given. They give me confidence to try again. Thanks for this "How to...!"

  6. Such a creative and neat D.I.Y.. I really like how easy you make it to follow the instructions you provided by chronologically telling the audience the descriptive steps to follow in the making of and accordion photo album.

  7. I love how this how to has pictures. For some a visual is easier to comprehend than just instructions. I’ve been looking for an inexpensive but sentimental gift to give and this will be it. The directions were clear and descriptive. Thank you.
    Avalon Freeman Pd.2

  8. This is such a personal and unique how to. I love how you added pictures and step by step instructions to properly see how to build the photo album. Amazing Job!
    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  9. What a nice way to style a tutorial! Not only are the instructions seem very easy and simple to understand, you even included pictures alongside said instructions, a nice touch I might add. Since I'm more of a person who learns visually rather than just reading something, I greatly appreciate the inclusion of photos on how to make the accordion photo album. This is such a cute idea as well! I'm definitely gonna have to use this with all of my fancy senior photos, thank you for the great tutorial :)
    -Carianne Lefebvre Period 1

  10. i had no idea what a accordian photo album was until i read this. the pictures of how to do it was really helpfull to see how it's done and what it should look like. the different occasions you can use this album for make it really special too. its not for just birthdays, or graduations, or other occasions, just to be able to use it whenever you want is great.

  11. I really loved that you decided to base your tutorial on this topic because many people do not know how to do this or did not even know about this. I loved how you included pictures and were very descriptive with the steps. Great work!

  12. This is such a cute idea! The steps are easy to follow and the pictures you included are really helpful. I've never thought about this nor have I ever seen it online but it's definitely something new to try to gift. Btw the pictures of you and Castillo are super cute! ;)

  13. Awe I love how to's like this ! I love to do these things for my loved ones and I've been wanting to make a photo album for awhile. This is just too cute! You explained everything so well too! Good Job!

  14. This is so cute! The steps are so easy to follow I've never thought of doing something like this, a simple little photo album. I liked how you provided step by step pictures as well. Good Job!

  15. Your use of pictures were a nice touch on the instructions. The idea of creating a photo album seems to be very fun and you simplified it very well. Great job.

  16. I love this craft! It's super cute and seems doable with your instructions. Your steps were very clear and overall, the craft is inexpensive and a nice gift to give. Your use of pictures were extremely helpful as well. Thank you!

  17. This is really cool! I loved your addition of pictures to the post, it really makes it unique as well as adds a tremendous ease to understanding. I'll remember this next time I need to think of an anniversary gift. Thanks for sharing!
    Zachary Judson

  18. Okay, you got me! I will definitely be making this in the near future! This is super cool and I appreciate your addition of using photo examples to provide visual information to the reader!

  19. amazing! this idea is super creative~this would be great for a birthday presents for families and friends, thanks for giving me an idea. i also love your easy description in each steps.

  20. What I really appreciate is the obvious time and effort put into this tutorial. I love how you took us through step by step with pictures as you created your own accordion picture book. This is really something I could make for my mom, she is so memory and friend/family oriented that a gift like this would probably bring her the most joy.


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