
Monday, March 19, 2018

"Assignment 2398" by Travis L

Assignment 2398

Date: 14 April 48 (Post Machina)
Time: 23:47
Location: Memphis, TN, Continental American Regime

            The earpiece implanted by the biotechnician rang loud and clear. His voice sounded desensitized, like always. “Miss Cassandra, please remember there is a 96% chance that you will be injured if not dead – do be careful.”
            “Anton, you underestimate your abilities,” my enhanced voice reverberated atop the buildings of Memphis. I walked across the reinforced bars of the crane in which I had positioned myself, with every step giving a soft clank. The three lithium-ion rings on my right hand glowed faintly, charging the surrounding air. They held pressurized wire with a silver tip, packed with enough voltage to paralyze and cripple a large Western lowland gorilla. “I will do things my own way,” I said with a disarming smile.  “After all, I was created only by the best.”
Dr. Anton was repeatedly concerned every mission. The valued possessions that allowed him to get so far in life could be destroyed every test run. Worst of all, the inner workings that powered each movement, would be deciphered and modified.
My face had locked up from the repulsive thought. The night was cold and my heating systems had gone into high gear. The Internal Monologue Mechanism for Engineered Robotic Species (IMMERSe) created by the doctor provided me with the task. “Collect the cores hidden inside the bodies of the Lifeless. Approximately two hours until arrival, Cassandra.” Arriving early was an important social etiquette.
Making use of time, I began to sharpen the blades that were once lower legs. They were made of manganese steel alloy with synthetic diamond to power each cut. The weight of the edges were sustained with high tension springs and twisted carbon fiber, providing extra strength and durability. There was no need for muscles if machinery can do the work for you. I remained standing on the crane – sitting would consume energy.

Date: 15 April 48 P.M. – Tax Day
Time: 01:57

            My enthusiasm for this assignment was already gone. “Approximately three minutes until arrival, Cassandra.” The heating system functioned well, with a smooth axe kick showing no signs of locking up. I tied my hair up and engaged myself from STANDBY to PURSUIT. Elegance is important, but function must come first. Customized shielding kept the hair behind the ears, for the likely chance that the hair tie would come undone.
            On cue, a trail of black sedans sped past the crane. “They are heading approximately towards the direction of The Pyramid of Mercatorum, Cassandra.” The Pyramid of Traders was commonplace for business with the Dependencies of New America. It’s heavily regulated – but nothing stopped brokers from paying through bribes and the favor of an unexpected death ray.
            The streets were empty for the upcoming event in the southeast part of town, perfect for the black market. It was Tax Day, when everyone celebrated the advancements of the world Post Machina, following the creation of cutting-edge artificial intelligence. The Lifeless creators of A.I. suffered unimaginable deaths, foolishly believing higher intelligence would follow treaties and laws established on . Anton is one of the few Lifeless in hiding, sending cyborgs such as me to fulfill necessary duties. Reproduction was prevented by surgical removal of gametes in the XX. In the XY, the reproductive organs were cut.
            I headed towards the direction of the Pyramid on rooftops, with pistons powering every leap. Lunging 50ft at a time allowed me to outpace the cars, which moved like rooks on a chessboard. There were five vehicles, four of which held an accompanying Lifeless and mercenary. The vehicle in the center drove the Imperator with four Cores, removed from the Lifeless. He was undoubtedly on the way to meet the Tax Collector. Those Cores were poached from the European Bastion, the alliance of Lifeless in the Dependencies of New America. They had to be retrieved for Anton’s projects.
            Dropping from the last building, the blade surged through the asphalt, forming a large crack. I could feel the strain on the leading left leg, which suffered the impact of 200,000 Joules, as much as a moving vehicle, but training with the rest of Anton’s creations prepared me for such a fall. I headed inside and made my way to the stairs. The Pyramid had many levels, perfect for vertical free running.

Time: 02:09
Location: The Pyramid, Memphis, TN

            Approximately 500 meters until arrival, Cassandra.
            Approximately 300 meters until arrival, Cassandra.
            Approximately 100 meters until arrival, Cassandra.
            How IMMERSive. From the stairwell, I could hear three pairs of footsteps climbing into the elevator which made their way upwards. Two mercenaries were put on guard; one with a third mechanical arm which held death rays and another with a large steel fist with knuckles that substituted as death rays.
I jumped into the entrance hall and threw a hook kick and punch, energized by the rings which shot waves of electricity down the steel blade into the nape of the walking tripod, short circuiting and beheading. The juggernaut turned and threw a fierce looking punch at the still charged leg, easily ending its warranty.
Anton’s voice rang through the earpiece again, “Cassandra! Abort the mission, now!” There was fear in his command, and I was about to find out why. A heavy force pushed down on my chest, making it hard to breathe. It became hazy and dim – I was on the ground, unable to lift my legs. Gravity was being distorted and broke the communication device. The pistons could hardly maintain the pressure and the springs had been broken. A dented head belonging to the Imperator rolled from the elevator. The connections were stripped and held an orange glow … a forceful ignition.
 The Collector stood before the entrance. “His parts served his purpose, and so will yours.”


  1. I really appreciate how you provided the cover illustration to complement your flash fic. I tend to have trouble visualizing scifi technology, so it was very helpful. It seems like this is a highly detailed world you've created; I love how you hint at the greater textures of this futuristic society.

  2. Great story. Really good imagery and an intense storyline made it a very enjoyable read.

  3. Holy....! This was really good Travis! This is some pretty intense world they live in. Cassandra's blade legs reminds me of Camille. Other than that, this was a enjoyable piece and I would like to know what happens next.

    Eric Duong
    Period 4

  4. I love how your story was so captivating! Honestly, I spent a lot of time looking at your drawings and I'm glad I did. With the drawings and the details in the story, I was able to picture the character perfectly (hopefully). Your way of writing really brought me into this new world and it seems complete. I also love the cliffhanger at the end. You ended the story with tension and it added to the story's whole dystopian and suspense nature.

  5. This was such a good piece! Your use of imagery helped me visualize everything that was going on, like a little action movie. I love it so much, great job!

  6. Great job Travis! I really enjoyed the IMMERSive (pun intended) imagery and overall plot. I loved the sci-fi feel to this piece and I would love to know more about this world. Is the future controlled by artificial intelligence and are humans no longer existing, and instead the closest thing to humans are androids, or do they still exist? I would love to know more, but either way amazing work!

  7. This story was so great! First of all, I love the drawing you did. It added a level of imagery in my head as to what Cassandra looked like. Secondly, your story was so captivating. The imagery in your words brought me into the sci-fi world you created. The action in the story kept me hooked until the end. BUT WHAT HAPPENS??? I need to know more!
    Thank you for sharing such an amazing story!

  8. Wow Travis you put a lot of thought into this for such a short assignment. If you work on this outside of class as a personal project it really shows. The cover illustration that precedes the article really shows dedication. IF you've ever thought about writing online or for personal enjoyment I would highly encourage you to do so with the skill you've shown. Great job. Gavin Gnaster

  9. I like how the picture contributes to the story. There is a great amount of imagery in this and the imagery makes it easier for us readers to get a visualization in our minds. You can picture this as if it is really happening.

  10. Good job Travis! The amount of imagery and descriptions in this piece really allowed me to play it in my head as if it truly was a movie.

  11. I really enjoyed your story Travis. The picture looks even better than when I saw it in Econ. The image brings the story alive and puts personality into the robot, Cassandra. The layout with the time, date and location stamp made the story more suspenseful and unique. The ending italicized with the Controller created an ominous and threatening tone that made me shudder. If only we had more! Thank you for sharing, Travis.

  12. Wow the way you painted these images of the story are really intense. I wonder where you got your inspiration from. The vivid imagery combined with almost lifelike descriptions of the character (who ironically isn't even a human) created a story that absorbed my attention.

  13. I liked the way you mixed in some trivial thoughts among the seriousness of story. It adds to the rhythm of the piece. The imagery used is very well developed. Awesome!

  14. My goodness Travis, you've really outdone yourself with this story! I love the amount of thought and detail you put into the story, such as through the fancy acronyms like IMMERse, and the little drawing on top really adds a nice bit of characterization and imagery to the piece overall. I especially loved how it had a bit of a "Brave New World" kind of feel, especially with the mentioning of the removal of reproductive organs and gametes. Great job Travis!
    -Carianne Lefebvre Period 1

  15. Oh wow. The amount of detail I read was magical, I felt as if I was reading a book. You did such a fantastic job writing this I personally hope you have more because this as absolutely brilliant.
    Sara Perez
    Pd. 5

  16. The style of organization, the action, the imagery, and the supplied image all help to make an overall really cool kind of story. It was an enjoyable read!

  17. The science fiction world you created through this piece seemed so detailed and intricate. It really goes to show what an amazing imagination you have. I also get "Brave New World" vibes from this piece, especially with the final plot twist at the end of the story: "His parts served his purpose, and so will yours." Very interesting and captivating ending. Nice job Travis!

  18. This was great! I truly loved the storyline and I think you did a great job at conveying emotion through your use of imagery. Very good job!

  19. Alejandro QuintanillaApril 4, 2018 at 6:02 PM

    The story was great, the imagery and detail make the story easy to picture and the drawings allow for Cassandra to really come to life. Really well done!

  20. I wish there was more! I felt so connected to Cassandra and I wish I could've experience more with her. You should adapt this into a longer piece! Nonetheless, I really enjoyed your story and the detail you put into it. RIP Cassandra.

  21. This story was so well written Travis. The way you formatted the story as a series of journals from Cassandra's perspective really enabled the reader to form a closer connection with her. The art supplement was also very well drawn and also gave us a better scope of her character. Great job!

  22. Wow, this was so unique! I am such a big fan of the drawings because they made the story come to life even more than it already did. It is obvious how much time and effort you put into this piece as it was beautifully and creatively crafted. Amazaing job Travis!

  23. Well done! The vivid imagery allowed me to completely envision your story in my head. Not only did you execute a fast paced action and adventure piece but you included grappling character development and a plot!

  24. Wow Travis, this was an extremely interesting blog entry! I loved the stylistic choices you made with the writing itself, not to mention the unique subject of the entry. Great job!

  25. I really enjoyed the format of your story and how the story was told as journal entries from Cassandra’s point of view, it really helped me to imagine everything that she was talking about. The amount of imagery you put into your story is amazing! I was able to picture everything so vividly. Your story also gave me Brave New World vibes when Cassandra talked about how “reproduction was prevented by surgical removal of gametes in the XX. In the XY, the reproductive organs were cut.” You should totally extend this piece into a longer one!

  26. This was so amazing. I was intrigued by the title, as well as the picture, but the writing really pulled me in. I liked how you employed a lot of technical terms to describe Cassandra's attributes and how you had time stamps to split up the scenes. This was really creative and unique and I would love to read more!

  27. Gosh! I had no idea you were such a great writer! They way you mixed dialogue with action was amazing, as well as the use of different fonts and capitalization. Just looking at the way its structured piques my interest. As for content; even better! I love how you captured each scene as if it were a movie...I want to read more!

  28. Fantastic Job Travis! Love the art, and I can definitely appreciate the effort for scientific accuracy. I recently conducted research on Lithium-Ion Batteries, and so I found it interesting to see how you’ve drawn connections. The creativity demonstrated is thorough, and well conveyed as to not over-saturate the reader with information but still create enough of the world to solidify it into the realities of our mind. Truly an excellent piece, well done.

  29. Wow, this story is so interesting! The imagery really brought your unique story to life. Good job Travis!

  30. Amazing job with the use of imagery!! I enjoyed reading your piece , great job !!

  31. This a great short story that was able to build the character of Cassandra and the world around her very quickly and efficiently. The world is one of my favorite parts of the story as it seemed like it was straight out of a sci-fi movie. The art was also nice and helped to give me a better image of cassandra.

  32. This piece is amazing and I commend you because I would never be able to write about a futuristic world full of artificial intelligence. I enjoyed being taken into another world. The words you've created and even the acronym IMMERSe in order to depict a futuristic society was genius. Again, how do you come up with stuff like that? The incorporation of the drawing really assisted in visualizing the narrator. Amazing work, Travis.


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