
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"True Success" by Maya B

Every person has their own definition of success. To meet all of my personal goals and
pursuing happiness is the true definition of success for me. Other people’s thoughts and opinions do not determine success. When I am older, I would like to experience the feeling of excitement in my life on a daily basis. I also want to be able to feel relaxed. My ideal weekend would consist of a small trip near the beach and meditation. I would like to eliminate all stress and negative thoughts from my mind. If stress is eliminated on a daily basis, my life would be full of more positive outcomes. The only praise I will need is the praise my husband and loved ones will give me. I will also accept praise for my career successes. Throughout my life I am going to meet so many new people. I want to create bonds with others and show them true friendship because I feel like everyone deserves to experience what having a true friend is. People deserve to feel they are worth something and have a purpose in this society. When I die, I want others to remember my outgoing and caring personality. Making others smile warms my heart. In the future, I desire to have at least two months of vacation per year. I actually wish to go on vacation whenever I feel like it. Skydiving and going on a hot air balloon are on my bucket list. I would also love to ride dolphins in Mexico. I need to try exotic foods whenever I go because I need to broaden my appetite. Everywhere I drive to I want to park the car and go out and explore my surroundings. Adopting wild animals has always been a dream of mine. I would like to be treated with respect by my family and my husband. My ideal mate would be someone who respects me, loves me unconditionally, makes me laugh and smile, has a stable career and makes good money, handsome and is great with kids. I would like my family to describe me as being successful,
outgoing, sweet, silly, joyful and beautiful. A dream romantic getaway with my spouse would be to go anywhere near the beach or somewhere where there is no one around and is peaceful. Success is not always revolve around a career. To be successful also means becoming the person you aspire to be. As I grow older, I wish to become a better person and to grow. I will feel good about my career, but I will truly feel successful when I reach these goals for becoming a better individual.


  1. Great work this was interesting to hear how and what you think of success. Great job using imagery as well you supported your main point very good as well.

  2. Are we the same person?! To meet all of my personal goals and
    pursuing happiness is my exact definition of success as well. I've come to learn that I should not let anyone's opinions affect the way I go about obtaining my goals! I admire how goal oriented and confident you are in your plans of the future! Great job!

  3. I really liked the imagery you used because it showed what you wish your future to be and how you want to be outgoing and explore many new things in the world. Nice job! Erick Gutierrez per.4

  4. As the late Earl Nightingale once said, " Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal", and I think you have a very great mindset to live a prosperous life, Great Piece!.

  5. I loved your use of imagery! I liked how you shared your life goals with us and what you want in life. You are very goal driven and that's one of the best qualities I think a person can have because it shows how focused you are. Loved this blog overall!

  6. I definitely hope you are able to reach that level of true success and become the person you aspire to be. You have exciting goals in life and I believe you can achieve all of them! Let’s go skydiving together, it’s on my bucketlist too. Good job Maya.

  7. The use of imagery was spot on! Your definition of success is very similar to mines. Great job!

  8. I love how you talk about your success because yes everyone has their own way of see what a true success mean to them. I do believe true success is what inspires us to become who we are, what we want to be. Reading this made me think and now I want to find me true success. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Wow way to get all your goals in a row! I'm happy that you know what you want in you life and I really hope you achieve all that you have desired. I like how you are so confident to share your goals with your peers. Great job!

  10. Wow way to get all your goals in a row! I'm happy that you know what you want in you life and I really hope you achieve all that you have desired. I like how you are so confident to share your goals with your peers. Great job!

  11. i love your definition of true success ! its so true about pursing ones goals and achieving happiness and peace at the same time. My favorite part is when you said to not let others opinions determine what your success is . Oh and your imagery throughout, amazing !

  12. Hello Maya,
    I really like the way you describe your future and career with lot of happiness. And of course aiming for true happiness is the main goal which is also become hard for most of us. After reading this, i gain lot of positive vibes and it’s so amazing how you describe your positive personality.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  13. Wow that was a really great definition of success, looking through all of this I hope you are happy with your future career. Very well written

  14. You have very reasonable goals and definition of success. I completely agree everybody deserves to be happy. I’m glad that you have goals because if you did it then you’d be stagnant and not doing anything. Good job at your piece!

  15. Good work Maya, I really liked how you added connotation to the word, "success" and wrote about what it means to you. I hope you get to achieve everything that you have planned as you keep striving to obtain your goals. Don't let anything get in your way.

  16. I love this piece because everyone is able to relate to it. You gave no denotation to the word "success" and instead left it open to many connotations, allowing the reader to adapt it to their personal goals. I believe in you and truly believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to so never give up! :)

  17. This piece includes a very strong idea to disassociate success with possessions. I love that theme and agree that success shouldn't be associated with money, it should be based off of happiness and memories.

  18. Good job Maya! I think your piece is one that everyone can relate to because we all want to be successful in our own ways. I enjoyed how you described different ways of being successful and I found it interesting learning what you want your to future to be like.

  19. A very inspiring piece! I love your meaning of being successful with the use of imagery to get your point across. I hope you keep pursuing to be that better person you trying to be.

  20. It's great to see that you have your own dreams and vision of success. This life is very demanding with all its traditions and requirements. I'm glad to see that you're not letting any of these obstacles get in your way in order to achieve you hopes and dreams!

    Jeremiah Credo Period 1

  21. Mekka Johnson March 5, 2018 at 5:19pm
    Maya I really adored your piece because I can feel your sense of warmth and ambition to chase after your dreams in order to become successful. Your word choice in diction made the piece more warm and tender to the heart. I totally agree with your piece and I loved that you defined your own definition of success because oftentimes society has this single minded view on what success looks like. However, you mentioned that your success would be "I want others to remember my outgoing and caring personality." That just goes to prove the point that success is immeasurable, and it can be defined in multiple ways.

  22. You make an important point that most working adults seem to lose sight of. Success is not always about financial success, rather happiness and enjoyment can be considered factors of being successful too.

  23. It's great to see another perspective of success. You had a great explanation on what you believe is being successful. Great Job!

  24. These ideals are really relatable! its nice to just have that headspace for when you need time for yourself to think and ponder in the middle instead of being dragged in one direction. great piece! :)

  25. YES! I absolutely love this piece because as we young adults are soon stepping into the “real world,” we are getting closer and closer to pursuing our dreams and doing whatever is necessary to achieve the life we envisioned for ourself. I enjoy that you are so determined and unwilling to let anyone/anything take you off the path of success. Also, I appreciate the individuality this poem shows.
    -Rachel Adzaho, 2nd period

  26. This is beautiful. Your connotation of success is relatable for many people. Your future is going to be very bright with many successes of your own . Don't stop trying

  27. I think it's great that you know what you want in life so you can try your best to achieve all of those feelings and be successful. Often times people simply focus on income or other things that should be their first priority.

  28. You made some very awesome points that I agree with. I always grew up with that mentality that I was growing up to be healthy and not just “wealthy”. And thats a thing I still live by today. What is a 120k salary job when you arent happy anyway?


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