
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"My Religious Experience " by Austyn C

Through my life Christ has had extraordinary and phenomenal impacts on me. His influence has allowed me to change my view on life and the effects and views on the outside world. Coming to Christ was placed upon me by my parents when I was a young child and would start my path to becoming more spiritually connected. I’m very thankful for my parents for doing so as I feel my life has greatly benefited from it. As a younger child, I knew that following Christ was good but I wasn’t so much aware as to how my benefits and practices of Christ would be challenged later in life. It wasn’t till my early high school years where I really saw the different challenges I would be faced with. These challenges ranged from decisions making with friends to making my own in tough situations. No matter how difficult the situation was or will be in the future I will always know asking Christ and knowing what is best in his eyes will help come out successful. If I ever find myself in a difficult situation or time period, going to the church with my parents for support always seem to be the most reliable option to me. Even though I go through trouble and hardship, church taught me they can be beneficial as they show how strong my faith is and to stay strong and not give up hope. They help my path with Christ stay strong and always increase in positivity. I feel I’ve also gained a lot of this strength in Christ from members in my church. The church my family and I attend is called Sunrise Church in the city of Rialto no more than fifteen minutes away from my house. This is such a pleasant church to be and the community of the church is very caring toward all that
attended. It’s such a comfortable and relaxing setting with many leaders to help. Over the years of attending the church, I’ve found myself to be more of the kind of person to observe and take in information from others and try to apply it to my life. I was slow to interact at first but over the years I’ve increased talking to others and finding out their walk with Christ. I’ve been able to this with some friends outside of Church also. Friends that I’ve known for many years have a strong passion with Christ also and we have been able to have conversations about different topics and even spread the influence to others we know. Communication with others about Christ feels to me the best thing that I can provide to others. This will allow me to teach others about what I know about Christ and how knowing Christ has helped me in life and allows me to gain information from others and compare the different paths people have taken to come to know Christ.


  1. I really likes reading your story. I commend you for your strong faith with Christ and how it has helped you become a better person overall I can strongly relate to this because I feel the exact same way. Great job.

  2. I personally admire your comfortability to talk about your personal relationship with Christ. I can relate to much of what you wrote about and I agree with the way you feel communication about Christ is the best thing you can provide to others. This was a very fun and interesting read for me. Loved it!

  3. This was a really great post! It can be difficult sometimes broadcasting your faith to everyone so I️ admire the fact that you took the leap of faith to do so! Your story is truly inspiring and I️ know it will touch many. Great job! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  4. Your relationship with Christ is very admirable Austyn as I see your passion for Him. I also see the members of my church as my 2nd family. Well written reflection!

  5. I admire your steadfast faith in your relationship with God and I'm glad you have benefitted greatly from it. Unfortunately a lot of folks struggle out here but nonetheless great piece!

  6. To always go to Christ whenever you need help is really amazing because through the good or bad times, feeling that you can communicate with Christ is extraordinary! I really like this piece and agree with everything you wrote down because his will guide and help many people in future. Well done! Erick Gutierrez per.4

  7. Austynnnn !! thanks for sharing your personal belief, i like how strong and devoted you are to your religion and how hes there for you. well written piece

  8. I applaud you for being open with you relationship with Christ! I grew up similarly with you and Christ. My parents established a God-based lifestylee at home and it led me to allow Jesus in my heart at 6. Since then, Jesus has been my peace and joy to get through this world! Thank you for sharing and I pray this relationship grows!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  9. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    I love how you were open to talking about your relationship with your faith and religion. Many people aren't comfortable with that topic or to even share it with others. I relate to this a lot because I also communicate to Christ when things go bad or good, Good job Austyn!

  10. Austyn, I appreciate you for choosing a topic that can be seen as controversial and I admire how open you are with your relationship with Christ. I know sometimes people aren't open about topics such as religion but thank you so much for sharing your experience. Remember as we go on in life, He will be there for you at all times. Great job!

  11. Reading this post was very satisfying and pleasureable. As someone who doesn't consider themselves religious, I admire your relationship with your faith, and how you touch upon how some people have taken different paths to know Christ! I enjoyed reading about your own experience with Christ by your side; the community you're in sounds very supporting and I'm glad to hear you've grown with him to better yourself and others around you!

  12. I'm so astounded in the work the you put in for this post I am a Christian myself and to be able to relate to you on this level is so amazing and it is so important to share this subject with others so I truly admire you for stepping out and bringing your topic to awareness and your walk with Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

  13. I admire your personal story about your journey with Christ. I am religious myself and found your experience very genuine and I love how you are able to have a strong support system through church, your parents, and close friends that share the same views as you. Really great job, Austyn!

  14. I enjoyed reading your journey about Christ in which you applied it throughout life and how it benefits you today. I can personally see how it has changed you and how you bettered yourself through the challenges you faced. I'm amazed by the fact you were able to share your story with us. Great job!

  15. I love your testimony, Austyn! It's always cool to see a friend share a story similar to mine in that your parents leading you to Christ at a young age ultimately impacted your life. It is impressive that you are able to put your relationship with Christ into words and I hope you can inspire others to strengthen their relationship in the future. I love your solidity in your religion and the insight as to how it has affected your life. Very well written!

  16. I enjoyed reading your piece on Christ and what your faith means to you. Your use of an anecdote helped to make the story seem much more authentic and intriguing. Great job.

  17. I liked how you told the background information on how your parents were the ones that guided you towards a life of religion. Your relationship with god I feel is a positive example of how religion can impact a person and the details you gave on its effects on you really made this piece interesting to read. Good Job Austyn!

  18. Your journey with Christ is so amazing and inspiring, it's nice to see how comfortable you are with sharing your experiences. I also really enjoyed how you try and contribute your religion into many of your relationships and put in effort to apply Christ into your daily routine. Amazing job!

  19. Austyn, as a religious person as well, I found comfort in reading how open you are about your faith. I have grown up religious my whole life, but have had my doubts in the past. Ultimately through many experiences of trying to run away from my faith, I have found God to be a constant in my life and that spreading love to all people is the best form of displaying Christ's love for us. Thank you for sharing your testimony and allowing others to see the peace in finding a religion or something to believe in!
    Kayla Rangel

  20. Nice story, Austyn. It feels good to be able to relate to you on a spiritual level and hearing about your relationship with God. I like how you went through the fact that your parents introduced you to it but you have found the way the truth and the life out on your own. Great job.

  21. I admire you tremendously for being so open with sharing your faith with the world because I know that's not always an easy thing to do. I relate to your story a lot, as high school has helped me grow in my relationship with Christ as well. I hope you continue to inspire others with your story and help them strengthen their relationships with Christ as well. Amazing piece Austyn!

  22. I loved reading this because I can relate so much to you and feel the same way about Christ and church. I feel so amazed you were able to share your story about Jesus because not many do and that is a very faithful step you took. i feel very privileged to hear your great testimony

  23. I loved this!!! It is so hard to make strong choices like this especially in high school. People often don´t want to speak on this topic because they cover it up so I commend you. I really enjoyed how you explained how important your faith is. Its not easy being a young child of God, so keep up the amazing work!

  24. salute brother I'am so glad you have found your path through christ and I hope that you continue to follow it thank you for sharing your story about your journey through high school and I pray you stay on it because God is just getting started with what he has in store for you David Ekelem Per6

  25. I feel that in our society of criticism and judgement, opening up about religious experiences can be difficult. I truly appreciate you opening up to your experience with God and how much it has influenced your life, because sometimes I find it hard myself to open up about something like this. Your dedication and passion for religion inspire me to do the same and pursue what makes me happy- speaking my mind about my beliefs without fear of being judged.

  26. Your piece was affirming and comforting, but beyond that it was inspiring and engaging. YOur confidence rubs off on the audience, and it was an excellently written piece. Well done Austyn.
    -Johnathan Solomon p.6


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