
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"March 16" by Jenny A

March 16th, 2017

On March 16, 2017 at 5:45 in the morning, I received the worst news of my life.

I was sound asleep when all of a sudden I was woken up by chilling screams from my mother and unfamiliar sobs from my father. I was dazed and couldn’t really get up, I thought that I was just dreaming these horrific sounds, but little did I know it was all too real. My dad, a man who always has a smile on his face, shook me twice, tears trickling down his face, and said the scarring words, “Grandpa is dead.”

I felt my heart drop. I lost all my senses. Nothing felt real. This didn’t feel real, but it was. The first thing I did was scream— screamed in utter shock because my best friend of 17 years, the man everyone looked up to, the man who raised and nurtured an entire village in Nigeria, the man who I would run to for security has died.

My mother. How the hell does she feel? Forget me, forget my siblings, forget my dad. My mother just lost her father, the first man she ever loved. How does one even handle news like that?

She was outside sobbing, “Why?” to the heaven in pitch black because the sun hadn’t risen yet. Ain’t it funny how nature is affected by events. It's just like the Great Chain of Being. I ran to her, I held her, and we cried. We cried in the driveway until the sun finally came up. She was a baby under my touch. I'm used to stepping up to become the mother figure, but it was different being the strong one for my mother. When she finally calmed down, we went back inside. My sister had finally woken up and heard the news, but my brother was still asleep which made sense, it was only 7 a.m., but it felt like eternity. The room was silent and felt cold--- all I wanted to do was sleep, but I couldn't. My mind was consumed by the constant thought of him. The day didn't get easier, I didn't expect it to. We spent all afternoon spreading the news to everyone, and if I'm being honest, I was sick of it. I was sick of the "I'm sorry for you loss" responses and I hated every sympathetic hug I received. I just wanted to mourn in peace, to curl up in my room and shut the world out. I began to question my fate; "Why does God take away the good people in this world?"

I thought it should have been me. I blamed myself for not making the effort to reach out to him as much as I could have and I still blame myself to till this day, but I know that everything happens for a reason. Although I don't fully understand the reason why such a beautiful soul was taken away from my family and I, I do know that he is still looking after us. I talk to him before every performance and every night before I go to bed. My grandfather's death taught me especially to appreciate life to the fullest. He was a man that only LOVED. He didn't have any enemies because he was always the bigger person in situations. He was empathetic, free-spirited, nurturing and generous. He is the reason why I strive to be great. Everything I do is for him, and I hope he sees that wherever he is.


  1. Jenny this was an absolutely beautiful piece. You are so strong and it is shown through your writing, going through something like this only makes you stronger. The depth of your compassion is so strong when you show it through taking care of your mother. Your writing makes me realize that I need to spend more time with my 96 year old grandmother as life is short. Thank you for writing a piece that shows people whats really important, family. I love you!

  2. This was absolutely heartbreaking, I lost my grandmother and I can imagine the pain you must have felt she was my best friend as well. Your emotions are clearly displayed and your use of the time sequence played a big part in what happened on that day.

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  3. Your descriptive details from such a heartbreaking event are very elaborate and thorough because I can truly feel how the death of your grandpa affected you. I liked how you shared that even though you have lost someone very important to you, you gained a newfound perspective on life and how to treat others as a way to allow your grandpa's legacy to live on. Thank you for sharing this piece Jenny!!

  4. This was beautiful to read. You are so strong for being able to share your story and I thank you Jenny because you gave us such a heartbreaking story but I loved it so much because of how personal it was.

  5. Jenny, I really enjoyed reading your incredible and moving piece. I am so inspired by your strength and courage to find peace and love through this heart wrenching experience you had gone through. Continue to find strength through yourself and your grandfather to strive greatness! Wonderful piece Jenny!

  6. I can only imagine the pain you are currently going through. You are so incredibly strong and I know that your grandpa will live on through everything you do. I know how hard it is to write about something that affects you so much and it was truly beautiful. I could clearly picture and feel everything you wrote about.

  7. This is so beautiful and sad. It is beautifully written. I like how descriptive this is when describing how you felt and your reaction. I like how you described the atmosphere, especially when you were comforting your mother.

  8. Jenny this piece is incredible and you are such a strong and beautiful person for sharing this heartbreaking story. I think that this piece is so beautiful because of the deep emotion it clearly has to you and I'm so sorry for your loss. I know this must have been hard for you to write but it was so amazing! Great job Jenny!

  9. Jenny this was an amazing piece. You never fail to amaze me. Everything you do is always beautifully executed, and you did just that with your piece. You described your experience so well that for a moment I could feel what you felt when you received the news your grandfather passed away. Awesome job !

  10. This was heartbreaking. I actually teared up. I could relate with the sick of the "I'm sorry for your loss" and how you blamed yourself. You are very strong being there for your mom as well.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal, heartbreaking experience with us. I know this must have been difficult for you to write about. You are incredibly strong and your story taught me to live life to the fullest and appreciate my loved ones. Your piece is so detailed, sentimental, and beautiful. Great job!

  12. Your story was so touching and beautiful.I loved how you explained that you comforted your mom when you knew how much this hurt her. I also liked that you explained the different emotions both you and your mom felt. You are really brave for sharing this and you did a great job writing it.

  13. Wow, Jenny! You did an amazing job with expressing your heartbreak. While reading your piece I really felt and endured the pain that you had felt and what you continue to feel. Great job! Stay strong, and i'm terribly sorry for your loss!

  14. Im in awe. This was beautifully written. I absolutely adore and give you lots of respect for honoring your grandfather on here. It is definitely a hard thing to do, but I know he smiling down on you for your dedication to him. You're a very strong woman and I know each day it will soon be better. I felt the passion and feelings that was put into this. It was just gave me an utmost beautiful feeling. Great Job Jenny! Hang in there I know you can do it.

  15. Jenny i was able to feel your heartbreaking loss for your father, and the way you wrote this piece was absolutely beautiful. This was a beautiful piece of work.

  16. You captured the heartbreaking emotion of losing someone perfectly. The way you described your family’s reactions broke my heart. That has to be the most difficult thing people go through in life. Your grandfather must be so proud of you as he watches you every second from heaven. This was beautifully written. Good job!

  17. I've read your story about 3 times now and every time, my heart breaks more and more. I can feel the emotion you felt through your words and I admire you for posting about a topic so personal. You are such a beautiful and strong woman and I absolutely admire you. I know your grandfather is smiling down on you right now. Thank you for sharing this.

  18. Hello Jenny,
    This piece actually make me cry because I could just imagine myself in the situation which takes me back to time when i lost my grandpa. It was just not my bonding with my grandpa, it was also the thought of my mom’s feelings for losing her dad. My mom was always the favorite kid to my grandpa and he always told me that how much he’s proud of my mom. And that lead me to follow my mom in every step of my life. I am really thankful to you for sharing this.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  19. I found your entry very moving. I could feel the frustration and anger in your words. I felt empathetic as I've felt that way as well. It's frustrating when people want to support and comfort you,yet their words make everything worse. Nice job! I enjoyed reading this despite how heartbreaking it was.

  20. Reading this made me tear up because I know what it feels like to lose a family member. I admire how brave you are for allowing yourself to share this. I pray for you and your family to get better. I loved this piece and how well written it was, good job Jenny. :)

  21. Thank you for opening up, it takes a lot of strength to open up about a depressing time in your life. You're a very strong person, you took action and took care of your mom. When my grandpa passed away I also felt that I should've reached out for him as well. You did an amazing job in imagery and explaining your feelings.

  22. Your take on this hardship is something I can very well relate to. The passing of our loved ones is one of the hardest things us humans can go through. Your take on it full of description and vivid imagery, the portrayal of your emotions and true feelings, very accurately shows how tough the situation you went through was.

  23. This piece definitely reaches out to people's feelings. Your use of emotion is vivid and reminds me of times when I've lost people. Everybody has or will experience something very similar and it's sad that it can happen when you least expect it, but it shows not to take people for granted.

  24. This story was so personal, I admire the bravery it must have took to submit this piece to the blog. Your imagery and word choice were extremely evocative and I was completely moved by your piece. Your writing style is beautiful and I think you did an absolutely amazing job!

  25. Mekka Johnson March 5, 2018 at 5:31pm
    Jenny, I want you to know that your strong spirits and fond memories of your grandpa is whats going to be your motivation and your self booster. I felt your pain through every word you typed, and can only imagine what you have been through. From personal experience time may be your healer, but not everyone copes like others do. I just want you to remember that you are a really strong positive person and don't worry baby girl, your grandpa has got you up there.

  26. This was a beautifully written piece. It was very touching and eye opening for me and helped make me more aware of the sudden tragedies that can happen, even when we least expect them. I am going to make sure to cherish everyone in my life and be thankful for every minute of life granted to me. I admire your strength in ability to deal with this event.

  27. Wow Jenny, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. The way in which you vividly described everything that was going on almost made me feel like I was there.Thank you for sharing.

  28. WOW!such an emotional piece,I really appreciate you having the courage to share this story. The use of Imagery help me envision the setting making me feel like I was right there. With the sensory detail used it allowed me to get a grasp of how you must have been feeling and how it was such a tragic event. Amazing job

  29. Jenny dear, this was incredibly moving. I felt the passion, especially towards the end. You articulated not only your emotions but the emotion of your family and how, as a whole, you are dealing. You are quite literally one of the strongest human being I have ever met. I hate ever hearing that something bad happened to you, but all of it will fuel you.

  30. This is a very touching piece Jenny. The imagery and diction you used to describe the scene was perfect. It made me feel every emotion in the piece. Good Job Jenny!
    ~Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  31. Jenny, this was extremely relatable. I lost my grandmother my freshman year in high school. She helped raised me and I considered her to be my second mother. Even though we were extremely close, I still felt a tinge of regret for any time I didn't get to spend with her. I still live everyday in her honor and chose to love and give back to others in the same way she always did! Your grandfather sounded like such an amazing and inspirational person as well from the way you beautifully described him. I am very sure he is beyond proud of you! Thank you again for a post I can relate to wholeheartedly!
    Kayla Rangel

  32. this brought a tear to my eye. your so strong for having to have gone through this, i would never known you've gone through such an experience, being around your bright spirit and beautiful presence. thank you for continuing to be strong and share your story with us. hearing your story it felt all too familiar.

  33. Jenny, I really enjoyed reading this. Something similar just happened to be late at night like your story but regarding my cousin. The passing a someone you hold dear to your heart is such a struggle, especially when its time to put it on paper. Thank you for sharing your strong, you are a very strong girl.

  34. Jenny this was such an emotional piece that actually made me reflect on the deep relationships I have with my grandparents. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to lose such influential people in your life. You really display the affect your loss had on you, but I agree with you that no matter how unfair it is, everything happens for a reason. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with us.

  35. This past summer I lost my grandmother and it was very heartbreaking, so this piece was very relateabke to me. I’m very happy you learned to appreciate life to the fullest, it is a concept that is hard to conceive especially when you’ve lost someone, because then it is very easy to only look at the end of your journey instead of the journey itself.

  36. Your blogpost channels raw emotion in a way that makes all our heart wrench for you. With every sentence, we were there, sobbing our hearts out with you in hopes that our tears would bring back the people we love. I can assure you everyone who commented is sending virtual hugs to show you that we’re all here for you. Stay strong. -Alex

  37. I just wanted you to know that I sympathize with you. I lost my father and my grandmother, and the guilt of feeling like you didnt do enough is natural. You never forget, but the pain eventually fades away and you live with the happy moments they brought to you. Thank you for the very emotional piece. I can only imagine how vulnerable this made you feel.

  38. The emotions expressed in this piece were so raw and real. It felt very personal reading such an emotional experience of yours, and I admire you for your strength so much more after reading this. The writing felt as though I was reading it as it was happening. Moving blog post.

  39. The amount of raw emotion in this piece is unreal and I sympathize with your grandfathers death a few years ago i love mine as well and it took my family a while to even accept that he was gone. I felt as if i was reliving if all over again you did a great job with this piece great job!!


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