
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"How to Make Banana Bread/Muffins" By Jasmine E

            Growing up, one of the first dishes I ever made was banana bread/muffins with my Aunt Dorah. It is still by far my favorite dish to make due to it being so delicious and it bringing my whole family together because we are all obsessed with it. When I first started making banana bread/muffins with my Aunt it was just me, her, and my uncle. But now our family has grown to my 4 cousins and I including my Aunt and Uncle and we all still share the love of banana bread/muffins. So here’s our recipe. :)

If making the bread you will need a bread pan to put the mix in and if making muffins you will need a cupcake pan as well as cupcake wrappers.
      ½ cup of butter
      1 cup of sugar
      2 eggs beaten
      3  ripe bananas crushed (kind of like smushed, and maybe try 4 bananas if you want your muffins/bread to be more moist)
      1 ½ cups of flour
      1 teaspoon of baking soda
      ½ teaspoon of salt
      ½ teaspoon of vanilla (optional)
      Chocolate chips to put in mix (optional)

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit (If you have hand mixer or a kitchenaid mixer take out now as well)
  2. Cream together butter and sugar
  3. In that same bowl add in the eggs, and crushed bananas and mix all together
  4. In a separate bowl mix (with just a spoon) the flour, baking, soda, and salt
  5. Add the dry ingredients to the mix
  6. Add the vanilla (optional)
  7. Mix it together until it gets thick or until you think it’s ready to be put in the pan. But DO NOT OVERMIX.
  8. Add the chocolate chips (optional)
  9. If making the bread make sure to spray the pan with Pam or whatever spray that you in your house so that the bread does not stick to the pan
  10. If making the muffins you do not have to spray the wrappers.
  11. Once all the mix is done now you may put it in the pan.
  12. If making the bread pour it in evenly. If making muffins only fill the wrapper halfway because if you fill it to the top, when in the oven the muffin will overflow and be all over the pan.
  13. Once mixed is put in the pan, pop it in the oven.
  14. For the bread you want to leave it in there for about 55 minutes or until the bread is a golden brown but check to make sure the middle of the loaf is cooked by sticking a fork in it. If the the fork comes out the completely clean the bread is done.
  15. For the muffins I would say maybe 10-12 mins but constantly checking on them to see if their ready or not due to the fact that muffins cook much faster than a whole loaf of bread.
  16. After it is cooked take out the oven, let it cool down and eat.
I hope you love our recipe because we sure do. It always brings us together and I hope it does for your family or friends as well.


  1. Lauren Elizabeth WrightFebruary 23, 2018 at 10:33 AM

    I enjoy reading people's "How-to's" on the blog because it's really interesting to see how the dish has a connection to your life! This was very well-written and made me want to try baking this myself. Good job!

  2. Aw Jasmine ! I like that this was a family receipe and that you shared why it was special to you. I definitely want to try this because i really like banana bread! You explained everything really well and I think you did a great job!

  3. This is so great Jasmine! My mom and I love banana bread but we always bought it at the store thank you for sharing this because this is something my mom and I can do together! I loved how you added background and where your recipe started from! Thank you for sharing your tradition. I especially appreciated you numbering the steps and adding advice. It really helps non experience bakers like myself!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  4. This sounds so good!!! I️ love how you incorporated the history behind why you love to make these so much and your family history. The steps to make it is super easy to follow as well. Great Job!!!! - Sabrina Wilkerson P.1

  5. I really liked how you gave a little background as to why you like to bake banana bread. I love banana bread and have always wanted to make my own. Your steps were really easy to follow and I will hope to make this some day. Good job!
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  6. This "how- to" is so well written and I really enjoyed how you incorporated why this dish is so meaningful to you and your family. The steps are so easy follow and it's something that I would love to try since I really like banana bread. Great job!
    - Eliana Rodriguez

  7. This recipe sounds so good because I love desserts and especially banana's!! One of my favorite treats is banana bread! It's always great to find new recipes to different delicious desserts.

    Diego Armando Carrillo
    period 2

  8. Somehow by coincidence, banana bread was one of the first things I had learned to bake as well! My family asked for it whenever our bananas had grown too ripe and were too mushy. Unfortunately I forgot the recipe since it was so long ago, but when my bananas get those brown spots I'll definitely try this recipe! Thanks for sharing :-)

  9. You had me at muffins ! i like how you expressed a little of your personal back round in the beginning. Your directions are really easy to follow so thank you and i can not wait to try out this recipe !

  10. I love making Banana Bread and I am very excited to try this recipe! I appreciate how you added in tips like adding a fourth banana to make the mixture even more moist. I hope this dish will be as meaningful to my family as it is to yours! Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  11. I really enjoyed how you explained why this recipe is really personal to you. I found this entry as one that flows really well. I will sure make it soon! Great job Jasmine!

  12. This recipe for banana bread or muffins sounds absolutely delicious. I love the little family background you included behind the recipe. The steps are clear and easy to understand and I can’t wait to try them.

  13. I love love love banana bread!! I never had the time to make some and I'm glad you were able to explain the recipe. I will try this in the future. Good job!

  14. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    Jasmine the background of your favorite dish is so unique to incorporate to this "how-to" that it ties this entire writing together. I love eating banana bread and making it on my own, this was fascinating to read!

  15. I loved your personal story in the beginning since it shows how meaningful this recipe is to you. I love banana bread and this sounds so good; I can't wait to try this!

  16. Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe. I'm a fan of banana bread and making them into muffins was something I had never thought about. The way you wrote out the steps and everything made it easy to understand and follow.

  17. Banana bread is one of my favorite banana recipes despite the fact that bananas isn't one of my favorite fruits, but I love the background story and the simplicity of the recipe along with the addition of chocolate chips this recipe will be one added to my list.

  18. I LOVE BANANA bread. Ive never found a recipe that turns out how it looks or how its supposed to taste. I've had the pleasure to try the and I'm glad l now have the recipe so i can make some when we get the bananas in the house.
    Avalon Freeman

  19. My mom and I love making banana bread! It is one of our favorite recipes other than cookies! I like the background information you gave us as to why you make this recipe.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  20. Amazing recipe! The rapport you build between yourself and the audience through your family is something truly noteworthy. Apart from the clever use of ethos, your recipe is absolutely unforgettable. Great job!

  21. Oooo I’d really like to try this recipe out. Your directions were simple and easy to follow and knowing the significance of this food made the most more meaningful. Thank you for sharing!!
    Zachary Judson
    Period 4

  22. I love banana bread, thanks for sharing your family recipe! You did an amazing job in making the directions simple and easy to understand. It's great that you added optional ingredients to the recipe. Thanks again for sharing your family's recipe.

  23. Wow I love making banana bread and this recipe sounds like it tastes delicious. I never knew that banana bread and banana muffins would have the same foundation and base of recipes. I am wondering if instead of crushed bananas in step three if we can put in a different fruit such as apples. Also, on step 6, instead of vanilla can I put in a chocolate extract. Very good recipe and I can't wait to try it out myself.

  24. I absolutely love chocolate muffins! Your blog gives such an easy to follow guide on how to make that even people are completely cooking inept (just like myself) are able to make a delicious muffins. Great work!

  25. Banana Bread mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Your tutorial is very simple and seems very tasty if that! Good Job on th instructions that are fairly simple to follow. Definitely will have these a try!

  26. Great job on your blog entry. I really liked the fact that this recipe isn't all that difficult. Also, i really enjoyed the background story that you presented in the beginning.

  27. I loved this how to so much. I love banana bread but I always make it from the box so this recipe sounds amazing! I love how you incorporated how your family comes together and loves to make your muffins. Great job!
    ~Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  28. So excited to try out this recipe myself.Being so detailed and using the descriptive words will definitely make the baking process way easier. I also enjoyed the introduction and how it connected why banana bread has a significant symbol representing family. Great Job Jasmine!

  29. I’ve always loved banana bread, possibly more than actual bread itself. But I’ve never been able fo find a good banana bread recipe, and buying banana bread from a store is always soooo expensive. Thank you for posting such a wonderful and delicious recipe! :)
    -Carianne Lefebvre P.1

  30. I love bananas, and I LOVE banana bread and im excited you shared this recipe with us to try and thankful because Im definitely giving this a try!! Great job

  31. Personally, I am not a fan of banana bread but I can’t help but to want to try this recipe out. I really enjoyed how you tied the recipe into your family experiences and made the recipe personally to you and I really enjoyed that. The recipe was concise and easy to follow and I definitely think I will be trying this recipe.

  32. I love the background story of your family you gave and how your directions were very concise and straight to the point.

  33. Mmm Mmmmm Mmmmmm i lovee banana bread, reading this tutorial made me want this so much. i most definitely will need to try this recipe sometime. And maybe throw my own twist on it because it seems like so much fun to make.

  34. I love that you shared a family recipe so near and dear to your heart! Your steps are so intricate and easy to follow! I love banana bread so I can't wait to try out your delicious recipe!

  35. Banana bread is my ultimate favorite dessert, and this recipe gives me a to go option as muffins. These thorough directions make it very easy to comprehend what you need to do in oder to make these. this seems like a delicious recipe. Good Job Jasmine!

  36. Oh my goodness! I read "banana bread" in your title and clicked this so fast. I love banana bread so much and this homemade recipe for it is such a great share! Your steps were thorough and I have to be sure to try this sometime. Thanks for sharing!

  37. Dude my Dad absolute loves banana bread he's obsessed with it I am most definitely going to do this how to recipe the instructions are so easy with common house house hold ingredients say less great job David Ekelem Per 6

  38. I've seen many "how-to's" and they're all excellent but I love yours! I love it especially because besides explaining how to do it you added personal thing about yourself making it more special. I love how well organized this is and I would love to try it someday. Nice job!

  39. Banana Bread is something ive personally never tried. Ive always heard it was easy to make and tasty. I like how your directions are very specific and very simple to follow! Cant wait to give your recipe a shot and try some Bread.

  40. I absolutely LOVE muffins. Thank you so much for this post, I’ve always been too lazy to make food but these blogs have been changing that and now I’m ready to make myself some muffins.

  41. This how-to is well organized so that it’s easy to follow the instructions. I love banana bread and I’m excited to try this out.

  42. I love banana bread and making it. I've never used chocolate chips but I'm surely going to try! A nice easy to follow how-to.

  43. banana bread has always been a delicious treat i liked, this how to has all the ingredients and the direction are thoroughly explained in detail.


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