
Monday, January 29, 2018

"Just A Dream" by Jaedon A

I like to think of dreams as another type of life, another world. I feel these dreams are always a form of our lives because, if one can relate, everything seems so real but not out of the ordinary, as if we’ve already experienced it and we’re just coming about a thought of this world. I had a dream once, not the ideal kind where everything seems great and fun. Well, least to say is it was fun to be in, it wasn’t very fun when I started to realize its deeper meaning. In this dream if there were to be dragons I could easily come to the conclusion that I was recently watching Game of Thrones, which is why it did not seem off to me. This next part is all about the dream I had recently
In the recent dream that I had experienced had consisted of abnormalities, other dimensions, other worlds et cetera. One of these worlds happened to be an alternate reality, a bit hellish or what I would consider hell which would be life but altered and everything seems off. In fact everything seemed so off that it started to drive me crazy. These dimensions were somehow connected, and the aberrations had started to affect how I would feel in the ideal dream world I was already in. I was working with some psychologists about how I felt and they referred me to some physicists who would help me with the whole trans-dimensional problem. The physicists had told me the only way I could get rid of these feelings would be to cross into that world and rid of any contributing factors to what I would consider a problem to me now in this world. This world was so perfect, little to no conflict, I never felt attacked by anybody, no personal conflicts or drama. If I were to describe this world, it would be the entire opposite of melancholy, because there’s nothing to be super happy about, but everyone just is. The weather was ideal too, nothing too hot and during the winters, a nice cold atmosphere with a sunny skies on the good days, and a not so gloomy feeling when it rains. No anxiety, no worry because everybody was helping each other out and not selfish about themselves. This world was so nice to be in I couldn’t stand to feel connected to that other dimension that made me feel all of the opposing ways, I really felt the need to get rid of those problems but I didn’t know exactly how so, while using my “nice” words, I had considered to euthanize my doppelganger, or my other existing self. I thought, “well this would get rid of how I felt in that world right?”. After all, that wasn’t really me, just a mirror image that I thought contributed to the everlasting entropy in this universe that I was already in. I am now at the wormhole which would bring me to that other world where I would “solve my problems”. At first I was scared, but the scientists in the lab had told me I wouldn’t feel pain. It’s kind of ironic because when I entered...well I wouldn’t know because I woke up. But I have never felt a more endured pain.


  1. This is crazy, did this actually happen? Either way I sincerely hope you never have to go through that again. Your story had lots of imagery and detail as well. Although spooky, I enjoyed this! Nice work!

  2. I always thought of dreams as another life as well. Dreams are a place where I can just live in my own world where I can leave reality. This was an interesting concept to write. It was very good.

    Eric Duong

  3. Wow good job Jaedon! This piece really pulled me into the writing. Its imagery really made me feel like I was in your shoes.

  4. I found this poem very fun because it talks about the ideas of dreams and you tell your point of view, But in the end is surprising because of how much pain you were in. Very great job

  5. Reading this post was so vivid and extraordinary, I especially liked how there was a joining of two worlds. The reality of the dreams and the abnormalities faced told an interesting story where the individual had internal conflicts. Great job!

  6. Mekka Johnson February 11, 2018 at 10:33pm
    I am really really shocked right now! When I read the first line of your blog “I like to think of dreams as” my mind was taken back to all the memories through dreams that I had captured. The most memorable part of you blog I felt was the part where you came up with a plan to better your dreams, that’s kind of how I see life. The story and life lesson through your dream is very important, and I am thankful that you shared your experience so when I have bad dreams I’ll know some type of resolution! The overall story and the meaning behind it was very influential.

  7. This is a pretty interesting dream and post. I like how you started off your piece by giving a insight of what you think of dreams. You did a great job providing lively descriptions of dream. Marvelous job!
    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  8. Our dreams can be wild, can't they? First off, I want to say that I can relate to your piece because, I can connect my memorable dreams to situations placed in my life the day or days before. I think it's absolutely crazy and interesting how some dreams can completely go off their course, to something behind a unknown powerful or weird meaning. Your imagery pulled my curiosity in as your details played a movie in my mind. To have an alternate dimension of a perfect world seems hard to believe, indicating in an abnormal emotion to it. Great piece, loved it!

  9. I enjoyed the imagery you placed within this piece. It was highly vivid and lucid, much like the world of dreams themselves. This was well constructed and well written.

  10. Good job Jaedon! I found your story very interesting and relatable because I'll experience my own dreams from time. They feel so real to me and usually aspects of my real life will be reflected in them,which is why I can see why you would think its an entirely different world. The detail that you put in describing the two worlds also made your story feel very realistic.

  11. I must say, this is an interesting concept of a story that I haven't seen written about before. I have often thought about the idea of dreams being a glimpse into another reality, but I've never thought more of it than that. To try and affect another version of you in your dreams and to feel genuine pain from the experience must be something else. I'm left wondering if this is a true story of yours or if it's purely fictional, but either way it was beautifully written and described well. It was a wonderful read and I'd love to know how this story continues afterward.

    - Justin Presto (Per. 1)

  12. This was very interesting! I like that you introduced a new view of this situation and I think you did a very good job at writing it.

  13. I've never really looked into dreams, but after reading your piece I might. It's really cool to see how different people might interpret the same things. Overall, this was a really interesting piece and I'm glad I came across it!

  14. Wow this is really thought provoking. It makes readers question other dimensions and alternate realities. I loved the whole story!
    -Sammie Sandoval

  15. This piece was very interesting! I like how you were able to take something out of your dream and express a wild imagination in your story.

  16. Very well thought out! I remember studying dreams in AP Psychology and it is said that dreams are a form of your brain trying to process and comprhend your memories. I loved your eery and descriptive tone, it added to the imaginative feeling of this story!

  17. By far this is the most elaborate piece I've read because it sets a different tone of understanding. These dreams you experience I believe anyone can have but being able to remember creates a whole other world to explore.

  18. That was a great story using tons of imagery. It's crazy because dreams are actually just images that we have seen in real life and is just put together in different ways.

  19. This was so interesting and crazy to read I was on my toes the whole entire time your creativeness and imagination is great and good job writing it !

  20. I have always been so fascinated with the topic of dreaming and how it works. It is amazing how our minds function. With your sophisticated vocabulary and your consistent use of imagery, I was able to create a vivid image in my mind that replicated your dream and what it might have looked and felt like.

  21. I really found this piece interesting. I have always found the brain really cool. I really like how you used imagery to show a different dimmension. Overall, great job!
    -Kristine Caspe period 5

  22. That story was extremely vivid and forced me to just stop and think over what I read. I also like the dream concept incorporated into this story. Good job!

  23. This post was really interesting and unique! I felt like I myself was experiencing the same otherworldly dream you described. Thanks for sharing.
    -Zachary Judson p.4

  24. This piece immediately grabbed my attention because it reminded me of the sonnet i wrote about the land of the sleep. Honestly this piece was very intriguing, the vivid imagery and descriptions made me feel as if I was experiencing the shift in dimensions with you. The topic was very interesting and you did it justice.
    -Rachel Adzaho
    2nd period

  25. You had my attention the whole time while reading your piece. You did a great job with all the details! Great job!

  26. Wow... So much detail and imagery in this story. Every time you described an event you provided the audience with a well explanatory description. I am amazed of how well written this story was. Great job !!!

  27. The amount of thought that went into this is incredible. Your sense of place and use of imagery was amazing! If this was a really a dream you had you must have really been weirded out. All in all great job writing!

  28. The sleeping word is a interesting one.I liked your views on it was cool to see. I also liked your writing style kept my attention the whole time.


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