
Monday, January 29, 2018

"How to Make Wedding Cookies" by London A

Each Christmas, wedding cookies are always made on my mom’s side of the family. Wedding cookies are balls of dough covered in homemade glaze and sprinkles. These are extremely popular in my whole family since everyone loves them, and also because they are very meaningful to us. When I lived in Ohio, every year on Christmas Eve my family and I traveled to West Virginia where my aunt and many of my other relatives live. We celebrated the holidays by spending time with our entire Italian family (which is huge) and eating as much food as we could. My Great-Aunt, who we called Aunt DeeDee, would spend the days leading up to Christmas cooking lots of different kinds of food that my whole family loves, ranging from gnocchi to fried zucchini to fritas (which are pieces of fried dough covered in sugar; they’re absolutely delicious). In my family, food is always something that helps bring everyone together.
To make these wedding cookies, there are a few ingredients you will need:
·      ½ cup of butter
·      3 eggs
·      ½ cup of sugar
·      2 tsp of vanilla extract
·      3 cups of flour
·      3 tsp of baking powder
For the glaze:
·      ½ cup of warm milk
·      1 teaspoon of almond extract
·      1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
·      1 box (or 1 pound) of confectioners’ sugar
·      Colored sprinkles
1) First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cream the butter, adding eggs, sugar, and vanilla. Mix these ingredients together well.
2) Next, using a separate bowl, stir flour and baking powder together. After this, add flour to the butter mixture.
3) Use your hands to shape the pieces of dough into loose knots. Bake this for 8 to 10 minutes.
4) To make the glaze, combine the milk and both of the extracts in a large bowl. Add sugar to the mix; whisk until all lumps are dissolved and the glaze is smooth.
4) As soon as the cookies are removed from the oven, quickly immerse two or three at a time into the glaze that was previously made. Remove the cookies with a spoon or your fingers.
5) Place the cookies on wire racks to drain. Then, quickly top each with sprinkles.
6) Let them dry for 24 hours before storing them in airtight containers.

Now the cookies are done! This has always been a dessert I’ve loved making, and I hope you try this and like them as well!
Some more background information leading to the decision of writing this recipe:
After my Aunt DeeDee passed away a few years ago, my relatives kept the food tradition alive by continuing to make Christmas dinner, particularly the signature wedding cookies. Wedding cookies are a huge signature dish for our family since it reminds us so much of my aunt. The reason I chose to write about this certain cookie is that I was very close to my aunt and always looked up to her; I also wanted to choose one of my favorite desserts that she used to make.
My aunt was a prominent leader in my life who kept the entire family close. I’m extremely grateful for this because even though I have seen my relatives very few times within the last few years, nothing has changed; when we go to visit, it’s as if no time has passed at all. This meaning behind the cookies is the reason that this recipe is so important to my family and me!


  1. It seems like everything theses days just tastes so good, and I couldn’t help but imagine the taste of these cookies as I read through. I’ll have to give these a try and hope I can make them taste as good as they sound!

  2. Wedding cookies are an absolute favorite of mine as well as my mom's!!! After analyzing this recipe I came to realization how easy it is to make a cookie that is not only popular but is also very common culture wise. The background information and the story that you provided enticed me to want to try the recipe even more!!!

  3. I loved this blog a lot because you included your family in it and what this recipe means to you. It brings you guys together and that's amazing. Not to mention this recipe sounds super good. I don't know if they will come out right but I'll for sure attempt to make some.

  4. Amazing post! Not only do you offer delicious directions, the story behind it is just as great. The way you describe your recipe's homely origins creates an intimate feeling of belonging which makes the entire post easy to read. Great job London!

  5. I love that you made the introductory personal to your family's tradition. I make these with my cousins every Christmas so I loved this piece. Great job!

  6. I have such a big sweet tooth, so I am always on the hunt for something sweet to make for my family and I. Your directions on how to make wedding cookies is so simple and easy to follow! I also like how you incorporated some of traditions in your family. I always think that food brings people together, and your blog post is a perfect example of that. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  7. Wow, amazing! This is just my luck! I'm helping my mother's friend plan for her wedding and I'm in charge of desserts, so this is a perfect idea to add to the menu. As I've stated in previous posts about food, I can't cook very well, but I sure will pass the recipe on to someone who can! I also love how you incorporated the mini story of your aunt into the how to!

  8. What a great post! I like how you added your personal experience to it, it gave it more of a positive meaning behind the recipe. Hopefully one day I can test this recipe out.

  9. The title first caught my mind because i did not know what wedding cookies were, in my mind i pictured well, a white cookie with a floral design on it. And reading through this how to, i now know what it is and how to make one. This was a great piece of work.

  10. Great job on your blog entry. I specifically liked how you incorporated a whole background on how these cookies are special to you and your family. Also the recipe doesn't seem so difficult to do, so hopefully i'll be able to try it out.-Adrian Arteaga Per. 1

  11. I loved that you included the story about your aunt and your family as it made the reader feel connected to you.These cookies sound amazing and with this recipe, I'll make an attempt at making them.

  12. I love how person this recipe meant to you and that you are sharing it with others. I really want to try this out.
    Alaijah Solomon-Jackson
    Period 4

  13. London great job! These sound amazing. I love the fact that you incorporated your the back story about your auntie and showing how and why the recipe means so much to you. The way you layed out the instructions between the cookies and the glze to make everything simple was perfect! Great Job again! - Sabrina Wilkerson P.1

  14. London, thank you for sharing an important recipe to you and your family! I will sure to try out this new recipe soon for a special occasion, or when I have a random urge to bake. I enjoyed and admire your background of why the recipe of wedding cookies are special and important. I'm sure your aunt is proud of your family and you for keeping up the family tradition and how cooking brings everyone together. Reminds me of my large Filipino family always coming together at least once a month to have lunch or dinner together. Again thank you for sharing this "How To", I very much enjoyed it!

  15. I was looking at the titles of Januarys Blogs and i saw your and was like, "Cookies?!?!? Count Me In!". I could already imagine how tasty these cookies will be when i give them a go. Will be definitely giving your recipe a try soon! Great Work.

  16. I have never tried wedding cookies, but they sound delicious! And I love how you gave background information on why this is your favorite cookie to make with your family. It is so sweet how your family makes this to what sounds like an amazing Aunt!
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  17. This is probably one of my favorite "How to" pieces that I've ever read on this blog. Not only do wedding cookies sound delicious to eat but I really liked how you included the background information on how this recipe was introduced into your family. The meaning beyond the cookies in your story is what made me really enjoy your piece. Great job London!

  18. Thanks for this. I've never tried this type of cookie before. I love to try new things and hopefully I can try to make this sometime soon.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  19. First these cookies sound delicious and Im going to definitely give them a go, especially because you detailed the directions in a very simple and concise manner. But second, I though it was very sweet to include some personal insight, that is the history of the cookies in your family.

  20. I am really not the best baker so when I find new things out I get so happy inside! I really love sweets and can not wait until I am able to make these cookies. I believe it will be a great experience.

  21. This how-to was very easy to follow. I liked the personal connection you included about the cookies and why they are of significance to you.

  22. Wow! Thanks for sharing this special recipe! It's so easy to follow and the ingredients are very simple! I'm surprised that I can find all the ingredients in my kitchen. I'm glad that this recipe is dear to your heart.

  23. i love how personal you were and gave us such a great insight to what this means to you. it makes it all the more personal and makes me crave to cook these cookies all the more. thank you for sharing this beautiful recipe and piece of your world with us. your Aunt sounds like a beautiful soul. Tiana Wheatley

  24. I cant wait to try these myself,I loved the backstory behind these weeding cookies that are a tradition in your family, the step by step method will be super helpful when i decide to bake them myself,Great job!

  25. This was amazing and I look forward to making these. I loved making different baked goods with my grandmother.

  26. I have never had wedding cookies before, but after reading this I will surely look into them in the future. This recipe was written so clearly that I felt like I could just get up and bake them right now. The fact that this is a tradition with your family makes me want to create a tradition of my own. Thank you. - Carianne Lefebvre Period 1

  27. This is such a yummy recipe! My mouth was left watering after I finished reading this. I am going to try this recipe out the next time I have a family event. I like how you shared a recipe that is sentimental to you as you have it every year during christmas. Once again thank you for introducing me to these wedding cookies. - Jennifer Kirksey

  28. I loved all the personality you included in the opening paragraph. Knowing it is so special to your family will encourage anyone to try it out in theirs. Although I've never had wedding cookies before I know if I followed this recipe they would be delicious!

  29. These how to recipe's are my favorite! Not only does this sound delicious, but also has a great story to go with it. Nice Job!

  30. These how to recipes are my favorite! Not only does this sound delicious, but also has a great meaning to them. Nice Job!

  31. You did a great job with providing us a great recipe! I love how you emphasized how much baking these mean to you and the entire meaning behind cooking these.

  32. i love how you incorporated the background of these wedding cookies. This recipe seems really simple so i hope to try this out.

  33. This is very easy to follow, which is great! It sounds delicious by the way! I’ve never tried wedding cookies so I look forward to baking some thanks !
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  34. This is very easy to follow, which is great! It sounds delicious by the way! I’ve never tried wedding cookies so I look forward to baking some thanks !
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  35. Oh my gosh my grandma makes these cookies for every special occasion and I never thought they were a family tradition for anyone else! They are my absolute favorites and your recipe captures all the steps in making them perfectly! Great job!!

  36. the cookies sound delicious, this will be a recipe i will use for my wedding cookies when i get married, who know's maybe i'll borrow your family recipe and add a few things to it to make a family recipe for my family.

  37. oooo these cookies sound so good! I like that you shared a family tradition with us and passed it on. I might try this for Christmas too.


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