
Monday, January 29, 2018

"How to Make Fudge" by Dyani D

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to surprise your significant other (and/or friends and family) with some fun and creative Valentine’s Day inspired Fudge! My mom and I make fudge for special occasions and family parties throughout the year so I thought it would be great to share this easy recipe as well as give it a twist so any reader can decorate them as they please. What’s special about this recipe is that anybody can add what they want to the fudge to make it more personal for them. I personally like to add almonds and marshmallows to my fudge but anyone can add what they like into the mixture depending on what mood they are in or who they are making it for. Let’s get started! 

Materials and ingredients you will need:
Medium Sized Saucepan 8x8 Inch Cake Pan
Icing (any kind you like) Icing Decorating Tool

3 Cups of Chocolate Chips 2 Tablespoons of Butter
1 2⁄3 Cups of White Sugar 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
2⁄3 Cup of Evaporated Milk

Optional ingredients:
Marshmallows Peanuts Almonds Nutella

  1. Take your medium sized saucepan and put 2⁄3 cup of evaporated milk, 1 2⁄3 cups of white sugar, and 2 tablespoons of butter. You will stir this over medium heat until it starts to boil. (You should stir it continuously)
  2. You want to stir until you get a rolling boil (mixture boils around the spoon as you stir) so you should be stirring continuously for about 4-5 minutes.
  3. Once your mixture has started boiling, you can remove the pan from the heat. Begin to add a teaspoon of vanilla, 2 cups of mini marshmallows, 2 1⁄2 cups of almonds, 3 cups of chocolate chips, or any other extra ingredients you would like into the mixture. Stir this mixture until it is smooth and creamy something smooth.
  1. When your mixture is smooth you can prepare the 8x8 inch cake pan by lining it up with aluminum foil (I like to spray mine with cooking spray so the mixture doesn’t stick to the pan).
  2. Pour the mixture into the cake pan and place it into the refrigerator for the mixture to chill until it is set and ready to be cut.
  3. Once your fudge has set you should be able to pull it right out of the pan without any trouble (thank you aluminum foil). You can then start cutting the fudge into small pieces. This is where the fun starts!
  4. Take your icing and the icing decorating tool to decorate your fudge however you’d like! For a loved one you can write “xoxo” or “I love you”, or for a group of friends/family you can write “you’re sweet” or “hug me”. Get creative!
  5. After you have created your cute fudge pieces, I recommend that you store them in a sealed container and put them in the fridge otherwise they will get very soft if you keep them at room temperature. (From past experiences fudge has lasted about 2-3 weeks in the fridge!)
There you have it! This fun and easy fudge recipe leaves your creation very smooth, very sweet, and very delicious; a perfect treat to give to surprise your significant other, friends, or family members this upcoming Valentine’s Day to make someone smile. I hope you have fun trying out my Valentine’s Day inspired recipe, enjoy!


  1. I greatly enjoyed your post about making Fudge. I've always loved Fudge but I never knew how to make it. I'm looking forward to trying out your how-to. It was extremely simple and easy to follow. Overall, good job with this post!

  2. This sounds amazing right now! Your direction are incredibly detailed and easy to follow plus it sounds delicious. All of the side notes and advice is really helpful. I also like the idea of making this with my boyfriend for Valentine's Day.

  3. Ever since I was a kid I've adored fudge as a delicious treat and your recipe reminds me that I should go make some :) Your recipe highlights all the important aspects of fudge making and I like that your take on the recipe has a bit of personal touch by mentioning that you make it with your mother. This defiantly seems like a recipe ill have to try making with my girlfriend for a Valentines day treat. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Great job! I liked how you were detailed in your recipe, but I also liked how you used imagery to describe the brownies after they are finished, so others can enjoy them. Well done! Erick Gutierrez per.4

  5. Fudge sounds soooo good. Your how to was written very well and it was super thorough! I like that you included optional ingredients I think you wrote this very well! Good job :)

  6. My little sister used to make fudge for me and my brothers all the time when she used to bake. Her fudge was pretty good but I'll show her this easy to follow recipe so that maybe she'll use this as her new recipe!
    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  7. Fudge is my sister's go to snack to make during the holidays. She loves to spice it up with festive ingredients depending on the holiday such as peppermint during christmas or marshmallow during Easter. I like how you added the "get creative" part with the fudge as it brings your fudge to the next level. Great job!
    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  8. I really enjoyed your "How To," to be honest I've never actually had fudge before, but with your simple steps on how to make it, I'm excited to try it now. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  9. Fudge is a great holiday dessert and I am excited to try your recipe! I like how simple it is to make and you encourage the reader to be creative in making it themselves. Thank you for sharing your family recipe! Now I want some Fudge!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  10. I love this, this is very nostalgic for me because my grandma loves making fudge, and unfortunately I do not see how often enough to indulge in her amazing fudge! Now my sister and I can make it at home to feel closer to her. Thank you!

  11. I like this recipe. I would make fudge (for myself). I like the descriptive words used to describe how the fudge is supposed to be and how the ingredients for each step should look like so you know if you are doing it right.

  12. Fudge is almost always the perfect solution to curing someone's sweet tooth like mine. I've never known how to make fudge because most recipes over-complicate the process. Your blog post makes this dessert seem really easy to make and now I cannot wait to try to make it with my Mom! Thank you for sharing this recipe with us.

  13. Dyani, reading this made my mouth water! I love baking with my mom so we're always looking for new recipes. I've never made fudge before but the way you described each step and included all of the ingredients really made this seem attainable to do! Thank you for this post.
    Kayla Rangel P.6

  14. Great job Dyani! This recipe is so simple and sounds so delicious! I look forward to trying this out someday. I really enjoyed how easy and quick this is and its perfect for valentines day. Great job!

  15. Sounds so amazing! Since I was young my grandma would make fudge every Christmas and this just reminds me of it and how good it will be. I will definitely try this one day!

  16. I absolutely love fudge, but have never taken the time to make it homemade. With this recipe, I will definitely be doing so the next time I make a cake. I also liked the diction that you used for the imagery that made the recipe sound so delicious such as what you used in step 3, "stir this mixture until it is smooth and creamy." I look forward to following the recipe, thanks for sharing!

  17. Great job on your post. I've always enjoyed eating fudge but i never knew how to make it on my own. Now i'll be able to make something delicious, thanks to your recipe.-Adrian Arteaga Per.1

  18. I LOVE fudge and I never thought of making it for my friends and family for Valentine's day. I have always had store bought fudge but I'm excited to use your recipe because of how you made your instructions so easy to follow. Great job!

  19. I never knew how to make fudge, but now I know how thanks to you! I didn’t know it could be so easy, and I like that you added the valentine themed icing idea, good job!

  20. Great Job! I love how you incorporated the back story of how making fudge is you and your moms tradition. I absolutely love fudge so this recipe will come in handy! Thank you for the cute Valentine's day idea! -Sabrina Wilkerson P.1

  21. Dyani, this is so helpful for those who aren’t confident bakers like myself. You’re steps are fun and simple and I really appreciate the fact that you made a recipe that allows other to add their own taste. Also, I really love how you remind the readers what not to do such as leave your fudge out and not in a container, it’s perfect advice for first timers so they won’t make small mistakes !

  22. Breanna carrillo
    Wow I never thought about making fudge in my spare time and resisting this has encouraged me to try it next time I’m bored. This simple recipe can take you anywhere in baking!

  23. I enjoyed this how to a lot because I've always wondered how to make fudge.This is a great detailed recipe with simple directions to follow along. Good job!
    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  24. Hey Dyani, I'm definitely going to try this fudge recipe out!! I love chocolate and making sweets so this will be super amazing for me to do with the help of your "How To". I enjoyed this recipe very much from the very start of your little introduction. I thought it was clever and cute of you to add your personal suggestions in parentheses! Overall I love your format and helpful description for the reader! (Including Me! :D )

  25. I'm so excited to try these. I don't cook or bake much, but these sound really fun and easy to make. The tips at the end on how to store them are greatly appreciated (because knowing myself, I would accidentally leave them out). Thanks for the awesome recipe, I'm sure to try it!

  26. Very Nice, Never would of thought of making fudge especially with it being this easy. This would be the perfect Valentine's gift for my Mom she would definitely love this. Will be making this soon for sure!

  27. Dyani, this is amazing. I've been trying to find a fudge recipe forever and i can't wait to try this out. I love that the steps are simple and well in detail. I can't wait to try it.

  28. My family loves eating fudge, but we never take the time to make it from scratch. I'll use this easy to follow recipe with my family during the holidays or even when we feel like eating some amazing fudge!
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  29. Great job on this. I haven't had fudge in a while and it always use to be one of my favorite snacks. The way you explained the recipe made it seem real easy and quick to make. All the advice and instructions will be very helpful as I try to make some.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  30. This is great!! I found it very insightful and I can not wait to bake this delicious treat with my family during the holidays!!

  31. I never thought it was this simple to make fudge. The instructions were clearly given and was easily understandable. I look forward to trying this recipe out. Great work Dyani!

  32. I really loved this! I am so excited to make this, I am not the best baker but I know how to follow directions. You really laid everything out so the steps could be as simple as possible. I can not wait to try this Fudge, hoping it turns out correctly.

  33. Dyani, this how-to post is very interesting and made me realize that fudge is harder to make than I thought! This post definitely did its job because it made me want to go out and make some fudge myself. Awesome job.

  34. I didn't realize making fudge could be this easy to make. I like how you included the optional ingredients to show people what other things they can mix in. Good job and I can't wait to try making some!

  35. I've only had fudge a few times, but I know the rest of my family loves it. Your steps are very easily to follow and friendly to inexperienced cooks. I will likely attempt to please my family using your steps.

  36. Wow Dyani! Who would have ever thought that making fudge isn't as hard as it seems. I love eating fudge and I believe that it is a good ingredient to have in ice cream. Do you think it would be okay to put in something other than the almonds on the third step such as walnuts. I am going to make this fudge and add it into some vanilla ice cream. Hopefully, it turns out to be as good I think it will be. Once again, good job this was a very organized how to.

  37. I'm totally going to try and make this one day! I like how you put detail in each step to make it so much easier! This was great, good job. Can't wait to make some. Vanessa Fernandez Period 5

  38. I definitely have a weakness for chocolate haha and this is the perfect recipe to make with friends or even for someone. i love how easy this is to make and how great of an idea this is for Valentines day i'm so glad you shared this with us from your home to ours.
    Tiana Wheatley p.4

  39. I love fudge and this how-to on how to make it homemade is amazing! I've never personally made it myself but will for sure try it now thanks to your entry. Might even use this to make some surprise treat for my friends!

  40. I love how you did your how to on something you and your mom make! Reading this piece made my mouth water, I can't wait to make it.

  41. Fudge has always been a memorable desert for me as a kid and as soon as i saw the recipe is just brought me back to my elementary school days. The simplicity of the ingredients coupled with the beautifully written and detailed instructions makes for a really delicious desert. I can't wait to try this recipe next time I'm craving fudge.

  42. Thank you so much for this very descriptive, yet comprehensible how to! I love that the instructions are very easy to follow, especially for amateur or beginning bakers. I will definitely be trying out this fudge come Valentine's Day, and will try out the marshmallows!!

  43. Im not a big fan of fudge at all but my family is. It’s nice to have a recipe that I won’t have to try as I make it To ensure that it’s tasty. This was an easy how to and your directions were easy and straight forward. Thank you and im sure when l give this a try my family will thank you.
    Avalon Freeman
    Pd. 2

  44. Man, I've always been a huge fan of fudge, ever since I was a little kid! I've always wanted to be able to make my own fudge at home, but I never had the time nor could I find a recipe reliable enough to follow. Thank you for sharing this insightful recipe as it was easy to follow and looked fun to make. The format was exquisite and tasteful, just like the fudge you make.
    - Carianne Lefebvre Period 1

  45. Holy Cow! This is such a wonderful recipe. This step by step instruction was very fun to read and by the end I was left craving some fudge. Your writing style is easy to understand and I hope to have the time to make this one day. Thank you again for sharing! - Jennifer Kirksey

  46. Dyani this was amazing. I have only had fudge a couple times in my life and I can't wait to try your recipe. I am excited to make some for myself.
    -Steve Martinez Period 1

  47. This is wonderful. I'm not very skilled at cooking and can barely make pancakes, but I'll be sure to try making this now that I know how to! I always thought fudge was complicated to make but now I know it's quite easy.

  48. Wow! Never thought a tutorial on fudge could be so exhilarating! Not sure what literary devices you used in this one to make me want fudge so bad but it worked! Good and helpful tutorial.

  49. this how to is very nicely put together and i am excited to try this recipe out! This was very helpful now that valentine's day is coming soon.

  50. This, "How to.." was very helpful because one i never knew how to make fudge and second valentine's day is just around the corner. I appreciate that you took your time out and dedicated yourself to write something that will help many of others especially if they don't know what to make or get for their loved one. This is very helpful for me !!Great job.

  51. This, "How to.." was very helpful because one i never knew how to make fudge and second valentine's day is just around the corner. I appreciate that you took your time out and dedicated yourself to write something that will help many of others especially if they don't know what to make or get for their loved one. This is very helpful for me !!Great job.

  52. Thank you for this "How to...". I really enjoy eating fudge around the holidays and now I have a new recipe to try that sound delirious.

  53. fudge has been one of my favorite desserts for a long time and I've always wanted to know how to make it, i like how you say we can add certain things if we want to make it more enjoyable for ourselves.


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