
Monday, November 27, 2017

"The Little Things" by Chelsea M

It’s the little things I remember about you that make me miss you the most. It’s the little things, like how tears would fill your eyes when you laughed at my horrible jokes, that cause me to feel numb. I can stare at a wall for hours when I remember the little things, like how you would speak a bit faster when you were mad. It’s your microscopic mannerisms, like how you would always close your eyes and tap your foot to “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole, that make me wonder if you can hear me call out your name. You would always walk on the side closest to the street in order to protect me from passing cars. You would always give me extra cash when I bought the groceries just so I could keep the change for myself. You would tell me “Drive safe. Call me when you’re home.” and ask “Did you eat yet?” rather than say “I love you so much.” I wonder if you’re happy without me when I think about the little things, like how your footsteps would always be heard because you were too lazy to lift your legs up, and how you would think you’re secretly watching me play the piano even though I know you’re right behind me. I remember the little things, like how you would willingly wear an atrocious fuchsia rather than a subtle black or white. A simple egg roll can make me remember you and how you would bring them to every single pot luck. All of the sudden, we’re back in the kitchen and you’re forcing me to help you cook. It’s the little things that I remember, like how you would always cross your legs when you watched TV, that make me wish you weren’t so far away. I remember how you would force me to bring a jacket everywhere I went no matter the weather. I remember your old, beat up, blue bag that you carried ever since I was a baby. I miss how you would always mispronounce my name because of your heavy accent. I shut down for weeks when I remember that you could never finish a whole slice of cake no matter how hard you tried. Maybe it’s how you would tell the same baby stories of me and my brothers because it made you feel normal again even if it was just for a brief moment; or maybe it’s how you would hide in your room when the chemotherapy became too much just so no one would see you in pain that causes me to listen to your old voicemails. It’s the minor components, like when I wear the shirt I wore when I last saw you, that can make me shake in pure anger as I ask “Why you?”. My body drowns in guilt and regret when I think about the little things that I took for granted. It’s these minuscule details I remember that cause me to feel everything all over again. It’s these diminutive pieces that bring me back into the ER where you looked me in the eye for one last time. It’s these little things that can make me call your phone in hopes that maybe one day you’ll pick up. It’s these little things that I continue to hold onto. Because Ma, it’s the little things I remember about you that must suffice until I see you again.


  1. You are so strong. I don't know who you are but the little things matter tremendously because you never know when someone is going pass away. I relate to your entry so much and I'm sorry for your loss. This entry was beautiful.

  2. This made me tear up. It brought me back to when my aunt and grandma went through chemotherapy. You really do miss the little things and I use to always call my gram just to hear her voice one more time till her voicemail was disconnected. This is a beautiful, heart wrenching piece. I am sorry for your loss.

  3. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    This was such a heart warming story to read, I hope one day you really see ur Ma Chelsea you deserve it! Keep your head up high. Loved reading this every second, great job.

  4. That description tore my heart to pieces. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom, Chelsea. Reading this, although it is very sad topic, I felt the love and admiration that you have for her. These "little things" that you named that made who she is and how she showed you she loved you without outright saying so. This piece tore at my heart and rebuilt it at the same time especially when you said "the minor components" and "these diminutive pieces". You showed that all these small parts made a beautiful whole. Thank you for sharing this piece.

  5. This is a beautifully written piece. I completely agree that life is all about the little things, and some times that's all we have to hold onto. I'm sorry for your loss and hope you are getting through it. Be strong!

  6. Hey Chelsea, this writing is really meaningful. I can totally connect with you so well because i lost someone too who was close to me and i still do remember every little things about him. It's so hard to write about the people, who's not here with us to hear that how much we miss them. After my grandpa passed away, the only way i found peace was writing journal or letter to him. Even knowing the fact that, he can't hear me. But it makes me feel like, he can actually hear me and understand me. I do miss about every little life lesson he gave me and i try my best use them. Honestly, i don't think i have enough guts to share my journals in public or even talk about him. So thank you so much for sharing and i am pretty sure lots of people can relate to this.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  7. wow this was so amazing. As a reader I felt all the emotions you must have felt ...

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  8. Lauren Elizabeth WrightDecember 4, 2017 at 6:05 PM

    This brought me to tears. It was beautifully written and overflowing with emotion. To be honest, I am at a lost for words. Thank you for sharing this.

  9. Wow, just wow. Your blog is filled with so much emotion and heartache. I’m sorry for your loss and hope you are staying strong.
    Sanantha Ehrlich Period 1

  10. Very powerful, I can definitely feel your emotions with going through what you've been through. I believe that what you wrote was very meaningful and emotional. I'm glad that you are able to share this story with your readers. Even though it was hard for you, I'm happy to see that you are hopeful to see them in the future.

    Jeremiah Credo
    Period 1

  11. This is so beautiful. I can only imagine how hard it was to write this and be able to go through the through process of this piece. You are so strong and it really shows how much the “little things” really can be the last things. I am so sorry for your loss but you wrote such a beautiful piece, good job.

  12. This was a beautiful piece. It was very heartwarming and I totally agree that life is all about the little things. I'm sorry for your loss. Stay strong! We're here for you!

  13. This post held so many emotions and meaningful memories that touched my heart. I know that through your experiences you have endured the worst sadness and how admiring it is for you to remain optimistic. It was truly a beautiful piece and I am glad to have came across it, much love!

  14. Chelsea, I've known you since 8th grade, but this is one of first times I feel that I'm truly getting to know YOU. This piece made me understand you more and why you act the way you do. Yet it also makes feel more concerned since I don't want to see a good ol' friend of mine have to continuously mask their feelings. But it's all understood. I know why you do the things you do, and to be honest I would react the very same. You are very strong and admirable Chelsea. I'm proud that you've been able to share such a personal experience on a widespread platform (which is usually totally unlike you). I'm proud that you've grown. I'm proud that I've gotten to know you much better than before. I feel truly lucky. Love you Chelsea!

  15. This piece was wonderful!! I loved your use of diction and how you drew me in as a reader to want me to keep reading till the end. As I read,true imagery became present to picture what you were going through and the feeling of the heartfelt emotions.
    Excellent Piece!!
    Stay Strong

  16. A poignant piece. Many well chosen everyday events were mentioned to allow the readers to make connections and sympathize with the speaker. Emotions were conveyed clearly in this. I'm sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you.

  17. Touching piece on your struggles. Your style of writing and descriptions helped to make the story become much more personal. I liked your word choice and input of emotions to portray your thoughts on the matter.

  18. I am honestly in tears right now. You are so brave and strong and I admire you greatly for sharing such a heartbreaking experience with us. Your use of anaphora and the seemingly never ending list of all the "little things" really emphasized how much is taken for granted, yet we fail to realize it. I will definitely be hugging my loved ones a little tighter tonight after reading this piece.

  19. This piece genuinely touched my heart. The description of all of these "little things" that create your mother showed just how much she meant to you. The transition from this remembrance to grief over your loss especially evoked a senses of sadness and sympathy within me. I am sorry for your loss.

  20. I have so much love for you sweet pea. Your piece was so emotional and you are so strong for being able to write out how you feel and share it with all of us. This was a very well written piece and I can tell you put so much love and meaning into it. Your piece encourages me to appreciate the little things about my family and friends I sometimes oversee. Thank you for sharing your story with us, I absolutely enjoyed reading it. I love you sweet pea!

  21. Wow. I am so sorry for your loss. I admire the fact that you're open to talk about your feelings and thoughts and I can't even imagine what it would feel like to go through something like that. From the beginning, although I didn't know what it was about yet, I could feel the loss through your words. All the little things you talked about makes me notice how I recognize the little things my family does, and how I should appreciate them. Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing this with us.

    Your piece touched me so much. The emotion present in your words evokes such a deep response from the readers. I liked how you had such a list of so many different things you used to do together. Your writing encourages me to live in the moment and enjoy the time I spend with those I love. Thank you for sharing your story!

  23. Chelsea this was beautiful, I'm so sorry you feel this way and that you had to go through this. Normally I would say I can't imagine what you're going through, but because of how personal and descriptive your blog entry is, I can. You brought me to tears and I know you'll see her again.

  24. I read this over a few times, and debated commenting on it. I want to say I understand what you feel, but I don't think I do. I could never imagine losing my mother, how hard it must be for you. I am truly sorry for your loss. You are such a powerful individual for being able to write about this, especially to classmates you see every day. Although I'm writing this comment because it's a requirement, just know everything I said is genuine. You are a fantastic writer, and an even better person. Stay strong.

  25. Chelsea, this was such a beautiful piece and I am so moved by your words. I feel your emotion and the sincerity in your words- reading through this made me choke up so much. You are incredibly strong and such an amazing role model to me. I love you Chels!

  26. I can't fathom what you might have been through, but I felt as if I was having a form of deja vu and felt great loss. I could see the emotions and perseverance as it unfolded and I admire you for being able to write about such a personal topic. One thing I enjoy about the blog post activity is that as peers we can learn more about one another to bring out the best in humanity. Thank you for sharing your story.

  27. Chels I can't imagine how you held yourself up throughout this, and I want to let you know I'm so proud of you. You always seem so put together, and I literally talk to you at least once a day and I had no idea of this. You wrote with so much emotion and I felt so much while reading it. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story, and for always being such an amazing friend. I love you Chelsea!

  28. There is a lot of attention to detail and this made me very emotional. It's like you suck the reader into the piece by, like the title says, pointing out the little things. I can't pretend to know what you're going through so I won't but I do know you're strong just by the way you speak about her. Thanks

  29. This piece was so touching, and so true. I could feel how you meant every detail and how much you loved her. Your tone shift at the reveal of her chemotherapy is heartbreaking and jarring, I'm choking up. My mother also went through chemotherapy and your piece makes me very thankful I still have her. This writing is so raw and real it makes me feel like i can,to a degree, understand your feelings. Thank you for writing this.

  30. I am so sorry. I could feel your love for her throughout this entire piece. When you talk about what you remember, I can feel the longing and heartbreak. I do not know what you are going through but I know that it must have been incredibly difficult to write this piece and allow yourself to be vulnerable. Your love for her means more than those tribulations. You are so strong. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
    -Elizabeth Rivera

  31. This is such an emotional and beautiful piece. You are so strong, I cannot even fathom going through this. The heartbreak you wrote I could feel it. You conveyed your emotions wonderfully this was a great piece keep writing!!
    Sara Perez
    Period 5


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