
Monday, November 27, 2017

“How To Gain Self-Love” by Kristine C

Self-love. If there is anything to be thankful for, it’s yourself. More specifically November is dedicated to giving thanks, so what better way to be appreciative for who you are. This Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it or not, take the time to give yourself a break and appreciate yourself, so these are the following steps you must take.

Tools: All you will need is time and you.

  1. AWARENESS. There are a lot of traumatic events that occur in our lives. Whether it’s big or small, it definitely changes our perspective on ourselves. Creating this domino effect for future events. These are where our insecurities or our deepest secrets are generated. So the first step is AWARENESS. Get to know yourself. Know what movie/tv show you love to binge watch to what your favorite food is. You will need to find your strengths and weaknesses. For example, I know having positive vibes around me, constantly, is a strength of mine and a weakness is seldomly having insecurities about not excelling in school. I want you to analyze how you cope with your weaknesses (insecurities). If you shut everyone out or you are able to openly talking about it. Seeing how you react, can show how you can handle things. No one knows you better than you do. AWARENESS. I know this doesn’t come within a day, there is a lot of patience. So be patient and give you more YOU time.

  1. ACTION. Now being aware about what you hate or love about yourself you must take ACTION. Start facing your insecurities. Learn to know you are unique, you are an original and only copy of *insert your name*, and that there isn’t a lot of time to be hating on yourself when you can be lifting yourself up. Start understanding why you go through unfortunate events, why things happen for a reason; such as parents divorcing, losing a loved one, or breakups. Being able to know you are vulnerable will enable you to see what is toxic or what shouldn’t be in your life. Therefore, you will need to cut out friends who don’t lift you up when you feel ugly or catch you when you lose all hope. Which eventually leads you to surrounding yourself with great people who want nothing, but the best for you. You will need to start doing more things that makes you genuinely happy or starting something new to dictate if that’s a you thing. ACTION. You know what’s best for you, so do whatever it takes to achieve that. SO go get ice cream or hangout with your bestfriend and have a great time, you deserve it.

  1. EMBRACEMENT. You are now slowly changing into a better you. Putting yourself first, knowing what you love to do, and having your favorite people around you is a step closer to self-love. You know more about yourself than ever. Your friends and family love you for you. Slowly you should/will be opening up to a goofier, serious, confident, smarter, or sarcastic you. Thus bringing out what you could’ve been hiding all along. Maybe if you are insecure about your skin, so you do treatments or put on makeup to make you feel more confident; bringing out a more glowing and stunning individual. Whatever you did to change your view on yourself, you slowly, but surely embraced something to feel confident in that field. EMBRACEMENT. You will find yourself grateful for the people around you and you will be happier within yourself. It will feel like adrenaline of unicorns and rainbows running through your body. You will start to not care for what other people think because your thoughts are the only thing that matters. EMBRACEMENT.

  1. REPETITION. Self-love does not come easy. It is hard to achieve. It takes a lot patience within yourself. There will be a lot of tears, but as well as a lot more smiles to come. I know this because I promised myself a while back that I will be her. By her I mean, I will be a Kristine where I will love all the features I have and be happy with the family and friends I surround myself with. I also realized life is too short to be drowning in tears because you have doubt in yourself. Every minute, second, and millisecond counts because you can never get that back. I ended up learning that whatever happens in your life it’s for a reason and I should just embrace for what it is and move on. Such as, if I didn’t get Jack in the Box or any type of food, I shouldn’t be complaining and wasting my time on that when I could be laughing and have fun with my friends. Sometimes I could be sitting and dazing off and just find myself sort of sad. That kept happening and I was tired of it, so I decided to change. REPETITION. I am on this step because one can never stop finding stuff to love about themselves. I am still growing as a person and still trying to gain this love within myself. I believe you should treat yourself out this November/Thanksgiving and be happy for who you are. At the end of the day, it will just be you and yourself, as an individual, tackling on this world. Might as well become a team and love that team. Don’t give up on yourself. REPETITION.



  1. I truly love this. I advocate for self love so much. To me its one of the most important things in life. You have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else. A lot of people don't know where to start. This is great.
    Avalon Freeman

  2. Reading your post reveals an easy 4-step process to gaining self-love, when in fact it's more than just 4-steps, and it definitely doesn't work as fast as it took for me to read this. But it's important to acknowledge the process and hardships that have to be overcome before you achieve this kind of self-love. Whether or not you're helping others gain what you have already gained, or you're attempting to help yourself gain this, I appreciate the thought and heartfelt emotion you put into this simple "How-To" post. Thank you and amazing job!

  3. This was a very interesting "How to" I think that this one was a great idea because I feel like a lot of people our age need to be aware that this is something we need to learn how to do. It's very relevant to what people are going through right now and have a hard time understanding how to do .You did a great job explaining everything overall it was great!

  4. I genuinely love this "How to". Most people have this mentality where self-love isn't important nowadays. I strongly disagree and I even believe that before you can truly love anybody, you have to be able to love yourself first. I admire that you took the time and effort to write about this topic. It was a read I definitely enjoyed. My favorite step was number 4. Repetition of self-love is what everyone needs.

  5. I really enjoyed your intro and how you incorporated that it is the month of giving thanks. I think you did a good job at explaining "how to gain self love" in four steps. I think it's very important for our generation to realize that self love is important. I really enjoyed your piece and how different it is compared to the other "how to" pieces.

  6. Hey Kristine,
    I really enjoyed reading this. To be honest, we all need this to read because no matter how we pretend inside of us there’s a fear we have about “loving ourselves”. I really hardly appreciate that you wrote this, because not everyone knows the best ways to gain self-love. And so far i feel like, the steps are the perfect to follow. Thank you for writing this amazing steps and i hope it can make changes.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  7. You are an amazing person for sharing this! Self-love is something that takes time to grow and your steps are the beginning. Your writing is simple and full of emotions so it will be easy to follow the steps. You were thorough in each step and took the time to give detail, which makes this instructional piece so great!

  8. I really love this. Especially in the high school where self worth might be on a lot of peoples priority lists it is creditably import for everyone to read and understand. With this being such a vulnerable topic I want to applaud you in taking that leap because I know many people will be positively affected. Great job.

  9. Hey Kristine, I really deeply wants to thank yo for writing this. I feel like we all need to know the importance of loving ourselves first. And the steps you include, those are amazing because i can totally see myself into somewhere where i'm always embarrassed, shy and if i can feel like this steps are necessary then definitely lot of people in our age feel the same way too. The steps are perfect to follow and apply on ourselves. So thank you again and good job on your writing skills.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  10. This is a very eye-opening "How-to". Especially for me personally because I don't really think about things I do as much. However, I really started to think about the things I liked and stuff like what you mentioned. I'll be sure to think about these things next time I find myself hating myself. Thanks!

    Jeremiah Credo
    Period 1

  11. I love this so much because I think that self love is so important for people today. I am a firm believer that you can't love anyone until you learn to love yourself.

    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  12. I 100% agree with this "How to" ,because there are many people our age or at any age who forget to obtain self-love. For example, I'm guilty to forgetting to love myself and it isn't always easy to admit. There are times where I get so caught up with people's opinions, that I don't remember to take notice in my own. I even see this in some of my family members and friends too.
    Overall it's an awesome piece because this has reminded me the importance of self love.

    Oh, I also loved your line in step three, "It will feel like adrenaline of unicorns and rainbows running through your body."

  13. This is such an important topic to address especially because of how belittling society can be and its negative influence on others. This "how to" was magnificently written as each step provides a thorough description of how to actually achieve self love and follow through with it. I like how you tied your own personal experience with self love to further intrigue the reader that its something everyone struggles with. I can tell you're a great writer when it comes to inspiration and motivation. Great job!!

  14. As a huge supporter of self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence, your piece made me truly happy. I'm glad to see someone I personally know inspire such an important message that many of us forget. The only inquiries I have is: will there be a part two advocating love amongst one another?? You radiate positivity Kristine! Wonderful job!

  15. This is a great guide for people who are not in the best place mentally. It clearly takes someone through simple, but not easy, steps, in order to love themselves more. Many times people who need this guide are overwhelmed by their situation to know what to do. This guide gives them a proper direction. Great guide!

  16. This is one of the best how to's ive seen. Especially since some people dont have self love because of their low self esteem. This is great for the community and just a great piece overall.

  17. This was great Kristine! I think this is what everyone who is struggling with their mental health or their self-image needs. You did a good job at connecting with the reader and I thought it was really good!

  18. You're "How To" is very well written and is a really good reference for anyone who needs guidance for self-love. I like how you broke it down into 4 important steps and really emphasized each of their meanings and significances by capitalizing them. I really enjoyed reading how motivating and heart-warming your "How To" is. Good job!!!

  19. Kristine, your specific "How to" is one of my absolute favorite pieces. The positivity that the direction of your piece turned to emphasized the importance of self-love. This is something that I am working on myself, and I feel that I can achieve this positive mental state with these beautifully outlined steps. Thank you so much for sharing this!!

  20. This is such a great spin on a how to! I personally have struggled with self love and you captured the process so accurately. This is also a very relevant piece for our peers who are most likely having an internal battle with themselves!

  21. Self-love is something that takes time to grow. Your instructional piece is a nice start. You are amazing for sharing this! You wrote every step in a simple, yet detailed manner. Those who find themselves having a hard time can see your guide as helpful!

  22. This piece is written well and very detailed. I enjoy how much thought and examples you put into this. I like the positive attitude you gave throughout the whole piece! I may use this next time when I start to stress about something, thank you.

    Stephanie Valdovinos

  23. Wow Kristine! This was beautiful, I too believe that self-love is really important. I really liked the "how-to" style in which you explained this, it made your points super clear. Great job!

  24. I loved the entire aspect of your poem. I feel that self-love is what everyone needs in order to survive and be the best you in life. I liked how you talked about both the good and bad in your life and how you have learned from both of them to make yourself a better and more positive person. Great Piece Kristine!

  25. This was so beautiful! Thank you for discussing a topic that no one wants to dicsuss. The idea of self love is so important especially for our age group so I appreciate you being bold enough to share it! Thank you for making it into an easy how to to be able to follow with ease and confidence. Great Job! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  26. This “How to” was easy to follow and you made it easy for the reader to be able to place themselves in order to follow these four steps to gain self love. This was really well written and a great thing to spread!

  27. This was an incredibly well done How To. I think this is an important topic especially today when so much is asked of people to remain competitive in all aspects of life. With so much pressure being placed on sTudetnss its important to practice a little bit of self love and morale boosting. Once again great job and I think this will help a lot of people.

  28. I absolutely loved this, and feel that this how to is highly significant and much needed in today's society for individuals of all ages. Although the how to is only 4 steps, most know that self-love is a learning process. This is why step 4 is my favorite, because repetition is they key to achieving this overall goal of self love. Great job bringing awareness to a meaningful topic that everyone should be educated on!

  29. I am so thankful that I came across this "How To". Self love is something that I am still learning to practice and reading this reminded me of how important it is to love yourself especially before loving others. I am so proud of you for having the strength to love yourself and to teach others how to do it also.

  30. Out of all the things you could of discussed, the fact that you chose this shows a lot about your character. Self esteem issues are running rampant through our society, especially in our age group, and anybody could use a little guide on how to accept themselves better. Overall, this was a great read. Thank you!:)

  31. Kristine, I absolutely loved this How-To, as a society we rarely show appreciation towards ourselves and rather point out all of our flaws. This blog presents easy steps to begin to learn to love our selves and embrace all of the positives rather than focus on the negatives. Great job!!

  32. I really loved this, especially since at the moment I'm having issues with self love. I really enjoyed reading this because it opened my eyes. You wrote everything so well, and I will definitely read this again. Great job Kristine :)

  33. Kristine, I like the positivity throughout the piece. This "How to" made realize that loving yourself important. This will come in handy during stressful times. Your piece contains very descriptive diction that gets to the point.
    -Jerico Franco
    -Period 6

  34. Hey man, this was pretty great. It was four steps when it really isn't. The repetition is what makes this a learning process and will help a lot of people, especially for people our age. Anyways, I loved this piece. Great job!

  35. A lot of people don’t realize that you shouldnt fully love other things before loving yourself and this beautiful “How-to” shows people that it IS okay to be selfish. It’s okay to just focus on yourself. As an advocator of self love, I’m really glad you took the time to remind people that at the end of the day, you really only got yourself, so you might as well love yourself. Beautiful work, Kristine!

  36. I love the much needed positivity in thispiece. It's a reminder that caring about yourself is a priority that we often forget. It's precise and easy to apply to ourselves.

  37. Self Love is especially important for one's self. Positivity is an important aspect to have. Great Work!
    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  38. Self Love is a very important quality to have. This how to is perfect for those that need this necessity
    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  39. Self Love is a very important quality to have! This how to is essential to those seeking to have self-love
    DeAndre Siringoringo P.4


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