
Monday, November 27, 2017

"How to be Successful" by Kessler Edwards

Success I believe is the ultimate goal of life itself and is the accomplishment of life. Once you achieve success, you have passed life. Desire for success is the ultimate reason why we go to school, get jobs, play sports, and use many of our God-given skills. It is very fortunate for you that you are able to read this and learn from a seventeen year old high schooler who still lives under the roof of his parents house the cheat code to life itself.
First you will need a couple of things:
1)    Your whole being
            Now that you are ready to be successful, here are the steps you will need to follow.
Step 1. Define what success is to you - Everybody’s meanings of success are different. In order to achieve something you must first have a vision for it. So, if your version of success is making it to your senior year of high school then congratulations.
Step 2. Believe and achieve - In order to be successful it is imperative that you believe you can be. After that it will be very easy to reach your goal. It is important that you take this process day by day. Do not worry about the past or what happened yesterday and how that will affect the future. Also do not worry about the future or what will happen tomorrow before the current day has even ended. If you devote yourself to waking up each morning and doing the best at everything that the day consists of failure is not an option. Just because you do not have one million dollars does not mean you are not successful. Just because you are homeless doesn’t mean you are not successful. Before leaving I would like to remind you that success is available to any and everybody.


  1. I like this tutorial. I like how you gave your own definition of what you think success is. This tutorial can encourage anyone to succeed and give them the determination.

  2. This post did a great job of conveying a seemingly complex topic very simply. I liked how you made sure to say that success is defined differently by everyone and the way you went about describing how to achieve that success was even better.

  3. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    Kessler, great job on defining your interpretation on how to be successful, I admired that you said we need to know how to utilize our " God-given skills". Also, how you emphasized how success comes everywhere and anyone.

  4. These steps were very well thought out. I like how it was simple and straight to the point. Also your choice of words uses are inspiring. The way you wrote is had me believing that you were right by my side guideing me. Thank you!

  5. I like this work because it was short, to the point, and still inspirational. I like your point on focusing on the present day because the future is not promised to anyone, so we make the best of today. That success is now!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  6. Trying to be successful come with a lot of "what ifs", "and", and "buts". I admire how you took a very simple, realistic point of view on this complex topic and were completely straight forward. In reality being successful depends on someones dedication and determination. I also give you great recognition for being someone who can say that their own definition of success is something that they personally carry out.

  7. I think this tutorial is very different. You are making an effort to describe the talents we are given by God, but really never utilize them how we should. It's a very simple "How-To" tutorial because you use denotations of your subjects. Great job Kess!
    -Valerie Cortez Per. 5

  8. First off, good job on this tutorial Kessler. I really liked the fact that you said that to be successful you need time and take everything day by day and not rush things. I also really liked that you gave your own definition and perspective on what being successful is and what it could be.

  9. I enjoyed your post because it was a simple "how to" but ended up being very inspirational. Great job Kessler :)
    - Taylor Vasquez

  10. I like how you made an open ended complex topic into a simple “how to.” Being able to show one thing everybody wants, to be successful, into simply relating to everyone, individually. It encourages everyone to find success within themselves and that it’s right there in front of us.

  11. I think its funny how everybody wants to be successful and live the life of luxury but, they never have a plan and simply hold off on everything until last minute when they realize its too late. Great job!

  12. I really appreciate the "How To" on being successful, because many people do not value the small things that can become a major key in their lifestyle let alone their life, and your definition on being successful truly proves that anything and everything you put your mind to,that you can do it.
    Very thought provoking great job!

  13. I really enjoyed reading this, you gave your own definition of success. Then gave examples/steps to back it up. This gives me an opportunity to reflect on myself and the success I am striving for. Continue on being you and striving for greatness!

  14. Great job Kessler I love how you included that in order to achieve success, you must first have a vision for it. This is so true because many people claim they want success, but aren't able to define what that means for them. Your approach to this generalized topic is encouraging and enlightening.

  15. People who lack the general feeling to want to be successful should read your "How to" on how to be successful due to your 1st paragraph being inspirational on why most people do things to achieve the title of success. Both your steps and details are very true in the steps of gaining success. See you in the top 1% of successful people.

  16. This is a really good guide as to how to achieve success because the definition of success is different to everyone. You set a template that was simple, yet flexible enough for the all star athlete as well as the straight A student to follow. Overall, you did an excellent job emphasizing that success is in our own hands and it is up to us to decide if we are going to achieve it or not.

  17. Thanks for this write up. It takes a lot of work to be successful and it can be hard to keep our mind focused on our own individual goal. You brought up a very good point on having faith in your goal. I think this is the most important because as we try to reach our goal there are many different obstacles that come along.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 2

  18. I loved how you turned something that a lot of us find very fleeting and seems to elude us into something that’s within our grasp. I really appreciate this message and I definitely think it’s one that many people should hear/read. Thanks for sharing!

    Zachary Judson
    Period 4

  19. This was such great topic to talk about! The steps taking in this blog entry are very motivating especially for our current seniors. Success really is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for writing about this in a time that us seniors feel like success is unreachable! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  20. Great Job Kessler! I found your topic to be very interesting and relatable to many people including myself. I feel that everyone's goal in life is to be successful, however many people won't put in the work it takes to reach one's goals. You brought up some really good advice on staying positive and not dwelling on the past.

  21. Great piece of writing, it was so informative and descriptive that I enjoyed it very much so. I really liked the idea that you put together such a nice informative piece that is very important to our contemporaries. This is very useful, many of us are about to enter a phase in our lives where things are going to become more difficult, and providing help in any way to organize ourselves to be more efficient is so crucial. You definitely provided something constructive, and we very much appreciate it !

  22. I loved this “how to”! It was very inspiring and really eye opening. It made me realize that succcess can be hard to achieve, but is you believe in yourself and put your all into it, you can achieve anything. I really liked step two, it really emphasizes believing in yourself and letting go of unnecessary things. I will definitely in the future remember this” how to” and incorporate it into my life.

  23. I love that you decided to write this piece. I believe everyone must know and have the self confidence to pursue what they believe will get them to be successful. Very inspiring. Great job

  24. Love the motivation that you pursue throughout this passage. The motivation of not giving up is such a key point and you portrayed it perfectly how you can achieve it. Love it!

  25. Kessler, I think the most important aspect of what you wrote here is the idea that success is what you make of it. I think it's important to note that success to you will not always be success to everyone else, and success should be anything that brings you happiness into your life. This may vary from person to person so it's important to find what makes YOU happy and use that as a measure of success. I enjoyed this piece!

  26. I love the minimal amount of steps you have for becoming successful. It only emphasizes that we don't need a large guide book to learn how to become successful but rather we just need to start taking action and working hard in order to reach our end goals. Great Work!

  27. I love how to the point this was. It really opens peoples eye up to the real meaning of success and how anyone can have it at anytime its just up to them if they want it. Great work!

  28. This was really great, I usually get extreme amounts of anxiety when it comes to planning the future. This helped me take a step back and realize that it’s not so bad. This was a really great confidence booster. Great job!

  29. This post is a great motivator to be successful, the way it describes how to be a success in 2 easy steps makes it easily approachable to those that may need this extra push. I agree wholeheartedly that the only things you need to be successful is yourself, and to believe in yourself. Great job and great motivation.

  30. Success in 2 easy steps? I'm interested and ready to get to the point. I agree that you need full control of your confidence and be able to do what it is that you really want to do. This piece is an extra boost to confidence that's much needed for a lot of people.

  31. Great job Kess! the way you conveyed the topic of success made it very easy to understand. This piece has given me motivation to keep trying. Good job!


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