
Friday, October 20, 2017

“Raised being Kind” by Samantha W

   Everyone believes that being kind is harder than not being kind, I want to disagree to agree. Being kind is one’s own personal choice and YOU decide whether to be kind to others. People view people, meaning your first impression of a person is the most important because not only will you view that certain person the same way all the time but it will reflect their behaviors towards certain outcomes. Ella Wheeler Wilcox once said, “The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind” and the ability to make yourself happy mentally is all anyone can ever wish for. There was an incident where my step mom said something rude to me and there were a couple of solutions I could of gone about the situation, such as saying something unnecessary back, staying mad, continuously be rude to her, and I decided to be kind. I was always taught to be generous or kill people with kindness because it doesn't hurt people to be nice. All my life I was raised to look out for people's feelings, constantly think before I speak, being aware of how things may seem. All these qualities were molded in my head to become a kindhearted person. This does not come naturally, to this day I have to nonstop remind myself to watch what I say. Being kind might not come easily but I always say, “ It doesn't hurt to try and be kind because at the end of the day all people remember is the bad actions people take. So if all you do is come off courteous then there shouldn't be any negative comments others will remember.” You also never know if a person is having a bad day, is emotionally, physically, or mentally depressed, suicidal, or doesn’t take disrespectful comments well. You can’t ever assume anything about a person and their negative actions because you can’t know what they’ve gone through, and being thoughtful can remind others that they, too, need to treat others how they want to be treated. Many people view being kind as a weakness and they also believe that it is the wrong tactic to go about leading others. I believe that it’s more of a strength and challenge to be able to hold want you really want to say in and speak enthusiastic towards others. Everyone wants to be happy and if you try and be caring you can see that you’re happier. Holding grudges can demolish your mood, tone towards others, and overall happiness for that day but that is just the way you handle what comes at you. When you hold in all the anger you end up punishing someone else such as taking your rage out on them, causing fights you don’t intentionally mean to start, or even making rash decisions that you haven’t thought out clearly with a focused mindset. Being sweet towards others can result in bringing people out of their gloomy mood and making a change in their life even if it’s not noticeable yet. In our society today people are making it seem like it’s acceptable to be mean to others, and it’s not. Society is making it come across like toughness shows who has the most power, and thinking that being generous is agreeing that rudeness can be unnoticed. Allowing yourself to push aside the harsh comments and keeping a friendliness mood is defined as rising above. Being kind to people cannot harm you, such being rude does not solve anything. 


  1. I loved your piece so much and can relate to this on a personal level. I have also been taught to always be kind no matter the situation and "kill them with kindness." Even though you might want to throw kindness out of the window every once in a while, you must remain being the bigger person and not assume why they are acting the way they are. I think this is great advice for everyone, for being kind and courteous will not only look better on your part, but also possibly make things easier on the person being rude.

  2. This was an interesting piece because I have a different view whether or not that kindness comes naturally or is a choice. To me it comes naturally to be kind because morally I can't be rude or anything like that without good enough reason. But how you handle yourself reflects good character so good job with keeping positive.
    -Sara Hernandez

  3. Such a good piece because personally I like to see others insights on moral beliefs and your advice on how to control that. Naturally I'm nice myself because its just who I am, the idea of being mean later is always something to be aware of. But you possess great strength because not everyone has that mentality to be nice.

  4. This is so true especially at a time like this. The world needs a little more kindness in it right now and this is good for everyone to know. Great job Samantha!
    -Mia Tolliver
    period 1

  5. Hi Samantha, I enjoyed your piece very much! The title caught my eyes, believing that this could relate to me and it does. My parents have always taught me to be kind to others, no matter if they deserve it. Your piece hits close to home, reminding me it's never to be kind. It's our choice whether or not, we turn the other cheek. Thank you for the advice! We can learn a lot from how we face harsh comments and unpleasant situations.

  6. I enjoyed reading this piece. There were so many situations I experienced where I thought maybe I should have taken a different path to handle it. I naturally have a kind heart but when someone is rude to me I always want to say something back. I like what you said about that people just remember the bad and that is so true.

  7. I think this piece ties in very well with the novel Frankenstein we just finished in class. I wish more people would kill others with kindness. But I do also believe that honesty and rudeness are often mixed up and mistaken.

  8. Samantha, your story of how you became so compassionate will hopefully incite others to act the same. The way you describe the necessity of kindness made me look at how I treat people and question whether it is adequate. The world would be much safer and solicitous if people heeded your warm instructions.

  9. I can relate to your story. I love how you addressed the audience directly because it's as if you are talking to us one-on-one. Your way of writing helps us understand your situation and you are being heard right now. One thing I have to say is that I was a little confused about the first sentence. I was unsure of what it meant but it was clarified as I kept reading. Good job!
    -Chiquitita Annisa P.2

  10. I really enjoyed reading this piece, mainly being because everything you said is what I'm trying to be. I personally believe that I'm a kind person but I do have a breaking point. I try to stay calm and be kind and I believe that I can actually do it and also be able to spread that kindness around the world. Great job Samantha!

  11. This piece brought a smile to my face because of its honesty and relevancy. Society as a whole
    does need to realize that kindness can go a long way and isn’t that hard of a gift to give.

  12. You, my friend, have given me a whole new perspective on the term "kind". How you go from point A to point B when describing what the word kind meant was astonishing and entertaining at the same time. Best 7 minutes of my life. KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS!!!

  13. I really enjoyed this! I love how you used quotes, it just backs up your statements. I agree with society has made people believe it's okay to be a 'tough'. I am not trying to be hypocritical, because I have my days where sometimes nice is the last thing I want too be. Still with that being said I always try to keep an open mind and be nice. Although I may have attitude at the best of times- I still think we need to treat people with kindness, because just a little bit of kindness can go a long way.

  14. I loved this story so much. I too believe this world needs more kindness.

  15. This piece is a great reflection of the best kind of people. It's amazing how some people can be kind despite what they feel. I like how you explained the impact of kindness on people. I wish the world was made of people like this.

  16. I personally relate to this piece a lot. I always try to be nice to people, despite if I like them or not. I completely agree that being kind isn't all that hard, and that it doesn't hurt to just put on a smile and walk away if they say something mean. Everyone should put out their best effort to show kindness first, instead of throwing sarcastic comments and insults.

  17. I'm so in love with this piece and everything about it. Knowing you personally makes this post better because I know that you are true to your words. Very well written Samantha!
    -Taylor Vasquez

  18. I completely agree with your mindset. You wrote this piece extremely well, I loved how you took into account of how others feel during their day, I feel that many people over look that fact and do not cut others slack and just let the hurtful comments roll off as they should. Great piece!

  19. I feel like a lot of people, including myself, really needed to be exposed to something like this. The tiniest slip of attitude or sarcasm can hurt someone's feelings, even if we don't have the intention of doing so. After reading this, I'm going to be more aware of what I say before I actually say it out loud. Kindness is something we should never take for granted :) Thank you for writing this! I loved it very much.

    Period 1

  20. Wow Samantha, I totally agree with this piece, and the way you interpreted the word kind made me think of it in many different ways. People don't always see how far kindness can go and this was a great way to educate its readers on such subject. Great job!

  21. i found this piece to be very much on the pathos side because I️ felt a connection with it. I️ enjoy new perspectives and ways of dealing with things so I️ really appreciate this work! Great job

  22. This was such a great piece to come across! It does not take much effort to be kind and considerate. I especially enjoyed how the importance of being aware was also mentioned because taking the positive route in any situation never hurt anyone. A little kindness can go a long way!

  23. I'm really glad to have read this post. You're so right; we should all be more considerate of others' feelings and being rude to someone doesn't help anyone. I'll try to remember this post the next time something irks me. Thank you for sharing!


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