
Friday, October 20, 2017

“How to make a Brown Sugar Walnut Pumpkin Pie” By Zoya M

        It is October and you know what that means, it’s fall which means spooky movies, and enjoying everything pumpkin, including pumpkin pie. The reason I chose this topic is because my mother had a huge craving for some pie, and my favorite thing to bake is Pumpkin Pie so I made some for her and she enjoyed it. This recipe is fairly similar to others, but I added my own twist. Therefore I thought this would be a great opportunity to teach you how to make my Brown Sugar Walnut Pumpkin Pie.

Ingredients you will need for one pie:
1. 1 can of pumpkin puree
2. ½ cup of finely blended walnuts
3. 1 cup of graham crackers
4. 1 cup of brown sugar
5. ½  cup of chopped walnuts (topping)
6. 1 ½ stick of butter unsalted
7. ¼ teaspoon salt
8. 1 can of evaporated milk
9. 1 cup of sugar
10. 1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice
11.  19 inch pie pan
12. Whip cream
13. ½ cup water

What to do:
1. Begin with washing your hands, and having everything ready in front of you.
2. Next we will make the pie crust. To do, this you will need the 1 cup of graham crackers, ½ cup of finely blended walnuts, ½  of the cup of brown sugar, and ½ a stick of butter. Melt the butter in the microwave until smooth, and then throw all the ingredients together in the blender and blend until graham crackers are blended with all ingredients. This is important so the ingredients stick together. You will now put everything in a bowl and add the melted butter and mix well. Now you will put the crust at the bottom of the pan and put it in the fridge to set for 15 minutes.
3. Now it is time to make the actual inside. You will get the can of pumpkin puree and add that to a large bowl. Also in the large bowl, you will add the other half of brown sugar, ½ stick of butter, ¼ teaspoon of salt, 1 can evaporated milk, ¾ cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice, and mix together until smooth.
4. Now that your pie crust is solid in the pan, you will add the mixture to the pan, and spread evenly until it becomes leveled. You will then put the pie in the oven to bake for 15 minutes at 450 degrees, and you will then lower the temperature for 350 degrees and bake for 45 minutes or until you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean.
5. Once finished baking, you will take the pie out to cool, and with the chopped walnuts and with ¼ cup of sugar and ½ a stick of butter you will caramelize the walnuts. To do this, add the sugar, ½ cup of water, and butter to the stove. Once this becomes a smooth consistency, you will then add the walnuts and mix.
6. Finally put your pie on a plate, and top with caramelized walnuts and voila! You have a Brown Sugar Walnut Pumpkin Pie.

I have always enjoyed baking, and Pumpkin Pie is something my Mother and I love dearly during this time of year. This recipe is personal because I have incorporated walnuts, and brown sugar throughout the whole pie, and my Mother loves walnuts. This recipe isn’t too hard to achieve, and hopefully you enjoy this pie as much as myself cuddled up watching a spooky movie.


  1. Hey! I loved your little spin on a classic. You made it different and unique to yourself and your life style. I loved it. I also loved how your first step included washing your hands because a lot of people forget this step but its the most important. You were straight to the point. Great job your syntax and the way you put it together was great! Thank you for this amazing recipe

  2. Reading this tutorial really made me crave pumpkin pie. I like how you gave specific details on how to bake a pumpkin pie and showing passion towards your baking because it means something to you. Great job! -Erick Gutierrez per.4

  3. Ymuuy recipe, sounds good to make and I might try it myself sometime while pumpkins are still in season. Really informative and you do a good job at sequencing the steps needed to make this pie. You also make the process very approachable detailing steps so that even the most novice bakers can approach this recipe.

  4. WOW! Zoya, your recipe truly makes my mouth water. I cannot wait to try and bake this pie with my mom! Love the way you shared something meaningful with us :) Well done!
    - Taylor Vasquez

  5. Zoya, I absolutely loved reading this post. I think it's very festive and perfect for the upcoming holidays. I will definitely make sure to try this out soon!

  6. I have never been the best at baking, but the way you described the process of making this Pumpkin Pie sounds so simple and easy to understand! I like how you connected the recipe to how much you and your Mother enjoy eating it during the holiday season. Thank you for taking the time to share this recipe so that we all can try and make it at home as well!

  7. Great job and great use of detail. I might just use this recipe for thanksgiving dinner!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  8. I love how you came up with the decision to do this for your blog post. I also liked how you gave credit to others for this recipe but added your own flavor. Although I personally don't like pumpkin pie its my dad's favorite so i think I'll give it a try this thanksgiving.
    Avalon Freeman

  9. Wow reading your blog really had me craving some pumpkin pie! My favorite pie is pumpkin pie and I never knew how to make it until now. I will definitely buy the ingredients next time I go to the store so I can make my own pie! Good job on your how to, the instructions are very simple and easy to follow.

    Samantha Ehrlich period 1

  10. Your step-by-step instructions were very clear and straightforward. It was fitting for this time of the year considering that it is Fall. I would totally try to make this if I weren't allergic to walnuts. Good job!

  11. You had me at pie! I actually tired pumpkin pie for the first time last year, and I cant wait to try this recipe. I loved how you went in detail on what to do with the ingredients and how you put your own little twist to it! Nice job Zoya !!

  12. I would never bake in my life but if i ever do bake a pie during the season i will keep this recipe in mind. I like how detailed your tutorial was and how simple it was to understand.

  13. Throughout this piece I recognized the theme that was used to describe the season and time of year. When reading the recipe it really embodies the highly favored spices/ingredients that entice you to want to make and indulge on a great recipe such as this one :)))

  14. wow I love how you put a little surprising twist the classic pie. Im thrilled to try this recipe with my mom too~ you really depicted the flavor of the season such as the craving of sweet stuff during October and the pumpkin spice of autumn.

  15. Wow I’m definitely going to make this soon! I like how you chose a recipe to match the season and you wrote each detail easy to follow. Stay festive Zoya.

  16. Zoya, I really enjoyed reading your post. Pumpkin pie has always been one of my favorite desserts but it seemed so basic so with your additions i believe it will make it better. I will definitely make sure to try this out soon.

  17. I absolutely love baking and I've never made a Brown Sugar pie, I'm allergic to walnuts so I probably won't make this, but I will recommend this recipe to others. You did a really good job at explaining the process of baking this, and you were very thorough. You didn't leave out anything and I love how you included that this is something you and your mother enjoy making. Good job Zoya!

  18. I noticed that you used a Graham Cracker crust over a regular pie crust which I love because I use Graham Cracker crusts all the time when I bake cheesecakes but I never would have thought to use it in Pumpkin Pie so something tells me to try something different this Thanksgiving when I make my Pumpkin Pies. Thanks for the inspiration :D

  19. Wow just reading this made my mouth water. I never had a walnut pumpkin pie before. It seem fairly easy to make and I will definitely try it out. Thank you for sharing your own way to make this delicious pie.

  20. The way you've described step by step this recipe made me so motivated to go home and actual try to bake this pie. I loooove pumpkin pie and trying wide varieties so this should be fun.

  21. You did an amazing job in describing each step. I found it really easy to follow your instructions. I loved how the ingredients are so simple, sometimes pie recipes ask for ingredients I've never heard of. Thank you, for your personal recipe and I'll definitely try this out for Thanksgiving!

  22. Thank you so much for showing us the simple process behind baking this mouth watering dessert. It gives amazing insight to someone who loves to eat, like me.

  23. Maaaaan this recipe was just really amazing. The instructions were very well written and really clear. You made everything sound so simple and easy and as a matter of fact, I am about to drop everything i'm currently doing right now and go bake me some Brown Sugar Walnut Pumpkin Pie!

  24. Zoya this was a very informational recipe and I am really looking forward to try it out during thanksgiving break. This could be a bonding time with my mom and I!! CANT WAIT

  25. This recipe is very unique as you incorporated your own twist to it. I will definitely be trying this recipe for a Thanksgiving dessert, as pumpkin pie is my favorite type of pie. I can't believe that I have not tried hand-making a pie before, and I look forward toward utilizing these well described steps for Thanksgiving.

  26. Thank you for sharing your own twist to a simple recipe that we can all try! I enjoyed the introduction as to how this recipe came to be, and it's adorable how your mother was the reason for it. I hope that you continue to create your own little twists on classic foods so that you can make it your own. This pie is perfect for the holidays and I definitely will attempt this delicious recipe!

  27. You're recipe sounds so good and I really like how you chose a desert to fit the season. You're instructions were detailed and easy to follow. I can't wait to make this in the future.

  28. I love the twist!!! I've never had pumpkin pie with anything new, just plain pumpkin pie. Now i have something new to make for Thanksgiving!

  29. Wow! Thank you so much for this. For as long as I could remember I've always loved pumpkin pi. I found different ways to make it but they never came out the way I wanted and the way you explained it made it seem so much easier and quicker compared to others. Hopefully when I try this I will get the results I'm looking for.
    -Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  30. This is perfect for the Holidays. Not only that it's easy to make with your tutorial, but it also includes your twist. Nice!

  31. I may use this recipe during our Thanksgiving break. The instructions were clear and straight to the point. Thanks for sharing the great recipe!

    Stephanie Valdovinos

  32. This recipe is very festive for these upcoming months and left my mouth watering. The instructions were very clear and easy to follow. I loved your twist on a classic pumpkin pie and I can't wait to try it out with my family!

  33. I would have liked to see photos of the steps of the recipe but aside from that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your piece. I loved that you made the recipe personal by talking about your mother, this made the recipe more appealing because everything is better when passion and love are shown. The timing of your recipe is also perfect, this is definitely a recipe I would want to try for Thanksgiving.

  34. I am so excited to try this. The title makes it sound complicated, but your instructions make it much clearer. I loved that you decided to add your own twist to it, because it makes it different from any other recipe you can just google and make. I liked that you included a conclusion and didn't just finish with the last step (it almost feels like a journalism intro and outro). The conclusion made me want to make this even more, thanks for sharing it.

  35. Your recipe sounds so fun and delicious! You did a great job being descriptive and specific with the instructions to make your special pie, making it easy for anyone else to try by themselves at home. I'm looking forward to trying this recipe over break to share with my family as well! Good job Z!

  36. ZOYA!I love how you got festive with your blog post! You made the 'what to do' so well detailed! I know it will be easy when I try and make it! Good Job!

  37. I really want to try this recipe out. I loved how you made the steps clear and how useful this recipe is as it gets closer to the holidays. I like how you added your own version of the recipe and I can sense the love you have for baking. Thank you for sharing!!

  38. Zoya, I absolutely loved your recipe for making a pumpkin pie. Even as someone who is incapable in the kitchen this easy to follow guide will allow me and make a pie that the whole family can enjoy for thanksgiving. Great Work!

  39. Thank you for sharing this recipe with everyone! It already sounds like it's going to be delicious and it's perfect for the season. It is sweet to let us in on you and your mother's tradition!

  40. Zoya, what a festive piece! You gave us a very informational step by step, and definitely along with other students that have read this, I will give it a try!

  41. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always loved eating pumpkin pie during this time of the year. I'm also a huge fan of sweets, so the brown sugar with walnuts sound super appetizing! This seems like an easy and yummy option for dessert during Thanksgiving. Thanks!

    Period 1

  42. I am absolutely in love with baking and all things with sugar! This has just been added to the list, thank you for the recipe! It sounds delicious!

  43. I am definitely not the best when it comes to preparing dishes. However, the way in which you explained the steps to make this pie was very simplistic, I even think that I'm capable of making this. Even the title makes this pie sound delicious and mouth watering, making the desire to make this recipe that much stronger. Your justification for the twist that you put on a regular pumpkin pie was very sincere, and sweet. You have definitely influenced me to make this during the holiday season for my mom.

  44. This sounds so good! I honestly really want to try this. Your instructions are super clear and easy to follow which I love. I really like regular pumpkin pie and I'm sure that I'll love this as well!

  45. I find this recipe quite unique and simple. I've never heard of a brown sugar walnut pie! It sounds delicious and the way you explained the steps to making it, made it seem easy. I can't wait to try making it. Even though I can't cook worth nothing, I sure will try my best with this one.

  46. Your recipe sounds amazing and I might even try it myself. I enjoyed how your opening paragraph really brought out the Halloween excitement in all of us and definitely put me in the mood to try some good pumpkin pie. It was really nice how you tied in a reason as to why you loved the recipe rather than it being just another recipe from some dusty cook book.

  47. Zoya, I thank you for providing this recipe because I love walnuts and pumpkin pie. The use of vocabulary and the personal connection really made this piece stand out.
    -Jerico Franco
    -Period 6

  48. This recipe sounds really amazing! I haven't heard of anything like it. Even though it is meant for October, I still think the taste is perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm very excited to try it one of these days. Good job!

  49. I love this because my job consists of selling pies and to a read a shared recipe is really cool!You explained everything so well so i might try it myself! thank you!

  50. I love that your post was totally going along with the season and is perfectly timed. Your instructions were easy to read and easy to follow and the format of your piece is very well organized.

  51. The recipe seems very easy to follow and also very unique. I enjoy how simple it is considering I have most of the ingredients and all of the equipment to make it at home. I enjoyed the personal touch about how you added to the recipe to please your mom. Great post! Can't wait to try to make this.

  52. Oh my goodness. This recipe made my mouth water! I wish to one day make this. Thanks for the tips!


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