
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"Beauty" By Debrina C

When looking at nature, one can be taken aback by the sheer beauty and intricacy of a single flower. When listening to a song one can simply lie back and revel in the beauty and craftsmanship of the lyrics as the wash over you. One can also find happiness is the feelings of love or compassion and can bask in the beauty of each individual feeling. When in a restaurant one's senses can become overwhelmed with the beauty of the artistry of the chef as each ingredient has its distinct scent. These images conjure up the idea that beauty is more complex with deeper analysis. However, the dictionary definition of beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Standards of beauty and the definition of the word change constantly and evolve through time and can even vary based on geography, political stance, upbringing, education, societal standards, etc. and still continues to evolve daily. The thought that beauty is mostly visual is invalid as well as the thought that beauty could be summed up to something so simplistic as the eighteen-word summation of the feelings, thoughts, emotions, standards, and even identity. Not to mention society’s view that beauty is only on the outside “pleasing to the aesthetic sense” dealing with all outward qualities like shape, color, or form. Yes, we all have heard the phrases “it’s the inside that matters” or “don’t judge a book by its cover” but could beauty genuinely be that superficial? The even bigger question is society capable of summing beauty up to be that superficial or has society broadened the mindset and come out of the out dated thought process?
Beauty is more than what meets the eye and is a great deal more complex than simply or strictly surface level. Huffington post says in their piece What is the real definition of beauty, " It’s the images and moments that inspire and represent the most distinct and remarkable attractiveness of our souls. It’s the moments we feel free and real. It’s the moments we feel proud and eminent. It’s the moments we feel alive.” Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and its definition is many things, but simplistic nonetheless beauty, as seen in the dictionary definition, is also very misunderstood and has been distorted and skewed due to many outside influences. Huffington post also claims “Beauty is often distorted, misunderstood and shadowed by a wide amount of conflicting pressures. It is something we endlessly strive for, rather than see into the true essence of our happiest moments.” Although the definition of the word beauty is complex the actual idea of it is actually quite simple, the meaning behind the word is acceptance, appreciation and open mindedness. Therefore, when someone searches for beauty they should find i not only in themselves but in the world around them because beauty is what you choose to make it but it is so much more than surface level. As a community, it is important to come up with independent ideals and not be influences by society's skewed views of beauty because even thought it might be cliché, everyone is beautiful in their own skin and should also feel as beautiful as they truly are.


  1. This was really uplifting to read. I like how you defined beauty in its denotative form and brought about the different connotations others can take from it. By addressing beauty as being seen but also seen throughout our lives during happy times is a different take on what I thought of as beauty which was insightful and nice to think about.

  2. I like how you used your blog opportunity to try and change peoples views on beauty. Very well written and organized. I like how you mentioned that beauty can be found in anything if you have to sense to see it.

  3. Beauty is a very strong topic and can be misunderstood a lot of the times. I love and appreciate the way you explained how beauty is seen and what the true meaning of what beauty really is. There was a great use in diction and word choice. It was very encouraging to read and will help those with insecurities to really help them analyze their true beauty within.

  4. This was so empowering and uplifting. Thank you for having the courage to write about a topic that seems so small but makes such a big impact especially to young high school girls. I love the comparison to society's definition of beauty versus how we should perceive it. Great Job!- Sabrina Wilkerson P.1

  5. I’ve never really had words for how I view beauty until this. I truly believe that beauty is misused in our society and this piece was so refreshing to read. It truly encaptured the feelings we feel but can’t describe. This was my favorite piece to read, great job.

  6. I enjoyed reading this. I liked how you gave the definition of beauty but also told what it could mean to others through their perspective. That we see the beauty within.
    -Alyssa Cosby

  7. This is so beautiful Debrina. I feel that people need to truly find beauty within themselves and in their own skin. Amazing job!
    -Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  8. I like how you wrote about a topic that has a big impact on us all. You explained how beauty is everything and the different types, which I feel society really focuses on but struggles to see it in themselves. I enjoyed reading it, good job!

  9. This piece is so empowering and I really enjoyed how you used your blog piece to talk about something meaningful and important. I really enjoyed how well written and supported this was. I really enjoyed reading this because I could sense the passion you have for this topic, which made it so much more captivating for me as a reader. Great Job!

  10. This was a beautifully written and composed piece. I agree with every aspect on your interpretation of beauty in how its much more complex and deeper than surface level. Society today definitely has a skewed view of beauty in which many individuals believe it to be how someone looks instead of the quality of their personality. Overall i really enjoyed every aspect of this piece.

  11. Your post gave me a deeper outlook on the meaning of beauty. It is good for everyone to read this piece and learn what beauty really means. Great job on your well organized and well written post! It was a fun read.

  12. As you said, we as a society just sort of sum up beauty in short cliche phrases. I loved your piece because it describes beauty in a way deeper than that. You explained very well how society defines beauty and how we should truly see such a complex idea. I feel people will greatly benefit from reading this writing.

  13. This piece was really good! I loved how much description you put into describing beauty. Beauty is very complex and you did a great job in explaining that. You did an amazing job in leading up to that beauty is not simple. Your concluding sentence is true and is great to add when discussing beauty.

  14. Amen. I have this same view on beauty as well so it is amazing to read your thoughts on the subject and use your opportunity of writing on this blog to expresses these views to the community. I especially loved when you used society's image of beauty and was able to explain how that image is not the only one that matters. Well written, I very much enjoyed reading.

  15. This was such an encouraging piece of work to everyone in this world ! Go Debrina !! This is truly inspiring . I love how you simply stated what the word beauty means in your own words

  16. Such a beautiful piece with a great inspirational topic , the word choice really helped to prove your point on the way you deeply feel about beauty,I can strongly relate of your interpretation of beauty ,one of my favorite blog so far ,outstanding.
    Valeria Perez
    Period :1

  17. Wow I am blown away by this Debrina. When you referred that everyone always says "it's the inside that matters", welp I was thinking I am exactly one of those people who constantly thinks and says that lol. However, I never thought about beauty ever meaning happiness, just to think about that is astonishing. Thank you for allowing me to see a whole new definition of the word beauty. And by the way, YOU ARE BEAUTY!!

  18. Debrina, this was truly amazing. Just the descriptions and the amount of imagery you put in this piece was, beautiful. And how you put the definition of beautiful in your own words was truly brilliant as well. i loved it.

  19. Thank you for this post. You brought to like a common misconception people often have about beauty. You transformed the meaning into something so much more. Your description of how society views beauty and the contrast to your own views on it are really eye opening and it began to make me question how I have been seeing beauty thus far. Once again, a wonderful post and a great read!

  20. I love how you contributed beauty to the idea of acceptance. This piece really supports the idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that being beautiful does not mean flawless, but accepted. This just goes to show that one can be flawed and beautiful. Overall, this was a well written piece and I hope to see more like it :)

  21. Debrina, I love the concept of your piece! I truly enjoyed the comparison between the denotation and the connotations of beauty. The imagery led myself to think about my own definition of beauty and how it has changed through the years. Amazing Job!

  22. Your definition of beauty is a definition that society should focus on, rather than focusing on physical appearances like you said. This piece really does uplift those who may feel insecure or down about what they have to offer. Beauty is everywhere and you really do a great job in reminding the reader of that.

  23. I loved reading your piece. It was uplifting and eye-opening for everyone conformed in today's society. I appreciate the way you included both the denotative and connotative meanings of beauty, and how you captured the indescribable feelings many have.

  24. The way that you speak of beauty makes me think of beauty as something everyone has in themselves. Many people have different ideas of beauty and what it means. But the way that you explain it with your own definition is definitely awesome! great job.

    Jeremiah Credo Period 1

  25. cheesy, but this piece was beautiful. i really loved how you were able to incorporate various aspects and definitions as to what beauty really is. and i would definitely agree with the statement that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.


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