
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Simultaneously" by Sabria J

            I always had a deep rooted fascination with the idea that two different things can act together simultaneously. It invariably means that nothing, no situation, person, object, or natural occurrence, will ever be the same. From identical twins to toys being consecutively made in a factory, none will ever be the same, because something unique happened in that specific moment of conception that will never be synonymous to the rest. As much as we all attempt to grasp the norm, each and every single one of us will continue to be incomparable. It is strange indeed, and through the suspicious, detrimental occurrences I find beauty in that; your own character and everything that transpires within your life is created by just…living. Your existence is a minute detail that greatly contributes to the beauty that lies within planet Earth and beyond.   
We are all born as books, with no title and blank pages, but the moment we begin to actually live, is when we create a story, a unique one. We are a continuation of seemingly unstoppable highs and dire lows, and it will never cease because as long as our hearts are beating, something or someone is simultaneously contributing to your next second, minute, hour, day, week, or year in your life. The catch, however, is that you simply do not know who that person is or what that “thing” may be, making the essence of time your enemy, and as contradicting as it may appear, the only thing that will ever be constant within our lives is change.
Weird, isn’t it?
            As an optimist, I always questioned why is it that nature’s uncontrollable situations occur against us at times? Why can’t everything constantly work in our favor?

I guess the only answer that I can attempt to cohesively convey is that it just does, it simply does. 

Like the yin and yang, we cannot grasp light, until we have witnessed darkness, and darkness shall continue to exist as long as we have light. The polarizing concepts continually rely on each other, an inevitable, yet contrasting match.
“Everything happens for a reason” holds extremely true to this idea. You may not realize it yet, but you will soon. Just remember that “reason” is being created, right now, simultaneously as you read this.


  1. Very insightful Sabria! This piece is very inspirational to those who are going through tough times or those who are trying to find purpose. Great Job!

  2. Wow, this is an extremely thought-provoking piece. The opening line immediately caught my attention and made me reflect on how, in a sense, nothing will be exactly the same as something else. No matter if that deals with inanimate objects such as identical products produced by machines, or twins who came from the same womb, we are all unique. You made a really good point about change being the only constant in our lives. It's interesting to think about because change, in itself, is always adjusting, but it's also the only thing we can really rely on. The language used allowed me to grasp the concepts, as well as emphasize the underlying meaning in this piece. Well done!

  3. This is a very important message to remember, i believe that everything happens for a reason and this piece was very thought-provoking and very well written

  4. Intriguing piece Sabria! I love how you take such deep and passionate topics and bring light and provoke thought into them. I love how you include yin and yang, which is one of my favorite moral things that I believe in. Everything has a yin, and an equal but opposite yang. Amazing piece!

  5. This piece is very philosophical and you analyzed it very well. Your thoughts were conveyed effectively with the examples and descriptions that you made. I like how you used an extended metaphor on that we are books that e ourselves write, it really goes with what I believe in too.

  6. Wow, the ending really had me re-read the whole piece again. I agree with your statement as in everything does happen for a reason and even reading your piece is for a reason. I like how you say that the only thing we all care about is change. I believe that is true because we all want to fit into society and not be left out, so we go and change ourselves so others can like us and think that we are cool. Great piece! I really enjoyed it.

  7. This was a well written piece that really made me think. I like the metaphor about people being like a blank book that fills as they live their lives. It also made me think about the passage of time and how you can never slow it down. You have an excellent writing style that sounds poetic and meaningful. Overall great piece!

  8. This was so beautifully written. Your diction and syntax really made the audience reread and ponder your carefully chosen words. It is crazy to think that life is truly what we make it, that we actually have control over such a powerful thing. Sometimes though we have a hard time accepting our own differences and try to "fit in", but your piece really speaks up to individuality and uniqueness. This was extremely insightful and enjoyable to read. Thank you so much!

  9. OH my goodness I love this! I can't even put into words how amazing this piece was. I love love love how you used analogies to convey the meaning of the piece. This piece gave me a sense of hope and reminded me that I am responsible for writing my own story, but the obstacles I am faced with are necessary for me to learn and grow into the person I want to be. Very well written and inspiring.

  10. I loved your piece, it was very thought provoking and I've had thoughts about life similar to the ones you have written about. I have never been able to put all my thoughts unto the perfect wording in order to discuss with friends and family. The comparison between life and books was really clever, I agree that each one of us are an untitled book with blank pages and as soon as we have our first breath the book begins to start its story. I also really enjoyed how you included the Yin and Yang example of how darkness needs light and light needs darkness.

  11. This piece really shows how divided life is and how its up to us on how we want to live it. We can either live it with happiness and choose to ignore the bad or drown in the darkness and have no hope. I love how you compare life to the books and how some are blank. Thank you for this piece Sabria!

  12. Sabria, this piece was so beautiful. There was so much depth to your writing and so many ideas that made me actually stop and think. The metaphors and similar s used gave the piece nmeaning and made it easier to understand. My favorite part is when you described us as a book and that we have the choice to "write" and guide the rest of our future. Thank you for giving us a different perspective and hownso many things can work simultaneously.

  13. Sabria, I love this piece because it made me think. In the first paragraph you dove into the fact that no two things can be the same and I have never thought about it. I use to feel that two things can be the same, for example you said toys being made in a factory will be different, and you are right. Everything is different in a way and everyone is special and different. You did a great job!

  14. This is a fascinating and thought provoking piece. I never really thought about how two identical people or thing is never the same but, I do agree with you. As a whole, I agree of what you are saying and I also try to look at the optimistic side of things when life is tough. Thank you for writing such a positive piece!

  15. This is a very strong. deep, philosophical, beautiful piece that really made me think about life and individuality. I really enjoyed the example of identical twins in the beginning since t gave me a better understanding of what you are trying to say. Individuality is something that I think is very beautiful, and your piece really is thought provoking, nice job. - Madeline j

  16. What I love about this piece is the meaning behind it and how you conveyed with great detail the essence of life. We are who we are, different and unique yet there is still a part of us who seeks a change and acceptance. To then mention that what we go through and experience has a purpose captures the idea that we can ignore sometimes. Amazing job!

  17. This piece played with my mind. It starts off by stating how two things are not alike and how we are unique as an individual. You also stated how everything happens for a reason and it continues on from there. I can't express how much this piece has gotten me interested from the start. I love philosophical pieces and your's one of them. Thanks for the great read, Sabria J.!

  18. Wow Sabria, that was beautifully written. The concept that things happen simultaneously is very fascinating to me as I was reading. what caught my eye the most were the last 7 lines. I feel like this is an question that most people ask when something does not occur in their favor, and the only thing that can really answer the question is that everything happens for a reason. And that in due time we will soon realize why. Great piece!

  19. The writing here is so poetic and is very beautiful to read. It also brings up a good question for us all to concider. Some things will happen but that's just how life is and we will each have our own unique way to deal with it. Great job on such a unique piece!

  20. This piece was very intriguing! Your style of writing is amazing and eloquent, and everything flowed together nicely. The message about making your own purpose and making your own reasons to live was well said, and I love your ideas about everyone being unique. You did an amazing job!

  21. I really loved reading this piece as it discussed an alternative outlook on life. The philosophy you expressed in your piece made me think about how everyone in this world is different for a reason and why nobody or anything will ever be the same. Nicely done!

  22. I have very similar theories to how I perceive the world through my eyes. I am also an optimist and have been through times of very difficult circumstances. Despite the tragedy, my optimistic personality sees it as a form of strength and experience for the future. Everything cant happen in out favor all the time because we are all connected and if one thing good happens to someone, I also see something bad happening to someone simultaneously, but that doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, if the idea of everything happens for a reason is true. It takes a very complicated and positive outlook to grasp how you can make the most of a horrible situation and if your like me and been through many times of horrible, you are able to take the burdens of others incredibly. Great story very complicated and thought provoking. I loved every second of it.

  23. You completely engulf me in your writing since Mr. Hall's class where you transformed a writing about a piece of lined paper to immense description of how much more meaning it has to it. I love the blank novel analogy that we are born with no experiences like blank pages then life gives us something to fill them with whether it is happy or lack there of we need both to fully experience life. This makes us a lot different from each other because we all don't have the same writing in our books or events in our life. Please keep writing you truly have a gift and bring such insight to your readers.

  24. This was a great piece! Your piece shows a different mindset in which each and every one of us are here for a reason with our open books to write on. The format of your piece gave a different structure where you made some sentences stand out and make your serious points. I feel like this piece contributes to the existentialism mindset as well. Your diction was simple and great. Good job!

  25. This piece is really thought provoking and was really in depth. The idea that everything really form the type of person we are is actually really beautiful and honestly, I believe that this sort of idea is true. The fact that we change with every interaction is just amazing and the diction of your piece really emphasized how amazing and important this is. Great Job!

  26. This piece was very interesting and inspiring to me because of how much thought you put into the everyday things we take for granted. You made me realize how we are all unique, even twins and toys that may be made the same way have a special process that makes them them. Writing passionately about your insight into the beauty of people touched me on a personal level as well. Towards the end, I really connected to the piece when you talked about light and darkness because truly, you can't know what happiness is (the light) until you experience depression (the Darkness). This was a greatly inspiring piece amazingly written.

  27. Amazing job Sabria, I love how your piece was so elaborate. You made me think about the positive and negatives of life in a completely different way, and think of how everything has a reason to happen. Society just has to accept the inevitable occurrences that happen in life and that are out of our control. Thank you for your piece Sabria!

  28. Wow. This was beautifully written Sabria. The diction you used really pulls the reader in and I really liked how optimistic and hopeful your piece was. You did an amazing job!

  29. Great Job Sabria! I loved your piece and the way you made me rethink how events are unpredictable and unable to be controlled by us as humans. We have to accept that nothing can be the same no matter how much we try to make it. Thank you for pointing out how everything is different and that life is uncontrollable.

  30. I love how deep and meaningful this piece was. I think that by living we gain knowledge and go through things that other people haven't and it changes us it changes OUR story it makes US unique. I truly love this piece because it allows people to realize that even if we do go through the same problems or see the same issues occur our perspective on them is different because of our different pasts which causes our reaction to be different.

  31. I really like this piece Sabrina because it sort of touches upon sonder, a concept that not many people really seem to consider, which is the full realization that every individual you interact with lives a life with a depth as complex as one's own experience. I think this is really important for one to grasp in their adult lives to form better relationships and it's also especially relevant to us as seniors. The included allusion of yin and yang is also very applicable to describe the balance every person should maintain in their lives. Overall a good job!

  32. Sabria, this piece is so important because we will be graduating in a week. Sometimes we don't always see the purpose in our lives, especially now when we're about enter the real world. Your piece reminds us that there is hope and we shouldn't get discouraged because of fear of the unknown. Overall, amazing story and very encouraging.

  33. I loved the structure of your piece and how you took two different ideas and explained how they are relevant to each other. It is comforting to me to know that we ultimately don't impact every aspect of out lives, but that their are forces helping us go through our day to day lives. People that we meet, places that we go , what we do all have an impact on who we are. I loved the topic of your piece... good job Sabria!

  34. The language you use in this excerpt is absolutely captivating, Sabria. I hung on to every word... it just completely resignated in head because I often find myself thinking about the same coagulation of everyday life.

  35. Wow! This piece was absolutely marvelous and thought provoking Sabria. I'm sure you had everyone thinking about the meaning of life by the end, it definitely had me. Your views and conceptions are beautiful and I loved the way you put being a small part(human) of a large machine(life). "We are all born as books, with no title and blank pages, but the moment we begin to actually live, is when we create a story, a unique one." That line truly resonated within me and I believe many can take away from your piece. Great job!

  36. This was a very powerful piece of writing and I enjoyed it very much. I enjoy the escalation of your commentary and how you ask questions and accept the fact that they might not all have answers. This was very well written, good job.

  37. I have to start by saying that this piece is amazing and so extremely thought provoking. Reading this piece I realized that you and I think similar thoughts regarding this topic but it was so refreshing to read these thoughts in words. I absolutely loved your detailed descriptions of your thoughts and I also loved your reference to yin and yang to clarify your thoughts. I really enjoyed reading your take on why things happen the way they do and you did a really great job!

  38. I am a strong believer of "everything happens for a reason" even if you might not know the reason at that moment of the happening, you will eventually in a day, weeks, years or maybe the last moment of death, but the day will come where we say "oh, that's why that happened that one time." This was a really thought-provoking piece and so intelligent in your own way. Great Job.

  39. This piece was very beautifully written and thought provoking. It's crazy to think about the complexity of the moments and people around us and their drastic effect on our lives. Life isn't often viewed this way and it is definitely interesting to see a aspect.

  40. This piece was overall written beautifully. It was so philosophical and really made me think when I finished reading. Your use of diction really made this piece great, I enjoyed reading it!

  41. This piece was an incredible story that kept my attention at all times, it really made me think about life and how every moment is unique in its own special way. The diction and detail used in this piece allows for the reader to reflect on their life while reading. The comparisons made to life and its uniqueness really add to the ideas used in this piece.

  42. All I have to say is... WOW! Just the overall diction and level of thinking throughout this entire piece is amazing, and the level of thought you show to be present is astonishing. This piece is written extremely well, and only goes to show that, no matter what, the way we live our lives is completely up to us, even if we face hardships along the way because everything works out in the end. Great Job on such a complex piece!

  43. This piece was great! The way how you introduced how you thought of 2 things will never be the same by showing how toys made in the same factory, and even twins will never be the same because of things that will happen was very insightful. While reading I thought about how things have influenced me and others around me and how I may have influenced others which was interesting to think about while reading your piece.

  44. Great message Sabria!! I truly enjoyed how you were able to compare our ever-changing lives to the blank pages of a book and how our lives are always writing new pages of our individual stories. Your message that "everything happens for a reason" is very captivating because that is your answer to one of humanity's greatest questions which is always "Why?" People have always searched for the reason as to why things happen and there is always a reason but we may just not be able to comprehend why they do. Great job Sabria!

  45. I think this piece is very well written. This is such a complex idea that it's almost hard to grasp. It is very impressive to have thought of this idea in the first place and I think the connections you made are very advanced. This piece really made me think.

  46. It's always so crazy to think that everything that's ever happened in our lives has had some type of impact on us, whether that impact is small or large. Sometimes I forget how unpredictable life can be and how you can reach a point in your life and think to yourself, "wow crazy how things turned out." I really liked the analogies you used and the topic is really relatable considering this time in our lives, which I'm sure is what you were going for(:

  47. I loved this so much! I completely understand where you're coming from. I also agree with he idea that everything happens for a reason and there are no accidents. The world is a very mysterious and sometimes unforgiving place to exist and I love how you brought such an optimistic approach to this. I really enjoyed the diction you brought to this, it was very eloquent and sophisticated. I really enjoyed this, great job!

  48. Great use of language and I overall think this is a great piece. It has deep meaning and gets me to thinking about our purpose and actions here.

  49. Your piece was interesting to me because I personally have always thought about how the smallest factors of anything can alter the future in any way; big or small. I don't know about you but movies like "Back to the future" and any sci-fi type of things are what started my interest in this type of thinking. Loved hearing your thoughts.

  50. Sabria, this was very well written and allowed my mind to wander off the moment I started reading, thinking about all the 7 billion lives being as intricate as my own occurring simultaneously. The comparison to the ying and yang was beautiful and really resonated with me. Great Job!

  51. So i see how people said that the ending made them re read the piece, because I did the same. The feeling of ambivalence presented at the end of the piece really has you wondering the integral purpose of this work. Your clever use of diction was superb, but simple enough to be understand, and also adds to to the intellectual and philosophical questions asked in your work. The structure is overall simple, but the delivery was great and conveyed the idea of simultaneousness as a matter of thought.

  52. Sabria this was a well thought out and planned piece. It is very good and enjoyable. The way you present your viewpoints not only makes the reader want to agree with you but also give us an insight on your thoughts and opinions. Finding the purpose in life is key and many if not all of us are reaching that stage in life where we will think of that question.

  53. After reading this piece it took me sometime to fully comprehend this. I firmly agree with you that even the smallest things of us can be extremely important in making us unique in our own ways. When you said "We are all born as books, with no title and blank pages, but the moment we begin to actually live, is when we create a story, a unique one.", what I took out of that is we shouldn't always be in a rush to please others or replicate them, what we make of life is something no one else can take away. Great job with this philosophical piece!

  54. I especially loved the organization in this piece. You enrapture the readers, pulling them into your piece by inciting us to think heavily on the subject and reflect on the sheer magnitude of what has occurred, only to pull us back in the final sentence in order to reflect on the present. This piece, while achieving what most philosophical pieces intend to, also incites the people to reflect on the now as well. Great job.

  55. I love this piece from an optimist stand point I understand your concept and after this piece it really made me think, what is my purpose? You made it as interactive as possible using common things that most people can relate to. God Job!!

  56. This was a very good piece. I liked the first sentence in the second paragraph because its true. It is up to us to create our own story with the journeys we go through in life. Good Job!

  57. You did a really great job on expressing your philosophy on the meaning of life. You show that we are all born as books where some of our chapters might be happy or sad but there are still a lot of pages we are left to write so we should make sure that we write a good one! Thank you for sharing this and it made me have more positive outlook in life!

  58. Your wonderful use of vocabulary and literary phrases help to elevate this piece to a plane that seems appropriate when discussing subjects such as this. Your thought processes are both easy to grasp and difficult to understand, and that's a good thing, for that means we will have to do our own pondering. A very well-written piece, indeed.

  59. This is such a beautiful piece Sabria! I especially liked the way you compared the explainable mysteries of life to something that we can grasp and understand. You've really captivated the things we ask ourselves and maybe even God. Your detailed descriptions were amazing and I loved the way you captured the way life really is.

  60. I really enjoyed the way you presented your reflection. Your delivery ends up making the reader feel as if they are themselves realizing these ideas through the aid of a guide, in the form of your work's structure. An overall message you share makes sense, everything happens for a reason. This is especially true for someone who believes in a higher power guiding all the apparent randomness of life. This piece influences higher thoughts, I like it. Nice job love

  61. This piece really made me think about the true focus of your piece and how it is comparable to my own life. I love the higher use of vocabulary and the smooth transitions among sentences. I also loved that you used a lot of symbolism to portray what you were trying to tell the reader. This piece was in a way abstract. It made me think about my life and its importance.

  62. This was a very well written piece because your use of diction and imagery to really paint the picture in my mind. It really helped me understand your definition as the meaning of life and I really think this could be a possibility. I believe your ideas were very inspiring and thoughtful. Great Job!!


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