
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Love" by Alexa S

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the
illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

                               - Orson Welles

“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can
accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”

                             - Vincent Van Gogh

Love: an intense feeling of deep affection. Intense is one way to define this emotion whereas it
seems to me to be indefinable . Love is a strength but can be seen as a weakness when
exposing how vulnerable you both are to each other allowing them to easily have a chance to
bring you down. Love doesn’t exist to some people, others seem to feel that it drives the world
to keep its sanity, or is a horrible phenomenon of lies. The way love is defined for someone is by
their past in the relating to it and has an immense influence on whether they are in either of the
groups. Love should be defined on your own personal relationships and be what is your own
belief. Love can hurt, help, or support but is never limited to doing just some of those actions.
Love can cause chaos and start wars as it can very much end them to create peace. Love can
be the basis of decisions and the lack thereof. I could go on and on for love is in everything.
From the prehistoric foundation of religion to the modern day passion in the eyes of my peers
expressing what their true interests are. A noun or a verb ? “What is love- baby don't hurt me no
more.” The realization of where would most of the songs that emit from your headphones be if
love didn't impact the artist in the way the song came to be. Love is a very powerful force in our
universe that is very underestimated. Love to me, starts off in this biologically occurrence where
you see that adorable person from your last period talking casually about how that particular
class sucks but in reality your brain is sending out dopamine like a broken fire hydrant . The
neurotransmitters norepinephrine and phenylethylamine that cause you to focus on how mind
boggling that no one sees how perfect they are.The fact that you can't stop thinking about this
person is from plummeting amounts of serotonin. The newfound sense of euphoria that trails
along with seeing that person everyday is from the constant increase of dopamine. The hurtful
part is when the levels of phenylethylamine drop after the relationship ends giving symptoms of
depression in which is where love is believed to be only the sad parts rather look at the whole
experience. Even if it didn't last, it's to be learned from. To love and to be loved back is an
experience like no other from I have seen from all aspects except my own. I have yet to fully
understand this and know my views of love will change in due time when it's no longer scientific.
Love is definable in all ways of life and could be found wherever you go.
Find your own definition of love and don't be disappointed to not find it so quickly.
Love is.. (for feedback please finish this sentence)


  1. I'm truly in love with this piece. From the moment you started out with the quotes to the scientific reasoning behind the feeling of love. I believe that love is something this world needs more of and you couldn't have picked a better time to address this topic. I appreciate how you addressed the misconceptions of love. To answer your sentence... Love is a strong feeling of happiness you and another person have toward each other. That all you want to do is be around them and tend to their well being. Good job on this piece!

  2. Love is patient in the sense that we can never determine or control how or who we love but also in the sense that while waiting and finally receiving it we learn that the wait was actually worth it. Love is confusing and mysterious in the sense that it hurts, blinds, heals, and compels but we will never understand how this substance called love manages to do it all at once. I really like the way you started off your piece with quotes about the subject, it caught my attention and I was intrigued to read the rest. It's just breath-taking how you analyzed so perfectly the means and definition of love. By far, I have to say this is actually my favorite piece that I've read all year because I can relate greatly to the curiosity of what in the world love can be and yet how I am so vulnerable to love as I feel it's the foundation of what seems to be basically everything. GREAT JOB !

  3. This entry really went deep into the meaning of love, and I believe that love is an emotion that helps you to grow in things one never thought as possible. I really liked the quotes for the opening and actually one of my favorite quotes was the one from Orson Welles. Your thought development from philosophical to psychiatrical to scientific transitioned very smoothly throughout the entry and was quite thorough for a short piece. My favorite part was the view of love in a scientific way as one experiences the usual symptoms of love. I also liked the advice in the ending and it being open for the readers to find their own answer about what love is to them.

  4. Considering how hard the idea of 'love' is to define, you did a really good job! I agree that someones viewpoint on love relies heavily on their past and experiences. You did great with the structure and syntax of this piece, also I love how you added the quote from the song into your writing! Good job :)

  5. Wow this piece is really insightful and actually kind of informational. It touches on aspects of love that most people tend to look over such as the dopamine factor. I also enjoyed how you added a relatable situation in which seeing your crush talk in which can affect us in numerous ways just for the very fact that it's that person that we love. Great job!

  6. I believe in the importance of love and the way you rationalized it at the end is very thought provoking. This piece was well written and interesting to read, great writing

  7. Alexa, your piece really made me rethink what love really is. I like how you explain how society sees love to be and that it's not what love really is. I believe that love is patient and should be found between the relationship between two people or more and not love that everyone else wants it to be. Great job with your piece! I really enjoyed the whole thing. -Aryelle Estrada

  8. Given the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic, of course I had to click this and see what it was all about, and yes it blew me away, especially with the quotes in the beginning. I like how in depth this piece went with the idea of love and how defining it could mean so many different things to people. Your analysis and perceptions on love just made me think a lot more about the idea and word that love comes from. Great job! I'm glad I was able to read this as the last imprint this blog would have on me, thank you.

  9. Makayla LockhartMay 8, 2017 at 7:55 PM

    Great job on capturing such an abstract emotion of love! I enjoyed your imagery, description and your perspective on the topic. From synonyms to experiences and even the biological depth involved you had great evidence of your definition.

  10. You took such an idea that we might all think is simple to define but you proved us wrong and showed that love is much more complex than previously thought. My attention was quickly grabbed as soon as I read the quotes that you started off with. They were well chosen and powerful in terms of your definition of love. Your transitions were smooth and your entire writing as a whole flowed so gracefully as I would imagine love does. This is by far on of my favorites!

  11. Love is kind. I absolutley loved this piece, like who doesn't love love. As we grow older, we seek for love and desire to be loved. I found it very comforting when you said, "Find your own definition of love and don't be disappointed to not find it so quickly." This was a reminder that the best love comes when you aren't necessary looking for it, or just when you are patient. I really loved the way you spoke about love, as something more than just an emotional attachment. Awesome Job!

  12. Love is an overwhelming feeling of uncontrollable emotions!! This piece was so beautiful and well written, you did a very good job at transitioning from a scientific point of view to a psychological one, the fact that you included both was very insightful. I really like how the ending pushes the reader to define what they think love is to them. The quotes at the beginning were a nice little touch to the opening of your love piece.

  13. Love is indescribable and painful to know that someone holds the power to all your questions, worries, and thoughts and in a blink of an eye their feelings may change. I had this experience first hand and reading what you wrote really made me reflect back on my feelings then it all started to make sense. The pain after the break up that causes depression, the absolute absurdity you have because you wonder how all other life forms don't think they are the most perfect thing to walk on Earth, and of course the excitement that's enough to last a life time. I truly hope that one day you find that special someone to make you feel everything you described in this piece. Wonderful and mind blowing work, truly had me shook.

  14. Love contradicts itself a lot. Love can hurt but harm you at the same time. That is the risk we take when determine to share our love with someone. I love the quotes that you had provided in this post as well. Thank you for the thoughtful insights.

  15. Your use of quote to start off this piece was very nice and helped lead into it nicely. I think my favorite part is when you yourself start to talk about what you find love to be. "sending out dopamine like a broken fire hydrant" is by far the best explanation and conclusion I've ever heard. Very funny, I liked it a lot.

  16. Love is hard to grasp. There are so many way of defining and expressing love and you proved that in this piece. You addressed all the ways, good and bad, people described and defined love down to the biology of it. I tend to throw the word love around a lot but, I honestly LOVED this piece. There was so much meaning and depth behind the writing and the meaning of love. There is so much more I want to learn and comprehend about this topic. I really related to this piece. Great job!

  17. Love is something that you feel not only towards someone but just towards things that make you happy. I really loved this piece it made me question what love really means and how it can have so many meanings. The quotes in the opening start to make everyone see what love is. Good job

  18. Love is what makes the world go around. I really enjoyed your piece along with the many definitions of love and the ways people view love. The example of young, innocent love in this piece is perfect for your audience since I believe many of us can relate to it. I thought this piece was so beautiful and refreshing. Nice job. - Madeline J

  19. Love is a one-of-a-kind experience. Its something complex and hard to understand. I can totally relate and I love this piece, like who doesn't. I have a similar experience and reflecting on it, it starting to connect. Not everyone is meant for each other. The additional of quotes to start off your piece is unique and gives us a more of a philosophical feel and I'm a total fan of that. I enjoyed every moment from the first quote to the end. Thanks for your thoughtful piece, Alexa S!

  20. Love is an almost indescribable feeling that can have the power to hurt you at times; however this is simply a part of the risk we take as individuals when we decide to unite with another person through love. Your piece really made me reflect on my own feelings and opinions about love, as well as the pain of those tragic events that can occur because of love. I also really enjoyed the quotes you included that really brought the piece to life on another level. Great job!

  21. Wow Alexa... I am 100% speechless. I love how throughout reading this entire piece i could see you reading it out loud to me. I love the way you added a scientific point of view of love and also how you've seen it through others. When you fall in love you'll experience a whole other side of it. it"s not how anyone describes it. I enjoyed how you added both the positives and the negatives of the effects love has on a person.To finish your last sentence, Love is like a 6th sense that every human should have the opportunity to experience.

  22. Love has different point of views, if that makes sense. You are loved from many people such as family, friends and significant others. Your love for your parents is much stronger than your love for your friends, your love for your siblings is stronger than the love for your cousins. Your love for your dog may even be stronger than your love for your friends. These points of views might be different for different people. For example I know some people who love their friends more than their siblings and sometimes even their parents. I know this sounds like i'm rambling but no matter the perspective in which you love someone or someone loves you, YOU ARE LOVED by someone. Although love can cause pain, love also brings joy and happiness. Take risks let people love you and love others, because your more likely to be happy if you do!

  23. Love is agonizingly beautiful. Your way of describing how love is so many times, is truly beautiful. You have given me several different outlooks in one post which is incredible. This piece was great.

  24. This piece was very well done. I liked how it gave different perspectives of the word love and the uses it could mean to different people individually. The way in which love was defined gave this piece a really amazing and interesting perspective to the word. This was really well done. Good Job!

  25. I really liked how informative this was and how this expands on the subject of Love. It is important to learn from Love even when it doesn't work out. I think the quotes you included were great to add to this piece.

  26. I like how you described love, I really loved how you presented the good and the bad and what love is to you. To me love is a special and scarce feeling that will move me to do anything for the person or item. Good job!

  27. Wow ALexa this was so beautifully written. I love how descriptive and effective this piece is, it was so powerful and insightful. LOve is something most people want, but its so hard to rwal love with out being side tracked by, peer pressure, or even time. Anyways this was beautiful, good job!

  28. I can agree with the feeling of love when you begin to like someone and I felt that same feeling rush back to me as I read your piece. But, what immediately came after was the feeling of sadness when you know that the love you will give is unrequited. Love can be beautiful and love can destroy, it is hard to define what love actually is, but I feel like you were accurate by including how love is different for everyone.

  29. Love is respect, compassion and humility that allows you to open your heart and feel these strong feelings for the people that that bring joy into your life. Thank you for this excerpt, Alexa. It was beautiful.

  30. Beautiful piece! I love the quotes you put in the beginning, it really ties it all together. I love how descriptive you are in describing love and how it is normally viewed, but how different it can be for everyone.

  31. I am so in love with this piece, love is such a beautiful thing and you really went into depth on how amazing it is. Your description of love really had an affect on me. This is so well written. Really good job!

  32. Nice definition of your broad topic. The quotations, literal and metaphorical meanings, and descriptions are all very strong and has the ability to move others to learn what your subject really is. Thank you for the great read!

  33. I just fell in love with your piece Alexa! The very first quote is what drew my attention in and the piece seemed to keep getting better and better. Not only where the quotes about love intriguing elements to your piece, but I also loved the last line where you ask the readers to fill in the rest of the sentence. The last line makes your piece interactive with the audience and it separates your blog piece from everybody else's. Overall, I really enjoyed reading about your take on love and I appreciated the evident amount of time and work behind this piece that made it such an enjoyable read.

  34. I really enjoyed your piece. I love how you included our own perception on this topic. It's very interesting to see what other people besides ourselves think love means. I also really enjoyed the quotes you used at the beginning because they caught my attention and pulled me in. Good job!

  35. i love how you wrote this piece. It was very captivating and relatable. I really like how you asked the audience to think further on the information you provided and connecting their own personal experiences with it. Love is putting others first.

  36. Your definition of love was truly fascinating. I enjoyed how you included quotes about love and even some song lyrics about love. I like how much detail you went into with your interpretation. For me, love has no set feeling; it is pain, it is happiness, it is complex, yet it is beautiful. Great job!

  37. wow. this piece is so sick. love is such a wild thing to me, how we can feel such an emotion that its indescribable? its insane that this extreme high can also cause such an extreme low, its really like a drug, complete with withdraws and all. I hope you get to experience the high that we call "love" one day for yourself.

  38. I really enjoyed the quotes you used to open your piece. You managed to capture the idea of love and how it makes a person feel concisely. This piece was so beautiful, you did an awesome job!

  39. Love is patient; love is kind. I really enjoyed reading your piece and hearing what your ideas of love are! It is very interesting how just one feeling can have such a big impact in the world. I particularly enjoyed how you went into the science behind it to help us better understand the emotion. Great piece!

  40. Love is patient; love is kind. I really enjoyed reading your piece and hearing what your ideas of love are! It is very interesting how just one feeling can have such a big impact in the world. I particularly enjoyed how you went into the science behind it to help us better understand the emotion. Great piece!

  41. WOW! That's the first thought that appeared in my head after reading this piece. It's such a raw and intense description of love, which I feel is such a good and bad emotion to feel. You're a strong writer and I enjoyed this piece a lot. Keep up the great work, Alexa. (:

  42. I LOVED your blog entry the way you included various definitions of this subject made it really enjoyable to read.My favorite part was when you brought up love in music and the line from the song "What Is Love".I agree that love can be everywhere .

  43. This piece is so great. I love how you incorporated those quotes at the beginning to start the piece off. love is a fun topic to write about because everybody has their own interpretation about what love really is. Love is humble and love is kind to those who experience. There is no better feeling than being in love or being loved by somebody. Thank you for sharing!

  44. love is the decision to truly commit yourself to someone who is important in your life and who you want to spend the rest of your life with. It is knowing that it is saying you are going care for that person for your life. Love is an incredible experience that not everyone gets to truly experience. I loved that you went into depth of the actual science to describe the ideals of love.

  45. I loved reading this piece as I got a good understanding of your perspective on the topic of the meaning of "love." To me, Love is an unconditional act towards something or someone you're passionate about. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and how descriptive you were. Great Job! (:

  46. Love is, like you said, not limited. You so abstractly yet so precisely introduced a broad idea and made it your own. You showed both the good and the bad parts of love without limiting the reader's interpretation. You did really well Alexa.

  47. Love is a concept many of us have yet to fully understand. I also agree love is very powerful in what it can make us do and say. It is a force that can bring people together in a positive way but it also comes with it's negative effects as well. But from it all I also agree we can learn alot from the effects of love on ourselves and the relationships we build in our lives. Great job!

  48. This piece is so refreshing, yet so paralyzing. It gave me the feeling of relief and excitement, causing me to look forward to fully loving someone as I read the positive definitions. But it also impelled me to fear the moment I give myself wholeheartedly to someone due to the vulnerability and weaknesses it implies, based on some of your descriptions. And the scientific explanations added an even deeper layer of what love really is, giving rational meanings behind the seemingly illogical thoughts and emotions that love triggers. Excellent job!

  49. Love is...everywhere. To me, love is something that you are surrounded by daily. Whether in your relationships, family, the way you look at your favorite food, your dog jumping around you, or in the things that you do; love can be found in many things. I would strongly agree with you that love is a prime factor to our emotions and whether it brings euphoria or sadness. Great job on this piece, it was well written!

  50. Including definitions of love that range from the practical to the impractical, the good to the bad, and the spiritual to the scientific was a fantastic choice. Although most can agree that love has no particular definition, this piece sheds light on its nuances, its beauty, and its nature, which allows many to look for signs of love where they might have otherwise seen nothing. Great job!

  51. I love how you put a quote in the beginning it shows individualism. It also intrigued me into reading more. I also like how u out your own definition of love in the first sentence to show the authors opinion immediately. Great job Alexa!!!

  52. I found it pretty humorous how you gave a scientific definition of love because we traditionally define love as feelings and emotions. I did see the significance of doing that though because it may be such a foreign topic for many people, all they can do is get a scientific definition of it. I also love how you left the last line for the reader to decide to allow them to contemplate on their experiences with love.

  53. I really enjoyed this piece due to the topic of love, and the one way you portrayed its different meaning not just as one generic type of love, but other attributes that makes up what love really is. I feel like today many people get stuck on the concept of what love truly is and you did a very great job on describing everything that makes love. Great Job!

  54. Alexa this piece is good! I really liked how you shpwed the different ideas of love that people have and it really emphasizes the beauty of it different interpretations. The depth and even the references are really great!!

  55. Love is putting your heart and soul into a person in selfless efforts. While reading this, it felt so delicate and easy to read. This mixed with your scientific jargon made the piece flawless. When you mention that love is dangerous because the pair is vulnerable really struck a cord, because I think that's something most people struggle with (myself included) but when you reach that point, it's the most raw and beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing your beautiful piece!

  56. Love is such an important and complex idea that everyone experiences in some way and I love your take and interpretation on the subject as well as it gives an interesting perspective. Love itself is a universal literary theme yet can be interpreted and viewed in a multitude of ways and yours was a great example of this. Great Job !

  57. Love is a really hard thing to put into words. Everyone has to feel around themselves and find their meaning of love. I agree that it can sometimes be unexpected and not something one wanted from it, but that is the chance you take when you fall in love. Moreover, I think the quotes you added really gave the piece its life.

  58. Love is something that can be foolish or great, in even simpler terms I'd have to say that it's complicated. I really like how you put a great deal of effort into this, I think in a sense love is one thing that helps the world move on, in my personal beliefs I think the love of God is one major reason we're still here and breathing today, love is misunderstood as something between two lovers, but it's much deeper than that. Your perspective is a new breath of life on something people don't understand too much, great job!

  59. I loved this interpretation of love, because all of it is true. Love to me might not be same to someone else, which is why there are so many disputes and wars. The way one person may love may get in the way another person's love, or it might be different. Love is so hard to explain and you did a great job giving the scientific process of love and emotional, and it was great when you used seeing someone from last period of "What is love? Baby don't hurt me." As examples. Great job!

  60. Wow, this is so true. Love is what I truly think helps this world go round and what is the primary motivation for most things in life. Without love, life isn't worth living.

  61. I love this piece to death and what you did was made one word into an entire paragraph and you did a great job with it no doubt about and the way you transitioned from talking casual to talking scientific really made a difference in the piece. Good Job!

    Love is what makes the world go round

  62. I really like this peice qnd not only beavause of how you interpreted love utilizing great quotes, but you also delved into deep concepts about love that disect the complexity of it. Also great use of diction to convey your message.

  63. I really liked how you started out with the two quotes. It was fresh and provided some context. I also enjoyed how you mentioned the biological aspect of love. It was very evident that love really means a lot to you and your emotion and detailed definitions and perceptions on the matter really served your purpose well. Good work!

  64. Wow I really enjoyed your piece!!!! It really pulled me in from the very beginning with the quotes you chose to include and then your writing style made it so enjoyable I just couldn't stop. For me love is happiness. I know that's probably the most basic answer out there buuttt there's no other way for me to explain it. I do what I love because it makes me happy, I hang out with those I love because they make me happy! While there are many other emotions around the concept of "love". Happiness is the one I most associate Woth it. I absolutely loved your inclusion of the biology of feeling I thought it added more depth to the piece rather than just explaining how you felt one time. GREAT JOB!!!!

  65. An interesting dive into the vast and complex subject that is love. For a young adult who is just finishing high school, you seem to have a fairly good grasp on what love is. The should serve you well in the future. Also, the piece itself is wonderfully written. Good job.


  66. To finish of the sentence at the end, I would say love is a variety of different feelings, it is about the acceptance of someone for who they really are and have uncontrollable feelings to them that we'll do whatever we can to get their forgiveness or even their heart. I really like how you put so much emotion into this piece, it was “heartfelt”! And also how you use biology to describe what love is and what goes on in our head when we fall madly in love.

  67. wow Alexa! I loved this piece so much because you described a topic that so many people are afraid to talk about or even mention in your own words and ideas. Love to me is so abstract, and whether it be romantic, parental, friendship it is so different and cant be given only one definition. Your description of how you see love and whats exactly is happening inside the brain and the science behind it added so much depth and character to your piece it was great! Overall this piece was one of my favorites. Love is something we should all have the chance to experience, and feel because it truly is beautiful.

  68. this was a very nice descent into a deep and controversial topic that many can't explain. Love is something very fickle and hard to obtain and the way in which you depicted illistrated a very concise and intimate picture. great job

  69. Alexa, I really enjoyed your piece because I myself am a hopeless romantic and anything that has love written on it, I go crazy over. Your use of famous quotes really set the tone for your story. I think everyone can relate to this piece because love is such a wonderful and universal thing we all have in common. Thank you for sharing this.

  70. Wow this piece is so incredibly beautiful. I love how you incorporated a topic that is so important with some humor because this piece not only made it relateable but also caused me to laugh. This topic is also so universal and relateable to everyone because love is what makes the world go round.


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)