
Monday, April 10, 2017

"Numb as Summer" by Carly B

Depression affects more than 15 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year (Anxiety and Depression Association in America) and Despite its high treatment success rate, nearly two out of three people suffering with depression do not actively seek nor receive proper treatment. (DBSA, 1996). What is so menacing that people can’t get the courage to openly express themselves?
This isn’t a narrative of myself but awareness. It’s not a cry for help or a beg for attention, just an explanation. More often than not people are affected by this disorder and refuse to ever talk about it or seek help. It’s complicated and emotional. Not everyone has the same experience but here’s a sense of definement:
I became numb as these summer nights slowly closing in. It's kind of strange to think that school is out but the sun stays hidden behind the clouds almost threatened to come out. My anger has festered, boiled, simmered but now lays still. Nothing arouses me anymore. It’s always a lack: A lack of care, a lack of enjoyment, a lack of infinite hopefulness. My sadness washes over, submerges every thought, and drowns the remaining pieces. It streams to forget the good that has come by as well. My happiness, she lives through the cracks of the morning, until I’ve had the chance to widely wake into the cycled nightmare. Sometimes though, she takes the courage to slip within dreams and creep into my memories of ice cream dates, fits of laughter over absurdity, and passionate moments of triumph but again she remains hidden behind the threatening clouds not daring to come out and confront the kiss of our new truth. I don’t have to tell them anything because it’s become easier to avoid anyone. Maybe they think I’m sick or just tired. They wouldn’t know either way. Home is always alone. The hole buried within stretches endlessly, everyday digging deeper feeling the familiarity of emptiness and still the last shred of hope carries my weakened body from bed to the shower, shower to my room, from my room to the kitchen, never actually stepping away from the comforting black abyss of my mind. Still I'm as numb as the summer nights drifting away. School fast steps and approaches demanding answers so ignorance is the solution to this depression.
This can be taken in many ways, maybe relatable even realistic or just a bunch of bs to cover for a last minute idea on a blog post. Either way it was worth the time. Talking about it, learning about, and experiencing in other’s shoes what it’s like for them. Depression is a unique flaw in humanism but still it makes us complex and compassionate towards each other. It’s no longer an idea expressed in words when someone can live through ultimate lows and surpass. It purposes for us to come closer to some kind of understanding or definite realization that pain and suffering are very much normal but we need to be conscious of how to deal with it.


  1. Absolutely beautiful ! Depression is not an easy thing to go through as it is more easy to fall into as opposed to rise from. It's the one thing that a lot of us have in common but the only difference is the situation that ignites it. One once said that we, humans, are like the sky as the sky always remains and depression, oppression,and all internal feelings that may hinder us from getting where we need to be, are like the elements that pass through the sky: the clouds, birds, etc. But after all those pass by, we, like sky still remain. I absolutely agree with the last sentence you stated. Only true healing comes from ourselves, to decide whether we are ready to surpass and rise from the things that bring us down. Just as one decides and confirms that they are depressed, one must declare and confirm that they are healed in order to receive authentic healing. Depression is all part of life, but is definitely overcomeable through emotional and spiritual strength. I really like your piece. Great job!!

  2. THIS PIECE DESERVES A STANDING OVATION! Thank you for speaking out about this very prevalent problem that those depressed can't learn to cope when so many people make fun of it or even are in ignorant denial that it exists. Hopefully our generation helps create awareness and support for others who are ready to take a stand against their pain and suffering to find a coping method closer to some more happiness in their lives.

  3. This was such an amazing piece. I applaud you for promoting the awareness of depression because it is a serious matter. I agree with everything you stated in your blog because it is important for people to be conscious of how they deal with their depression. The possibility of you helping someone cope with their depression through this blog is truly inspirational! Thank you for this piece!

  4. I'm glad that you're bring awareness of depression. Despite the fact that millions are going through it, people still feel like they're are going through it alone. I hope people can take something from this piece and help encourage others to reach out those who are going through depression. There's always hope no matter what.

  5. This piece is so deep and can relate to so many people. I love the symbolism and how you had such a poetic vibe to talking about how significant depression is. The way you used symbolism to correlate the effects depression has on people is so powerful and I commend you for talking about such an important topic that not too many people are aware of. So many people overlook and ignore the way that depression effects people and how it makes people feel. Great job!!

  6. I was surprised how meaningful your piece was. Often times people talk about depression as sadness or isolation, and sometimes it is, but your piece allows for open interpretation to show how it affects the mindset of those afflicted. There is no general idea to describe what it is and how it is, but the way you talk about it is so real and vivid. Your piece is great and I think you did well in showing how depression is like.

  7. Yikes Carly this was really good. I don't know if you have ever suffered from depression or have known somone who has but this was a really good interpretation of what it would feel like for somone suffering from it. The perspective was spot on and I highly enjoyed reading this. Trurly a great job!

  8. Wow this brought a different perspective to what I know depression to be. It is always amazing to hear about others experiences or ideas because they allow you to look at a situation in a different way. I also think its absolutely amazing that you are informing others about this extremely important topic that many deal with and never speak up about.

  9. Carly, your piece is so eye opening and really brings a different view on what depression is. I like how you relate your feelings to the time of day and anger to the heat of the summer sun. I thought your piece was very educational to those who read it because you explain that there are different levels and stages of depression than the depression that everyone is well known of. I like how you explain that some depression isn't as great as others and some don't really have an affect on their behavior. Thank you for sharing something personal but also transformative. Great job! -Aryelle Estrada

  10. This piece was great, I liked how you first included a fact about depression and how instead of putting vague symptoms you included a small story of how a girl feels though a short piece. This was great way to help others have more awareness about depression and anxiety, others can be aware and help.

  11. This piece is definitely representative to how some people about life, going about it as if they have no drive to even move, let alone pretend to be normal or have any excitement for the dull reality of life. This piece was short and sweet, but I would have liked a bit more information because the narrative provided was very powerful and effective, I wanted to continue reading on. Great job!

  12. This piece was beautifully written! It was really good how you first introduced the audience of the facts of depression and closed your thoughts with a greater significance of what depression really is for humanity. Your thoughts on it were really unique as you saw depression in the way of us actually needing it to understand each other better and have a greater concept of life.

  13. Im so glad you brought attention to this subject because it often goes unnoticed. Your description and interpretation of how depression feels is really eyeopening and moving. The similes and diction you used was great. Thank you for sharing this. Great job!

  14. I think this is a great piece! Many people suffer from depression, but it seems that talking about it and receiving help is considered taboo even in today's society. I think your imagery and your use of personification in the third paragraph really help to understand what someone with depression feels every day. I think you are sending across a good and necessary message.

  15. Very realistic piece and yes very relate able to many, I enjoyed the perspective you came from and the technique of staying above the surfaces yet evoking such strong emotions. The subject is hard to talk about as the topic itself is very broad and confusing but you did well. The best way to learn about anything, whether experiencing it or not, is certainly to become aware that it is among us and find comfort in speaking about the topic. Great piece Carly!

  16. Wow, your use of metaphors in describing depression is tragically beautiful. (not implying depression is beautiful at all, hence the use of "tragically") The way you opened your piece with shocking statistics really helps bring awareness to how serious of an issue depression is and your description of the experiences with depression really helps to support and emphasize it. Thank you for sharing this piece, Carly. you're an amazing writer!

  17. I think this is a very important piece to be written and I'm glad you have shed light on the importance of the topic. Your use of adjectives and imagery help expose your audience to what it's really like for some one in that position. I also liked how you began your piece with fats that were cited. It really gave you credibility.

  18. This piece was amazing. The diction you used throughout was flawless. It's something really original and that I resonated and liked a lot. Good job.

  19. WOW, this was well explained and I really liked the way you showed how the person felt. People have a hard time understanding each other, including myself, so I am really glad you wrote about this. The perspective and point of view was nicely written. Very nice job.

  20. This doesn't only show how many people feel, but it instantly caught my eye and my attention, with the initial introduction that stated the facts and statistics about depression. I read that first part and instantly realized I would be hooked on this piece, Great work!

  21. You beautifully described the impact depression has on people. I especially liked your personification of happiness because it helps to convey the difficulty with which those with depression seek out and experience positive emotions. Also, rather than briefly mentioning that depressed individuals are always unhappy, the personification reveals that depression is not completely devoid of cheerfulness; it has its ups and downs, though it is primarily characterized by its downs. In addition, comparing the depressed mind to an abyss is an excellent analogy for explaining why depressed people may isolate themselves and why depression is such a difficult disorder to deal with. Overall, you did a great job describing it.

  22. These feelings were depicted in such a raw manner and so vividly that I almost felt myself slipping in this state for a second there. This is very important to talk about as well because people think it should be easy to just go and get help when you have depression but it just does not work like that. Depression is not just a feeling that goes away, you are constantly being drowned by it, like you can't be revived and it is harder when you do not have people around you who are aware of it and try to help you in any way possible. It made me glad that you decided to talk about this subject in your piece. Everything was well written and significant in every way. Thank you.

  23. This was a very deep topic that you have brought up but it is something that we need to acknowledge. Like you said, there needs to be a spread of awareness on this matter. Your diction that you used to describe such a disorder was chosen very well to give off an idea on what it feels like to be in such a state. You did an amazing job to spread awareness to the readers of your piece. Good job

  24. Wow this is really deep and very well thought out and written! its very true that depression is so common to everyone and many of us don't even realize that we are depressed. Some times we just think we are upset. and Carly you are so true us as humans don't want to seek help with something we think will just past. But this is such a crucial subject because depression can sometimes lead to suicide and we don't even notice we can help each other out. This was such a great piece Carly great job!

  25. Amazing Job. You're story reminds me of a tv show that I am currently watching. It's painful to see how people who suffer from depression stay hidden behind these words, and how we, as humans, do nothing but encourage each other to write more. Little do we know that these stories or small poems, describe a person;s life and how their life is going. Your story showed this message.

  26. I appreciate you writing about such a taboo topic, and starting off the piece with statistics so as to convey the impact that depression has on people around the world. Your imagery throughout really emphasized the emotions and feelings someone could possibly experience. I love that this piece is so raw, and you don't hold back on certain aspects of it. Great intimate piece, thank you for furthering the conversation!

  27. Thank you for writing this. It's an important topic that needs to be talked about more seriously. I can relate with this. Beautifully written!

  28. Great job for bring awareness to such an important illness. I know a few people who suffer from depression and the hardest part about it is that sometimes you just can't help them. This piece had a lot of good information along with a compelling story.

  29. This is so perfect in the way that not many people (including me) know exactly what it is like to fall under depression and you just spread so much awareness. Your use of metaphor really helped the reader to understand depression more in depth. This was to the point and gave enough insight to inflict emotion and though on the audience. Overall, this waas very informative and enjoyable to read. Thanks! :)

  30. Great job! This Topic is a really deep and is mostly internal and emotional. You did a amazing job in putting those emotions in words and try to give form to your emotions. I have personally seen a number of students with this problem who don't seek help and I feel like this piece establishes that its okay to admit this, which i really loved.

  31. A really good piece even with such a depressing topic. From the statistic at the start, which is quite an interesting and impactful way to draw your audience in, to the odd yet thought-provoking finish. Thank you for your story!

  32. Wow great job at writing this piece! This is a very great way of spreading awareness because this is
    an important issue that should be taken more seriously and talked about. The third paragraph that you added is especially important because as an audience we are able to view depression from someone else eyes. Great job.

  33. I loved how you were able to incorporate an explanation and story within your piece to show the importance of how depression can affect a person's life. And with the perspective of depression through that first person point of view, I think we can gain awareness about those around us and we can try to help them out of depression.

  34. Wow Carli, this piece resonates with me so much because depression is something I myself have struggled with. I love the way you captivated how it truly eats up the human body preventing you from truly being yourself and you feel like you're downing. So many people believe depression is not a true illness when in reality I think it's one of the deadliest. Our mind can play crazy games with us and without having the stability and strength we all deserve life itself and just waking up was good day becomes hard. Your tone throughout didn't sugar coat what depression was just brought it to the attention it deserves. Overall amazing job!

  35. I'm glad that you had decided to make this piece into something serious and use your platform to spread an actual problem that is going around in America. Depression is really hitting a lot of us and probably our loved ones. I'm glad that you thoroughly explain this epadimec

  36. This piece was truly beautiful and I admire your diction you used to portray the feelings of someone going through this terrible mental illness. Awareness to any physical or mental illness is worthy of praise and I admire how much passion you put into this piece. It made it extremely realistic and I believe it is essential in order for others to understand. Great job!

  37. This is a really great piece. I liked how you gave statistics about depression and how you went on to let the readers know that depression is more than just feeling sad, but it affects an individual person significantly. I think this an important topic that needs to be discussed. Great Job!

  38. Wow carly this really amazed me because even though you say you have never been this depressed your personal insight into it reveals very deep concepts that delve past the parameters of what we see and think is normal on a daily basis. Great Job!

  39. Wow, this piece is very well written. Thank you for bringing the topic of depression to light because it is often neglected. Your inclusion of statistics make this piece more credible. Thank you again for delving into this topic so deeply for awareness. Great job!

  40. Unlike Louis who wrote a whole paragraph in the comments section, I will just highlight the key points that captivated me the most. Because I am currently in AP Psychology I was able to learn in detail about depression and the seriousness of this disorder. I appreciate you bringing this topic to light about how this disorder can easily impact the lives of individuals. Well done.

  41. I really enjoyed your blog honestly i think you used this to be most effective you wrote a story in the first person but in the third person as well. I really liked your diction through out the piece also your use of imagery.


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